My Life, Our Times

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My Life, Our Times Page 61

by Gordon Brown

  2005 Budget, 185; general election, 187, 193, 222; Blair calls for deregulation, 188–9; Gleneagles G8 meeting, 190–91; July 7 attacks, 191; responsibility taken for Helmand, 269–72

  2006 London conference on Afghanistan, 272; Budget, 149; Hewitt’s NHS reform plan, 170; Mastiff vehicles bought for Helmand campaign, 276; Litvinenko murder, 212; Operation Sinbad launched in Iraq, 261; Fraud Act, 343; bank failure simulation exercise launched, 296–7

  2007 Treasury agrees additional £284 million for Afghanistan, 274; Budget, 150, 193; Scottish Parliament election, 374, 398; resignation of Blair; Brown becomes PM, 195–204; terrorist incidents in London and Glasgow, 205–6; grant levels raised for poor students, 206; constitutional changes announced, 206–7; floods, 211, 218; Northern Ireland financial package, 212; Brown visits Germany, 212; Brown visits US, 209, 213–14, 260; foot-and-mouth outbreak, 211, 215–16, 218, 221; Merkel makes visit, 216; Mandela makes visit, 216–17; Brown visits Balmoral, 217; appeal for ‘new politics’, 218; pressure for early election, 218–19; Vodafone tax case, 153; collapse of Northern Rock, 211, 218, 295–6, 299; King’s warning on moral hazard, 298; bluetongue disease outbreak, 211, 218; Bournemouth conference, 219–20, 234; evacuation of Basra Palace, 263; Brown visits Iraq; decision to withdraw troops, 4, 218, 221, 260, 263; decision against early election, 222–3; King Abdullah makes visit, 243; Stoltenberg makes visit, 244; resignation of Watt, 224; Home Office leaks, 224; circle of advisers widened, 224; Pension Act, 108; avian flu outbreak, 211; launch of Afghanisation, 275; signing of Lisbon Treaty, 224, 368

  2008 announcement of NHS reforms, 229–31; World Economic Forum, 300; Brown visits Asia and Europe, 242; European leaders discuss financial crisis, 300; Budget, 150, 346; NATO Bucharest summit, 275; launch of Special Liquidity Scheme, 302, 303; Brown visits US, 302; Brown meets with Dalai Lama, 245; troop increase in Afghanistan, 278; change in mission for forces in Iraq, 264; Brown visits Middle East, 243; Lehman Brothers collapse, 306–7; short selling banned, 311; Manchester conference, 311–12; Brown visits UN and meets with Bush, 312–13, 325; recapitalisation plan launched, 315–18; Climate Change Act, 367; Marmot Review launched, 231–2; arrest of Green, 240–41; Brown meets with al-Maliki, 264

  2009 Brown meets with Obama, 326; King opposes fiscal stimulus, 352–3; G20 London summit, 2, 4, 18, 280, 323–36; McBride scandal, 18, 366; troop increase in Afghanistan announced, 280–81; deaths of soldiers in Helmand, 10–11, 14, 17, 267; MPs’ expenses scandal breaks, 12–14, 366, 389; Brown unveils Beshenivsky memorial, 14; Brown visits Sheffield, 15–16; negotiations with DUP, 16–17; debate over immigration of Gurkhas, 17–18; D-Day anniversary, 11; King calls for deficit reduction, 353; Cabinet reshuffle, 352; Dannatt’s criticism of Brown, 287–8; car scrappage scheme launched, 347; Brown meets with Petraeus, 282; troop increase in Afghanistan agreed, 283–4; Sun campaign on Afghanistan, 288–9; Brighton conference, 289–90; Pre-Budget Report, 150; Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act, 235; launch of Browne Review, 239; launch of Chilcot Inquiry, 249, 264–5; Copenhagen Climate Change Conference, 337

  2010 London conference on Afghanistan, 286–7; increase in top-rate tax, 155; Fiscal Responsibility Act, 354; Child Poverty Act, 442; Equality Act, 232; discussions on banking levy, 340–42; general election, 144, 232, 342, 365–87, 399; resignation of Brown, 382–7; Miliband elected leader, 389

  2011 Scottish Parliament election, 399; Brown gives evidence to Leveson Inquiry, 393

  2012 local elections, 399

  2014 Cowdenbeath by-election, 399; Scottish independence referendum, 400

  2015 general election, 399, 406, 407

  2016 EU membership referendum, 407–17

  2017 general election, 31, 58, 399, 401, 406, 446–7

  ‘Labour’s Macroeconomic Stability’, 104

  Laing, Ian, 159

  Lamb, William, 2nd Viscount Melbourne, 196

  Lamont, Johann, 400, 402, 403

  Lamont, Norman, 83, 91, 115, 116, 119, 139, 149

  Lamy, Pascal, 199

  Lanark and Hamilton East, Scotland, 401

  Lanarkshire, Scotland, 56

  ‘Land of Hope and Glory’, 394

  landfill tax, 152

  Lange, David, 67

  Lasch, Christopher, 444

  Lashkar Gah, Helmand, 11, 273, 275, 278, 285, 287

  Lawley, Sue, 99

  Laws, David, 378, 379, 385

  Lawson, Neal, 92

  Lawson, Nigel, 71, 77–9, 80, 115, 119, 139, 143

  leadership, 457–9

  Leading, not Leaving (Brown), 410

  League of Nations, 323

  Lebanon, 200, 392

  Lehman Brothers, 306–7

  Leighton, Ron, 72

  Leitch Review (2004–2006), 206

  Lennon, John, 186

  Leslie, Christopher, 103, 130

  Lessons in Disaster (Goldstein), 280

  Leveson Inquiry (2011–12), 190, 369, 393–4

  Levitt, Ian, 54

  Lewis, Simon, 200

  Lewis, Will, 14

  LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) rights, 30, 391

  Liberal Democrats, 107

  1992 general election, 84

  1997 Brown’s interview on euro, 179

  1999 launch of Britain in Europe, 181

  2005 general election, 187, 238

  2007 Scottish Parliament election, 374, 398; Brown becomes PM, 199; Counter-Terrorism Bill blocked, 208; Brown’s appeal for ‘new politics’, 218; Taylor appointed adviser to government, 224

  2010 election manifesto, 365; general election; formation of coalition, 290, 342, 369, 371, 373–86; cancellation of Sheffield Forgemasters loan, 15

  2011 Alternative Vote referendum, 378; closure of Aim Higher programme, 237; increase in QE, 304; Virgin buys Northern Rock, 296

  2012 House of Lords Reform Bill, 378

  Liberal Party, 41, 55, 67, 208

  Liechtenstein, 175

  Life Boys, 34, 394

  Lincoln, Abraham, 4, 203, 216, 430, 448

  linoleum, 33, 37, 40

  linseed oil, 37

  Lisbon Treaty (2007), 224, 368

  Litvinenko, Alexander, 212

  Livermore, Spencer, 92, 128, 129, 163, 219, 220

  Liverpool Walton, 74

  Liverpool, Merseyside, 373

  Livingstone, Kenneth, 222

  Livingstone, Marilyn and Peter, 390

  Lloyd George, David, 51, 166, 196, 203, 204, 249

  Lloyd, Anthony ‘Tony’, 66

  Lloyd, Selwyn, 40

  Lloyds Bank, 307, 309–10, 316, 320

  Local News, 39

  Locarno Suite, 329

  Lockerbie bombing (1988), 205

  Logan, Charlie, 61

  Logan, Margaret, 61

  London, England, 34–5, 67

  Barbican, 93

  Buckingham Palace, 38, 217, 330

  Charing Cross Hospital, 329

  Chelsea Fire Station, 229

  Churchill’s state funeral (1965), 394

  Conference on Afghanistan (2006), 272

  Crossrail, 222

  ExCel Exhibition Centre, 332–3

  G20 summit (2009), 3, 18–19, 280, 323–36, 344

  general election (2010), 372–3

  Granita restaurant, 100

  Hackney, 48

  Hayward Gallery, 214

  Imperial College London, 54, 221

  Islington, 101, 117

  July 7 attacks (2005), 191, 248

  King’s College London, 229, 385

  Mansion House, 181

  Millbank, 106

  Millennium Dome, 29

  Monetary and Economic Conference (1933), 323

  Moorfields Eye Hospital, 49

  Olympic Games (2012), 26, 29, 215, 333, 396

  Park Lane Hotel, 93

  Royal Brompton Hospital, 229

  Royal Festival Hall, 113

  Royal Marsden Hospital, 229

  School of Economics, 60, 410

Bartholomew’s Hospital, 93

  Stock Exchange, 180

  Tower Hamlets, 234

  University College London, 232

  Victoria & Albert Museum, 328

  Lothian, Scotland, 72

  Lough Erne, Northern Ireland, 154

  Louis XIV, King of France, 208

  Lowestoft, Suffolk, 373

  LTCM (Long-Term Capital Management), 122

  Lucas, Mark, 409

  Lugovoi, Andrei, 212

  Lula da Silva, Luiz Inácio, 324, 327, 332, 338

  Lumley, Joanna, 17–18

  Lumsden, Bert, 61

  Luton, Bedfordshire, 100

  Luxembourg, 153, 314, 318

  Lyle, Sandy, 59

  Lynx helicopters, 277


  Macau, 334

  Macaulay, Pauline and Patrick, 160, 214

  MacDiarmid, Hugh, 41

  Macdonald, Kenneth, 212

  MacGregor, Ian, 72

  Machel, Graça, 191, 216, 245

  Mackintosh, John, 208, 225

  Macmillan, Harold, 20, 31, 196, 211, 217, 457

  Macpherson, Nick, 113, 114, 351, 379

  Madagascar, 137

  Made in Britain (Smith), 82

  Maggie’s Cancer Caring Centre, 329

  magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 26

  Mahmood, Tahir, 158

  maiden speech (1983), 69

  Major, John, 13, 25, 77, 82, 91, 115, 119, 162, 176, 221, 411

  Making Mass Membership Work, 76

  Malaysia, 203, 273

  al-Maliki, Nouri, 261, 263, 264

  Malloch Brown, Mark, 203, 213

  Manchester, England, 196, 207

  Manclark, George, 61

  Mandela, Nelson, 1–2, 191, 216–17, 245, 390

  Mandelson, Peter, 347, 440

  1987 general election, 75

  1994 Whelan recommended for shadow Treasury press secretary, 91; leadership election, 95, 96, 100; takes responsibility for campaign planning, 102

  1997 debate on euro entry, 177, 178, 180

  2009 Third Way Conference, 327; Browne Review launched, 239

  2010 general election, 369, 381, 382

  Mangal, Gulab, 281

  Mann, Bruce, 215

  Manning, David, 258

  Mansion House, London, 181

  manufacturing, 24

  Marcuse, Herbert, 44

  Margareta of Romania, 52–3

  Marjah, Helmand, 11

  market economy, 81, 439

  Marmot, Michael (2008–2010), 232

  Marr, Andrew, 49, 219, 223

  married couple’s allowance, 139, 140, 143, 144, 147, 167

  Marshall Plan, 291, 339

  Marxism, 44, 53

  Maryhill, Glasgow, 404

  Massachusetts, United States, 54

  Massereene Barracks shooting (2009), 16

  Mastiff vehicles, 276

  Mauritius, 137

  Maxton, James, 75–6, 362

  Maxwell, Robert, 190

  May, Theresa, 25, 31, 142, 240, 368

  Mbeki, Thabo, 199

  McBride, Damian, 18, 198, 215, 220, 366

  McCain, John, 302

  McCarthy, Callum, 188, 297

  McCartney, Ian, 133

  McCartney, Paul, 186

  McChrystal, Stanley, 279, 282–3, 287

  McCrone, David, 395, 402

  McDonald, Simon, 200

  McDonnell, John, 196, 412

  McDougall, Blair, 400

  McFadden, Patrick, 204

  McGuinness, Martin, 16, 201

  McIntyre, Jim, 61

  McKillop, Tom, 315

  McKinsey, 134

  McNeill, Kirsty, 19, 373, 380, 382, 401, 404

  Meacher, Michael, 89

  means-tested benefits, 69

  Medvedev, Dmitry, 213, 330

  Meet the Challenge, Make the Change (Kinnock), 89–90

  Melbourne, Lord, see Lamb, William

  Mendelsohn, John, 222

  Merchiston, Edinburgh, 97

  Merkel, Angela, 5–6, 18, 199, 242, 362

  and banking levy, 341, 342

  Copenhagen Climate Change Conference (2009), 337

  financial crisis (2008–2009), 18, 300, 301, 314, 316, 324

  G20 London summit (2009), 329–30, 332–3

  Russia, relations with, 212

  UK visit (2007), 216

  Merlin helicopters, 276

  Merrill Lynch, 298

  Methodism, 33

  Mexico, 328

  Meyer, Christopher, 254

  MI6, 47, 250

  Mid-Staffordshire Foundation Trust, 231

  Midlothian, Scotland, 403

  Milanovic, Branco, 453

  Milburn, Alan, 168–70, 186, 203

  Miliband, David, 202, 203, 209, 213, 274, 304, 312

  Miliband, Edward ‘Ed’, 92, 202, 220

  EU membership referendum (2016), 411, 412

  general election (2010), 382

  general election (2015), 407

  Iraq apology (2010), 389

  and New Deal, 128–9

  and NHS reform, 163

  speech writing, 104

  Scottish independence referendum (2014), 400, 403

  as Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, 201

  and tax credits, 129

  Militant Tendency, 74, 85

  Millbank, London, 106

  Millennium Dome, London, 29

  miners’ strike (1974), 53

  miners’ strike (1984–1985), 71–3

  minimum wage, 133, 146, 367, 439, 460

  Ministry of Defence, 136, 250, 255, 257, 272, 273, 276

  Ministry of Overseas Aid, 136

  Mitchell, Andrea, 220

  modernisation, 79, 85, 92, 95, 102, 124, 169–70, 184–5, 189, 440–41

  Moffat, Alistair, 58

  Monaco, 154

  monarchy, 22

  monetarism, 24, 26, 60, 69

  Monetary Policy Committee (MPC), 119–20, 353

  Monks, John, 110

  moon rock, 7–8

  Moor View, Plymouth, 373

  Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, 49

  ‘moral compass’, 219–20, 431, 433

  moral hazard, 297, 298, 306

  moral values, 423–33

  Morecambe, Lancashire, 100

  Morgan, Eddie, 409

  Morgan, Piers, 160

  Morley, John, 208

  Morris, Estelle, 234

  mortgage tax relief, 139, 140, 143–4, 147, 167

  mortgages, 19, 25, 82, 116, 133, 298, 346–7

  Mowlam, Marjorie ‘Mo’, 86

  Mozambique, 191

  MPs’ expenses scandal (2009), 12–14, 366, 389

  MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), 37

  Muggeridge, Malcolm, 44

  Muir, David, 280, 336, 354, 359, 367, 370

  Mulgan, Geoff, 91

  Multilateral Development Banks, 335

  multiplier effect, 357

  Munro, Sheila, 158, 160

  Murdoch, Rupert, 95, 167, 176, 189, 220, 289–90, 368–9, 393

  Murray, Andrew, 308

  Murray, Ian, 58, 406

  Murray, Neil, 216, 222

  Musa Qala, Helmand, 10, 11, 275, 287

  Musharraf, Pervez, 279

  mutual assessment process (MAP), 336

  My Scotland, Our Britain (Brown), 401

  Myers, Richard, 253

  Myners, Paul, 224


  Nad-e Ali, Helmand, 11

  Nairn, Tom, 55

  Naked Diplomat, The (Fletcher), 200–201

  Napoleon III, emperor of the French, 35

  Narey, David, 60

  Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 11

  Natcen, 446

  nation-building, 265, 270, 284, 291–3

  National Audit Office, 131

  National Changeover Plan, 181

  National Coal Board, 62

  National Council for Single Parents, 216

National Council for Voluntary Organisations, 218

  National Economic Council, US, 342

  National Executive Committee, 87

  National Freight, 105

  National Health Service (NHS), 8, 10, 29, 34, 46, 70–71, 76, 107, 157–71, 229–33, 420, 446, 447, 456, 460

  Darzi Review (2007), 203, 222, 231

  foundation hospitals, 168–70

  personalisation, 196, 219, 229–31

  and private sector, 163, 166, 168–70, 440

  and social care, 232, 442

  and tax, 4, 83, 101, 102, 112, 154, 155, 156, 162–8, 233, 349, 363, 441, 459

  national identity, 23, 29–30, 394–417

  National Institute of Economic and Social Research, 130

  National Insurance, 12–14, 82, 102–3, 155, 163–8, 233, 349, 354, 453

  National Intelligence Estimate, 254

  National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh, 235

  National Security Strategy, 204

  National Union of Mineworkers (NUM), 62

  nationalisation, 25, 34, 79, 80, 81, 102

  nationalism, 22–3, 29–30, 397, 407

  NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation), 56, 213, 241, 248, 269, 275, 277, 279, 330

  NatWest Bank, 164

  Naughtie, Alexander James ‘Jim’, 94, 109

  Nazi Germany (1933–1945), 40, 80

  NBC, 220

  Nellist, David, 66

  Nelson, Horatio, 223

  ‘neoclassical endogenous growth theory’, 103–4

  neoliberalism, 23–6, 28, 141, 378, 438, 440, 449–50, 457

  Netanyahu, Benjamin, 244

  Netherlands, 36, 272, 309, 321, 324, 326

  Nevada, United States, 44, 154

  New Britain, 27–8, 395

  New Covenant, 28

  New Deal, 8, 25, 88, 92, 105, 127–31, 439

  New Deal (US), 28, 129, 361

  New Economic Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), 326

  New Frontier, 28

  New Labour, 22–3, 27, 79, 102, 145, 170, 438–41, 448

  New Statesman, 380

  New Woman, 21

  New York, United States, 125, 176, 214, 302, 309

  Federal Reserve, 297, 312

  September 11 attacks (2001), 182, 247–8, 269

  United Nations, 312, 324–5, 336

  University, 245

  New Zealand, 67, 123, 199

  Newcastle, Tyne and Wear, 76, 372

  News International, 190

  News of The World, 393

  Newsnight, 95

  ‘Newspaper of the Year’, 47

  Nicklaus, Jack, 308

  Nigeria, 390, 392, 410

  Nimruz, Afghanistan, 287

  Nobel Prize, 26, 312, 392

  Norfolk, England, 373

  Norman, Montagu, 352

  Normandy beach, 11

  North Sea, 36, 37

  oil, 59

  North, Frederick, 414

  Northern Ireland, 16–17, 29, 30, 154, 199, 212, 367–8, 375


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