Siege of Tarr-Hostigos k-4

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Siege of Tarr-Hostigos k-4 Page 15

by John F. Carr

  Gasphros exhaled heavily. "Whew! As I said before, most of what I know is twenty winters past."

  Kalvan blew out a small cloud of smoke. "Understood."

  "Your Majesty, I've spent most of my life traveling all over this land, and I've learned that Hos-Bletha is completely unlike any of the other Five Kingdoms. Bletha was originally settled by colonists from Hos-Ktemnos around three hundred winters ago. Even today most of the Blethan nobility have links to the noble houses of Hos-Ktemnos. Bletha is also different in that there are large numbers of Ruthani living in the swamplands, which extend for many hundreds of marches almost to lands' end. We call it the Magaouisse Swamp. Only the Ruthani and a few outcast swampmen live in those lands of disease and mud.

  "Even Bletha City is not a true city like Harphax City or Agrys City, but a town the size of Hostigos Town with nearly the same population. Because the lands are sparsely populated, the lords are accustomed to having their own way. The Great King of Bletha is a title little honored outside of the Princedom of Bletha. Several of the major dukes believe they should be Great King and have claims going back a century or more. These are a source of great friction and occasional rebellions. This independence also extends to the freemen themselves, many of whom consider themselves the equal of any noble."

  Gasphros looked at Kalvan closely to see how he took to this notion. When he didn't react negatively to the idea, he continued. "This notion of independence among the commoners has long frustrated the Blethan nobility."

  "It's an affliction that is common in the Cold Lands, as well."

  Gasphros looked at Kalvan shrewdly. "Some day you will have to tell me more about your days in the Lands of the Gods."

  Not in this lifetime, Kalvan thought to himself. Gasphros was too smart for his own good, and Kalvan wasn't about to let that particular bobcat out of the basket. He'd already told too many stories of his arrival here-and-now and it was an effort to remember to whom he'd told what. Last year the Council of Dralm spent several moons trying to decipher the rumors and facts of Kalvan's arrival; the last thing they needed to hear was the truth, which was far more fantastic than the rumors.

  "From what I hear, the present Great King Niclophon is a puppet of Styphon's House and Hos-Ktemnos and has been importing mercenaries to enforce his rule. There have been two rebellions that I've heard about in the last ten winters."

  "Do you still have friends in Hos-Bletha?"

  Gasphros snorted. "None that I've heard from in fifteen winters. I get my information from merchants and peddlers."

  "So no one would recognize you if you were to return?"

  "Not anymore." This time there was a note of sadness in his voice. "Why, Your Majesty?"

  "I want you to help head up an operation to neutralize the Hos-Blethan Army."


  "Yes, you're the only man in Hostigos who knows anything about Hos-Bletha or Blethan politics. Of course, you'll have plenty of help. I want to bring about an insurrection within Hos-Bletha that will cause Great King Niclophon to recall his troops from the Holy Host."

  "Is that all?"

  "For now, yes."


  Verkan Vall sat at his desk in the Foundry basement, his boots up, cleaning his flintlock hideaway pistol. Thanks to the collapsed-nickel ceiling it.was quiet inside the basement: no banging of anvils or endless chatter of Kalvan Study Team intellectuals. The wall-sized visiplate now displayed a close-up of Tarr-Hostigos, with dozens of carts and flatbed wagons full of provisions and weapons snaking their way up the hills back and forth on the switchbacks to the outer bailey. The rainy season was in full drizzle, but that hadn't stopped the stream of foodstuffs and tools of war from flowing into the castle. The foundry was working night and day to turn out more big guns. The cobblestone streets of Hostigos Town were so filled with wagons a pedestrian wasn't safe on the streets, night or day.

  Verkan wished he had the authority to call in an airstrike team and have them hit Tarr-Harphax and Balph. That would settle this war once and for all. The locals might believe it was one of Thanor's bolts, but Kalvan would know better and so would the Dhergabar University Study Team. And that would be the end of his visits to Kalvan's Time-Line as well as his job as Paratime Police Chief-the latter he wouldn't mind losing, but he didn't want to give up his visits with Kalvan and Rylla.

  He heard the door's hydraulics activate and then creak as it swung open, revealing Inspector Ranthar Jard, still wearing his high-combed morion helmet and back-and-breast. Verkan rose and they clasped shoulders. Verkan noticed fresh cuts on his face and the beginning of a black eye. "What happened to you? A cat fight?"

  Ranthar winced. "In a manner of speaking. I got between Scholar Lala and Baltrov Eldra in the middle of their argument over Kalvan's decision to teach the Ruthani orphans 'male pattern bonding and archaic aggressive male behavior patterns' and Professor Baltrov Eldra's rebuttal, which included a detailed description of Sastragathi slave laws. When Varnath Lala couldn't hold her ears tight enough to protect them from Eldra's rather colorful language, she struck out with her nails. I got in the way, only to be on the receiving end of Lala's claws and Eldra's elbow, meant-I believe-for Lala's nose! They were both most apologetic, and it did stop their interminable arguments as they went looking for the unguents for my face. Unfortunately, they'll be at it again in another couple of hours."

  Verkan laughed. "By then you're going to have one Dralm-blasted black eye. Do you want to use my medpak now, or after our talk?"

  "Well, Chief, unless you've got another assignment for me-please, tell me you do-then I'm stuck. Our little contretemps was witnessed by several of the foundry staff, who would think it Galzar's Own Miracle if I were to arrive with anything less than a bruised eye. Thanks anyway boss."

  "Well, Ranthar, this may be your lucky day indeed. I had a discussion with Kalvan this morning and he's most impressed by your leadership abilities."

  "Likewise, Chief. I think Kalvan could even run this outfit."

  "Don't say that within spitting distance of the Kalvan Study Team or you will have a cat fight on your hands!"

  Ranthar laughed. "Please, say no more. So what's this new assignment?"

  "It's a surprise to me. Things are getting bad enough in the war against Styphon's House that Kalvan is taking a few pages from his own Europo-American headlines. He wants to start a revolt in Hos-Bletha to force them to withdraw their forces from the Great Host. He's got a whale of a plan-to use one of his terms-and I think it's more than plausible. Part of it involves a guerilla uprising in the southern provinces starring yourself as none other than Robin Hood-that name's from a common Europo-American myth of a bandit who robs from the rich to give to the poor. Obviously, a fairy tale for children. Kalvan remembers the story and told it to me in great detail. I had to agree that you would make a most excellent Robin Hood."

  "Actually, if it will get me away from the Foundry and the Kalvan Study Team, I'd accept an assignment to break into Regwarn!"

  "Well, you've got it, my friend. And, that isn't all. Guess who else Kalvan wants to borrow?

  Ranthar shook his head, then flashed a wicked smile. "He wants to borrow Varnath Lala's head to use for one of his scarecrows!"

  "Good guess, but no. He wants to have Baltrov Eldra join his merry little band."

  "Baltrov Eldra! Why, Chief?"

  "Think. You were at the University Founders celebration."

  "Sure-I got real plastered-left my alcodote pills at home on purpose. Had a good time."

  "Do you remember seeing Eldra?"

  Ranthar's brow furrowed. "Sure. She was hanging around that skinny Duke Skranga and Kalvan all evening. Then later on she was decorating Colonel Democriphon's uniform-he seemed to like it."

  "Well, before she changed dance partners, she approached Kalvan and said something into his ear I'm too polite to repeat in mixed company."

  "She tried to seduce Kalvan in public? Does she have a death wish? Sure Kalvan and Rylla are having probl
ems, but Rylla would fillet any woman who she saw get within kissing distance of her husband."

  "Absolutely. When I heard about it, I was ready to send her packing. But it's not that simple."

  "What do you mean, Chief? It looks pretty simple to me. Send Eldra home to First Level 'for her own protection' and let the University of Dhergabar figure out what to do with her. Flirting with Kalvan isn't Paratemporal Contamination, but it more than skirts outtime ethics. University Study Team participants are instructed to act as 'observers only.' Trying to set up a liaison with the primary agent of change on Kalvan's Time Line is bad procedure-even if she wasn't successful. Success could get her killed and who knows what else! She goes home when you give the order. I can escort her out of the Foundry and have her on a conveyer in ten minutes. She'll be back on Home Time-Line so fast she'll never know what hit her!"

  Verkan shook his head. "Very few people know this, but I was sharing my quarters with Eldra when that Second Level reincarnation fracas came up on Akor-Neb, which led to Dalla and me renewing our marriage contract. You've just witnessed an example of Eldra's temper-how do you think she took that? Or my asking her to leave our dwelling!"

  "Wow, Chief, you sure can pick them!"

  Verkan looked down at his shoes.

  "Why in Xerpa's Mandibles did you ever pick Eldra as our undercover operative for the Kalvan Study Team?"

  Verkan was still studying the floor when he answered. "I owed her one. She could have stirred up a real firestorm for me back then, but she kept it between the two of us. Kept Dalla out of it, too. Eldra heard about the Kalvan Study Team, knew I'd be involved and asked if she could become a member. She had the right credentials so I called one of our friends at the University and arranged for her to be assigned to the Kalvan Study Team. It was the least I could do."

  "Blackmail?" Ranthar asked with a frown.

  "No. Eldra was nice about it. She just reminded me of a promise I'd made to her when she left: I'd told her I'd do her a favor if ever she needed one."

  "Some favor. Does Dalla know any of this?"

  Verkan shook his head.

  Ranthar whistled. "Dalla has always had a temper. And jealous! I remember that time she caught you with that prole scarf dancer-"

  "You were there. You know it was perfectly innocent!"

  "Sure, but it didn't look that way to Dalla. It didn't help that the girl had lost all her scarves in the riot-not that it made much of a difference!"

  "And, since I've never told her about Eldra…"

  "Yes," Ranthar said, trying to keep a straight face. "It would look bad."

  "Eldra even offered, I guess to sweeten the pot, to go undercover and spy on her own cohorts. She's the one who spotted the redhead sending up message balls to Hadron Tharn."

  "She's done a good job. After that little tussle I just partook in, no one would ever accuse Eldra of being our agent. You should have heard some of the creative language she used on both Lala and me. Still, Verkan-"

  "A stupid blunder-I've never even told Tortha! I'd never hear the end of it. I didn't even want to tell you, but someone needs to know and since you'll be Johnny-on-the-spot, well, Eldra's going to be the party's black widow spider and spy mistress."

  "And just when this was sounding like fun!"

  "It's not that bad. She may not be working with your team. I haven't drawn up the assignments yet."

  "Praise Dralm! And, Chief, you'd better think of telling Dalla about your history with our spy vixen. If she ever hears it from Eldra, Styphon be damned, it will be a disaster-your disaster!"


  As his horse came over the rise, Duke Skranga had his first look at the Locra Valley in over a winter. Tarr-Locra was an old castle that had been expanded as part of the war against Hos-Harphax. There was now a small town where there had been a village and it was a hive of activity. Tarr-Locra now covered the entire hilltop and at the base was one of Kalvan's new star forts. Instead of a circular outer wall at the base of the hill, the Great King had Captain-General Harmakros build a large star with about a dozen points that Skranga could see from his position on the opposite ridge. There were eight and ten-pound culverins set at each point.

  While his party was stopped at the gate by the guard, Skranga got a closer look at the walls themselves. They were about ten lances tall and about a third that in width. Tarr-Locra would be a tough nut to crack even for the entire Harphaxi Army. Skranga's estimation of Harmakros went up several notches. He hoped that Hestophes could fill his superior's shoes. Skranga mentally reviewed what he knew about Captain-General Hestophes:

  First, at twenty-three winters Hestophes was the youngest general on Kalvan's mostly youthful General Staff. His father was a publican; he owned the Silver Stag. Like many other businessmen in Hostigos, his tavern had flourished under Kalvan's rule-war was always good for business. Hestophes had been an infantry officer in the Army of Hostigos when Kalvan had arrived.

  During the war with Nostor, Hestophes had been the captain who had held the Narza Gap with little better than two companies and two old guns. Hestophes had beaten off ten times his number three times before advancing and forcing the enemy to retreat back into Nostor. Kalvan had been impressed enough to make him one of the first generals in his new Royal Army of Hos-Hostigos.

  Hestophes' record during the battles at Chothros Heights and Phyrax was such that Kalvan had elevated him to baron and awarded Hestophes a nice estate and castle at Eython. That was when his rising star had begun to stall; Hestophes had met the Lady Lavena, the daughter of Baron Sthentros, whose estate at Hyllos bordered the young Captain-General's. Hestophes had become besotted with Lavena, and he wasn't the first either, so Skranga had learned when he'd arrived undercover as an itinerant peddler in Hyllos to see if there was any truth to the rumors reaching Hostigos Town. While no lady, Lavena was a comely wench and Skranga-had he been a pup like Hestophes-might have followed her dragging his tail behind his legs, too. Still, he knew trouble when he saw it, even if it walked on two lovely legs.

  After his report to Kalvan, it had been the Great King's idea to immediately reassign Hestophes to Tarr-Locra and put him in charge of the Great Kingdom's eastern frontier. And from the vigilance of his guards, Skranga would have to say Hestophes had made a good job of it.

  While Grand Captain Myklon saw to boarding his horses and seeing to his troopers, Skranga was taken up to the fortress for an audience with the Captain-General. Hestophes was seated behind a large desk that looked as if it were modeled after Kalvan's desk at Tarr-Hostigos. When the Captain-General stood to press palms, Skranga realized just how truly large a man Hestophes was. While not as tall as himself, Hestophes was almost half as wide as he was tall, but without an extra ounce of weight. He was as strong-looking a man as Skranga had ever seen.

  "What can I do for you, Duke Skranga? I see you brought two companies of reinforcements which we greatly need."

  "I'm sorry, Captain-General, but these troopers are but my own personal guards."


  "Yes, I've been charged by King Kalvan to leave for Hos-Bletha on a secret mission."

  Hestophes' eyebrows went up. "I think you had best tell me just what you're up to."

  Skranga pulled out a scroll from his side pouch. "Read this, orders for you from Great King Kalvan."

  Hestophes frowned, and for a moment Skranga wondered if he, like Harmakros, were unable to read. Surely no crime, but a disadvantage in the new Hos-Hostigos.

  Hestophes picked up the scroll, unwound it and began to slowly and quietly read out loud.

  Skranga was able to smoke two bowls of tobacco before Hestophes sighed and set down the paper scroll. "The King says I am to trust you and give you any aid that you require. He does not say why."

  Skranga took out his pipe and began to fill it with tobacco again. Kalvan had not said not to share his mission with Hestophes, and he might even be of some help. In actuality, he was surprised Kalvan had authorized this mission at all; it was just
a sign of how desperate things were getting as Hos-Hostigos prepared to meet the Grand Host. Maybe he could help Kalvan. Now for the hard part, convincing Captain-General Hestophes.

  Skranga removed a flask from the inside of his buff jack and presented it to Hestophes. "Some of Ermut's Best."

  "Hmmm." Hestophes turned to pick up two goblets and fill them with the dark liquid.

  "As you may or may not know, Great King Niclophon of Hos-Bletha has been squeezing his Kingdom dry to aid Styphon's House in its war against Hos-Hostigos. The Blethans are relatively poor and, outside Bletha Town, there's little support for either their King or Styphon's House. Now that Niclophon has sent most of his army to Balph to aid King Lysandros, we thought this might be a good time to start a revolt within Hos-Bletha. At worst we might pin down units that would otherwise aid in the fight against Hostigos, while at best King Niclophon might have to recall the Blethan Army."

  Hestophes shook his head. "You actually sold this dream story to Kalvan? I'd heard you were silver-tongued enough to sell a dog to an Uncle Wolf, but I didn't believe it until now!"

  Skranga held both hands to his chest. "Truth: it was Kalvan's idea, not mine. You don't think it will work?"

  "Whether it works is of little importance right now, since it certainly isn't going to do any good before next spring. Meanwhile, you've got two companies of good troops who could be used in the defense of the realm chasing fireflies… I take it they are former Blethan mercenaries?"

  "Most. Some of them are Hostigi who have worked on special missions with me before. All the Blethans have families they're leaving behind for this duty to ensure their loyalty. Most have been fighting with Kalvan since Fyk." For half a candle, Skranga continued to explain Kalvan's reasoning behind the operation and their intelligence information on Hos-Bletha.

  Hestophes nodded slowly after he finished. "With good soldiers you could stir up serious trouble, if even half of what you say about Hos-Bletha is true! I will admit this idea is not as harebrained as it first appeared; however, it will be your responsibility to see that these soldiers do not end up fighting for Styphon's House against us. So just how is it that you propose to arrive in Hos-Bletha from here?"


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