Healing Hearts 7

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Healing Hearts 7 Page 10

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Kernan leaned down and kissed her shoulder then along her breast. She looked at him, felt his fingers glide against her pussy and her lips parted.

  “We know that you need slow, and it’s going to be torturous, but we get your need for independence.”

  “Do you, Kernan? Do all three of you get it? The guys will be relentless. You’ll all make out like stallions, and I’ll get hit on quadruple time. I really wish you hadn’t called in and just let me handle it. I want to get up. I need to shower and—”

  She started to rise up, but then Kernan was pulling her on top of him. She straddled his hips and cringed a little, but then rubbed her palms up and down his chest. He gripped her ass cheeks. “There’s a lot for all of us to get used to. We’ll work it out.”

  She felt the hands on her hips, and Kinchley moved in behind her. He suckled her neck, wrapped his arm around her waist, and nudged his cock at her back entrance.

  “Making love will help. After all, I get the feeling once you’re showered and dressed, you’ll pretend this didn’t happen, or at least in public you will. I’ll need to get some more pussy and ass while I can,” he said, and then eased his cock into her cunt from behind. Kernan lifted up as Kinchley pulled her to the edge of the bed. He undressed quickly as Kinchley rocked into her very sensitive pussy, slowly and with need. She leaned back and moaned. He cupped her breast, thumbed the nipple, and then Conan was naked and on the bed with his cock in his hand.

  “Together,” Conan said and that was it. Her pussy clenched and released more cream. Kinchley pulled out and swiped that cream over her asshole, arousing her further. Kernan took his place on the bed, legs wide as Kinchley lifted her up as if she were light as a feather, simultaneously fingering her asshole, and she moaned from his strength and masculinity. When he lowered her cunt to Kernan’s cock, she slid over him and moaned with him.

  “Fuck yeah. I can’t live without being inside of your for so long. How the fuck am I going to get through work today?” Kernan asked, and she lowered down and kissed his mouth while he thrust his hips upward. Behind her, Kinchley stroked her ass with his fingers.

  “I need, brothers. Let’s do this before I come right here,” Conan said.

  “With pleasure,” Kinchley replied, pulling his fingers from her asshole and replacing them with his cock. He pressed right into her, her body accepting the invasion and then instantly responding with a gush of cream to her cunt and a spasm of orgasm hitting her instantly. Her mouth opened, and Conan gripped her hair and head, cursed, and then lowered her to his cock. She took him into her mouth and began to suck and lick his cock. Up and down, back and forth, she rocked her body, tried focusing on staying in control but then their urgency grew stronger. She let go and that was it. She was pretty sure she blacked out as the orgasm hit her, and her three lovers came inside of her at the same time. It was wild, erotic, and they kissed her everywhere their lips could reach before she lowered back to the bed against Kernan this time, and he held her in his arms until she could no longer hide out, but instead face the day, and all that transpired in the last twenty-four hours.

  * * * *

  Conan tried not to look at the office doors to where the federal agents were bullshitting with Brook. That agent Alex Rourke definitely knew her well, and why the hell did he have to stand so close to her and even next to her as they looked at the computer screen? It was annoying the shit out of him. It was bad enough that the feds were at the hospital when Brook was visiting Torey, or that the guys from SWAT, Dustin and his team, were carrying on about her skills and her beauty then asking if she needed help icing her injuries. She handled them well though, and like a woman used to men hitting on her or bordering sexual harassment. He realized that as much as they flirted and teased, that they respected her, and she had her comebacks, too, and seemed to have some dirt on the men and used it accordingly. It just made her even more appealing. When would she show signs that there was something going on between her and his brothers?

  He saw her point at the screen and then Alex squint and look at his partner. She looked up from the computer and caught Conan’s eye. She knew exactly where he was. Was that because she felt guilty about letting the guys flirt, or was she aware of where he was in case she needed him? He didn’t know and that bothered him, too. His possessiveness of her was getting worse. She waved him in and he headed toward them.

  “Alex and his team were doing interviews this morning. One of the guys gave up some information, we think, without really knowing it. Check this out. He mentioned a certain area on Mercy. A neighborhood with several multi-million dollar homes. Alex and I are thinking that one of these homes could be another hit.”

  “Could be, but with the feds going after those other warehouses and taking the stolen items and money, wouldn’t you think these guys would be leaving town by now so they don’t get caught?” he asked.

  “Could be, but the one guy said it was all these guys were talking about,” Alex told him.

  “Yet this informant didn’t give names of the team of men doing these jobs? How can we be sure it isn’t bullshit or something to throw us all off?” he asked.

  “It’s a process and we’re going to have to investigate all potential leads. Like this other place,” she said, and then Alex spoke up eyeing Conan over.

  “We’re going to get a team and go in this evening. It was a place given by one of the men who was caught. He says that it’s a side place that trucks are kept, some still loaded with product. Brook is going to stay here and investigate these homes and find out what she can, along with Yandi. Why don’t you gather some people and assist us?” Alex said to him. Brook looked at Alex.

  “Yandi and even Carter can go over this—”

  Alex pointed at her stopping her from talking.

  “You need to rest. A couple of more days and those bruises should be better and your ribs not so sore. We got this.” She widened her eyes and then nearly growled. He continued, “Besides, I know your work, Brook, whether in office or in the field, you have a knack for finding little clues and picking up on things others might bypass. You could possibly figure out the house these men want to hit.” She leaned back and stared at him. Alex held her gaze and she glanced at the other agent and, of course, Conan.

  “Don’t blow smoke up my ass, Alex. It didn’t work a year ago, it certainly won’t work now,” she said and then looked down at the computer and started typing. Alex chuckled.

  “I’ll break you down. Eventually,” Alex said and was smirking from ear to ear.

  “Not,” she replied, not missing a beat and not even looking up from the screen. Alex gave his partner a slap to his arm and a nod, they headed out of the room, and Conan realized that she definitely knew Alex well, and there was a history there, but what? She said she hadn’t had any lovers but him? Could she have lied to get revenge? Fuck, it hurt, and he was in a sour mood for sure now.

  As he and Alex went over their plans, he looked at the guy with hatred. He was young, closer to Brook’s age, well within five years of her age but still closer than him and his brothers were. Alex was nice, kind of cocky, but Conan never met a fed that wasn’t cocky. He put that aside as best he could as they planned the raid on the facility where the trucks were being stored, having peace of mind, at least for this raid, that Brook was safe and secure in an office behind a computer.

  * * * *

  “Hey, hotshot, heard you’ve had a hell of a couple of days,” Casey said to Brook over the phone when Brook took a break and sat outside on the bench. She was sipping coffee as a raid was going on and she worried about Conan and the other officers and agents.

  “What did you hear?”

  “Word is that you saw some action, saved a detective’s life and others, then got shot. Any particular reason why your friends had to find out through the grapevine?” she asked.

  “I’m fine, it was no big deal. No need for dramatics.”

  “Oh, that’s right, you’re super cop and fearless. Don’t need
a soul. How’s that working out for you considering you’re working with an ex?”

  “What? Where did you—”


  “Lucky Emma told us. I asked Ranger and Ice about them. Three pretty intense soldiers, they are. So, are you sleeping with them yet?” Casey asked, and Brook laughed.

  “You have some nerve. I do recall a woman who was pretty damn scared of four men she had the hots for.”

  “I admit it, but I’m a changed woman. I recognize love when it’s in my face. Emma is afraid that your fears from the past, from Conan cheating on you, will make you push him and his brothers away.”

  “Emma has a big mouth, and she doesn’t know everything. I’m going to give her a piece of my mind.”

  Casey laughed. “Well, meet us tonight at Gordon’s. Tomorrow is Saturday, aren’t you off, or is the case requiring overtime?”

  “The sheriff told me to take the weekend and that I would be informed if anything new came up.”

  “Good, then tonight, eight o’clock at Gordon’s, be there so all of us can talk.”

  “I’ll see if I can.”

  “No, you’ll show up. See you later.”

  Brook laughed and ended the call. She stood up and headed inside, seeing Yandi standing there by the door. Had he been watching her?

  “What’s up? Anything?” she asked him.

  “I’m not sure, but I found something on one of the houses that the others don’t have.”

  “What’s that?” she asked as they walked back to the office. He scrolled down on the computer and showed her.

  “Access by water, and a large storage shed on the back property. The homeowner owns a high-end art gallery in Mercy and there’s a show next week. Perhaps he stores some of those in that large shed?”

  “May be a reach. We should go talk to them, find out if it has climate control and what is in it? Let’s talk to Alex when they return.”

  He nodded and she smiled. Yandi was really trying hard throughout the investigation to help. This observation could indeed be helpful. Her cell phone buzzed and she reached for it, glanced down, and smiled.

  “Dinner, our place tonight eight o’clock,” Kernan texted.

  “No can do. Have plans with friends. Going to Gordon’s,” she texted back, and then thought about inviting them. Should she? Would they think she wanted to expose their relationship? Was it too soon?

  “We were invited for beers with friends but declined,” he texted back. Did that mean he expected her to do the same? She wouldn’t let these men control her life, her actions and decisions.

  “We’ll stop in to see them and then meet up with you. Later,” he texted, and she was surprised. He wasn’t giving her a choice though. She hoped that this didn’t get complicated.

  Her phone went off again.

  “I need advice,” Faith texted her.

  “With what?”


  Brook chuckled.

  “Going to Gordon’s tonight? We can talk there.”


  Brook smiled to herself. Faith was very shy and very sweet, and a kindergarten school teacher. She was filled with energy and life, and seemed to really have her life together. The only thing was, she hinted about having a tough childhood, and still struggled with dating since leaving Andrew, an abusive ex-boyfriend. Brook wondered what was going on and now looked forward to spending some time with her girlfriends and taking her mind off the chaos of this case, and about the men. She had a feeling that Kinchley would make sure every guy knew that she was seeing him and his brothers. She would bet her life on it.

  Chapter 7

  Faith Coleman ran her hands along the knee length skirt, and adjusted her blouse. She always got nervous coming into bars, and especially this one. There were always so many guys around, and not just law enforcement or soldiers. Regular guys, too, ones looking for a good time and no-strings-attached relationships. It was funny, but over the years and since moving here from New Jersey three years ago, she was able to pick out the types of places most were. It was why she and her friends stuck to Corporal’s, Dillard’s, and even Gordon’s here and there. When they were together, they were fine. She would never come here alone, even though sometimes she was lonely and needed the adult interaction.

  She adjusted her glasses and used her palm to smooth down her shoulder-length blonde hair. She couldn’t help but wonder why she bothered when most men were not attracted to the shy, sophisticated, yet nerdy type with glasses. At least none worth her time. She always got comments like “you look really smart, and beautiful, too. Are you a virgin?” It annoyed her. She did get asked out but declined and never felt compelled or attracted to any man thus far.

  She swallowed hard and made her way inside and through the crowds of people. She spotted Brook right away, and she was talking to a bunch of guys and one in particular Faith always noticed when she came here. Rocky, the manager. He was big. Like six-foot-four, huge muscles only a linebacker would have, tattoos on his forearms, and a deep, commanding voice that made her shake. He was a lot older than her, too.

  Before she even got close enough to grab Brook’s attention, Rocky looked right at her, his eyes roamed over her body, and instantly her nipples hardened. She shyly looked down and some guy bumped into her, making her feel like an idiot. He was speaking loudly and grabbed her, looked her over and then licked his lips. “Holy hell, I just bumped into tonight’s special,” the guy said, and his friends started laughing and he didn’t let go. She shoved his arm away.

  “Remove your hand at once,” she scolded in her best teacher tone, and the guy stopped, staring at her, but before the situation continued a strong arm wrapped around her waist and Rocky was there.

  “Lay a hand on her again and you’re out of here, Cooper.”

  Cooper raised his hands up in retreat and then looked at her and winked.

  Rocky kept his thick, solid arm around her waist and then turned her away from Cooper.

  “You look beautiful as always, Miss Coleman,” he said and winked. With that wicked smile and that playful tone, she knew he was teasing her about being a school teacher, but for some reason heat attacked her body. It also meant he didn’t take her seriously and probably thought she wasn’t anything special because she was a teacher and she was shy.

  “Thank you, Mr. Gove,” she replied, and he squinted at her and stared into her eyes. “Something wrong?”

  “Not from where I’m standing,” he replied in a rich, thick tone.

  “Faith,” Brook called her name, taking her out of the spell Rocky had her under. As he released her, his hand slid along her ass, and holy shit was she turned on. He was huge compared to her, and she should be nervous and even scared of his capabilities, but then Brook pulled her into a hug and then guided her next to the bar.

  “You look great. How was your week?” Brook asked her.

  “What are you having?” the bartender asked.

  “Malibu sunset,” Faith told him, and then he winked and she took a seat on the bar stool. She crossed her legs, and Brook sat on the seat next to her and crossed her legs, too. Faith thought she looked extra nice tonight. Considering how intense Brook was with her job and getting into all the action, she was super sexy, with a great body, and tonight she wore a tight black skirt, heeled wedge sandals, and a slim fitting top that accentuated her toned arms and her figure. They were facing the bar as they spoke, and the bartender put down a drink for her.

  “So, what’s doing? Your text sounded cryptic,” Brook said and took a sip from her glass of white wine.

  “I didn’t mean to sound cryptic. I just got a call from my cousin Everly. She got into some kind of confrontation with Greg and Andrew last night at the club they go to.”

  “What did they say? What went down?”

  “The usual crap, but Andrew asked about me. He wants to talk, Brook. Wants to get together.”

  “And you told your cousin no way, correct? This is the guy that hur
t you? The one you barely can talk about and seem to shake when he’s mentioned?” Brook asked, and Faith nodded but then took a sip from her drink.

  “Hey, you aren’t thinking of giving him another chance, are you? He hurt you, Faith.”

  “He was drunk and lost that promotion he thought he deserved. He said he was declined because he had less years there because of the service.”

  “He hit you. I was there afterwards, remember? I sure as hell do, and you were so scared of him. Then he got into the fight at the bar and nearly killed that guy. You don’t need to be around men like him.”

  “He’s straightened things out from what Everly said.”

  “She says that because she likes Greg and he has money.”

  Faith looked away and felt her heart ache. She was lonely and just wanted a boyfriend, someone to spend time with and care about, but also a man who would care about her and put her first.

  “What’s really bothering you? I mean, you are scared of Andrew, and rightfully so. He struck you several times, and then threatened you for months. Now suddenly he wants to talk. No. Why would you consider it?”

  She stared at Brook. “You can get any guy you want, Brook. I can’t.”

  “What? I can’t get any guy I want.”

  Faith raised her eyebrows up at her.

  “Maybe I can screw any guys I want if that was the type of person I am, but it isn’t. I shared my story with you, Faith, after what happened between you and Andrew. I thought Conan cheated on me.”

  “You thought he did? What does that mean? Did he talk to you now that you’re working the case?”

  “We talked a lot and some things happened.”

  “Oh boy, you forgave him?” she asked, and then gave her a look debating about giving Andrew another chance.

  “Hey, I thought Conan cheated on me, He never struck me or made me feel worthless. You expressed those emotions and feelings to me. This is definitely different, and it seems that his ex-girlfriend set him up.” As Brook explained, Faith was shocked but then happy for Brook.


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