Remember Cinderella (True Loves Fairytale Book 2)

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Remember Cinderella (True Loves Fairytale Book 2) Page 1

by Tracey Champion

















































  To the people in my life that chose not to walk behind me, chose not to walk in front of me, but those that made a promise to walk beside me. Their courage and motivation is what drove me to write this book. A promise to be there with me till the end.



  It was supposed to be a job. A simple and easy job, but I failed. I allowed my trust to get in my way. I trusted myself to do my best. I trusted my instincts and training. I trusted those close to me. All of this trust and I personally failed.

  I should have done a better job. I should have done this by the books from day one. I lied to some of the most important people to me about taking on this job and now it has come to bite me in the ass.

  I even failed her. I made her a promise. I made her many promises, to never walk away from her, and to put her above my job. I promised to spend every day the rest of my life proving that I deserve her. Cara Mia, my pretty girl, and I failed her.

  The one time I thought she would be safe. I was wrong. I chose to listen to myself rather than listen to her. I should have taken her with me. Now, what do I do?

  She’s gone. She was taken by him. How will I explain that this is my fault? I knew better. Fuck! This is what I do. I protect people and solve problems. I let one job become a problem. A problem I will have to live with the rest of my life.

  I will fix this. There will be an ending to the stupid obnoxious problem. Travis Guntrey will pay. Someone will pay. I will spend however long it takes to do what’s right.

  The hard part is doing what’s right when I’m emotionally a wreck. I’m pissed off. I want to take this frustration out on someone. The only problem with that is the only person responsible for my fuck up is me. I did this.

  I will not forget. No one will forget this error in judgment. Someone will pay. I will make sure of that. The issue is who will be paying and how. I will not allow Cara to pay with her life. If that happens I will personally kill Travis.

  I promised nothing would happen to her. I promised her forever with me. How can I keep a promise when I don’t know what to expect? How do I keep the promises when the situation is in someone else's hands? What do you do when you break a promise?

  Someone will be paying with their life, but who. There are three people involved me, Cara and Travis…. Or am I wrong. Are there more involved and is this about to get even uglier.



  Six hours ago, my sister, had an alarm go off indicating that the security system at my home was down. Six hours ago Tyler confirmed that Cara is gone. During that time, Travis announced on the computer screens that he has her. The same six hours ago I learned that Cara doesn’t have her phone, but I now know she does have her pocket watch.

  I allowed Tyler to rip my home apart. Cara left her phone in the kitchen. The locations I know where she leaves her pocket watch when she takes it off are empty. The only piece we have to find her is the GPS chip inside the watch.

  Two hours ago I thought we had some form of hope. The virus inside the computers disappeared.

  “What the hell happened?” I asked for anyone with an answer.

  “I don’t fucking know. I did nothing to it. I can see the virus is still active.” Seth answered me just as all the screens went black. A message played across the screens.

  I was able to take someone that you want Jordan. You won’t be able to find her. I can’t have what was taken from me. They can’t bring back the dead. So I will take someone away from them. I warned her that you wouldn’t be able to protect her.

  “Fuck! Travis, I’m going to kill him.” I began stomping around the computer room as they came back to life. There was nothing we could do until the virus was gone and Seth could access the GPS chip. I couldn’t blame Seth for anything, he was doing his best. Everyone seemed just as worried as I am.

  “I don’t think Travis has it in him to kill her Jordan.” Amber was talking as she continued to type codes into her computer. “I honestly don’t think he has the guts to do it. I spent most of my time working with him. I think this is all a scare tactic. Plus, to be honest, outside of a computer I think Travis really is a fucking moron. You know, not the brightest crayon in the box.” She turned and gave me a warm smile.

  “I need to get some air.” I walked out of the room. I knew she was trying to lighten the mood, but I wanted nothing to do with it. I could tell Ryan was behind me. There was nothing I could do. I actually had to rely on others to help me. If he kills her I don’t know what will happen. I got to the door to the office as Tyler walked in.

  “Something isn’t right Jordan. When I got to your place things seemed off. You told me to go over to the house because Cara was meeting Niki. I searched her phone and nothing. There were no calls between her and Niki. Plus, I’ve got the MC watching your house and correcting my mess. They’re willing to help us if we need them Jordan.” Tyler states as a matter of fact.

  I take out my phone and hand it to Tyler. Once he takes it from me I run my hands over my face in frustration.

  “I think Cara sent me a text about talking to Niki. Tyler, thanks for getting the MC to help. If we need them I will let you know.” I have no idea why nothing is on her phone. Maybe Travis cleaned her history, but he hardly had any time to complete the task. This is just fucked up.

  I proceed to walk outside the building and take a deep breath. These have been the hardest hours of my life. This is all on me, she asked to come with me and I told her no. I left her alone and if anything happens to her it will be my fault. I broke my promise to protect her.

  “Jordan, we will find her.” Ryan is talking to me and I punch the wall. “Dude, knock it the fuck off. Get your head in the game. Seth and Amber are doing their best with the computers. Tyler said she has the watch on, we will find her.” I turn and face Ryan and lean against the wall.

  “I can’t believe I was fucking stupid enough to leave her alone. Ryan, I want to kill Travis…slowly. I just can’t stand around and do….” Amber burst through the doors.

  She’s breathing heavily. “I found the virus and stopped it. Now we j
ust have to wipe the virus then we can access the GPS program.” I bear hug my little sister. I tell Amber that I love her and then we all head inside.

  Rushing up the stairs to the floor that holds the office, I’m in awe of my sister. I don’t even realize that my knuckles are red. Then again I don’t care about them. I’m still trying to wrap my mind around what Travis has said. His focus seems to be on me and his father, but why. I did nothing to him

  Seth is extremely frustrated when we get inside. It’s been almost eight hours now that Cara’s been missing.

  “I can’t get into the program. He set it up to fight me. Jordan, I called back up. A friend I know for help, someone with new eyes.”

  I know I should think about this. We don’t need someone from the outside up in our business, not with this being so important. I let out a growl in frustration.

  “Can we trust this person?” I can’t risk any more security or safety.

  “I trust Carson with my life. He did some computer work with the Air Force. He should be here soon.” There was an uneasiness in Seth’s voice. I can’t blame anything on him so I just pull up a chair and wait. That’s all I can do is wait.

  “Thank you, Seth. I’ll trust you on this.” I sigh in defeat. Only thirty minutes pass before Maria brings in the man Seth said was Carson.

  “I’m Jordan. Tell me you can help?” I’m desperate at this point.

  “Carson, and I will do our best. Seth informed me that you need to access a program to find your missing girlfriend. I can check to see what’s needed to kill this virus. I’m at your disposal.” I gave him the chair and access to the computers. Seth got up and allowed Carson to take over. I think Seth needed a little break. Hell, we all do, but after we find her.

  I just watch Carson attack the computer. I wish I knew some of what he was doing. All I know is how to work a computer, knowing the inside outs is just too much. After a while, I can’t stay in the room anymore. I walk out and run into Jessica and Nate.

  “Jordan, you need to eat something and get some rest.” Jessica hands me a sandwich and I go into my office. Jessica must have left at some point with Nate for food. I realize there’s nothing anyone can do until this computer problem is solved. I decide to eat and then try to rest. Try being the key word. I just lay on the couch thinking about Cara and the last time we were alone in this room.

  “We are not having sex in your office,” Cara tells me as I pull her onto my lap. She chose to wear the hot pink dress that looks amazing on her.

  “I want you pretty girl, and I want you right now.” She giggles as I slide my hand between her legs. She gives into me by kissing me. I love the taste of her kisses they are like honey and just as sweet as she is.

  “Love me Jordan…slowly…” Cara asks and I can’t help but smile at her boldness.

  “Love you, always and I can do slow.” I reach for the bottom of her dress and when I bring it quickly over her head she’s gone.

  I sit up drenched in sweat, and run my fingers through my hair. I fell asleep. Fuck, I feel like shit. My heart’s racing and I feel sick to my stomach.

  “Damn it!” I throw the pillow off the couch and break the picture on the wall. I check the time on my phone and all I see is that Cara has been gone now fourteen hours.

  How the hell was I able to sleep so long? This isn’t like me. I need to be doing something to find her. There’s a loud bang on my office door before Ryan walks in.

  “Dude, he did it. They wiped the virus. Well, Carson did.” I rush out of my office. Almost tripping over my own feet. When I get to the computer room Amber, Seth and Carson are working frantically at the computers.

  “I got it cleaned,” Carson says to someone.

  “I’m trying to get everything back in order and checking to see if we lost anything.” Amber states.

  “I got it.” Seth turns to me with a big smile on his face. “All we have to do is wait. I have the program up and now it just needs to locate her Jordan.” My heart stops. We’re closer to finding Cara. My Cara Mia. Time could be my friend or my worst enemy.

  Both Carson and Amber work at their computers as I just stare at Seth. I don’t understand why it’s taking so long to figure out where Cara is.

  “Fucking asshole!” Amber shouts. “He took nothing, but he locked a turtle in the system. Fucking prick.” I swear I have no clue what my sister is talking about. Seth gets up and goes to take a look at her computer.

  “No wonder I’m having issues getting my program to locate the GPS coordinates on Cara. Can we remove it?”

  “Maybe, I just don’t know if removing the turtle will wipe the entire system and then you lose the GPS program, Seth.” Fuck! Listening to them talk makes my head spin and all I want to do is punch something.

  “What can we do? What the hell is wrong now?” I bark without meaning to. I’m pissed off. I wanted Cara’s location fifteen hours ago.

  “Nothing. I think I just stopped the thing. I don’t know who this Travis guy is, but he’s pretty dumb.” Carson says still working on his computer. “I think I can remove the extra program without erasing your system, but that’s going to take me some time. I need to figure out if there are any other hidden Trojan Horses first. Oh, he just massively slowed the system down. That’s what she was meaning.” Okay, I think I understand…not really.

  My phone goes off and I have an incoming picture from an unknown number. I wait for the picture to show and almost break my phone. My stomach twists in a knot, and Ryan swipes the phone from me just in time. I turn and punch a hole in the wall. The picture was of Cara tied by her arms and legs to a bed.

  My knuckles are red, and scraped, but not bleeding. Travis is going to die, I fucking swear it.

  “He took a fucking picture of her tied up. That’s fucking messed up Ryan. When we find him, I want him dead.” My phone chimes again and I don’t want to look. Again it’s from an unknown number.

  Sweet isn’t she. I seem to always get a taste of what was yours and now it’s mine. Too bad I won’t be keeping her. All pretty things must come to an end. If you clip a rose for a vase does it not die. Sad you won’t get the chance to say goodbye.

  I’m pissed. I try not to throw my phone, but my anger’s causing my entire body to shake. What the hell is he talking about having a taste of what was mine? What a cryptic thing to say. I’m confused, pissed off and I want her back. I should have listened to her. I should have trusted her judgment and taken her here with me, but I messed up.

  Ryan, Tyler and I spend time looking at the picture for clues and come up with nothing. She looks to be in a typical room. There really isn’t anything to go on. The window in the picture is covered. We can’t go off the photo, she could be in any house. I’m anxious just sitting back and doing nothing.

  I take my seat in the computer room and just stare at the photo of Cara. How could I let this happen to her? I can’t tell if she’s asleep or drugged. Either way, her eyes are closed in the photo and nothing tells us how old this picture is. I jump when my phone rings.

  “Hey Matt,” I say sounding miserable. The truth is I am miserable.

  “Anything on Travis?” I had Ryan call Matt when Cara was taken.

  “Nothing man, I’m waiting for Seth to manage his program for the GPS. Right now all we have is time against us. I fear he may have killed her because there’s no ransom demand, there’s nothing he wants. He seems to just want a life for a life. I have a picture he sent me, but he could have taken the picture hours ago.” I sigh knowing the longer she’s gone there’s less of a chance we find her alive.

  “Well, when you need me let me know I’m on stand by for you.”

  “Thank…” I am cut off by Seth.

  “I have her. Holy fucking shit. I know where Cara is. She’s between here and Tucson.”

  “Matt, Ryan will call you with the details on where we have her location.” I hang up on Matt. “I need the coordinates, Seth. Ryan, you will go in with me.” I walk out of the computer room
and into my office. I grab my 9mm from my desk. “Call Matt and tell him we will need an ambulance on sight for Cara. We need complete radio silence going out there. No sirens, nothing. If she is alive I don’t want him spooked and kill her.”

  “What about Tyler and Nate?”

  “I will handle them. I want us to go in first. We are less likely to get someone killed if we go in with fewer numbers.” Ryan calls Matt as I walk out of my office and into Nate. Tyler is right behind him. “I need you two to follow behind us and stay back. I will text you when I want you to come in for help, but I need you two to make sure he does not exit the home he’s in.”

  “Got it boss.” They both say at the same time.

  “We need to possibly park away from his location so that we don’t let him know we’re there. I don’t want to risk getting Cara killed and want all of us to take as much caution as possible.” I look to see my sister, Seth, Maria and Carson standing in the hallway.

  “We can finish the computer issue here. Go save her.” Amber says as she begins to cry. My heart breaks a little seeing her cry. It takes something significant to get tears from her. I catch her eyes for a moment and mouth to her that I love her. I do love my baby sister. She mouths it back to me as she wipes the tears from her eyes. I catch Ryan walking over to her and hug her. It’s weird to see her embrace him, but I have no time to question them.

  “I won’t leave till we’re completely done Jordan. Go save your girl.” Carson says with a nod.

  The four of us race out the door.

  I’m thankful to have the coordinates of where Cara is located. However, I’m terrified about what I’ll walk into. I’ve never felt this scared in my entire life. I do this for a living and now that it involves her, my pretty girl, I fear we might be too late.



  My head is spinning and my ears are ringing. I slowly open my eyes trying to remember what happened. Travis tied me to the bed and had a gun. The gun… Oh. My. God! I pop my eyes open painfully and look around. My body hurts and I look all over me, I don’t see blood. I shift and notice I’m a little wet. Yuck! I peed on myself. It’s not much, but enough that I take notice.


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