Love & Grace

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by J J Loraine

  Love & Grace

  The Cage Family’s Fortune Book 1

  An Alpha Man and Curvy Woman Romance

  J.J. Loraine

  Copyright © 2019 J.J. Loraine

  All rights reserved.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One: Hunter

  Chapter Two: Grace

  Chapter Three: Hunter

  Chapter Four: Grace

  Chapter Five: Hunter

  Chapter Six: Grace

  Chapter Seven: Hunter

  Chapter Eight: Grace

  Chapter Nine: Hunter

  Chapter Ten: Grace

  Chapter Eleven: Hunter

  Chapter Twelve: Grace

  Chapter Thirteen: Hunter

  Other Titles by J.J. Loraine



  I can’t help but feel a little guilty.

  Today is the biggest day in my little brother, Jayden’s life – the day he fulfills his wildest dreams and gets drafted by an NFL team – and yet, I can’t concentrate on anyone but the beautiful, curvy waitress serving my table.

  My family has rented out a grand hall in a luxurious hotel for this momentous occasion. Many other athletes in today’s draft – especially the ones as good as Jayden -- will go on to sign contracts that will change the course of their family’s fortunes forever.

  Jayden, on the other hand, will be taking a significant pay cut in order to pursue his dream job.

  That’s because Jayden, our sister Lily and I are from the Cage family, one of the wealthiest in North America.

  At best, Jayden will make 100 or so million in his career. I might make that this year alone.

  Jayden could easily join me – in fact, I would rather him join me. I don’t like the idea of him putting his body at such risk for so little money. I learned long ago, though, that he’s far too stubborn for me to do anything about it.

  I guess he takes after me in that way.

  Once he decided that he was going to be a football player, there was no changing his mind. He quickly became one of the best college quarterbacks in the country, and now he has a chance at becoming a legend.

  For months, all I could think about was this day – about supporting my little brother as he realizes his dreams -- but now, all I can think about is the curvy waitress who just poured my drink.

  She’s become part of my dreams.

  Even though I’m the oldest one of my siblings, I’m not that old. Still, I’ve already accomplished so much in my young life that I sometimes catch myself wondering if there’s anything more for me. Where can I go from the top?

  In that way, I’m sort of envious of Jayden. He has so much potential before him, not just financially, but professionally and socially as well. He’s well on his way to being a national celebrity and has as good a shot as any at becoming a hall of famer.

  His upward mobility is limitless, while I’m already feeling like I’ve leveled out at the top of my own game.

  All that has suddenly changed, though.

  Did her name tag say Grace?

  What a beautiful name... She could be my saving grace.

  If there’s one field I have yet to conquer, it’s that of love. My siblings and I were raised to be cautious of others, especially those who professed romantic interest in us.

  Not a day goes by that I don’t hear my mother’s words ringing in my ears.

  Does she like you for you or for your money? she’d ask, every time I’d reveal that I had a new girlfriend.

  It sounds harsh, but those are the realities of being so rich. You have to be guarded, because you never really know where people’s true intentions lie.

  Truth is, my mother was right. Upon closer inspection, most of, if not all of my past relationships ended up with me being taken advantage of in some form or another. I consider myself sly, but I just seem to lose all of my senses when it comes to women.

  I just want someone to settle down and start a family with. No more of these skinny, high-society bimbos. I want the same kind of meat on my forever-girl that Grace carries with her through the crowded hall.

  Her big ass sways in the most captivating motions. My mouth waters for her.

  Did I catch a glimmer of interest in her eyes?

  There’s only one way to find out.

  I stand up from my seat and push my way through the crowd.



  That guy was so hot.

  His steely blue eyes burned holes in my heart and near flooded my panties. I had to get out of there ASAP, before I jumped onto his lap and made a wish.

  All I want is him.

  I wonder if he’s related to the football player this party is for?

  He kind of looks like a slightly older, taller version of Jayden Cage. In fact, I think the man I just served is even more handsome than the young football star.

  I nearly overflowed his glass with water, I was so distracted by his chiseled jaw line and beefy, exposed forearms.

  The blush is finally flushing from my face as I get back to the kitchen to refill my pitcher.

  The place is a madhouse. Everybody is rushing by, eager to get the next course out onto the floor. I busy myself at the cooler and daydream of the handsome stranger at table 4a.

  Suddenly, my blissful reverie is interrupted by a familiar voice.

  “Up at ‘em, sis,” I hear, just before I feel a playful slap on my rosy cheek.

  I turn around to see my twin sister, Lucy, walking by. She has a big, energetic smile on her face.

  She’s such a firecracker, always has been. I love her, but sometimes I just need some peace and quiet to daydream about hunky guys.

  “What are you doing back here? Aren’t you supposed to be out on the floor?” I tease.

  “I could ask the same of you,” she snaps back, instantly.

  We both giggle. There’s never a dull moment when we’re pitching in at our mom’s catering company.

  Lucy fills her plate back up with appetizers and I finish filling up my pitcher. Before we head back out into the hall, though, we stop for a quick gossip catch up. It’s pretty much tradition by now.

  “Anything interesting?” I ask.

  I want to tell her that I caught some hunky guy giving me the eye just now, but I’ll let her go first.

  “Yeah,” whispers Lucy. She squints her eyes and looks around the room, suspiciously, like she’s about to reveal state secrets and she has to make sure the coast is clear. “I think that stud Jayden Cage has a thing for our girl Annie.”

  I nearly drop my pitcher, I’m so shocked.

  “Our Annie!?” I ask, incredulously.

  Lucy smiles, mischievously and nods.

  “THE Jayden Cage!?” I ask.

  Lucy just giggles and nods again.

  “No way! Has she talked to him!?” I ask.

  Lucy purses her lips and rolls her eyes. “Not yet. You know Annie, she’s so shy. But I can tell there’s definitely something between them. Jayden won’t take his eyes off of her.”

  “What are you going to do!?” I ask, with my mouth agape. “You have to do something, right? Annie can’t just let a man like that slide out of her grip...”

  I recognize the sly smirk on Lucy’s face. “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure something happens.”

  She winks at me and struts out of the kitchen, back into the crowded hall.

  I just stand there, in shock.

  Wow, Annie could bag herself a real treat if she plays this right! Or rather, if Lucy plays this right. Lucy has always been Annie’s unofficial wing-woman since they first met in high school. My sister has no problem with getting down and dirty, whereas Annie’s shy and insecure almost to a fault.

  The three of us are all big, curvy gi
rls, and we all deal with that in our own ways.

  I’m more confident than Annie, but nowhere near the level of Lucy. I admire my sister in many ways, but the way she handles her voluptuous figure is something I aspire to more than anything else. She consistently snags guys I would have thought we’re way out of our league, just out of pure charisma and sexual energy alone.

  I should have asked for her advice on my sexy stranger...

  I sigh and get ready to head back out into the noise, but before I can even take another step, the doors to the kitchen fly open and my mystery man barges in.

  He looks around before our eyes finally meet. The intensity of his beautiful gaze makes me weak.

  The pitcher in my hand slowly slips through my limp fingers until it finally falls and crashes onto the tiles below.

  I barely notice, my mind is so focused on the approaching hunk.



  She barely even flinches when the pitcher she was holding shatters on the floor around her feet.

  Oh God, I hope I didn’t scare her, barging in like this.

  I jog over to her, ready to help, but she doesn’t seem to notice the broken glass.

  “Are you alright?” I ask. I instinctively grab a hold of her limp forearm. The touch of her warm, soft skin, gives me goosebumps.

  She nods, daintily, but doesn’t say a word.

  My heart starts beating faster and my custom-tailored dress pants go tight. I struggle to think of something to say. This is so unlike me, I’m usually the first one with a witty line or a charming introduction.

  Grace finally blinks herself out of whatever daze she was in.

  “Yeah... Yeah, I’m fine,” she says, gazing deep into my eyes. I have an irresistible urge to kiss her.

  Not so fast, Hunter! You’ve barely even met this girl. She doesn’t even know your name! Slow your horses.

  My mother’s word ring in my ears.

  I study Grace’s eyes for hints of an ulterior motive. I don’t see any. All I can find is pure, sweet, unadulterated attraction.

  She bites her lip and that’s all the signal I need.

  I tower over the small, voluptuous woman, but I lean down and press my lips against hers.

  There’s a terrifying moment where she doesn’t kiss me back, but that’s soon replaced by pure bliss, as her plump lips slide over mine in intimate ecstasy.

  She pushes herself into me and I can feel her soft curves squish against my hard body. My manhood is nearly tearing my expensive pants apart. I grab her around the waist and press into her. She sighs and her hot breath wafts into my mouth.

  Our tongues wander out to meet.

  Before we can get any further, though, someone drops a pan in the adjacent kitchen and the sound breaks us out of our passionate embrace.

  She pulls back, slightly, but I hold her close, looking down on her sweet face from above. She stares up at me with pure, sweet, glimmering eyes.

  She smells like vanilla and fresh rain. I sniff in her scent and get ready to dive in for more. Suddenly, someone swears loudly from behind.

  “Why the hell is there glass on the ground!?” I hear.

  Our little moment is gone.

  My mystery woman’s rosy cheeks go red as she turns away from me and apologizes to the cook who stepped in her mess.

  She drops to her knees and begins to gather the shards. I lower myself to the ground and help her.

  “Oh, thank you,” she says, as I pick up pieces and put them in what’s left of the pitcher.

  “I’m Hunter, by the way,” I say, offering my hand to her.

  I just want to touch her again.

  Her flushed face goes even redder.

  “I’m Grace,” she finally responds. “You must think I’m such a... we just kissed and we didn’t even know each other’s names!”

  I can’t help but smile at how sweet and innocent she is.

  I point at her nametag. “If it’s any consolation, I already knew your name,” I smile.

  She giggles.

  Her laugh is intoxicating. I just want to pounce back onto her. I help her finish cleaning up first.

  When our little mess is finally cleared, we both stand up and face each other with a sexually tense awkwardness.

  I’m still semi-hard. My imagination is filled with things I want to do with her. I step towards her again.

  Suddenly, the kitchen door slams open. Grace peers around my broad shoulders and her eyes go wide with recognition.

  I turn around.

  Another waitress is bounding towards us. I barely even pay her any mind. I turn back to Grace.

  “I... I better get back to work,” says Grace. She’s barely able to look me in the eyes. Her gaze is almost glued to the floor.

  “Can I get your number?” I ask. I take out my phone and get ready to enter a new contact.

  “Are you sure?” she asks.

  She seems shocked that I would request such a thing. I don’t get it. We did just kiss, after all.

  I nod, “Of course. What time to you get off work? I’d like to take you out. I need to take you out,” I assure her.

  Grace just bites her lip and looks around me at her approaching friend. She grabs my phone and enters her details and then quickly hands it back.

  She looks up at me with her big, glimmering eyes and gives me a sweet little smile.

  “Only employees are allowed back here, sir. I’d be happy to answer your questions back in the hall.”

  I smile and turn, just as her friend walks up to us. I can barely even focus; her friend just looks like a blur as I smile politely in her general direction and slowly leave the kitchen.

  I feel amazing, like I’ve just met someone very special... like I’ve finally met my fated mate.

  I didn’t want to leave Grace, but I also didn’t want to get her fired for fraternizing with a customer.

  I travel on a cloud until I’m back in the hall. I don’t stray far from the kitchen door, though. I wait by the wall for my angel to enter back into my life.

  Next time I see her, I decide, I’ll make her mine for good.



  My heart is nearly beating out of my chest as I watch Hunter exit the kitchen.

  My mouth waters at his muscular ass, which is barely contained by his tight dress pants. The doors swing shut behind him and I’m finally released from the trance he had put me under.

  I notice I was barely breathing. All the pent-up air in my lungs rush out in one big breath.

  “Who’s that hunky piece of meat?” asks Lucy, licking her lips.

  “That’s Hunter,” I whisper, still trying to recover from the heat of our encounter.

  “Well, it looks like you two have something special going on, so I won’t get involved... but if you ever break his heart, I’ll be waiting right there to sweep him up!”

  I giggle and shake my head, trying to get my mind off of him.

  I need to get back to work.

  I’ve never felt this strongly about anyone before, though. My whole body feels attracted to him, like there’s a magnet inside of me that only wants to pull me back to him. The memory of his lips lingers in my mind. His musky, earthy scent still fills my nostrils.

  Lucy eyes me with a big smirk on her face, before shaking her head.

  “Damn, why is everyone falling in love today but me!?” she asks, only half-joking.

  “What do you mean?” I ask, slowly coming back down to earth.

  “First, I help introduce Annie to Jayden and then I come back to you with that guy!”

  She points off back towards the door.

  “Wait, what!?” I blurt out. “You introduced Annie to Jayden? How!?”

  “Oh, I have my ways,” giggles Lucy.

  She smirks, mischievously, and I can’t help but roll my eyes.

  I know that look; it means she did something naughty.

  “What did you do?” I ask, filled with curiosity.

only taps her nose and grins. “I’ll never tell,” she whispers. “But Annie and Jayden are really hitting it off... and that guy you were just with is even hotter! I can’t help but be a little jealous...”

  I just smile. “Oh, you. Would it make you feel better to know how many times I’ve been secretly jealous of your boyfriends?” I ask, playfully.

  “Why, yes, it would,” laughs Lucy.

  I join her with my own giggles as I pick up a new pitcher.

  “Better head back out to the floor, people have been asking for refills,” teases Lucy. “I’ve got to go grab some more appetizers. I’ll meet you out there.”

  I nod and give my twin sister a little shoulder bump as we go our separate ways.

  I’m nearly floating as I pass through the kitchen doors and enter back into the hall.

  I look out into the crowd, desperately searching for another glimpse of Hunter. I’m so focused on finding him, that I nearly jump out of my skin when I hear his deep, manly voice call out from behind me.

  “Hey,” he says.

  I flinch in surprise and the pitcher drops once again through my clumsy fingers. This time, though, Hunter’s ready for my clumsiness. He effortless steps forward and swoops up the container before it can hit the ground.

  “Won’t let that happen again,” he smiles, as he hands it back to me.

  I’m so embarrassed.

  This is no way to attract a guy. You’re supposed to be elegant and unflappable, Grace!

  I can’t help but think that it doesn’t matter, though. The look in Hunter’s eyes tells me all I need to know. It looks like he’s in love.

  I can’t help but feel the same way about him.



  All those years of catching Jayden’s passes to help him practice has really paid off.

  I barely even blinked, going after Grace’s pitcher.

  I hand it back to her, feeling extra chivalrous. She just smiles and giggles and thanks me.

  I happily follow her as she refills empty glasses throughout the hall.

  I can hardly even remember what we talk about the whole time. I’m so infatuated with her that just being in her presence occupies all of my focus.


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