Dragon Aflame

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Dragon Aflame Page 55

by Leela Ash

  “Wow…” Rose exclaimed softly.

  “What?” Lily asked.

  “You know that by doing that, you basically saved the U.S., right?”


  “Yeah…I don’t know if you remember or not, but King James the First of England—

  “The guy with the Bible?”

  “Yeah. Well, before he became King of England, he was known as King James VI of Scotland…he became King of England when Queen Elizabeth died.”

  “Okay, so?”

  “He was a grandson of some kind of Robert the Bruce’s.”

  “I never thought of that,” Lily answered.

  And she hadn’t. After Matthew had kissed her in the midst of the victorious Scotsmen who had officially earned their independence from England, too much had happened between Lily and Matthew that the implications of her arrow had not fully registered to Lily.

  Together, they had ridden back to Culcreuch to much fanfare. The entirety of the Clan Galbraith celebrated the exploits of Matthew and the strange woman at a feast held in the dining hall of the Culcreuch Castle. A few days later, and edict came from King Robert, granting ownership of a large tract of land in the area of Stirling Castle, the title of Baron, and the right to include the motto “Friend of the King” on his personal coat of arms from then on.

  Matthew had asked Lily if she would accompany him to his new home…and she had agreed. The tension between them was palpable when they had first arrived, and finally, Lily had had enough of waiting for the erstwhile gentleman to make a move, and like the 21st century woman that she was, she made a move for him.

  “Matthew…what do you want from our relationship?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “What do you want to see happen between us?”

  “I—I don’t know what to say, Lily,” he answered.

  “Well, if you don’t know what you want, there is no way that I can know. You need to know this, however: I have a life in my own time, and I will go back to it…unless I have a damn good reason to stay here.”

  Matthew considered this for a minute, and finally asked, “What would be a good reason?”


  “Because I don’t want you to go.”

  “Well, if you don’t want me to go, then why do you want me to stay?”

  “Because in the last few weeks, I have fallen in love with you.”

  “That is a damn good reason, Matthew,” Lily said, wrapping her arms around his neck, and pulling him in for a long kiss. At first, Matthew seemed unsure of himself, until Lily pushed him into one of the empty chairs, and began removing her clothes in front of him. When she stood there, wearing nothing but her undergarments, she turned to him and said, “Aren’t you going to take yours off?”

  Matthew, finally realizing what Lily was saying, hastily began to remove his clothes as well. When he was completely naked, she instructed him to sit back down in one of the chairs. When he was seated comfortably on one of the velveteen chairs, she kneeled before him, lightly touching the tip of his lance with her tongue. When he let out a low moan that only Lily could hear, she giggled naughtily, making it plain that there was definitely more where that came from.

  She continued this for a few minutes, waiting for Matthew to nearly burst from longing, and only then did she take him into her mouth. Slowly, with painstaking precision, she used her tongue to wet every inch if his large member. All the while, however, she was becoming more and more hungry as well, and after licking and sucking on his potency for a few minutes, she finally stopped and stood back up.

  “Why did you stop?” Matthew asked in a voice that was pleading with her to resume.

  “You’ll see,” she said, grinning mischievously. Slowly, so as to continue the process for as long as possible, Lily removed the last vestiges of clothing that hugged the firm curves of her body before finally standing completely naked before her lover. “Do you like what you see?” she asked in her most seductive voice.

  “V—very much so,” Matthew answered, breathing in deeply the scent of her arousal which hung potent on the air. Lily turned around, exposing her rear to him, and sat, slowly taking in the inches of his dagger into her wet, quivering sheath. Her folds expanded and stretched as she learned to accommodate him, and when comfortable, she began to grind on him, slowly taking him in and out of her and relishing every amazing second of it.

  Thanks to the large size of Matthew’s organ, it did not take long for Lily to feel the powerful waves of ecstasy that accompany a coming orgasm, and so she began to move faster, slamming Matthew into herself repeatedly.

  “Oh my god!” she exclaimed, her eyes rolling in her head, “that feels so good!”

  Matthew must have liked her vocal nature while in the throes of passion, because even through the clenching of the walls of her hollow, she could feel him stiffening as she rode and grinded on him. Finally, together, the two lovers both achieved release and collapsed on the chair, with Matthew holding her while they both fell into sleep.


  “So…you slept with him?” Rose asked.

  “Yes, of course!” Lily answered. “And we are going to get married!”

  “How long do you think you were gone?” Rose asked.

  “About five months…why?”

  “Because in my time, you’ve only been gone for a week.”

  “Wait, what?” Lily asked.

  “Yeah, you weren’t even scheduled to be home until next week.”

  “So you mean that I can use this necklace to stay there for a year if I want to, and still come back here every week?”

  “Yeah, I would think so!” Rose answered. “Why?”

  “Just because I’m living full time in 14th-century Scotland doesn’t mean I don’t want to see you, ho,” Lily answered. “I could come here and stay for a month, and the necklace could take me back so that I would only be gone from then for about five minutes if I want.”

  “Seems like it!” Rose answered. “What’s your point?”

  “My biggest fear about living in the past is that I have been worried about how hard it would be to keep in contact with you.”

  “Well, with this necklace, you can come see me any time,” Rose said with a genuine smile.

  “That’s great! Oh, I love this necklace!”

  “Well, you may have control over time and space, but I have to get to work,” Rose said.

  “Okay!” Lily said, standing to hug her friend. “When do you want me to come see you again?”

  “I think once a week will be nice, so when you get a chance or just want to get away for a bit, come visit!” Rose answered, before turning to walk to her car.

  The two women waved at each other, and Rose drove away. Lily, on the other hand, found a secluded spot, and whispered the words tempus imperium while grasping the necklace that she still had not taken off. When the gateway appeared before her, Lily stepped through it: back to both her past and present…to her one love.

  Together, she and Matthew grew to an old age and had eleven children, the oldest of which was a girl. When Lily reached an old age and was ready to die, she gave her 14th-century daughter the necklace and started the legend of the necklace, thus continuing the loop.


  Alien Romance

  Taken By Alien Lords

  Samantha Leal

  Copyright ©2015 by Samantha Leal. All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic of mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Thank you so much for your interest in my work!

  Chapter One

  Victoria tapped her foot against the leg of her desk as she watched the clock. She was sure the second hand was ticking slower than it had been an hour ago. It was only one p.m. but already her eyes were starting to droop. She was waiting for four thirty so she
could get the hell out of there and go home to rest.

  She was drowsy and tired, but she only had herself to blame. She had been up until the early hours of the morning drinking and dancing, not giving a shit that she had to be back in the office at eight thirty precisely for a day of boredom and dealing with idiots on the other end of the phone. As long as her station stayed relatively quiet, she should be okay. She rubbed her eyes and almost lowered her head onto the desk.

  As if whoever was calling could telepathically read her mind, her station started to flash and she rolled her eyes. Great, she thought, what will I get blasted with this time...?

  She reached her arms up high over her head and stretched, and as she did so, she shot a quick look behind her at the other teleoperators. Surely another one of them was free and could field the call. She waited for another few seconds before reluctantly reaching down to the red button, and just as she was about to hit it and break into her unenthusiastic spiel, she was saved the hassle by one of the new kids behind her.

  Thank Christ, she thought.

  She poured herself another glass of water from the jug beside her and pretended to be flicking through some work-related notes and the manual that lay limply in front of her. But really she was trying to piece together the events of the night before and remember if she had acted out of character or not.

  She knew that she and Helen had started in Ocean Bar and done several shooters before moving on to a new, modern place she couldn’t even remember the name of. It had been sleek and clinical and she hadn’t liked it in the slightest. They only served expensive mineral water in fancy glass bottles and frowned at her when she asked for tap. When they’d ordered two vodkas, the tab had been over fifty dollars and Victoria glared at them as if they’d just punched her pet cat.

  She worked in telesales and marketing and barely cut minimum wage. She couldn’t afford to go to places like that and resented Helen for dragging her to them. Helen worked as an exotic dancer and regularly made hundreds of dollars for just a few hours of work. Even though Victoria was glad she didn’t have to get naked in front of strangers to pay the bills, she was still kind of jealous of her friend’s exciting and carefree life. But they had still had fun, even with the bar costing a fortune and the knowledge of her early start nagging at the back of her mind. They’d sat up at the bar and had knocked them back one after the other, Victoria managing to excuse herself eight times out of ten when it came turns to buy the next round. She was sure Helen knew what she was up to, but she no longer cared. If her friend wanted to rub it in her face that she had more money that her, then she could pick up the bill.

  They’d met some guys, she could remember that much. And she thought there had been discussion of joining them in a club. Helen had been really up for it, grinding up against one of them in the last bar, but Victoria had gotten the feeling that they were a bit creepy and weird. They’d both been tall and slender with slick white blonde hair and an icy air about them that she couldn’t place. It had kind of freaked her out because she had the feeling they’d been planning it… It was if they had waited until they had been good and drunk and then moved in. They even admitted to watching them the entire night.

  “We saw you in Ocean Bar,” one of them said.

  Victoria ignored him and sipped her drink.

  “We wanted to come over but you looked so deep in conversation.” He smiled at her, and when she looked up at him she noticed how black his eyes were. There wasn’t a single hint of color in his irises. Victoria shivered.

  “Helen,” she had said, “These guys are giving me the creeps, can we go?”

  “But I kind of like this one,” she hissed into her ear while the two men chatted. “We could get some free drinks out of them at the club and then bail.”

  “I’m not going,” Victoria said defiantly, “But if you want to…”

  Helen rolled her eyes. “Okay,” she said, “I’m done anyway, and you’re right, they could be anybody.”

  Victoria linked Helen’s arm and smiled.

  The two guys were still chatting as the girls backed away quietly and made their way to the door. It was as Victoria opened it and the cool night air blew in after her that the guys both turned and glared at them, looking completely pissed that they’d been ditched.

  “Hey!” the one who had been speaking to Victoria called as he held out his hands in disbelief.

  “Sorry, guys!” Helen called back.

  They had ran down the street laughing and hailed a cab. It was October and the leaves were falling, blowing around them in an orange and gold cloud.

  “Taxi!” Victoria shouted as she held out her arm. A white cab zipped up next to them and the girls both clambered in. As the driver started the engine, Victoria looked back towards the bar and felt a tingle of terror roll over her as she realized the two men stood outside, completely still and side by side, just staring at them without moving a muscle.

  “Creeps,” Victoria whispered before slumping down in her seat and snoozing as she let Helen direct the cab driver back to her apartment.

  Chapter Two

  The feeling when she could finally switch off her computer and pull on her coat was the best thing in the world. She was hungover to hell and just wanted to crawl into her apartment and veg out on the couch. She knew she was going home to an empty place, and there were times when the disappointment of how her life had turned out would catch her off guard and drag her under, but Victoria was determined that this wasn’t going to be one of those days.

  She hadn’t always been alone. She had had a serious relationship once. Rob… she had loved him very much. When it hadn’t worked out and she had been forced to leave their lovely little house in a much nicer neighborhood than where she was now, she tried to console herself with the theory that this was her time to make a fresh start and discover the life she was meant to have.

  Two years passed and it was becoming apparent that the life she was meant to have was spending her days hating her job and earning basically nothing, going home alone and watching rom-com’s on Netflix, and maybe looking forward to the occasional night out with Helen, who would generally make her feel worse about the situation. Helen’s life always looked so glamorous. She was stick thin with big fake boobs and pumped up lips, and men lusted after her everywhere she went. She had a long line of sugar daddies willing to pay her bills and shower her with gifts. She danced at one of the best strip clubs in town three nights a week and seemed to earn more than Victoria did in an entire month. She was kind hearted, but she seemed to miss the fact that her best friend didn’t have a disposable income like she did, and Victoria regularly found herself feeling like she just couldn’t keep up.

  “The men would go wild for you at the club. You should consider it, you know,” Helen had told her one day.

  “Oh please, no chance,” Victoria laughed.

  “They would,” Helen protested, “Especially with your beautiful curves. You’d make more money than me!”

  Victoria shook her head and dismissed the idea immediately. Even if she believed Helen, she would never have the confidence to do something like that. It had been a full two years since a man had seen her naked, and she wasn’t about to change that by taking her clothes off for a room full of strangers!

  “Your loss,” Helen had pouted.


  As she left her office and made the short walk home, the cold bit her skin. She pulled her coat and scarf tightly around her. At least she was being woken up after a day of feeling half asleep. She stopped by her usual take-out place and debated going inside to save her the chore of cooking once she got back to her apartment. She couldn’t even remember what she had in the refrigerator, but when she saw a group of rowdy men inside, she decided it was a sign that she should just go home.

  It was dark already by the time she got to the steps at the foot of her building, and as she checked her mail, an eerie feeling suddenly washed over her.

  She turned on the spot and looke
d down the street. She seemed alone, except for the old lady at the building opposite who was walking her dog, but she had the strong feeling that someone was watching her.

  She turned back around and looked down the other end of the street. Cars flashed by on the main road and the wind rustled the tree next to her, blowing a plume of leaves in her direction.

  “Stop being stupid,” she said to herself. “There’s no one there.”

  She collected her mail and started up the steps. Even though she had just looked everywhere, she could feel eyes on her back and her skin prickled. She fumbled for her keys in her pocket, but her hands were so cold it was as if they had been frozen.

  “Come on,” she hissed to herself.

  She finally grabbed them and jabbed the key into the lock, turning it quickly and shoving the door open with her body. She slammed it behind her and looked out onto the street. It was as empty as it had been before.

  “You’re cracking up,” she said to herself. “You need to get yourself to bed.”


  Her apartment was small and cozy. When she had moved out of the home she shared with Rob, she had barely taken anything with her, knowing full well that she wouldn’t be able to afford a big place.

  Her apartment consisted of a small front room with a tiny adjoining kitchen, one bedroom in which she managed to fit a full-sized bed, chest of drawers and arm chair, and a bathroom. The hallway was small and she had decorated it with a selection of mirrors of all shapes and sizes to try and make it feel more open and welcoming. It wasn’t so bad, but she wished she could have gotten somewhere bigger so that she could actually enjoy the space. Victoria had a secret passion for interior design, and she spent most of her lonely nights in looking at design apps and home and garden magazines, dreaming up her ideal home and choosing exactly how she would decorate it. She always told herself that one day, it would happen.


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