The Butchering Art
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bone saws
Boott, Francis
Boston Medical and Surgical Journal
Boston Society for Medical Improvement
Boudet Prize
Bouillaud, Jean-Baptiste
Bowman, William
Boyle, Joseph
breast cancer, surgery for, see mastectomies
Bristol (England)
Britain; antiseptics accepted in; average male height in; in Crimean War; global mercantile power of; Lister’s return from America to; Medical Association of; medical innovations resisted in; poverty and squalor in; Regius Professorships in; regulation of toxic chemical sales in; transportation of convicted criminals to Australia from; vivisection in; see also England; Scotland; Wales
British Empire
British Medical Association
British Medical Journal
British Museum
Brontë, Charlotte
Brougham, Lord Henry
Brown, John
Bryan, Bridget
Buchanan, George
Budd, William
Burke, William
Burns, Robert
cadavers, dissection of, see dissections
Cadge, William
Calvert, Frederick Crace
Calvert’s Carbolic Tooth Paste
Cambridge, University of
Camden Town (London)
camera lucida
Cameron, Hector
Campbell, Neil
carbolic acid; American acceptance of use of; apparatus for spraying operating theater with; in cleaning and personal hygiene products; for compound fracture treatment; ligatures used with; opposition to use of; sewage works use of
Carbolic Smoke Ball
Carlill, Louisa
Carlisle (England)
Carpenter, William
chain saw, hand-cranked
Chappell, James
Charing Cross Hospital
chemicals, toxic, see toxic substances
chemistry; of anesthetics; of antiseptics; of contagion; microscopic analysis of; of putrefaction, Pasteur’s studies of
Cheyne, William Watson
childbed fever, see puerperal fever
Churchill, Frederick
Civil War, American
Clarke, Arthur C.
compound fractures
compound microscopes
Condy’s fluid
contagionism; theories opposing, see miasma; spontaneous generation doctrine
Contagiousness of Puerperal Fever, The (Holmes)
Cooper, Astley
Copenhagen (Denmark)
Cordus, Valerius
Corliss steam engines
corpses; animal; disposal of; preservation of; sources of; see also dissections
Crimean War
Crystal Palace (London)
Cunard shipping line
Cutler (surgeon)
Darwin, Charles
deadhouses, see dissection
dead tissue, removal from wounds of, see debridement of wounds
debridement of wounds
Declaration of Independence
Defoe, Daniel
dental surgeons
Derby, George
Dickens, Charles
diet; liquid
dissections; of animals; diseases spread from; of executed criminals; by medical students; microscopic study of tissue samples from; of murder victims
domestic abuse
dressers; surgical
Duddingston Loch (Scotland)
Duff, William
dust, illnesses caused by
Duverney, Joseph-Guichard
Eakins, Thomas
Edinburgh; crime in; Lister’s move to London from; Lister’s return from Glasgow to; population density in; Royal College of Surgeons in; Royal Society of; see also Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh; University of Edinburgh
Edinburgh Daily Review
Edinburgh Journal of Medical Science
Elliotson, John
Ellis, Andrew
Engels, Friedrich
England; boarding schools in; carbolic acid for sewage treatment in; cholera epidemic in; divorce in; domestic abuse in; Lister’s birthplace and family home in; maternal mortality in; Royal College of Surgeons of; see also London
Enon Chapel (London)
Episcopal Church of Scotland
Erichsen, John Eric; abdominal surgery by; gangrene epidemic of patients of; Lister’s residency under; miasma theory of infection supported by
erysipelas; prevention of
ether; Liston’s demonstration of efficacy of
Evenings at Home; or, The Juvenile Budget Opened
evolution, Darwin’s theory of
Exeter Flying Post
Faraday, Michael
Ferguson, William
“first intention,” wound healing by
forceps; sinus
Fothergillian Gold Medal
fractures; skull; see also compound fractures
Franco-Prussian War
French Revolution
Friends Meeting House (London)
Gairdner, William Tennant
Gamgee, Sampson
Gavarret, Jules
Gay, George
general anesthesia, see chloroform; ether
general practitioners
Gentle, Thomas
“gentleman physicians”
germ theory; resistance in medical community to
Gibson, William
Glasgow; crime and disease in; noise in; University of; workplace accidents in; see also Royal Infirmary of Glasgow
Glasgow Herald
Godlee, Rickman (Lister’s brother-in-law)
Godlee, Rickman John (Lister’s nephew)
Goldsmith, Oliver
Gordon, Alexander
grave robbers
Great Exhibition (London, 1851)
“Great Stink, The”
Greenlees, James
Gross, Samuel D.
Gross Clinic, The (Eakins)
Grove House boarding school
Guthrie, Douglas
Guthrie, George James
Guy, William Augustus
Guy’s Hospital (London)
Hair, Philip
Halle (Germany)
Hamilton, Frank
Hard, Addison Davis
Hare, William
Harper’s New Monthly Magazine
Harvard University
Henley, W. E.
HMS Saturn (ship)
Hodgkin, John
Hodgkin, Thomas
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
homeopathic medicine
Hooke, Robert
house surgeons: Lister’s; Erichsen’s; Syme’s
Hunter, William
Hutton, James
Ilfracombe (England)
Illustrated London News
industrial accidents
infant mortality
infections; bacterial; of compound fractures; dissections as source of; hospital; medical students susceptible; after surgery, see postoperative infections; venereal; see also inflammation; putrefaction; suppuration
inflammation; antiseptics to prevent and treat; of bowel, see peritonitis; Lister’s research on
internal medicine
International Medical Congress (London)
International Medical Congress (Philadelphia)
tional Red Cross
Ireland; immigrants from
Isle of Wight (England)
Islington (London)
Jack the Ripper
Jenner, William
Jennings, George
John Bull
Johnson, Steven
Johnson, William Henry
Johnson & Johnson
Jones, Wharton
Keen, William W.
Keith, Thomas
Kelly, Matthew
Kelvin, William Thomas, Lord
Kensal Green Cemetery (London)
Kidd, Captain
King, Charles Glen
King’s College (London); Hospital
Kinross (Scotland)
knives; amputation; criminal use of; dissecting; household injuries caused by; surgical
Knox, Robert
Koch, Robert
Kölliker, Albert von
Lambert, Jordan Wheat
Lamond, Henry
Lancet, The; calls for tests in London hospitals of Lister’s methods; criticism of Lister published in; Fothergillian Gold Medal competition announced in; Lister’s disinfection articles in; Liston’s obituary in; Syme’s obituary in; Syme’s report on carbolic acid treatment of compound fractures in
Larecy (painter)
Lawrence, Joseph Joshua
Lawrie, James
Leach, Harvey
lead, illness caused by exposure to
leeches; artificial
Leeds (England)
Leeson, John Rudd
Lemaire, Jules
Lewes, George Henry
ligatures; for amputations
Lille University
linseed oil
Lister, Agnes Syme (wife); courtship and wedding of; death of; frog experiments assisted by; nursing of ill relatives by
Lister, Arthur (brother)
Lister, Arthur (nephew)
Lister, Isabella (mother)
Lister, Isabella (sister), see Pim, Isabella Lister
Lister, John (brother)
Lister, Joseph: accolades in later years of; Agnes as research assistant to; antiseptic system developed by; appointed Regius Professor; arrival at University College London of; artistic skill of; arts degree completed by; birth of; childhood of; correspondence of father and; death of; at Edinburgh’s Royal Infirmary; on Edinburgh University faculty; elected to Royal College of Surgeons of Scotland; European tour of; and father’s death; at Glasgow’s Royal Infirmary; on Glasgow University faculty; at Great Exhibition; on King’s College London faculty; legacy of; at Liston’s ether demonstration; marriage of Agnes Symes and; mastectomy performed on sister by; medical studies of; microscopic research by; and mother’s death; nervous breakdown of; opposition to antiseptic treatment methods of; Pasteur and; personality traits of; at Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition; physical stature of; private practice of; publications of; Queen Victoria’s abscess operated on by; residency at University College Hospital; returns from Glasgow to Edinburgh; Royal College of Surgeons examination of; Royal Society Fellowship of; smallpox contracted by; surgical instruments designed and patented by; and Syme’s death; testifies at Sullivan’s trial; travels to Edinburgh to meet Syme; in United States
Lister, Joseph Jackson (father); child-rearing principles of; compound microscope of; correspondence of Joseph and; death of; financial support of Joseph by; Great Exhibition visited by; impact of son John’s death on; Joseph’s marriage to Agnes supported by; Royal Society Fellowship of; Scotland visit of; after wife’s death
Lister, Mary (sister)
Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine
Liston, Robert; death of; ether use introduced in Britain by; falling-out between Syme and; instruments designed by; surgical techniques of
Liverpool; Royal Infirmary in
Livingstone, David
Lizars, John
Loch Long (Scotland)
Locke, John
London; domestic abuse in; Great Exhibition of 1851 in; Kensal Green Cemetery in; Leach’s performances in; medical hierarchy in; microscope makers in; nineteenth-century living conditions in; Pasteur in; Pharmacopoaeia of; population growth in; prison overcrowding in; resistance to antiseptic use in; Royal College of Surgeons in; surgical instruments manufactured in; syphilis in; teaching hospitals in (see also University College Hospital); traffic noise in; see also University College London
London Hospital
Long, Crawford Williamson
MacFee, Dr. (Lister’s house surgeon)
Mackenzie, Richard James
Malloch, Archibald
Manchester, Royal Institution of
Marsden, William
Marshall, John
Massachusetts General Hospital
Medical Society of London
Medical Times and Gazette, The
Medical World
Medico-Chirurgical Society of Glasgow
microbes; see also bacteria; germs
microscopes; Pasteur’s discoveries using; skepticism about usefulness in medicine of; tissue samples examined with
Middlesex Hospital (London)
Millbank House (Edinburgh)
Miller, James
Minto House (Edinburgh)
Monkstown (Ireland)
Monthly Journal of Medical Science
Morning Chronicle
mortality rates; for amputations; for cholera; measures to lower; of medical students and young doctors; negative impact of anesthesia on
Morton, James
Morton, William T. G.
Moynihan, Berkeley
Mushat (surgeon)
Napier, Charles
Napoleon I
nature, healing power of
Neille, Joseph
Newgate Prison (London)
Newton, Isaac
New York
New York City
Nightingale, Florence
“Notice of a New Method of Treating Compound Fractures” (Lister)
Nunneley, Thomas
occlusion method of wound management
occupational medicine
O’Key, Elizabeth and Jane
Old Bailey (London)
“On the Antiseptic Principle in the Practice of Surgery” (Lister)
“On a New Method of Treating Compound Fracture, Abscess, etc., with Observations on the Conditions of Suppuration” (Lister)
open sewers
operating theaters; conflicts over therapeutic techniques in; in homes; Liston’s first use of anesthesia in; sterilization apparatus in; student spectators in; surgical instruments in; unsanitary conditions in
optical devices; see also microscopes
Origin of Species (Darwin)
Osborn, Mary
Oxford, University of
Pace, Henry
Paget, James
painter’s colic
Palmer, Edward
Pancoast, William
Paré, Ambroise
Paris; University of
Pasteur, Louis
Paxton, Joseph
Penman, Robert
Penn, William
Pennsylvania, University of
People’s Journal
Percival, Thomas
Petri, Julius
Pharmacy Act (1868)
phenol, see carbolic acid
Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition
Philadelphia General Hospital
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
Pickwick Papers, The (Dickens)
Pim, Isabella Lister
Pim, Thomas
Pirrie, William
Poltock, Francis
Porter, Janet
postoperative infections; prevention of; reduction in risk of
potassium permanganate (Condy’s fluid)
Potter, John Phillips
Powell and Lealand microscopes
Presse, La
Priestley, Joseph
Principles and Practice of Surgery, The (Agnew)
private practices
prosthetic limbs
psoas abscesses
Public Health Act (1848)
puerperal fever
pus; draining, from septic patients; erroneous beliefs about; germs in
putrefaction; antiseptics to prevent and treat; Pasteur’s research on
putrid conditions
pyemia; prevention of
Quakers; compassion of; marriage to non-Quakers forbidden by; somber dress of; therapeutic nihilism of
Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science
Quinn, Richard
“Ragged Schools”
Regius Professorships
relapsing fever
respiratory diseases
Ricketts, Frederick W.
Robinson, James
Roget, Peter Mark
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
Royal College of Surgeons
Royal Free Hospital (London)
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh; antiseptic system at; combative professional environment at; deaths from postoperative infections at; Lister as Syme’s assistant at; Liston as surgeon at; mortality rate at; size of; as teaching hospital; tissue samples for microscope studies from patients at; unsanitary conditions at
Royal Infirmary of Glasgow; antiseptic system at; board of directors of; curative versus teaching role of; hygiene improvements at; Lister’s compassion for patients of; mortality rates at; number of surgical beds at
Royal Society
Ruskin, John
St. Andrew’s Church (London)
“St. Anthony’s Fire,” see erysipelas
St. Bartholomew’s Hospital (London)
St. George’s Hospital (London)
St. Paul’s Cathedral (London)
St. Thomas’ Hospital (London)
Salisbury Crags (Scotland)
San Francisco
Savigny, J. H.
saws, amputation, see bone saws
Saxtorph, M. H.
scalpels; see also knives, surgical
Science and Art of Surgery, The (Erichsen)
Scotland; Joseph Jackson visits; licensing of surgeons in; Lister’s decision to leave London for; Queen Victoria in; Royal College of Surgeons in; Seventy-Second Highlanders; Syme’s recognition as “first surgeon” in; weather in; see also Edinburgh; Glasgow
screw tourniquet
Scythia (ship)