The Lying Mirror

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The Lying Mirror Page 10

by alvinna edwards nwoko

  Have you and Ant decided what you’re going to do about this situation. Yes we have, and I’ll need you at the Dean’s office when he deliver our proposal.

  No problem, I can be there, just tell me the time.

  Okay I’ll call you when it’s all set up. And Ms. Eevan?


  Thanks. I’ll call you later. Bye now

  Good bye.

  Ms. Eevan was relieved to hear Jack and Ant had given their situation serious consideration.

  I hope they make the right decision, she thought as she walked away apprehensive. Maybe she can catch Linda at her dorm room. See how she’s getting along without Jack and the others.

  Linda told a lie to get the tutoring coordinator to give up Cassy’s class schedule. She would need this if she was going to track Cassy’s movement.

  She found out that Cassy shared a larger room with her friend Pit in the same building where she stayed.

  This is going to be easier than I thought, Linda said to herself. Jack is always picking up Cassy with the Jack-Mobile on campus, so I can’t talk to her there but here at the dorm, is much, much easier to get to her. The dorm it is, maybe doing laundry.

  Having only one class for the early morning Linda was home again by nine. Hunger took hold of her senses so she rushed to pop two hot pockets in the microwave while she prepare for her next class at one-o-clock.

  Ms. Eevan knocked on door of room 249 and Linda went to open it. She never have visitors so she suspected it was more bad news about her case.

  Ms. Eevan! Come in, what bring you to my door? I was just getting ready to study but it can wait. Please come in.

  Besides Jack and the courier from the Dean’s office Ms. Eevan was her first true visitor. What make you come see me? Of all people.

  Well first and foremost I came to see how you were doing. Jack tells me you left without saying thank you or good bye. And that’s not like you, I don’t think. Am I’m right?

  I’m quite alright, Ms. Eevan. Jack spoke harshly to me and hurt my feeling. So I left because I felt that’s what he wanted.

  Did you ask Jack if that was what he wanted?

  No, but when someone speak to you the way Jack did it’s better to just leave. I must have over stayed my welcome.

  The only reason Jack didn’t go looking for you that day, is because you took all of your things. And by the way how did you get all of your thing to your dorm?

  I took the bus, Linda smiled proudly.

  By yourself?

  Sure, Jack taught me. And Mr. Hard Drive help me get my things on the bus.


  The bus driver, yesterday was his last day to drive. He’s retiring. Make sure you tell Jack Mr. Hard Drive said hope to see him soon.

  Is there a reason you can’t tell Jack yourself?

  To be honest with you I sort a pissed him off a little.

  Jack was a nervous wreck when he called me last night. I told him not to worry yet that I would come by and see how you were doing. Panic overtook her when she notice the small substitute mirror in the middle of that large empty frame hanging on the wall.

  Linda what on earth made you do this? Pointing to the empty mirror frame.

  I went to the store and just pick up a mirror, Linda lied.

  Well just make sure it doesn’t get you into any more trouble than you already are. Which bring me to the other reason why I came by.

  It is my understanding that the Student Board of Ethics is bringing you forward on charges, and that your hearing is in two weeks. After learning this I went by the Dean’s office to see what I could do for you, and the Dean said it was out of his hands. Ant nor Jack nor any of your care-givers went to the board about you. It was Cassy. Cassy was not aware that Jack wanted to keep this quiet. And of course it was appropriate for Cassy under the circumstance to report the incident. So please do not be angry at Cassy, what she did was correct even if Jack acted selflessly on your behalf.

  After I tell you this Linda, I want you to tell me if Jack’s action warrant what is getting ready to happen to him.

  Never in the history of that university, Kiplin that is, has there ever been a paraplegic, African American from the inner-city with a grade average above 4.4 graduating Summa Cum Laude. So you understand what that means for Jack and the school. If Jack lies for you he loses everything including his reputation. But if he tell the truth you may be asked to leave.

  What! Linda shouted nervously.

  Or…. You could be suspended or put on probation for a certain amount of time.

  Now tell me Linda, was it worth it what Jack and the others did for you?

  Did you know Ant and Jack are members of the Student Board of Ethics? Do you understand the kind of investigation they had to go through in order to be voted in as a members by their peers and a panel of Professors?

  Linda there is so much at stake here. If you are found guilty of removing those chemicals form the lab you might have to kiss your formula goodbye.

  That formula is mine! Shouted Linda.

  No Linda it was State property and you took it out of the lab to cause harm.

  What are you saying Ms. Eevan!

  What I’m saying Linda is this. The head of the chemistry department wanted to meet with you and discuss terms. I’m told you snuffed him off. Now I don’t know if he ever want’s to speak to you again. Everybody loses if Jack lies for you. The Dean loses because he authorized Jack to do what he did. The Chemistry Professor loses because he authorized the remix and the testing of your formula. The school loses because they harbored an aggressive student. And Jack and Ant along with your care-givers loses because they cared. Oh, and I forgot about the doctor who cared for you outside of the hospital to avoid your humiliation. All of these people who cared for you are now in jeopardy of loses something valuable in their life. All because of your vanity and envy.

  Linda you are a very beautiful young lady, but this is what I’m asking you now, is one person’s beauty worth all those loses?

  I know I didn’t give you a chance to answer. There’s really no need. But if your heart has any blood in it you might do the right thing. And if your mirror convince you to do otherwise then all the consequences falls on your shoulders.

  By the way, a Mr. Flynn called, said he’s on the board of Ethics, he asked me to be present for the hearing. You see Linda even I have something to lose.

  It’s very nice what you’ve done to your room, so bright and cheerful, much better than the last time I saw it. Well, have a good day, see you at the hearing.

  Ms. Eevan exited the room leaving Linda dumbfounded and motionless.

  What have you done to me! Linda screamed at her best friend. Why didn’t you tell me all this could happen? Why did you leave all these consequences out?

  Because you didn’t asked me, the mirror replied.



  Pit was in the laundry room doing her and Cassy’s laundry when she happen to look up and found Linda peeking inside the room.

  Hi, you’re Linda right?

  Yes I am, sorry I was peeking, but I don’t like doing my laundry when someone else in here.

  Oh I see. Well I’m almost finished if you want to go and get your load.

  No thank you, I’ll just wait until tomorrow, I’m a little tired anyway. Hey do you know Cassy? Does she ever come down here to do her laundry?

  Sure all the time, Pit lied. Why you ask?

  I heard about her on Campus, they told me she tutors on the side and I was hoping to catch her and talk to her. Linda’s lie was growing and so was Pit’s patience.

  Pit left her laundry and walked over to where Linda was standing at the door. Look Linda, I know Cassy very well and I think I know you. So I’m going to give you a bit of advice.

  Linda turned to walk away but Pit latched on to her arm like the Pit Bull

  She’s named after.

  When I heard you were asking around campus about Cassy’s schedule I got suspicious
and started following you. You have been stalking my friend, Linda, and I personally don’t like it. Cassy is a very nice young lady who have never said anything bad about anybody even you, who tried to throw acid in her face.

  Now this is what I’m going to do. I’m going to give you the opportunity to stay the hell away from Cassy. If you choose not to, the Student Board of Ethics I’m sure would be more than happy to receive that tid bit of information.

  Oh what the hell you might as well know all of it.

  I have spies on Campus Linda, and they have agreed to make you their number one priority. Do you understand what that means? You have just become a very popular person.

  Now Cassy did the right thing reporting the attack, now you do the right thing and face your consequences.

  Love your shoes where did you get them. Pit smiled as she released Linda arm and watched her dash away.

  Lord the things I do for Cassy, Pit laughed as she continued folding their clothes. That was fun. Laughing to herself, Pit was especially proud of the lie about the spies. That should keep her in check for two weeks.

  Ms. Eevan hoped Cassy would be home form classes and thought it a good idea to give her a visit also since she was in the building. Room 105 was not too hard to find she had to pass Cassy’s room to go upstairs to Linda’s.

  Cassy did not answer the door when Ms. Eevan fist knock. Ms. Eevan had not used the security knock her friends at the dorm used for clearance.

  Who is it? Cassy inquired at the door.

  Ms. Eevan, Jack’s councilor and therapist.

  Cassy heard about Ms. Eevan and open the door for her to come in.

  I hope the apartment is clean. You see I’m blind and I have a roommate that lies. Could you please look around and tell me if the room is neat and pretty?

  Honestly? Tell your roommate to get some yellow curtains it will match both your bed coverings better and if you really want to get her goat tell her you know about the clothes under her bed. Other than that the room look great.

  Thank you Ms. Eevan, I’ll have fun with that bit of information you gave me.

  Now why the Visit? As if I have to ask.

  I understand you reported the attack on you and Jack. Which by the way was the correct thing to do.


  There’s always a, but, Cassy said as she felt for a chair to sit in.

  Before Ms. Eevan could continue, Pit came in the room with a laundry basket of clothes.

  Cassy? Did you open the door without the security knock?

  No she did not, Ms. Eevan answer for Cassy. As a matter of fact she asked for my ID to prove that I was who I said I was.

  Now you lying, laugh pit. Is your ID in brail?

  No, answered Ms. Eevan also laughing at her lie.

  Now I know you’re lying. Do I need to leave so the two of you can talk?

  Ms. Eevan? Cassy asked. Will this be a private conversation?

  I’m not sure, does she know about Linda?

  Do I? I just had a little talk with her in the laundry room. It seems she was looking for you.

  For me? Why?

  She lied and said she needed you to tutor her.

  Ladies, do you mind if I start from the beginning?

  I wish someone would, Cassy admitted confused.

  Something happened when Linda was a little girl to make her consult with her mirror. It’s like an imaginary friend. I’m told she has held full conversation with her mirror since she was very small. Now with that said let me speed forward.

  Linda was taught by her mother that beauty on the outside, that is, is all that matters. She has had difficulty in all of her schools with other students, which bring me up to date.

  Linda could not understand why she was not popular and Jack was. She devised a plan to ruin his popularity by ruining his face. But it backfired on her and most of what she was going to use on him splashed in her face instead.

  Jack took it upon himself to find out who had attacked you and him and found it to be Linda. Because they went to high school together he knew a little of her history and her vanity. When you help him up the stairs that day it went to Linda’s room to rescue her from death.

  So that’s what that odor was, we couldn’t figure that out to save our lives, Pit interrupted.

  Instead of taking her to the hospital like he should have he took her to his apartment and had his doctor, Ant and his crew, the Dean and I care for her until she recovered.

  It was realized that the formula she had intended on throwing in Jack’s face was the correct formula for burn victims but the way she had mix it was much too strong for living tissue.

  Jack did not tell you because… ok here it is, he in love with you and didn’t want you to worry.

  I told you! Pit interrupted again. I told you the man liked you.

  Ms. Eevan waited until she was sure Pit was finished with her own accolades.

  You see Jack wanted to spare her humiliation and arrange for all her assignment be sent to the Dean and the Dean got it to Jack….well you see the picture. Now Jack do not know I’m talking to you. And if you tell him I said he was in love with you I will lie and take it to my grave saying I never told you that.

  This time Cassy laughed along with Ms, Eevan and Pit.

  I believe Jack and Ant will tell the truth even if he do not graduate Summa Cum Laude.

  What? Jack is up for that honor.

  Of course, did you expect anything less?

  With honors yes, but Summa Cum Laude? Wow, Cassy said with amazement.

  Cassy please believe me, I did not come here to change your mind or sway you in any way. I just thought you should know the whole picture before the hearing so some question will not need to be asked.

  Jack will tell the truth and so will everyone else. But Linda, we have to find a way to make her consequences not so devastating that she revert back to talking with her imaginary friend.

  Is Jack coming to pick you up today Cassy?

  Like clockwork every day to and from the library and Fridays to and from the radio station, interrupted Pit for the third time.

  You know I hate you, Cassy told Pit.

  No you don’t

  Yes I do, really, I do, you, are a pain in the butt.

  Ms, Eevan laughed at the two of them and excused herself from the room.

  Leaving the girl’s dorm, Ms. Eevan watched Jack wheel up in his Jack-Mobile as if he was driving a BMW. At the bottom of the steps Ms. Eevan greeted Jack with smiles.

  Well, where are you off to looking all spiffy with the Jack-Mobile waxed and shinning?

  Thought I treat Cassy to a quick snack in the park before she has to go to the radio station.

  Yeah, right, with a picnic basket, and do I smell fried chicken in that basket?

  Yes why?

  Ms. Eevan did not answer Jack question. She simply open the picnic basket pull out her choice piece of fried chicken and said, you’ll thank me later, then continued to her car to return to her office.

  Pit looked out the window of her room and told Cassy Jack was downstairs talking with Ms. Eevan.

  Did you know Cassy that Jack is downstairs waiting for you every Friday at the same time? But this time he has a picnic basket.

  Let me see Cassy teased Pit.

  Get downstairs and enjoy the man, you know he’s waiting for you, Pit told Cassy as she grabbed her arm, put Cassy’s lead cane in her hand then pushed her out the door and locked the door behind her.

  Cassy heard the click of the lock and smiled as she walked away to meet Jack downstairs. I love my aggravating friend, and she’s such a pain in the butt.

  Hey Cassy!


  Jack grabbed Cassy hand and put it on the picnic basket, you game he asked?

  Sure where to?

  How about the park, some place quiet so we can talk.

  Sound perfect, I’ve got three hours before I due at the radio station.

  Cassy felt her way onto the rider’s bench Jack
had designed, held on to the grips and off they sped to the park. Cassy loved the speed in which Jack drove her. He always made sure she had a good time whenever they were together.

  At the park Jack asked Cassy to hold on to one end of the blanket and start to walk backwards until she felt the blanket restrict her movement. Now let’s place the blanket on the ground.

  Hey! Dino! Jack called to one of the football players he tutored. Can you come over here for a second?

  Sure, what’s up man?

  Can you please help me out of the Jack-Mobile and onto the blanket?

  Is that all? No problem man. Dino lifted Jack so easily and place him on the blanket near where Cassy was still waiting for Jack.s instruction.

  Thanks man, now can you grab that picnic basket for me.

  Sure, it’s about time you two got together. See you later Jack, Cassy.

  Thanks again Dino.

  Jack reached up and held Cassy’s hand gently and lead her to a spot on the blanket close but not too close to be perceived as presumptuous.

  Thanks Jack.

  You are more than welcome.

  What’s in the basket, it smell delicious. Wait don’t tell me let me guess.

  Okay, let me see, Cassy said laughing at her own joke. Fried chicken, and something with pickles, mayo okay potatoes salad.

  Right so far, keep going, Jack held up to Cassy’s nose another item.

  It’s a fruit, I can smell the sugar grapes.

  Yes! Jack shouted impressed. Next

  Strawberries, olives and roses?

  The roses is for you, I mean all of this is for you, well not all of it, I mean we will have to share the food but the roses…

  Stop Jack you’re starting to sound like a high school kid.

  When I’m around you I feel like a high school kid, and I love it.

  Jack if you enjoy being around me so much why have you never asked me out?


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