Rescuing Their Virgin Mate[Pack Wars-Book 3]

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Rescuing Their Virgin Mate[Pack Wars-Book 3] Page 7

by Day, Vella

  “Hey,” shouted the man. It was hard to tell much with one word, but it might have been laced with a Russian accent.

  Dirk returned his gaze to the man. “Hood sent me.”

  The man grunted and mumbled something foreign. The guard pulled out his phone. Shit. So much for deception.


  Clay had graciously offered to take Elena shoe shopping. Not only didn’t she want to walk around in four-inch heels every day, she appreciated the diversion of going to the mall. The place was packed and being in a crowd made her feel safe. The only negative was that Dirk was out there looking for Hood’s men and in possible danger while she enjoyed herself with Clay.

  Clay looked around and moved her away from the rush. He held up his phone and pressed a button. “Dirk just sent this over. I’d like you to watch.”

  For the next twenty seconds, the nightmare returned. Chills raced up her spine and her pulse raced. At first, she wasn’t sure if he had the right warehouse until he moved across from the building with the red letters. She swallowed the lump in her throat and slapped a hand to her chest to calm her beating heart. As much as she tried to push aside those horrible two weeks, she couldn’t.

  “Yes. That’s it.”

  Clay texted her message back to Dirk.

  Because they were within hearing distance of a ton of people, it probably wasn’t safe to say too much. “You said he sensed a you-know-what. Do you think that could be the guard or Hood himself?”

  “I’m sure Dirk will find out.”

  “What if it is? Shouldn’t he get someone to help him?”

  “He can handle himself. Dirk won’t go on the offensive if the odds are stacked against him.”

  She hoped so. As ridiculous as it sounded, she might be falling in love with Dirk. She was sure her friends would say it was some kind of white knight syndrome, but she disagreed. Not that she had a little black book that listed her criteria for a man, but if she had one, she could check every box in regards to him.

  “How about this shoe store?” Clay’s comment jerked her back to the present.

  “Too expensive. We don’t have to shop here.” Discount shoe stores were everywhere.

  Clay wrapped an arm around her waist. She thought it would be strange to have another man besides Dirk hold her, but she liked it. Ever since they’d broached the idea of her being both of their mates her mind had wandered. She failed to comprehend what it would feel like to have four hands, two mouths, and two penises at her disposal. Stop it. The whole concept was too much and definitely not right.

  Clay escorted her into the shop that only sold shoes. “Pick out a couple of pairs. I know Hood’s men took your luggage.”

  “You’ll have to wait until I get a job to pay you back.”

  He pulled her to his chest and heat raced up her face. People crowded the store, and she wasn’t used to such public affection. “You’re with us now. You don’t have to worry about money.”

  His words were nice to hear, but she couldn’t take advantage of them. “I appreciate that, but I need to pay my way.”

  He kissed her forehead and let her go. “Suit yourself.”

  She roamed around the store and picked out a pair of tennis shoes and a pair of comfortable looking sandals. Once she tried them on, Clay paid for her purchase.

  As they were leaving the store, he stopped near the entrance. “Come with me.”

  “What’s going on?” Her heart spiked. This constant pressure wasn’t healthy.

  He led her back to the bench. “Put on the sneakers. You’ll be more comfortable.”

  He wouldn’t get an argument from her, but she didn’t like the way he was looking around as if he’d spotted something or someone. As soon as she laced up the sneakers and stashed her heels in the empty box, he took her hand.

  “We need to get out of here.”

  That scared her. “Why?”

  “Because I’ve sensed a few Colters.”

  Mother, Mary, and Joseph. “You don’t think they’re here because of me, do you?” She wasn’t that important.

  “I can’t be sure.”

  “I’m with you now. You bought me. They can’t say they want me back, can they?” Her pits dampened and her heart hammered.

  “I wouldn’t put anything past Hood and his gang. Stay by me.”

  “Trust me. I’m not letting go.”

  With her packages in hand, Clay strode toward the exit one notch short of jogging. Every few steps she raced to keep up with him. With each step, her anxiety doubled. Through her entire ordeal, Clay appeared calm. Now he was rattled and so was she.

  They stepped outside, and she thought he’d slow, but he didn’t. His head swiveled right and left as he led her toward his car.

  Before they arrived at the row where he’d parked, growls came from nowhere. He stopped. “Fuck.”

  Her nervous system short-circuited. She didn’t know if it was better to run, hide, or stay right behind him.

  “They’re here?” Her voice squeaked out.

  “Yes. Run back toward the mall, but keep your eyes peeled.”

  “Wh-what if they come after me?”

  His shoulders tensed and his hands fisted. If more than one Colter was here, and she became separated from Clay, she’d be dead meat.

  “Maybe you’re right.” He slipped a hand in his pocket and tossed her the keys. “Get to the car and lock it. Now.”

  She wouldn’t argue. From the direction he was staring, the animals were in front of him and his car was behind him. She took off. Her legs were still weak from weeks of being cooped up, but she ignored the burn.

  Her gaze searched the cars, praying she’d find his. Press the remote, dummy. She did and his car beeped. Her rapid pulse reached the stratosphere. She tugged on the door handle, but her sweaty fingers slipped. The low growl behind her paralyzed her.

  She was tempted to look but didn’t waste the time. After the second attempt, the door opened. She jumped in, drew the door shut, and locked it. Her breaths whooshed out, but her heart refused to slow. No sooner had she locked the door than three wolves appeared two parking spaces away. One had to be Clay, but she had no idea which one. As hard as it was to drag her gaze off the fight, she stuck the keys in the ignition, ready to slide over to the driver’s side in case Clay needed help.

  The yelping and scraping of their claws on the asphalt jacked up her heartbeat. She had to shield her eyes after one of the wolves sunk his teeth in the other’s flank. That animal retreated and the remaining two fought. The first wolf attacked the one with the white spot on his rear. Keeping her gaze on those two, she clenched her fingers, saying a prayer to God.

  Clay was a hero and didn’t deserve to die. Just then, the first wolf that had been bitten returned to the fray. It was two against one now. They approached the one with the white spot. That had to be Clay. The injured wolf grabbed Clay’s neck and twisted his head. She screamed and buried her face. This was bad. Really bad.

  She moved over to the driver’s side and started the engine. Her finger hovered over the lock waiting for the fight to finish and for Clay to hobble back to the car. Dizziness overcame her and she rolled down the window partway to get more air.

  The door handle jiggled on the other side. When she looked up Clay stood there in human form, motioning for her to hurry. Her brain froze, but her finger managed to press the unlock button.

  He jumped in. “Go.”

  Her packages must be on the ground, but they weren’t important. She backed up, burning rubber as she went. If any car pulled out as she tore down the lane, they’d hit her for sure. She couldn’t stop. Wouldn’t stop.

  As soon as she reached the exit, she came to a rolling stop, looked both ways, and floored it. Only when they were out of the lot did she look over at him. His face was covered in blood, as was part of his body. She willed her stomach not to throw up.

  “Are you okay?” That was a stupid question, but she needed him to assure her that he would make it. “D
o I need to go to the hospital?”

  “No. Take me home. I’ll be fine.”

  He didn’t look fine. Elena had to slow once she turned onto the main thoroughfare. She kept glancing in the rearview mirror, but it seemed like everyone was going in her direction.

  “Take a left at the stoplight.”

  She put on her signal. “Will they follow us?”

  “I doubt it. I think they were more interested in taking me out since I was protecting you.”

  They wouldn’t have attacked him if they hadn’t wanted her. “Maybe they wanted to resell me.”

  “We can’t be sure.” He didn’t sound all that certain.

  “Or kill me.”

  “Depends on whether they think you know something that can destroy their clan.”

  Thanks for sugar coating the danger I’m in. Now, she wouldn’t dare go for a walk alone for fear they’d attack.

  Clay gave her directions to his home, and she couldn’t wait to get inside. Those wolves were insidious. A shiver raced up her spine, and she feared she’d never be safe again.

  As soon as they stepped inside, the adrenaline rush eased. “I need to tend to your wounds.”

  “There are some bandages in Dirk’s bathroom.”

  There was a sizable gash on his arm. He’d need a large gauze pad. “You need to wash off the blood.”

  Clay moved toward her. “I’ll take a shower. I have cuts on my back, too. Can you wash them for me? I can’t reach there.”

  Her body clenched. That would mean she’d have to get naked.

  He saved your life—again.

  He was injured and not asking to sleep with her, just to help him heal.

  What had she been thinking? She could clean his back before he stepped in the shower.

  You want to make love with him. Her vagina cramped thinking about doing it again.

  What the heck. She’d tumbled this close to hell, she might as well enjoy the ride into the devil’s inferno.

  “Be happy to.”

  As she turned to go toward Dirk’s bedroom, she thought she caught Clay’s lips lift into a smile. He followed her into the bathroom.

  She turned on the showerhead. As soon as she took off her sneakers and removed her shirt, her sensibility returned. “I can’t.”

  “Sugar, if you don’t feel comfortable getting undressed in front of me that’s fine. I’ll wash the best I can.”

  Guilt swamped her. She could leave on her bra and panties, which looked like a swimsuit anyway. “Okay.”

  He stepped closer, looking strong. “Okay, what?”

  “I’ll help.” She turned her back and removed all but her undergarments and faced him.

  Clay’s jaw sagged and his eyes sparkled. “You do realize that sooner or later we’re going to be together?”

  He’s right, you know.

  Chapter Seven

  If this guard sent his photo to Hood, Hood would spot Dirk as a fake. Before the man had the chance to click send, Dirk charged. Taking him down shouldn’t be hard. Dirk had a good twenty-year advantage. What he didn’t count on was the knife in the man’s hand that sliced right through Dirk’s belly. The pain arrived quickly. It would soon disappear, but not before it slowed him.

  If he’d had time to shift, he would have, but five seconds was an eternity. The guard outweighed him by thirty pounds. The guy grabbed Dirk’s shoulders, shifted his weight, and did a leg sweep. The two tumbled.

  Once on the ground, the man swung the knife again. This time Dirk was prepared. He delivered a chop to the man’s wrist, and the knife clanked to the ground. He elbowed the guard in the face. The man grunted.

  That split second of distraction allowed Dirk to reach for the knife and slit the man’s throat. Werewolves healed fast unless the injury hit a vital organ or an artery. The blood spray coated Dirk’s chest, and he rolled out of the way. His belly ached, forcing him to place a hand over his wound. In minutes, he’d return to normal. The guard wouldn’t be so lucky.

  Remaining outside with the downed guard in plain view wasn’t smart. There was no telling when another Colter would arrive. Crouching, Dirk lifted the giant on his shoulders and stood. He grunted as he hauled the massive man into the warehouse and dumped him on the floor.

  Squeaks and whimpers caught his attention. Holy fuck. Two cages sat in the far corner. With what little light came in the window, it was hard to see who was inside. He trotted over. Once he neared, his heart broke.

  One girl in ripped clothes had her back to him, but the other one cowered at the end of her cage. The idea that Elena had been housed like this sent a violent streak up his body so hard he almost shifted. The cages were padlocked. He might have been able to find something to smash open the lock, but the key was the way to go. He rushed over to the guard and checked his pockets. Not only did he find the key, he removed the man’s phone and wallet. Maybe the identity of one of Hood’s men might lead him to Hood’s location.

  Once he unlocked the cage doors, he wiped his bloody palm on his pants and knelt. He held out a hand. “Girls. I’m here to free you.” He doubted they’d believe him. “We need to hurry.”

  The brunette in the corner came closer. “Really?” Her voice was raspy.

  “Yes. Come on. You can come out. I won’t hurt you.”

  Once the first girl crawled out, he tapped the cage of the second one. She moaned. He looked back at the first girl. “Is she okay?”

  The girl shook her head. “No. She’s really sick.”

  Dirk crawled in and slid the girl toward the opening. She didn’t weigh more than ninety pounds. He lifted her in his arms and placed her near the warehouse entrance.

  “Stay here for a minute. I’ll get my car.” He feared the first girl might try to run. If she’d worn shoes, he would have taken her with him. “It’s dangerous outside. Okay?”

  She grimaced then nodded. As fast as he could, he sprinted out of the warehouse and charged toward his car. The next two minutes seemed an eternity. He constantly glanced over his shoulder to make sure the girl obeyed. He counted on her not leaving her friend.

  As soon as he hopped in his car, he raced back. He opened the back seat door and then entered the warehouse. The first girl hadn’t moved. “My car’s outside. I’ll put your friend in back and you can sit with her.”

  “You don’t need to handcuff me?” Tears streamed down her face.

  “No, sweetie. I’m going to see that you get home safely.” He hoped his tone came out with assurance.

  He picked up the ill girl and carried her outside. The first girl shielded her eyes against the bright light. After he placed her on the seat and fastened her seatbelt, he motioned for the first one to climb in.

  Once they were set, he took off, keeping an eye out for any sudden movement in the parking lot. He asked their names, but neither one was Elena’s other two friends. As he left the port district, he dialed the general and told him of his find.

  “We’ll send over a team and deal with the guard.”

  “What should I do with the girls?” Headquarters wasn’t set up to deal with this.

  “Drive them to my house. My wife is a nurse. She’ll know what to do.”

  He was relieved the general had offered his home. Other than the brunette soothing the other girl, she said nothing. It took him close to twenty minutes to reach the general’s house. No sooner had he pulled in the drive, the general’s wife came out of her house and rushed to the car.

  “Are you okay?” Worry laced her face.

  He nodded. “It’s mostly the other guy’s blood.”

  She peeked in the back, but with the tinted window, she wouldn’t see much. “Are the girls back there?”

  “Yes.” He opened the door. “Ladies, it’s time for you to return home.”


  Elena couldn’t take her gaze off Clay as he undressed. While he was taller and thinner than Dirk, his muscles were more defined. He dropped his clothes on the floor and much of the blood stayed on the
material and not on his body—and what a nice body it was, too.

  You’re here to help not ogle.

  “I can’t have sex with you.” That felt good to get off her chest.

  The left half of his lips turned upward. “I’m just asking for help, nothing more.”

  Heat raced up her body. Here she assumed he wanted to make love with her, too. As long as they got that out of the way, she was willing to believe him. With as much confidence as she could muster, she peeled off the rest of her clothes. Her fingers trembled as she lowered the strap on her bra, and her stomach clenched when she tugged down her panties. Clay stepped into the shower and acted as if it didn’t matter she’d just stripped in front of him.

  He peeked out of the glass door. “You coming?”

  Her hands automatically covered her chest with both hands. With her mound bare, she didn’t succeed at hiding her nakedness.

  “Yes.” You can do this.

  He stood under the shower, and she stepped behind him to wash his back. Pink tinged the water for a few seconds then ran clear. When she reached around him to get the soap, he leaned back and their bodies touched. Bolts of need slammed into her.

  She jumped back at the charge that arced between them. “Did you do that?”

  He turned around and grinned. “Do what?”

  Could she say there’d been such a strong connection between them her body had lit up? “Nothing. Turn around.”

  I don’t need to see your hard-on and wonder if your erection would feel as good as Dirk’s.

  Despite the sound of water pounding on the floor, she thought he chuckled. As she rubbed his back, she searched his neck for the wounds she’d seen inflicted. “I thought that wolf bit you.”

  “He did.”

  His comment made no sense. “Then where is the bite mark?”

  He faced her again and placed his hands on her hips. “Werewolves have a lot of talents. One of them is healing fast.”


  He shrugged. “How do you get over a cold? How does one of your cuts heal? It just does. Only ours does it faster.”

  “You should donate your body to science so humans can study you.”

  He laughed. “Can I live a little first?”


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