The Immortal's Calling: Paranormal Romance (Calder Witch Series Book 4)

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The Immortal's Calling: Paranormal Romance (Calder Witch Series Book 4) Page 14

by Martha Woods

  “Liam, are you okay?”

  Skylar’s concerned voiced pulled him back from his hungry haze. “I’m fine.”

  She didn’t look convinced. “Are you bored? You totally zoned out. I’m guessing this isn’t really your scene.”

  He forced out a half smile. “You got me.”

  Giggling, she took hold of his hand. “Let’s dance. That will take your mind off the boredom.”

  “What? No, I don’t dance.” She was already pulling him toward the center of the room, were several couple were already moving to a slow tune. “God damn it, Sky,” he growled. “I said I don’t -”

  She stopped and threw her arms around his neck and that shut him up immediately. Sparkling blue eyes, dancing with mischief and amusement stared up at him.

  “You were saying?” She wore a smug expression.

  Only then did he realize that his arms had instinctively found her tiny waist and he was already swaying with her to the music. Liam tried his best to deliver a withering glare but failed. His lips twitched. “I didn’t know I could dance.”

  Skylar giggled. “There’s nothing to it, boss. Just relax and feel the music.”

  Oh, he was feeling something alright. Her breasts crushed against his chest and her pelvis brushing against his. She closed her eyes and threw her head back and Liam had a vision of her naked on top of him with her head thrown back and eyes closed just like that. He sucked in a breath and fought for control of his body before his eyes began to glow and his canines lengthened. I’m in a crowded room. I’m in a crowded room, he chanted.

  “So, what is this shindig all about? I didn’t take you for the type to come to a party.”

  Glad for the distraction of a conversation, he glanced down. “My business associate, Alexander Scott, throws this party every year. He claims it’s for his wife’s birthday, but everyone knows he’s just showing off by throwing money around.”

  Skylar snickered. “I see.”

  “As for me attending, it’s the least I can do since I turn down every other invitation to hang out with the boys.” Playing golf and partying on yachts weren’t his cup of tea. “I can’t appear too antisocial.” Skylar chuckled and leaned her head on his shoulder.

  By the end of their dance, he was sweating slightly and his cock twitched in his pants, which he willed to behave. Liam let out a relieved breath when Skylar pulled away.

  “See, your first dance wasn’t so bad, was it?”

  It actually was but only because being so close to her almost caused him to lose control. He couldn’t even focus on the stupid dance because all he had wanted to do was rip the lovely dress from her body and claim her.

  “No, not bad at all,” he murmured. “How about a drink now?”

  “Okay.” She placed her hand over his arm and allowed him to lead her through the crowd.

  “Conway! I’m see you made it.”

  Shit. Turning at the sound of the irritating voice, he forced himself to keep his thin layer of civility intact. “Cohen,” he greeted stiffly.

  John Cohen laughed and clapped him on the shoulder, making Liam grit his teeth. Last he checked, they weren’t friends. The man’s eyes ran over Skylar lasciviously and Liam was tempted to sink his canines into the man’s chubby neck.

  “Well, well, well, where have you been hiding this gem, Conway?”

  Sensing the tension, Skylar smiled. “Hi, I’m Skylar, and you are?”

  “John Cohen.” He took her hand and planted a kiss on the back of it.

  “A pleasure, Mr. Cohen. So you and Liam are business associates?”

  “Not exactly.” He eyed Liam with contempt.

  “Okay, then. Well, Liam was just escorting me to get a drink. I’m parched. Shall we, Liam?” She pulled at his hand. “It was nice meeting you, Mr. Cohen.” With that she pulled Liam away. “Well, that wasn’t awkward.”

  Liam grunted. “Thanks for the quick rescue. You are indeed a gem, Skylar Moore. I think I’m going to give you a raise and take you everywhere with me to get me out of awkward situations like that one.”

  “That doesn’t sound bad at all. What’s the story with you two?”

  Liam’s brows shot up. “I bought the business his father left him, which he was running into the ground.”

  Skylar’s brows rose. Before she could respond, she glanced down at her purse and sighed. “What’s the matter?”

  She glanced up at him and shrugged. “My phone has been vibrating non-stop.”

  “Why don’t you answer it?”

  “Because I am your personal assistant and I’m on the clock.” She had a look of uncertainty. “I am on the clock right? I mean this a party and all but -”

  “Take your call, Sky.”

  She waved a hand. “I’m sure it can wait. I mean the only person who would be calling me is this guy I met, Cayden-” She paused and paled. “You’re right I should take it. It could be my Dad.”

  Liam’s face darkened. “Wait, who’s Cayden?”

  She was already making her way through the throng of expensively dressed bodies toward the balcony. He muttered a curse. She’d met a guy? Where? When? Hatred for the unknown man rose instantly. His feelings were irrational. He had no hold on Skylar. She was free to see whoever she wished. But he couldn’t help the jealousy that surged through him. He was picturing Skylar in another man’s arms when the host of the party approached him.

  “Liam, thanks for coming. How are you?”

  Alexander Scott smiled and shook his hand. “I’m good, Scott. Thanks for the invite. Your party is great as usual.”

  Alexander beamed. “Isn’t it?”

  Liam resisted the urge to roll his eyes. His gaze drifted to Skylar who was pacing the balcony with her cell to her ear. He frowned when she stopped to massage her temple with one hand. She was obviously agitated. He wasn’t listening to a word Alexander was saying.

  “What was that, Scott?” His eyes landed on the man with annoyance.

  “I was saying, that maybe we could go somewhere private for a few minutes and discuss your plans for -”

  “Yeah, I’ll have my PA schedule a meeting,” Liam murmured, distracted. His eyes went back to Skylar behind the glass door and he set off in her direction.

  Chapter 7

  Pacing back and forth, Skylar took deep, steadying breaths to stop herself from hyperventilation. “Okay Dad, slow down and tell me what happened.”

  Not hearing from Andrew in over a month, she had taken it as a sign that everything was alright. He typically only called when he needed something. She had thought, hoped, that the entire debacle of whoever he owed money to had blown over. Apparently she was wrong because what she was hearing and having a hard time processing was sending her into a mental tailspin. And she couldn’t lose it in front of her boss and his rich friends.

  Andrew let out a breath. “They have me, Sky. They forced me to call you. I told them you couldn’t help.”

  She stopped pacing to massage her temple because a massive headache was imminent. “Who? Just give me a name. I can call the police.”

  “No! They’ll kill me if you do. Honey, I’m sorry. I really screwed up this time. I didn’t mean to involve you in any of this, I swear.”

  “How much do you owe?”

  He took a few seconds to answer. “About twenty thousand.”

  Skylar’s breath escaped in a whoosh. If she were the fainting type, she would have collapsed. “Are you fucking kidding me?” She didn’t use profanity much but the occasion called for it. “Dad?” There was a scuffle, the sickening sound of flesh connecting with flesh, and then silence. “Daddy?” The word came out as a terrified, thready whisper. “Hello?”

  “You have two days.” A strange voice boomed through the speaker.

  “W-wait, please don’t hurt him. I-I have a couple hundred dollars. I can give you that within two days and maybe we can work out some kind of payment plan,” she rushed out.

  She had told herself she was through with her father�
��s bullshit, but she couldn’t allow some criminal to murder him.

  There was chuckle and then, “A fast talker just like you’re father. I can’t wait to meet you, Sky. You’ll get a call in two days.”

  She blanched. “W-wait, what are you going to do with my father?”

  “Just wait for the call.” The call ended, leaving Skylar staring at the phone, not sure what to do next.

  Her pulse rate had elevated and her vision blurred. Maybe it was from tears, she wasn’t quite sure in her numb state. On wooded legs, she moved to the darker corner of the balcony so that no one inside could witness her freaking out. The situation hit her full force. Criminals had her father and they were going to kill him, and then her if she didn’t come up with twenty thousand dollars. A hysterical laughter bubbled in her chest.

  “Twenty thousand dollars, no pressure.” She swayed. For the first time in her life, she was going to faint. “I’m not going to faint. I’m not going to faint”. As she said the words, her knees buckled. She barely registered the arms that swept her up before she hit the ground.

  Her eyes opened and for a moment her mind was blissfully blank. Then the events of the night came rushing back. Party. Dance with Liam that got her way too heated. Phone call. Criminals wanting to kill her old man. Finding out that she had to find a shit load of money if she wanted him to live. Passing out.

  Skylar sucked in a breath. Did she miss anything? No, that pretty much summed up the night. She bolted upward and looked around frantically. Had she really fainted at the party and embarrassed both herself and Liam?

  “Oh, God.”

  “You’re awake. I was getting worried.”

  Her head whipped to Liam who was standing by the floor to ceiling window. What was she doing in his hotel room? Jumping up, she rushed out, “Liam, I’m so sorry. Please don’t fire me. I don’t usually faint. Ever. I was just overwhelmed and -”

  “Sky, sit before you fall down.” He walked toward her and picked up a liquor bottle on the center table. “Sit.” He poured brown liquid into a glass and handed it to her. “Drink this. You’re frighteningly pale.

  Skylar plopped down and accepted the glass and took a few sips. She sputtered and coughed as the liquid burned a path down her throat. “What the hell is this?” Color spread into her cheeks and heat flooded her bloodstream.

  He smiled, a real smile that reached his eyes. She didn’t see those often. “Sorry, I should have warned you. That was scotch and it worked. Your color is back,” he said with satisfaction.

  She put the glass down and eyed it with disgust. “You like that stuff? It’s awful.” She was never much of a drinker.

  He chuckled. “Not really, but it sure makes me feel better when I’m overwhelmed.” His expression turned serious. “What happened, Sky?”

  She stared at him as he took a seat across from her. “Liam, please don’t fire me. Nothing like this will happen again. I’m sorry if I embarrassed you -”

  “No one is getting fired, Sky. And no one saw anything?”

  Her brows knitted. “Really? I’m assuming you had to carry me out.”

  “No one saw a thing.”

  She let out a nervous giggle. “What did you grab me and jump off the fourth floor balcony?”

  “Would you believe me if I said yes?”

  She frowned, even more confused. “Two jokes in one night. Somebody is on a roll.”

  Liam’s lips twisted. “The important thing is I got you back here and you’re awake.”

  She groaned. “Who knows what the people in the lobby must have thought.”

  “I might have implied to a few concerned partiers that you had too much to drink.”

  She groaned again and buried her face in her hands. Great, she would have to face some of those people when they checked out tomorrow. Liam’s face was lit with amusement and he looked much younger than his twenty-nine years.

  “Are you ready to tell me what happened?” His jaw clenched. “That must have been some phone call.”

  “It was some phone call, alright,” she mumbled. Standing up she said, “Look, Liam. Thank you for everything but it isn’t appropriate to share my personal problems with you. I should get back to my room. ”

  He stood up. “Sky, if you’re in trouble let me help.”

  “I’m not,” she said quickly. “I just -” she sighed. “Don’t feel like talking about it.”

  “Fine, you can tell me tomorrow.”

  “Liam -”

  “I didn’t like seeing you distressed,” he admitted, softly. “I’m used to you smiling and being you.”

  She froze and a smirk appeared on her face. “I’ve grown on you, have I?”

  He grunted. “You can say that.”

  Skylar nibbled her lower lip in attempt to keep down her smile, but the urge to smile disappeared as he kept moving closer. With a gulp, she whispered, “Liam, what are you -”

  His mouth covered hers, taking her by surprise and stirring up a whirlwind of desire inside of her. She had dreamed of that moment many times. His lips moved tentatively, gauging her reaction. When she melted against him, his movements became sure, coaxing her mouth open. Skylar moaned when his tongue swept between her lips and her tongue darted forward to meet his. Her arms wound around his neck and his hands on her hips, pulling her closer.

  Would they go any further? God, she hoped so. But her hope was crushed when he broke the kiss and stepped back, his breathing heavy. She stared at him wide-eyed and utterly disappointed.

  “Liam -”

  “I’m sorry, that shouldn’t have happened.”

  “It’s okay. Really.”

  His back was turned to her and his shoulders were stiff with tension. “You should go to your room.”

  “But shouldn’t we talk about what just happened?”

  “Just go,” he growled, making her jump.

  Skylar glowered at his back before whirling around and marching from the room, slamming the door for good measure. How dare he speak to her like that? What was the man’s problem? First he was gentle and caring, then he was smoldering and passionate, and then he was literally banishing her from his presence.

  She growled with frustration as she closed her room door. That passionate kiss had driven her problems from her mind temporarily and now they were back and she felt twice as miserable. She threw herself down on the luxurious hotel bed and burst into tears.

  Chapter 8

  Cayden gave the interior of his pick-up a once over, making sure he didn’t have any weapons lying around. He blew his horn and looked up at the massive cabin-like house. So this was where the billionaire recluse lived. He finally got to see where Skylar lived, after two damn months. She had only started showing real interest in him after she got back from her trip with her boss a few weeks ago. Before that, they met up in town occasionally. He wanted more but she kept him at arm’s length. He was surprised when she agreed to go out with him this evening.

  He couldn’t figure out why he was so hung up on one woman. Plenty of young females in town threw themselves at him but none of them interested him like Skylar did. A few minutes later she walked through the door and he stepped out of the truck with a smile. Damn, she looked good in jeans that hugged her hips and thighs and a leather jacket to ward off the November chill. Her blonde hair was in loose waves around her shoulders.

  She gave him a mega-watt smile and it was like the sun was rising in his direction. “Cayden, you found me.”

  He shrugged. “Your directions were spot on.”

  He met her on the steps and gazed up at the mansion, hoping to get a glimpse of the man Skylar worked for. He heard the women taking about Liam Conway all the time. Apparently, he was some heartthrob. Admittedly, Skylar working for a good-looking man who had money made him jealous. He was also suspicious of the man who never seemed to show his face in town. What was he doing hidden away way up in the woods?

  He spotted a woman at the door and sent a smile her way. He got a scowl in return a
nd his smile fell. Okay then.

  Skylar turned and waved to the woman. “Later, Farah.”

  Cayden frowned when the woman gave Skylar a smile. He hadn’t gotten a smile. “Take care, child. You have my number if you need anything.”

  Skylar blushed. “Sorry about that. Farah is just being protective. Ever since I told her my mother died, she’s stepped into the role.”

  He nodded. “No need to apologize. You look lovely by the way.”

  She giggled. “You tell me I look lovely no matter what I’m wearing.”

  “Because you are naturally lovely,” he emphasized as he opened her door.

  * * *

  Skylar accepted Cayden’s hand so he could help her out of his truck. She gazed down at him, appreciating his good looks. His brown hair was short in a crew cut and honey brown eyes stared up at her. He smiled. Liam rarely smiled. As matter of fact, he hadn’t smiled at her in weeks. He was always in a sour mood. And there she went thinking about Liam again.

  “What are you thinking about?” Cayden asked, placing a hand on the small of her back as they walked toward the pizzeria.

  “Nothing important.”

  He led her inside the restaurant. “Well, you demanded pizza and here we are,” he said looking around.

  She laughed. “Why don’t you sound too happy? Pizza is a thing that should bring happiness.”

  He snorted. “This isn’t very romantic.”

  “Oh, come on.” She grabbed his hand and led him to a table. “I thought you knew by now that it doesn’t take much to make me happy. Your company is good enough.”

  He gave her a strange look. “Yeah, I know. You are a rare woman, Sky.”

  “That had better be a compliment,” she murmured.

  Cayden chuckled. “So do you enjoy living in that huge cabin with your recluse of a boss?”


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