Supernatural Enemies

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Supernatural Enemies Page 6

by Charlotte Summers

  Percy growls and trots to the van, we all turn away as he shifts to the open the door.

  “Shift, we are leaving” Percy shakes his head.

  I close my eyes and wait for my body to shift into human form. I sense Reece next to me and I open one eye to see him laying clothes on the ground for me.

  I shiver as my fur leaves me and I quickly pull on the clothes. I jump into the van as Percy starts it up. He waits until everyone is in before putting the van into drive and pulling away from the almost ruined house.

  I bristle as the van speeds around a corner onto the main road.

  “We are going home, Ellie needs us there,” Percy says looking in the mirror.

  “What’s wrong?” Nat asks and I see her frown.

  “Hunters found the packs but they are not attacking so we need to go back and chase them away before moving again,” Percy says.

  “We have to move again?” I cringe at Nat’s raising voice.

  “Yes, it keeps us safe” Percy looks at her through the mirror.

  “I’m so sick of this, when can we just live like we used too” Nat growls, slumping in her chair.

  “Once we end this war, hunters have always been attacking us but we managed to stay hidden. The vampires changed that, they can track us” Percy frowns.

  “So we need to take out all the vampires?” I ask, my mind reeling.

  “I don’t think we will be able to, the hunters made so many of them that they actually outnumber us” Percy replies.

  “What if we could find a way to track them like they can with us?” I say, an idea forming in my mind.

  “Go on” Percy glances at me through the mirror before looking back at the road.

  “Reece and I could maybe track them, we are part vampire after all. What if we used the vampire side to find the vampires and pick them off one by one?” I say, Reece grins at me and I relax slightly.

  “It could work but can you track them?” Percy raises an eyebrow.

  I close my eyes and pull up the vampire side within me, the wolf moves aside and I feel my fangs poke through my lips.

  I focus on my vampire side, how it feels and how everything is different from the wolf. The way I move, talk and think.

  In my mind I find a link to the vampires and I grin, all vampires were created for one thing; the death of the werewolf race, however, I tap into the link and I gasp as a mental map shows me where the vampires are.

  I frown when I see four vampires following us. I let go of the link and my mind snaps back to the present.

  “We have four on our tail,” I say, my head starts to pound and I huff.

  The van slows down and I frown at Percy who jumps out. I shiver as I feel the vampires getting closer.

  “They are nearly on us” I mutter, climbing out of the van. Reece pats my shoulder and I feel the vampire side in him.

  “It’s like a floodgate” I shake my head.

  “I know, I can feel it too” Reece replies.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Let’s get them” Nat growls and I narrow my eyes at her, she is different from when I first met her.

  I hiss as the vampires come into view, Reece jumps at one while dodging a hit from another.

  My fangs snap shut inches from the vampire's arm and he hisses at me. I feel for the knife I hid in my belt as a vampire knocks me into a tree.

  I cry out as his fangs sink into my skin, I grab the knife and shove it deep into the vampire's neck. I jump away from the body and my dinner starts to come up.

  “Jax!” My head jerks up at Maddie’s cry. I snarl and I feel the wolf and vampire becoming one again.

  “Not this again” I mutter before my body half-shifts. My fur bursts from my skin as my ears travel high onto my head, my legs grow into canine limbs but my arms stay human.

  I roar and charge at the vampire who tries to bite my mate. I swipe my massive claws at the vampire and he screams as he is thrown into a tree. I hear Reece snarl and I chuckle when I see him in the same form as me.

  The last vampire goes down and I sigh in relief, I let my eyes close and I shift into my wolf form.

  The vampire side of me retreats back into my mind and I shake myself free from the strange feeling of my other form.

  “With you two we might just be able to take out the vampires” Percy laughs and I nod at him, I see Reece having trouble shifting and I nudge Nat towards him. She hugs him and I see him shifting to wolf form.

  “It would be good if you could just shift back into your human form” Jake laughs and I roll my eyes at him.

  Percy hands me some clothes and I quickly shift into my human form. Reece does the same and I pat his shoulder on the way back to the van.

  “So we just going to drive around and find vampires then?” Nat chuckles.

  “I’m not sure” I reply.

  “We need to go home first and make sure the packs are okay, maybe get some more wolves to help” Percy sighs and I frown as I realise the wolves who rescued us are not here.

  “What happened to the others?” I ask.

  “Hunters got them as we were breaking into the labs again” Percy shakes his head and I look out the window. How many others are going to die just because the hunters think we need to die? I wonder to myself about how the hunters and werewolf war started.

  The journey back to the packs home goes slowly, everyone is wrapped up in their minds.

  Maddie curls into my side and I sigh into her hair, my head lays on hers and I feel myself heading into the dream world.

  “Jax?” I jerk my head up, careful not to disturb Maddie. I look at Percy who watches me.

  “What’s up?” I ask as I notice the rest of my friend are sleep.

  “You are worthy to lead a pack, I need your help. My best friend was killed two days ago and his pack needs a leader, will you take the pack in?” Percy says and I frown.

  “I’m not an alpha, how would that even work?” I reply.

  “You are an alpha, you might not know it but I see the alpha fight within you” Percy’s eyes plead with me.

  “I’ll do my best” I nod to him and he sighs in relief.

  “I trust you” Percy whispers so low that I almost didn’t catch it.

  I frown as we go silent, why does he trust me to run a pack? I shake my head before leaning it again the window and staring outside.

  “You’ll do just fine” Maddie mumbles into my ear and I kiss her head.

  “With you, by my side, we can do anything” I reply and she giggles.

  Day turns to night and I cringe at being sat for so long, Percy slows the van down and my eyes light up.

  “We still have a while to go but I thought we should get something to eat,” Percy says and I slump in my seat, I just want to get there.

  “Food sounds great” Jake chuckles and I nod in agreement. Maybe we will not run into any trouble here.

  I jump out of the van and stretch my body, I cringe as aches light up within me.

  I follow behind Percy as we enter a cafe, no-one pays us any attention and I sigh in relief.

  Percy motions for us to sit down and I slide into a booth, Maddie sits next to me while Nat sits next to her. Jake, Ivan and Reece sit opposite us and Percy will sit at the head of the table.

  I see Percy point to nearly everything on the menu and I chuckle, who cares what we are eating I think to myself and I sigh as the wolf agrees.

  Percy sits down and I stare at the table. No one talks and I shuffle as it becomes awkward.

  “So what’s the plan” Nat speaks up and I run my neck.

  “Jax is going to lead Frath’s pack and I’m going to help him learn about being an alpha” Percy replies and Nat smiles at me.

  “Welcome to alpha hood” She laughs while patting me on the shoulder.

  “Thanks, I guess” I grin.

  The food comes and we jump in, by the time we have finished nothing is left and I chuckle as the staff stare at us all. No one should be able to eat as much
as we just have.

  Percy pays and we run out as fast as we can. I sense a vampire and I turn to warn them when Reece blurs out of sight.

  “All taken care of, let’s go” He grins. I shake my head at him as I get in the van.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “Jax wake up” I feel someone shaking me and I frown as my eyes open, I don’t remember falling asleep.

  I realise the van has come to a stop and I look out of the window. My jaw drops as I see two mansions side by side.

  “It’s not as good as our last home but the pack have been doing the houses up” Nat sighs and I see longing in her eyes.

  “It’s great” I reply.

  A pack of twenty werewolves pace near us and I gulp, this must be the pack I’m going to try and lead.

  Percy squeezes my shoulder and I nod to him before getting out. Heads jerk towards me and I hear growls from them.

  “Maybe this is a bad idea” I whisper but Percy shakes his head. I follow Percy, my stomach doing flips as I approach the pack.

  “This is our new leader! You have got to be crazy!” One says and I narrow my eyes, the wolf within tells us to shout him out.

  “Follow your wolf” Percy looks at me and my eyes widen.

  “You may not like this but it is what has to happen, the pack needs a leader and Percy has entrusted your care to me,” I say, confidence I don't feel laced in my words.

  “You are no alpha, I could best you in a heartbeat” The one who has taken a disliking to me snarls and I shiver from the challenge.

  “Come at me I will show you just why Percy wants me to be your leader” I snarl, I see Percy nod from the corner of my eye.

  I quickly strip my clothes, not wanting to ruin another set. A silence fills the grounds as werewolves form a ring around us. I see Nat standing with an older version of herself and I figure that she is her mother. Jake nods at me while Reece looks like he wants to step in.

  Maddie kisses my hand before going to stand with Percy.

  “This fight is to the death” Percy mutters and I nod, the wolf within me won’t let this person win anyway.

  I let the shift happen, my fur bursts from my skin as my muzzle elongates. My ears travel higher onto my head and my bones break and reform.

  The shift takes less than ten seconds and I wait for the other wolf to shift.

  He snarls at me and charges as soon as he shifts. I sidestep his attack and jump onto his back, my teeth snap down on his neck and I jump off him. He whines as I let him go.

  I don’t want to win that easily, I want everyone to see I’m not to be messed with.

  I snap at him and he realises what I’m wanting from him. He leaps at me and I duck him, I turn and snap at his belly. He howls in pain as my teeth slice his soft underbelly.

  He lands and spins around, I stalk towards him with my lips turned upwards.

  He jumps at me again and I meet his attack, we collide and raise from the ground onto our hind legs. I try to blind him while he goes for my ears.

  We snap and snarl at each other and I find myself growing bored with the fight. I leap away from him and shove him to the ground, he whines at me as I clamp down on his throat. The wolf within me demands I end his life, however, I remind myself that too many people have died already and this person doesn’t need to die.

  I squeeze his throat and snarl, he holds deadly still and I let go of him. I shift back to human form.

  “Let this be a lesson to you” I start as I stare at my new pack.

  “We have already lost too many people, this is a warning. Anyone try something like this again and I will do as my wolf tells me however right now this man lives” I say before turning to the wolf who watches me wearily.

  “I know that these fights lead to death but I’m willing to give you a chance, do something like this again I’ll rip your throat out without a second thought. You got that?” I snarl and he nods wildly.

  Percy claps and I frown at him. He chuckles and motions me over to the waiting pack.

  “That is how I know you are going to be a great leader” Percy smiles.

  “Sir we need to go for a run to complete the new pack bond” One werewolf steps forward and I frown.

  “My name is Jax” I reply.

  “It will take me awhile to get to know all your names however give me time to learn the ropes” I smile at the pack.

  I nod to the pack before shifting quickly. I wait for them to shift before darting off into the woods. Two wolves flank my sides while the others fall in behind us. I feel a bond being created as we run.

  I skip to a stop and turn to the pack who all sit. I lift my muzzle to the sky and howl as my wolf demands. I let out all the emotions over the last few weeks, the pain and fear as well as the happiness I have now found.

  The pack howl with me and I feel the pack bond complete itself.

  I tilt my head and bark at the pack who jump up and race back towards the houses. I bounce around, letting all human thoughts disappear.

  Once we burst into the clearing I bark and we split up to get our clothes. I let the shift happen quickly and when I’m in my human form I place a hand on my head to stop the spinning of a quick shift.

  “Let’s all get some sleep” Percy smiles at me and I nod at him, my weary body wanting nothing more than to collapse in bed and sleep for weeks.

  “Tomorrow we will start getting to know each other,” I say to the pack who disperse.

  I follow Percy into a room and he points to a bedroom.

  “Thanks, Percy” I grin and he nods.

  Maddie skips to my side and I kiss her soundly. I wrap my arm around her and shut the door behind us. She kisses me and I grin.

  “Goodnight,” She says.

  “Goodnight Mads” I mutter before falling onto the bed and letting the dream world take me.

  Chapter Twenty

  A howl has me jerking out of sleep, I shoot up with a growl. Maddie jumps to my side and I push her behind me. She laughs at me and I frown.

  “Nat told me that the howl is an alarm, telling us to get up” She smirks and I sigh.

  “What a way to be woken up” I mutter before pulling the door open.

  “Jax!” I hear Percy shout and I follow his scent into a living room.

  “What’s up?” I yawn, rubbing my eyes free of the sleep.

  “You and your pack will go south along with Nat, Jake, Reece and Ivan. Ellie’s pack will go north and my pack will split up and take west and east” He says and I nod.

  I realise he wants me to pinpoint the vampires on a map for him and I yawn as I link with the vampire side of me.

  “Did you really need to wake us like that?” I ask as I scan my mental map.

  “Yes,” He shrugs.

  I grab a hand full of pins and place them on the real map, I see Percy frown slightly before nodding to some others in the room.

  “We meet back here in two days” Percy narrows his eyes at me.

  “Got it” I nod and walk from the room.

  I grin as I see my pack and Nat ready and waiting. She points to the others and I see Jake driving another van into view.

  “We need a few of them so I was thinking you and Jake in one, Me and Ivan in another and Reece and Maddie in the last. Your pack will be split in the vans” Nat says and I grin at her, that's perfect.

  “Yeah, Reece and I can track the vampires and you have a link to Reece,” I say while nodding. I jump in the van and grin at Jake who rolls his eyes at me.

  “So we just drive around and see what we find?” Jake asks and I nod.

  “It’s the only thing I can think of. I can feel when a vampire is near though” I reply.

  Jake nods and pulls away from the pack land. I sigh as we drive around for hours with no vampires been killed or even tracked.

  “This is pointless” I roll my eyes.

  “I’m going to pull over,” Jake says and I nod, being in a van for hours is starting to make me want to walk.

  My ph
one rings and I see Percy's name before I answer.

  “What’s up?” I ask.

  “There are no vampires at the locations you said” Percy replies and I rub my eyes.

  “I haven't been able to pick up any either. I have an idea of what is happening though” I grit my teeth, Gath knows I will be able to track them so he must have the vampires all in one place.

  “The war is kicking up a notch?” Percy says.

  “Yes, Gath must have them all in one place. He is nearly ready for war but are we?” I ask, fear churning in my stomach.

  I glance at the road and nearly scream.

  “Jake look out!” I point to the middle of the road and Jake slams the breaks on. I growl as my seat belt cuts into my skin.

  “I gotta go,” I say to Percy before jumping out of the van.

  I tilt my head and snarl at the lone vampire who grins at me. His black wavy hair reminds me of someone and I frown.

  “Well, brother it’s nice to see you again,” The vampire says and a wall of memories slam into my mind.

  “How are you still alive?” I ask, my head spinning with emotions.

  “No thanks to you” The vampire snarls and I take a step back.

  “You know I didn’t mean for that to happen” I reply.

  “You set the damn fire” He replies and I sigh, that is true.

  “Dan let’s work this out, I didn't mean to kill anyone” I rub my neck.

  Dan shakes his head and lunges at me, I cry out as he grabs me and throws me again the van.

  I see Reece about to help but I shake my head. This fight is between us.

  I shove Dan away from me and snarl, if he wants a fight I’ll give him one.

  “You are no brother of mine,” I say, my heart shatters as I do however I know that he will kill me if I don’t kill him first and he is my only family left.

  “Glad we agree” Dan sneers and I punch him in the face. He flies away from me.

  “Until next time, when you are hard enough” Dan chuckles before blurring away and I frown, I should go after him.

  “Just leave it, he will be back and you can sort it then” Jake places his hand on my shoulder.


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