Remember Cinderella (True Loves Fairytale Book 2)

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Remember Cinderella (True Loves Fairytale Book 2) Page 6

by Tracey Champion

  “I have some apple juice for her.” Jessica gets up from her chair, opens and then hands me the juice. I take the bottle and the nurse hands me the two pills.

  “I’m Sharon, by the way, Cara. Now open your mouth and let me see that you took them.” I do as she asked. I did take the pills. “Okay just turn towards me and I will put some ointment on those marks. Then I will bandage them up. Your sweet boyfriend told me you like pink. I have collected all the pink wrap that we have for you.” I can’t help but smile at this nurse.

  She takes care of my legs first. She does them one at a time, first the ointment then wraps the area. When she is done with my legs she moves to my wrists. Luckily I am done with my second ice cream, but for some reason I want something more.


  I just watch Cara being treated by the new nurse. Cara seems relaxed around her and I’m extremely pleased. I have to turn my attention to Nate after a while. I can’t fucking stand to see the marks on her skin from Travis.

  “Jordan, the guys and I will help with running the company while you get better. I’ve got no cases going on so I will do the grunt work while everyone else continues what they’re doing.” That’s good news to hear since the doctor told me I was going to need some time to recover.

  “All done darling, you just rest up and I will check on you both later.” The nurse collects her cart and leaves. Cara settles in close to my side, but she moves very slowly as if she’s afraid of me.

  “Pretty girl, I won’t break. You can’t hurt me.” Luckily she’s a tiny thing and I pull her close to me. I’m just lucky we are both here and safe. I watch Cara for a moment as she struggles with something.

  “Um…I’m…” She twists her fingers in her hands and I take them into mine. “I’m hungry.” I don’t mean to laugh a little, but I do and I tighten the muscles in my stomach. Fucking hurt, but I’ll live. Jessica reaches into a plastic bag she brought back with her. She hands Cara a small bowl with fruit inside. Jessica opened the container before handing it to Cara.

  “Should fill you up and I do have more sweet, but eat that first.” Cara smiled and began eating. I’m fucking pleased to see that she’s relaxed enough to eat. Jessica told me all the other goodies she had, cookies, crackers, an apple and banana. I ask Jessica to toss me the banana.

  I can’t remember if I have ever seen Cara eat a banana. Once I open the banana I catch Cara wrinkle her nose at me. She makes this cute disgusted face but then continues to eat her fruit. We all sit in silence as Cara eats. I notice she only eats half the food and places it on the tray.

  “I’m full.” Jessica takes the container back and places it back in the bag.

  “How long are they keeping you two here?” Jessica question’s.

  “I’m not sure. I don’t think they will send me home until they send her home and we are waiting on blood work for Cara.” I realize now that Cara has laid her head on my chest and her breathing has slowed. “The doctor needs to figure out what the upper floor gave to her before we know anything more.”

  Jessica looks puzzled and scratches her head. “Jordan, when Cara got sick that one night when Travis left the big present, I learned something. Cara has never taken anything more than over the counter medication except for what they gave her the last time she was here. I asked her if she had been checked for anxiety before. She told me when she was a teenager and she reacted badly to the medication.”

  I think back to Cara telling me that her guardian, Wendy, took her to see a counselor that would not medicate her. She never mentioned she reacted badly to anything. Maybe I just never asked the right questions.

  “That could explain her behavior.” I let out a sigh.

  “Jordan, you’re going to have to be careful with her,” Nate tells me this like I don’t already know. “You’re her safe place. Think of how I have everyone over one evening every week. I need that, I need to be surrounded by my friends. It comforts me. It’s the busy noise. Cara told me she feels relaxed with you, safe. Just be careful, you don’t want to break her or you will lose her.”

  I don’t fucking like what Nate tells me, but I listen and take everything in. He’s been there. He relied on Jessica when he was at his worst. The last thing I want to do is loose Cara. I will do whatever the fuck it takes to keep her and make her happy.

  I look to Jessica who has her head tilted to the side. She stands up to her feet and motions to Nate. I’m not even aware of what she sees.

  “Jordan, she’s asleep do you want Nate to move her.” I’m not surprised Cara is sleeping.

  “No, leave her. I don’t want to risk her waking up.” Jessica walks over to the other hospital bed and takes the blankets off it. She then covers Cara up. “Get some rest Jordan. I will update Amber for you.” Oh shit, I forgot to do that.

  “Thank you.” Jessica and Nate leave. I have Jessica turn the light off as she walks out. I adjust myself carefully and close my eyes with Cara in my arms.

  I wake sometime in the night to a person entering the room. Cara’s out cold in my arms still.

  “Sweetheart, it’s just me, your nurse Sharon. I need to take your blood pressure really quick. Do you need anything for pain?” She looks at Cara sleeping next to me.

  “You know we should have her moved to the other bed. There really isn’t enough room for both of you.” She says politely. “I won’t ask you to do that, but if the doctor comes in you just tell them I gave you a hard time about it. She looks comfortable and I would be worried to move the poor girl.” I can’t help but smile at the nurse.

  “I think I could use something for the pain,” I tell her and she quietly walks out of the room. She comes back a moment later with a cup, straw, and pills.

  “Take these, I got one of those bendy straws so you don’t have to move much.” I take the pills and let her go about her work. When she’s done I quickly fall back asleep.


  When I finally start to wake the sun was peeking through the hospital windows. I notice Cara’s still out cold, snuggled up against me. I know I should probably get up, but I’m worried if I move she’ll wake up. I decide to lay here and not move.

  I’m not sure how long I just laid there. My head is slightly throbbing and my side’s tender. I need to get the nurse to give me the pain pills she offered some time ago during her second round.

  I’m busy thinking when the door to the room quietly opens. I’m hoping it’s the nurse, but instead, I see my sister. This could be a wonderful fucking blessing.

  “Sorry to wake you. I couldn’t sleep so I decided to come check on you both.” She looks over Cara and smiles softly. “She looks peaceful.”

  “Yeah, I know. I’m afraid to move because I don’t want her waking up.” Amber just gives me a face that she completely understands me. “Can you do me a favor Amber?” I ask knowing she’ll do about anything right now for me.

  “Sure, what do you need.”

  “You to take my spot.” She gives me a puzzled look and then gets what I had asked. Amber comes over to my side of the bed as I very carefully slide out. Once I’m on my feet Amber takes my place. I do love my baby sister.

  I go into the bathroom and do my morning business. After I wash my hands I take a closer look at my side. When I peel the bandage off half way I see I have stitches on my outer left side only. From what I can see, looks as if the bullet tore through my side and the doctors only had to stitch me up. I was expecting the wound to be worse than it looks, but it’s not. The area is a bit red, swollen, and tender. I decide since I haven’t spoken with the doctor or nurse to basically sponge bathe myself. It’s better than me doing nothing.

  Bridgette told me she did pick up some items I could use and I’m beyond grateful. I take my time and clean off. When I walk out into the room Cara has snuggled up against Amber. She offers to give me back my spot, but Cara looks comfortable and I need a little change. I decide to take the chair next to the bed and just watch Cara sleep.

you asked her what happened to her with Travis?” Amber asks me quietly. I run a hand through my hair.

  “Yeah, she can’t remember how Travis took her, but she remembers waking up tied to a bed. She mentioned pissing him off and Travis shot at her. I’m glad the fucker is dead. I haven’t asked her how she ended up naked.”

  “Ryan told me he had to cover her up because she was naked. Did he…um...did he rape her?” Amber asked while looking Cara over. She was beginning to slowly move.

  “Not from what she tells me. She said he stopped his attempt and he forced her to kiss him. She was pretty fucking upset about that yesterday. Not to mention…” I stopped talking when Cara’s eyes slowly opened and she looked right at me. Beautiful light blue eyes, my pretty girl. She made the cutest frown at me and pouted her lips.

  Amber realized Cara was now awake and lightly touched Cara’s hair. “Good morning.” Cara sat up very slowly. I could tell she was having a hard time fully waking up and that there was something else wrong. When Cara was sitting upright she looked over to Amber and then embraced her in a hug.

  Cara let go of Amber and looked from me to her. “I’m hungry and my head really hurts.” Just then I heard Cara’s stomach growl.

  “I need to call mom and dad so I’m going to step out. I’ll see if I can get your nurse.” I thanked Amber as she left.

  I don’t move from my chair when Cara goes to stand to her feet. Luckily she chose to move and stand in front of me because I was able to catch her when her knees gave out. I pulled her onto my lap as she began to cry.

  “I’m really hungry and I don’t feel good Jordan. I don’t feel like… like me.” Her eyes were searching mine for an answer I didn’t have to give her. I can’t fix this for her and I hate it.

  “Pretty girl, you're breaking my heart, I don’t have an answer for you. I promise you, we will find answers for this today, okay.” Her eyes were still fixed on mine. “I love you, Cara Mia.”

  “I love you too. Can you help me walk to the bathroom? I think my feet don’t want to cooperate with me right now.” I laugh and help her stand. Once I help her into the bathroom she seems to be working well on her feet and I take my spot back on the stupid bed. I want to be at home in our bed, but we’re both stuck here for now.

  Sharon walks back into the room. “I hear someone’s head hurts.”

  “Me,” Cara says as she walks out of the bathroom. She resumes her place right next to me.

  “Well, I will get you something. This is for your darling. You need to take these.” She hands me some pills and walks over to my left side. “Let me take a look at your stitches.”I allow the nurse to lift my shirt. “They seem to be doing fine. Did you clean them in the bathroom?” I shake my head no. “Okay well, when I come back I will clean them up and put ointment on them and change your bandage. Cara, how are your bandages?”

  “They itch and I’m hungry.” I fucking hate the sad look on her face.

  “Breakfast is on its way. Mom is bringing something.” Amber mentions as she casually walks into the room. She happened to interrupt the nurse from saying something. I know hospital food might be coming around.

  Cara was funny when they tried to bring us dinner last night. She turned her nose to it saying the smell upset her stomach. Luckily we still had the sandwiches that we could finish. I was also grateful that Nate and Jessica have perfect timing.


  I’m too excited at the mention of food. My stomach hurts because I’m so hungry. I told the nurse the truth that my bandages itch.

  “Cara sweetheart, that’s a good thing. Just means they’re beginning to heal. I’ll tell Kim when she comes in to check on those bandages, and after you have eaten to give you something for your head.” I just nod and say thank you. The nurse then leaves us.

  “Cara, I never asked you how you ended up naked with Travis. Ryan mentioned to me that he had to wrap you up. Are you willing to talk about that?” I drop my chin down and look at my lap. I’m embarrassed over the reason I ended up naked.

  “I had to go to the bathroom and screamed at Travis. He had his gun and that’s when he fired it.” I don’t like the look on Jordan’s face, but I continue. “I woke up and looked for blood. I saw nothing, but…I…I peed on myself. Travis came in and dragged me to the bathroom. I took off my panties because I smelled and he forced me into the tub after ripping my dress.” I said the last part really fast because I didn’t want to tell it. I was still bothered by the fact that Travis had seen me naked.

  “Okay, did he touch you?” Jordan asks me through grit teeth.

  “Not really, we talked about his dad. I told him what I knew and got him angry with me. He pulled my hair.” I went to reach back to where my hair was pulled. My head was a little tender there.

  Jordan seemed to relax. I think I had answered enough questions. He then began talking to Amber about taking over for him at work. She seemed to be okay with that.

  It wasn’t long before Beverly and Victor arrived with food. My stomach knotted at the smell and I couldn’t understand why I burst into tears. I buried my head into Jordan’s shoulder.

  “Cara?” I heard Bev say to me. I was embarrassed that I instantly broke down.

  “Mom, just give her a moment.” While Jordan talks to his parents I take a moment to feel him breathing and try my best to match him so I can relax. I sense that he knows I’m doing this because he takes my hand and places it over his heart. When my tears have stopped and I’m relaxed I break away from Jordan.

  I turn to see his mom placing food on both of the trays in the room. “I picked up two of the Hungry Man breakfast at The Place. You both shouldn’t be hungry when you’re done. I did grab tea instead of coffee. I wasn’t sure if either of you could have it.” She spoke sweetly to us, I moved my position to look at the food.

  “Really, I told you I think they both could have coffee. They’re fucking stuck in a damn hospital and these places are always too fucking cold. Granted it’s not that bad outside.” Victor, I found him interesting. He was always a tad blunt.

  “Tea is fine, thank you, mom. Victor, I don’t think coffee would have been a good idea, at least not for me.” Victor stood to his feet and walked over to me. The look on his face told me I was in trouble and I couldn’t understand why. I tried hard to control the emotions running through me.

  “How many times do I have to ask you Cara to call me dad, and give this old man a hug.” I giggled and turned so he could hug me. “I’m glad my son got you out of that wretched room.”

  “Thank you, dad.” He just grinned at me. As hard as he acts he did have the same soft side Jordan had. I don’t want to even talk about that room. I want to just forget about it.

  “Will you sit down you old fool and let them eat.” I laughed harder at Mom. I had to grab my sides when Victor walked behind her and tapped her butt.

  “Mom, Dad, that’s just wrong… Ewe, I really don’t need to see that.” Amber had her face scrunched up as she spoke to her parents.

  Bev brought a tray over to me first. I felt sick because I was so hungry. Jordan just took his food. In front of me was scrambled eggs with cheese (she remembered), hash browns, two large biscuits and gravy, bacon, sausage, and my favorite pancakes. She did get the largest meal and I slowly began to eat.

  I don’t understand why the food hits my stomach hard, but I push past it and continue to eat. I notice after a while that there’s way more than I can actually eat.

  “Cara, you okay?” Mom asks me.

  “I don’t think I can eat all this.” Victor lets out a tiny laugh.

  “I told you, honey. Cara, you eat what you can and we can save or toss what’s left.” I smile and separate the food I want to eat from what I know I won’t eat. Jordan seems to eat about everything. I’m glad he looks to be okay.

  The doctor I met yesterday, Dr. Dave, knocks on the door and walks into the room.

  “I just wanted to check up on both of you. Cara once you’re done eating buzz the n
urse and she will bring you something for your head. Jordan, the nurse says everything is good with your stitches. How does your head feel?” Dr. Dave walks over to Jordan and tells him to look at the little light he pulls from his pocket.

  I’m trying hard to figure out why the doctor asked about Jordan’s head. I’m not sure what’s going on.

  “I want to send you for an MRI later just to make sure there’s nothing going on inside that I can’t see.” The doctor then asks Jordan to lower his head and examines the back. I can see an injury to his head. “The bump seems to be going down nicely. Those are all good signs.”

  A nurse walks into the room and hands a paper over to the doctor. He wrinkles his nose and frowns deeply as he reads the paper. “Cara, have you ever been on medication for anxiety before?”

  “No, they tried once and I didn’t like how it made me feel.” I was sick on the medication I was given as a teenager.

  “Your blood work shows you have a decent amount of Benzodiazepine in your blood. However, you have a heavy amount of Ativan in your system.” Dr. Dave walks over to me and begins to listen to my chest. “Deep breath in…now out…again.” We do this over and over. “Your breathing seems fine. I think you’re having a negative reaction to the Ativan. You should not have been given this in the first place.”

  “Wait you're telling us that she was given a drug that’s harmful to her?” Victor sounds angry.

  “She should have been given a small dose to begin with since she already had the Benzodiazepine in her system. I don’t know how much they gave her in each dosage, but she has more in her system than she should have. I will be sending this report to Mr. Robbins as he wants an update daily on both of you.”

  “Good, so what needs to be done now,” Victor asks. I feel like I’m not in the room and try to finish eating my pancakes.

  “We will keep her here and monitor her until the Ativan is out of her system. A detox of sorts and depending on Jordan’s scan, he could be sent home as early as tomorrow.” I stop eating, he can’t leave me. My heart sinks to the pit of my stomach.


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