Love & Grace

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Love & Grace Page 3

by J J Loraine

  Lily and Xander are the first to greet us.

  I give Lily a big hug. These last two months might have been the longest we’ve ever gone without seeing each other. I understand. Her and Xander have been busy making their own life together.

  “Hey, big brother,” she giggles, as she falls from my arms.

  “Hey, little sister,” I respond, instantly happy to be in the presence of my family again.

  Lily’s gaze turns to Grace.

  “Lily, this is Grace, my girlfriend. Grace, this is Lily, my sister,” I say.

  “Oh my god, I love your dress!” says Lily, clapping her hands together.

  I can see Grace blushing. “Thank you,” she responds. “I love yours too!”

  Lily giggles and takes Grace from my arm. She leads my stunning girlfriend from me, teasingly.

  “Let’s leave these boring men alone and go out back, I’ll introduce you to everyone!” she says, joyously.

  Grace looks back with joy in her eyes. The whole encounter makes me so happy.

  I knew they’d get along.

  Lily and Grace are two of the best people I know. It probably doesn’t hurt that they’re also both plus-sized girls.

  I watch them go for a bit before turning my attention to Xander.

  “Hey, buddy,” I say, as we shake hands. “How’s it going?”

  “Wonderfully busy,” he responds, with a smile. “Between starting a life with Lily and getting your brother’s first contract down in writing, I’ve never been so happy to have so little downtime.”

  We share a laugh.

  “I bet.” I chuckle.

  “Is Jayden here yet?” I ask.

  “He should be here any second, along with his date,” Xander responds. “I heard they’re getting pretty serious. I think it’s a good thing. He needs someone to ground him while he makes his foray into stardom. I’ve seen too many athletes have their careers get cut short because of bad relationships – who can you really trust once you get famous? -- but I think this Annie is a good girl. She’s friends with Grace, right?”

  I nod. “I’ve only heard good things.”

  We make our way back out to the front door and chat while we wait for Jayden and Annie to arrive.

  It’s not long before their stretch limo appears.

  I’m filled with such a powerful mixture of happiness and dread when I see my little brother step out.

  I love him unconditionally, but I know that we’re going to have to talk about his comments towards Grace back on draft night.

  I wonder if I can handle the truth?

  I forget about my worries for a moment as Jayden bounds up the steps for a hug.

  “Brother!” we both shout at the same time. We laugh and share a big hug. These two months have also been the longest we’ve ever gone without seeing one another.

  The whole thing feels like a big happy family reunion.

  Jayden and Xander’s greeting is more subdued. They’ve seen plenty of each other over the past two months while Xander’s been negotiation Jayden’s first contract. I imagine it’s been a little stressful. I hope he has a chance to unwind today. I don’t want to cause him any extra drama, but I have to ask him about Grace... if he doesn’t tell me first.

  I’m introduced to Annie. She’s wonderfully sweet, if a little shy.

  “I’ve heard so much about you from Grace. It’s really an honor!” I tell her, as we give each other a polite hug.

  “I’ve heard a lot about you too,” she blushes. “It’s so nice to officially meet you.”

  “Oh yeah, I guess we probably met at the drat party. My apologies if I seemed distracted,” I smile.

  “Oh no, don’t worry. Everyone was so polite and courteous.”

  We continue our conversation as we make our way to the backyard, where the rest of the guests have congregated.

  The back of the mansion opens up into a vast, lush courtyard that wouldn’t look out of place in a royal palace. Before we step back outside, though, I purposely slow down and hold Jayden back. He must sense that I have something important to ask him, because he tells Annie to go on ahead with Xander.

  We watch them join the chattering crowd from our place in the doorway.

  I spot Grace just as she spots me. She waves and I wave back.

  “Dude...” I hear Jayden say from beside me. My heart sinks, ready for the worst. “Is that the waitress I warned you about at my draft party?” he asks, befuddled.

  I nod and take a deep breath. “I don’t know why you were so down on her,” I say. “She’s the sweetest girl I’ve ever met, and the only girlfriend I’ve ever had who doesn’t seem to have an ulterior motive.”

  There’s a heavy pause between us. I don’t dare look at my brother. Instead, I keep my eyes transfixed on Grace. She looks so hot in her dress. It accentuates her curves perfectly, although, I’ll be the first to admit, she does looks best when she’s naked and in my bed.

  She seems to be having a great time, but I can feel a rain cloud forming over my head.

  “Are you sure about that?” Jayden finally says.

  I gather the courage to look him in the eyes. He has a look of concern on his face. There’s no malice or jealousy or any trace of anything negative. I trust him... but I’ve also come to trust Grace.

  “Do you know her?” I ask, fearing the response.

  Jayden shakes his head. “No, but she sure tried to change that at my draft party.”

  “What do you mean?” I ask.

  “Well...” Jayden looks back out towards Grace with a heavy heart, like he isn’t sure if he should even say what’s on his mind. He decides to tell me. “She tried to seduce me that night, before she got to you. I thought I told you... I’m pretty sure she’s a gold-digger.”

  I swear I can feel my heart shatter into a million different pieces.

  “She... she tried to sleep with you?” I mumble.

  Jayden just nods and puts his hand on my shoulder for comfort. “I’m sorry, bro...”

  Grace!? A gold-digger!? Am I so ignorant that I just couldn’t see it!? I still can’t see it. But I have no reason to believe my brother’s lying to me. Why would he?

  I feel broken. I just want to shrink away from the world and yell at the moon.

  I’ve been betrayed... again.

  I really thought I had met my one-and-only; the girl I was going to marry and spend the rest of my life with. She felt so special, but she was just playing me this whole time?

  I feel like such a fool.

  “I... I need to go,” I mumble.

  “No, you should stay. I’ll tell her to go,” says Jayden.

  I don’t even look at him as I turn back to the front of the house.

  I need to be alone. I feel angry and confused and utterly defeated.

  I call for my limo and ask the driver to take me the airport.

  I’m out of here.



  One Week Later...

  I haven’t left my sister’s house since I finally made my way back from Lily and Xander’s estate a week ago.

  I’m a complete wreck. The embarrassment of being kicked out of that lovely home by Jayden was enough to kill me. The silence from Hunter has only doubled my despair.

  I still have no idea what I did to deserve this. I was having such a great time when Jayden pulled aside and sternly asked me to leave.

  I asked where Hunter was and he said Hunter didn’t want to speak with me anymore and that he had gone.

  I got no explanation. I was just quietly escorted out of the property as I tried to hold back my tears. I finally burst out crying when I was put into a car and driven to the airport. I was given a coach plane ticket back home and then left alone.

  The hurt of being separated from the love of my life is quickly wearing me down. The stress from not knowing why is slowly driving me crazy.

  Lucy’s tried to calm me down, but it’s no use. I’m a mess.

  She’s called and te
xted Annie, but even she can’t seem to figure out why I was dumped so unceremoniously.

  Annie’s still in good graces with the family, it seems. So, why have I been cast aside?

  “I knew he was a prude, just like his brother...” says Lucy, as she tries to comfort me. I shrug off her words. I know she’s just being mean to them in kindness to me. “You know who I really feel bad for is Annie, she’s stuck with those freaks...”

  I can’t help but giggle a little through my tears.

  “There we go, girl. You’ll be alright. Here let me go make you some tea.”

  Lucy pats me on the back and heads to the kitchen at the back of her house. I lean back on the couch in her living room and stare up at the ceiling. My mind is almost numb, it’s been working so hard trying to figure out what went wrong. For the life of me, I can’t figure it out.

  I start to hear the kettle whining from the kitchen. It’s so loud that it’s making my already throbbing head pound even harder. I get up to go upstairs. As I pass the front door, though, I spot the shadow of a person step up from behind the stain glass at the top of the doorway.

  There’s a knock. It’s quiet and unsure at first, but soon becomes loud and clear.

  The kettle is whining at full volume now. I doubt Lucy can hear.

  Oh well, she’s been taking care of me this past week. The least I can do is answer the door for her. I take a deep breath and try to compose myself. I haven’t talked to anyone but my sister for the past few days.

  I wrap my sweaty hand around the cold door handle and pull it open.

  I nearly faint when I see who’s on the other side.

  It’s Hunter!

  He stands there, big and tall, like... well, like a hunter.

  He looks like he hasn’t slept in days. His shirt is untucked and stained and there are bags under his eyes. His usual stubble has grown into a short beard.

  He looks as sexy as ever.

  “... Hunter,” I whisper. “What are you doing here?”

  “I came for you. I... I can’t get you off my mind, Grace. I love you. I freaking love you so much. I don’t care what you did, as long as I can be with you.” He steps inside and his massive figure fills the door. The heat of his muscular body makes me tremble with lust.

  I fight back my physical attraction to him, though. I step backwards, away from him. I can’t help but be utterly offended at the insinuation that I did something wrong.

  I suddenly feel very angry at him for what he did to me.

  “What do you mean, ‘what I did’!” I shout at him. “I don’t know what I did to make you treat me so horribly, because you never told me what I did wrong. You just left me to be thrown out of your sister’s house like I was a common bag of trash. How dare you come here asking for me back after you left me, after you’ve cut off contact and offered me no explanation for your absence!” I cross my arms in defiance.

  He seems shocked at my decisiveness, but it doesn’t stop him. He steps forward again. He towers over me. I have the sudden urge to just melt into his chest and let him take me into his arms.

  The truth is, I still love him... but I’m so angry.

  “Come on, Grace... You can admit it. Jayden told me everything.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about...” I start before I’m interrupted.

  “What are you doing here!?” I hear Lucy shout from behind me.

  I quickly turn around and hold her back. Her wrath is twice as furious as mine. “How dare you show your face in my home, after what you’ve done to my sister!”

  I hold her back as she waves one of her slippers in her hand at him like it’s a weapon.

  I keep my weight pressed against Lucy, but turn around to face Hunter.

  He has the most puzzled look on his face. I’ve never seen anyone look so shocked before. His brows are furrowed and his gaze shoots back and forth between Lucy and I, like he’s trying to make sense of the utter chaos before him.

  “Maybe we should step outside,” I offer.

  Hunter shakes his head. “No, wait. This is your sister? Lucy?”

  I nod.

  He looks pensive.

  “I think there’s been a huge misunderstanding...”



  I feel a tinge of hope when I finally get it all through my thick head.

  “You never mentioned that you two looked so similar!” I nearly shout. I feel more energy coursing through my veins than I have in days.

  “Well, duh, we are identical twins,” spits Lucy.

  I look at Grace. “You never told me that you and Lucy were identical twins...”

  She considers my statement for a moment. “I guess you’re right,” she finally says.

  “You don’t think that’s kind of an important detail?” I chuckle. I almost don’t want to get to the bottom of this. I have such a sense of hope right now that I don’t even want to test my new theory, in case it’s only an illusion and I’m just as quickly cast back into despair.

  I love Grace, though. I have to know.

  “I guess I don’t even think about it like that anymore,” admits Grace. “Being identical is just another mundane fact about our livse... it never even occurred to me to tell you.”

  I turn my attention to Lucy. I take a deep breath and ask the question that could save Grace and I’s relationship.

  “Did you try to seduce my brother?” I ask.

  There’s a pause between the three of us, before I finally see Lucy’s eyes go wide with understanding.

  Her jaw nearly drops to the floor. She covers her gaping mouth with her hands.

  “Oh no,” she mutters. “Is this all my fault!?”

  Grace whips around and stares at her sister, completely confused. “What did you do!?” she asks.

  “I... I...” stumbles Lucy. “I swear it was all in good fun. I was just trying to give Annie an excuse to talk to Jayden!”

  “WHAT DID YOU DO!?” shouts Grace.

  “I... I pretended to hit on Jayden, that night at the draft party, so that Annie could apologize to him for my behaviour, and have an excuse to talk to him. I... I’ve done it before... it’s my go to wing-woman move!”

  I sigh a huge breath of relief.

  I knew it! I knew Grace was for real!

  Grace buries her head in her hand.

  “Jayden must have mistaken you for me,” she mumbles, before whipping her head back and shouting up to the ceiling. “He must think I’m such a gold-digging hussy! No wonder he was so stern with me at Lily’s!” Her cheeks go red with embarrassment. She turns to me, on the verge of tears. “Oh, Hunter,” she whispers.

  “Oh, Grace,” I whisper back.

  I step towards her and take her in my arms. Our lips meet and I can taste the salt of her tears. I want to drink her pain away. I wrap her soft, curvy body as tightly as I can. Our kiss burns with the passion of a thousand sun. My manhood, which had been tired and dormant for the past week, springs awake with all the power of a giant. Grace sighs into my mouth and her hot breath only invigorates me more.

  I feel Lucy slink around us.

  Grace and I pull away from each other just long enough to confess our feelings.

  “I love you so much, Grace,” I whisper to her.

  “I love you too, Hunter,” she whispers back.

  “Usually, I’d say go get a room,” interrupts Lucy, playfully, from behind us. She’s at the door. “But I guess I owe you one. So, I’m going to go out for a bit, you two love-birds have some fun... just stay away from my bedroom!”

  We all giggle and I pick Grace up from her thick ass. She wraps her plump thighs around my hard waist and we’re already half way up the stairs before the door closes behind Lucy and we’re all alone.

  Despite her voluptuous curves, Grace is as light as the most heavenly, white cloud. I carry her like she’s a feather. She kisses up and down my neck and rubs her hands under my shirt. She directs me to her guest bedroom and I throw her down onto
the mattress.

  She giggles through her flushed face as she bounces up and down on the sheets. I furiously start to undress.

  “We have some making up to do,” I growl at her.

  She starts to take off her own clothes.

  “I’m all yours, my love.”



  I quiver in anticipation as Hunter exposes his rippling body to me.

  His giant manhood pops free from his pants and points directly at me. I lick my lips and sit up to greet him.

  Oh, how I’ve missed you. It’s been far too long.

  I take him deep in my mouth; deeper than I’ve ever able been to before.

  Maybe it’s just because I’ve had a week’s rest, but my throat opens up for him like a perfect fit.

  I swirl my tongue around him until I feel the familiar twitching of him being overcome. Usually, I’d let him finish right now, inside of me, but we have a whole week’s worth of love making to make up for.

  I pull away and kiss him gently and then lay on my back and stare up to the ceiling.

  Hunter’s beard tickles the insides of my thighs as he makes his way to my soaking cherry.

  His thick, wet tongue swirls around my pearl and I shake in orgasmic relief. All of the stress of the past week washes away and I’m left with a feeling of pure warmth and satisfaction.

  “I missed your taste so much,” Hunter growls from between my legs.

  “Eat me up,” I whimper back, in the full throes of our passion.

  His beefy fingers and thick tongue invade me until I’m shaking with pleasure. I scream out to the heavens in gratitude... but Hunter isn’t done with me yet.

  He slowly crawls on top of me. I grab his big, sturdy forearms and quiver in ecstasy as he slips into me from below.

  “Oh my God, never leave me again,” he growls, as he thrusts away.

  “Only if you promise never to leave me,” I sigh back.

  My whines become wobbly as Hunter picks up speed. The sound of our skin slapping together fills the room until Hunter collapses on top of me. He rolls to two of us over, so that he’s on his back and I’m on top.

  I ride him with all my pent-up energy. His big hands cup my bared breasts. He squeezes and I feel completely consumed by his musky manliness. He moans like an earthquake below me. I can feel him throbbing like crazy inside of me. His girth expands and I shake wildly, overcome with an ecstatic orgasm. It doesn’t take long for Hunter to follow me.


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