Office Perks

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Office Perks Page 14

by Monica Belle

  ‘No you did not.’

  ‘I did, I’m sure I did.’

  ‘You didn’t, Sophie, really. I had no idea at all, not until I walked in on her to find her in just here underwear and a pair of kinky boots!’

  ‘Oh no!’

  ‘Oh yes. I just freaked. I couldn’t understand what she was talking about. When I saw her in just this black body stocking I dropped the champagne she’d asked for and she started going on about how I didn’t need to smash stuff to get what I wanted, then she just went for me.’

  ‘What happened?’

  ‘I tried to calm her down, but she wouldn’t stop. Maybe she thought I was play fighting or something, because she was telling me I was going to get what I wanted. She was really hurting me, too, and I just lost it.’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘Well, she was going on about how she was going to spank me, so I gave her a taste of her own medicine, with this silver-plated hairbrush.’

  ‘You spanked her? You spanked Hilary Chalmers!?’


  Suddenly she was in fits of laughter. As she emerged from the kitchen there were tears in her eyes, of sheer delight, and she threw herself down in an armchair, shaking with mirth.

  ‘What’s so funny?’

  ‘You spanked Hilary Chalmers. That is so good! Wait until I tell Bobbie, she’ll bust a gut.’

  I had to smile, I couldn’t help it.


  ‘OK, she is such a bitch, that woman, and you spanked her. Oh my God! How did she take it? I bet she screamed the fucking house down!’

  ‘No, not really. Well, at first, yes, but then she got horny over it, really quickly. She was begging me for more, sticking her bum up and everything. I stopped, because I didn’t know what to do, and she started wanking herself off. She did it, Sophie, right in front of me, everything showing, and I do mean everything!’

  ‘You’re joking!’

  ‘I am not. She was wild, clutching herself and rubbing like crazy.’

  ‘Fuck me! What did you do?’

  ‘I ran. I know that sounds pathetic, but I suppose I just couldn’t handle it. That’s why I came here. I wanted to talk to you.’

  She nodded and sat up properly in the chair, hugging herself and shaking her head.

  ‘Oh boy, what a laugh. Sorry, Lucy, I should have said, but I thought you knew, honestly.’

  I was less than half-convinced she was telling the truth, but I let it go. What I needed was support, not a fight. She went on.

  ‘This is how it is. She owns Body and Soul, you know, the health food chain, or she did anyway. When Bobbie first started with Super, Body and Soul used to employ temps all the time, and Hilary Chalmers was strictly hands on, always around the offices. She started taking Bobbie on for her personal stuff, and it was obvious she fancied her. Bobbie’s well into women, and she went for it. She got a shock when she found out what was expected of her, but she can handle that stuff. So can I, really. So when Bobbie was off one time I stood in, just like I wanted you to. Back then Hilary had this flat in London, but after Body and Soul went public she was loaded and didn’t need to do so much. We’ve been going out to Henley ever since, and when I couldn’t go, I thought you might like a slice of the action.’


  ‘Sure. I mean, you went with Bobbie, and you didn’t freak when we did Keith that time, so I thought you’d be up for it. She gives serious tips.’

  I just nodded, not knowing what to say, whether to feel flattered or angry, amused or upset. Sophie was biting her lip, and obviously thought she’d made a mistake. One thing I was sure of – I didn’t want her, or Bobbie, to be less of a friend because I couldn’t cope with what they were into. She was waiting for a response, and I forced a smile.

  ‘That’s great, Sophie, and I would have done it, only you should have told me. If I’d known, I’d have been OK with it, perhaps better prepared.’

  I wasn’t so sure, but it was what she wanted to hear. There was another problem.

  ‘Shit, I hope I haven’t fucked it up for you.’

  She shrugged.

  ‘Maybe, maybe not. I mean, it sounds like she enjoyed what you did.’

  ‘That’s for sure, but still . . . you don’t think she’d complain, do you?’

  ‘To whom? You don’t think Maryam Smith knows anything about this, do you?’

  ‘Well, no.’

  ‘To her it’s just a premium account. It’s funny, ’cos she’s well pleased with herself, having the wonderful Hilary Chalmers on the books, businesswoman of the year and all that crap. No, Lucy, Hilary’s not going to complain. What she’ll do to my arse the next time I see her is a different matter.’

  ‘Do it to her instead.’

  ‘Yeah, easy for you to say. You know something, you’re scary. I couldn’t do that, not ever. I mean, she’s one tough lady, and she’s bigger than either of us!’

  I shrugged.

  ‘I suppose I caught her by surprise.’

  ‘Yeah, right. Just remind me not to get on the wrong side of you.’

  Sophie and I parted friends, better friends than before. I felt I’d been let into an inner circle, something very special. I had to make it clear that I wasn’t going anywhere near Hilary Chalmers again, but both of them accepted that, and if anything seemed to be ever so slightly in awe of me for what I’d done. On the Tuesday I was assigned to a cube farm in the back of Paddington Station, cataloguing the files of a company that had been bought out by a rival. It was tedious stuff, with every detail having to be fed into a home grown computer program that was anything but computer friendly, and no body to talk to in my little box of a work station. In contrast, the previous day seemed a distant and thrilling experience. Leanne was with me, but I never saw her, except first and last thing, because lunch consisted of a bloke wheeling a trolley load of dodgy sandwiches around the cubes.

  The week seemed to take for ever but, despite the boring work, my excitement was slowly rising. Bobbie and Sophie were always on the phone, and I saw Niall every evening. I got shagged every evening too, because the prospect of Saturday had him permanently horny. Not that I was much different, being nervous and excited. When I met Bobbie for a drink after work on the Friday night my feelings ended up stronger still.

  She’d been to Henley, as personally requested by Hilary Chalmers. As with me, she’d been picked up at the station and driven to the house. Once there she’d been told to strip, and had spent the day playing maid and being spanked repeatedly across Hilary Chalmers’ knee, and in a variety of rude positions. Three times she’d been made to go down on her employer, and when she’d left she’d been given two envelopes instead of the normal one. The second contained three hundred pounds in cash, for me.

  My reservations lasted approximately half a second before I accepted it. After all, why not? It was being offered, and to judge from Hilary’s reaction I’d given her quite a thrill. Bobbie had the same, along with her pay and, sure enough, my fee for Monday was a full eight hours at twenty-fours pounds. To cap it all, Hilary Chalmers was apparently worried about me because I’d run off.

  I spent Saturday shopping, indulging myself as I had never done before. For once in my life I felt I had money to burn, and I was determined to make the best of it. I went into Knightsbridge first, but the prices were insane and most of the stuff just too stuck-up for me. I’d have just felt silly. Chelsea was better. First I bought a serious pair of boots, knee-high patent leather in gold with block heels, completely over the top. Next was a pair of jeans, black, from one of the best labels, and sold with a set of three bikini-style thongs in bright colours. They weren’t going to go with the boots, but a gold dress I saw in a shop window at the top of the King’s Road was. It was a perfect match, so short it would be seriously cheeky on me, and two hundred pounds. I bought it anyway.

  By the time I got home I was knackered. I knew Mum would have a fit if she found out how much I’d spent, so I sneaked upstairs
and put it all in my wardrobe before climbing into the bath. For once the house was relatively quiet, and I had a long soak, lying half-asleep in the hot soapy water. Niall was picking me up, supposedly for a straightforward date, but I couldn’t resist my gold outfit. It had tiny straps. A bra would have looked silly with it, so I didn’t bother. The material was light, too, and after trying a couple of pairs of knickers and discovering that the line showed through I decided to be really daring and do without. I was only going to have to bend slightly and anyone behind me was going to get a flash of bare bum, maybe more, which felt deliciously naughty.

  When Niall came for me I put a coat on so as not to cause comment, then flashed my bare pussy to him as we reached the car. He was already drooling, and if he hadn’t had to drive I swear he’d have fucked me on the spot, and sod who was looking on. He nearly crashed on the way into Sophie’s, but we made it, to find her and Bobbie already there, dolled up and ready to go. Sophie was in a skirt and top, both tiny, and when I gave her a teasing flash she took her knickers off too. Bobbie was more demure, just, in white slacks that hugged her bum and a big cotton shirt tied under her breasts. Niall couldn’t keep his eyes off us, and expected to get down to business straight away, his hands on the buckle of his belt as Sophie kicked her knickers to one side.

  ‘So, ladies, who’s first?’

  Obviously he’d forgotten all about our agreement. He was also pushing his luck. I wagged my finger at him.

  ‘Oh no you don’t. Night out first, nookie later, if we feel like it.’

  Sophie caught on immediately.

  ‘Yes, that’s right, if we feel like it. We may, or we may not.’

  The effect wasn’t what it might have been because, as she spoke, she was bending down to retrieve her knickers so Niall could see her bare bum. Bobbie applied a firm slap to the meaty cheeks showing under the hem of Sophie’s skirt as she moved for the door.

  ‘Don’t worry, Niall, she’ll be up for it. She’s a slut. Aren’t you, Sophie? Lucy’s right, though, drinkies first. Come on.’

  She opened the door, drawing an astonished look from an old man getting out of the lift who was just in time to catch a peep of Sophie’s bare bum. I saw what had happened, and so did Bobbie. Both of us doubled up laughing as she shut the door, then Niall laughed as he too realised. From that moment it was sealed. We were going to bed, the three of us. We were going to have an almighty shagging session and that was that.

  We were teasing Niall in the lift, stroking him through his trousers and threatening to get his dick out. He was rock hard and it showed, reducing all three of us to helpless giggles as we started up towards the High Street. Niall had his arms around Sophie and me, with Bobbie walking separately until I put my spare arm around her waist so she wouldn’t feel left out. She immediately took a pinch of my dress and tweaked it up, just for an instant, flashing my bare buttocks to the world. I slapped her bottom, but I was up for mischief, and the brief exposure had sent a hot flush across my face and chest.

  We went in the first pub we came to, for just one round, then on to the next. I was going to get plastered, and I was going to fuck all night, sod everything else. Niall had Guinness, as usual, and I joined him, starting on the whiskey chasers at the fourth pub. By the fifth my head was swimming, and the four of were in a world of our own, the crowds around us, everybody else, unreal, irrelevant.

  We stopped at a place beside the canal to eat huge steaks smothered in green peppercorn sauce, and sticky chocolate pudding. All the while we were laughing and joking, with our conversation growing ever dirtier and more intimate. Sophie was sprawled in a comfy chair, her back to bar, and it wasn’t long before she let her thighs slip apart, showing her pussy and eyeing Niall with hot, eager eyes. It was time, no question, before we got too paralytic, and we left, walking rapidly back the way we’d come, hardly speaking, all of us eager to get to the privacy of Sophie’s flat.

  The moment the lift doors had closed behind us I was kissing Niall, tongue to tongue, his arms around me. I felt his fingers as he bunched up my dress, baring my bottom. Bobbie was giggling as she saw, and I felt her hand touch me, stroking and slapping, Sophie too. I didn’t care. I was too busy trying to get Niall’s cock out of his trousers without breaking our kiss. He tried to pull back, but I had him pinned in the corner and out it came, already hard, hot and long in my hand. I began to wank him, tugging on it as the girls slapped at my bum cheeks.

  I heard the chime of the lift bell, and felt a sharp thrill at the thought of being caught. We reached our floor, and I led Niall out by his cock, laughing crazily as we ran across to Sophie’s door. I was playing with him as Sophie groped in her bag for the keys, and I was on my knees as she pulled them out, sucking on Niall’s lovely cock. Somewhere down the passage a door slammed, and we tumbled into the flat together, just in time.

  All four of us were laughing, and as Niall slumped into an armchair with his erection sticking up like a flagpole. I went straight down on him. He opened his trousers as I began to suck, and I pulled his briefs down at the front to get out his balls, taking them straight into my mouth. I was kneeling, my head in his lap, feeding on him, my bottom stuck out, and suffused with a glorious warm glow from the girls’ slaps.

  Sophie went to the kitchen. Bobbie watched me suck, eyes bright with excitement. I threw her a glance as Niall’s balls slipped from my mouth, offering her a chance to join in. She took it, squeezing in beside me to lick at him too. Her arm came around me as we worked together, kissing and licking and sucking until he had begun to groan and thrust his hips. I knew he was going to come, and I pursed my lips into a tight hole to let him push in. He grunted and took hold, tugging at his shaft, which slipped from my mouth at the last instant, to spend a fountain of come in our faces.

  We were giggling with mirth as we ran for the bathroom, just as Sophie came out from the kitchen with a bottle of wine and four glasses. She saw, her mouth falling open at the sight of our faces, and as I got to the sink her voice floated after me.

  ‘You might have waited for me, you greedy bitches,’ she said.

  I just laughed.

  ‘You can have the next go, I promise, and it’ll take longer.’

  Bobbie and I washed and returned to the living room for wine. Niall was still in the armchair, sprawled out contentedly with his cock and balls hanging out. Sophie was perched on the arm of his chair, tickling him with a fingernail, a glass of wine in her hand. I poured myself a glass and went to the sofa, content to watch Sophie tease Niall back into action. Bobbie lay down, her head in my lap. I began to stroke her hair, my body and mind suffused with warm pleasure, drink and sex together, the taste of Niall rich in my mouth, my bottom tingling pleasantly.

  Slowly, very slowly, Niall’s cock began to respond to Sophie’s caresses, first stirring, then stiffening and lengthening. When his helmet had began to push out from his foreskin she took him in hand, wanking gently as he lay back with his eyes closed in easy bliss. My own need began to rise faster. When she reached one lazy hand up to stroke the outline of my breasts I didn’t stop her, contenting myself with speaking gently to Niall.

  ‘Niall, open your eyes, watch.’

  His eyes came open, sleepy pleasure changing abruptly to a hungry stare as he saw what Bobbie was doing. When he spoke his voice was hoarse and commanding.

  ‘Do it bare, show me.’

  I hesitated but Bobbie didn’t. Shifting her body a little, she tweaked the straps of my dress off my shoulders and pulled the front down, baring both my breasts, straight into her hands. Niall’s tongue flicked out to moisten his lips, his cock now hard in Sophie’s grip. My nipples were stiff, and grew stiffer still as Bobbie began to run her fingers over them, until both were aching with need.

  Sophie bent down to take Niall in her mouth, sucking on his now straining erection as he watched Bobbie play with my breasts. From the look on his face he was in hog heaven, getting a three-way girlie show that most men would give their eye teeth for. Her finger
s found his balls, tickling underneath and his body grew tense. Bobbie’s mouth closed on me, sucking one aching nipple, a sensation too nice to let me pull away.

  Taking Niall in her hand once more, Sophie climbed onto him, swinging her leg across his lap and tugging her skirt high. I could see every detail, her cheeky bottom spread to show her pussy and her bottom hole, Niall’s cock taut and ready, the helmet glossy with pressure. She began to rub him on herself, moving him in to the moist crease of her sex, dipping the head into her, and back, right on her clit.

  He could barely take it, his teeth gritted in pained ecstasy, his fingers locked onto the arms of the chair as she used his dick to masturbate. Bobbie had my breasts in her hands, sucking urgently at my nipples, and I couldn’t help myself, pushing my chest out into her face. One hand went lower, burrowing between my thighs and I just gave in, opening up to her fingers, even as Niall’s patience finally snapped. He grabbed Sophie’s bottom and drew her firmly down onto him, fucking her as Bobbie began to masturbate.

  Niall was staring, his eyes locked to mine as he bounced Sophie on his erection. She was rubbing herself, gasping and snatching at her pussy as her body slid up and down. I was lost to pleasure, my breasts tight and sensitive to Bobbie’s kisses and little nips of her teeth, my pussy already twitching under her fingers as she rubbed me off.

  Sophie came, bouncing crazily on Niall’s cock with her hands clutching at her pussy and breasts, the long, taut shaft working inside her. It was too much, too rude, too horny, to watch them fuck at such close quarter. She was still gasping and shaking as my own orgasm hit me, and I was clutching Bobbie’s head to my chest and pressing her hand to my pussy as my whole body shook and shivered in blinding ecstasy.

  Bobbie didn’t stop, and I was just too drunk and too high to protest as she got down between my thighs. My body was still trembling in the dying moments of my climax as she began to lick me, and I simply closed my eyes and let her get on with it. Only when she gave a sudden gasp and I felt her head pushed into my body did I look again to find Niall behind her, holding her hips with her slacks and knickers pulled down at the back, his cock deep inside her.


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