Healing Hearts 7

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Healing Hearts 7 Page 12

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “No problem, Commander,” Paul said. “Hang in there, Kernan,” he added, and he and Sam left the room.

  The nurse came back in and gave him his release papers and neither said a word as they left the hospital. When they got into the truck, Kernan exhaled.

  “I hurt her feelings. I know I did.”

  “You saved her life and ours. You returned fire with Conan, while I got her to safety. The bullet could have hit Brook, Conan, or I. We’re a team, and we handled it like one.”

  “I know that, but I pissed her off. I scared her.”

  “We all did. We were all barking and angry.”

  “You saw her face, Kinchley, when I reacted to her caressing me. I grabbed her wrist fucking tight. She looked scared of me and shocked. I fucking couldn’t handle it. I couldn’t handle having her there and seeing me fail.”

  “Fail? What in the world are you talking about? You didn’t fail her. We’re all alive.”

  “I got shot. I was worrying about her, hoping you were covering her, and I reacted, drawing my gun, firing at the culprits not even taking cover. I wasn’t thinking clearly, strategically. My head wasn’t in the game because I was worried about her.”

  “Well, get over it. She’s a damn warrior, don’t you realize that? She’s as tough as they come and always has something to prove. We need to be her rocks, her comfort zone, and not additional stresses or make her hold back like she’s walking on eggshells.”

  “If this is what being in love is, it’s going to take a lot of getting used to. It kind of sucks.” Kinchley snickered. “Not when she’s in our arms and when our cocks are buried deep in her body. Like that, it’s fucking heaven.” Kernan laughed. “Why do I get the feeling things are going to get crazier before they calm down and we all adjust?”

  “Just wait until she’s living with us. See her reaction to that.”

  “Crap, her house is all screwed up, bullet holes everywhere.”

  “The front looks like Swiss cheese. She won’t be living there any time soon, maybe never.”

  “I’m going to text her, then text Conan to see when they’ll be home,” Kernan said.

  “You’ll be sound asleep. Those painkillers the doctor gave you are the good stuff.”

  “Someone checked out our place, right? They secured it?”

  “Eagan, Rocky, Ranger, and men from our team. In fact, look, we got a welcome committee.” He pulled onto the long side street before their house and, sure enough, a bunch of vehicles were there along with their friends, armed and ready for anything.

  Kernan chuckled. “What a bunch of lunatics.”

  “The best kind.”

  * * * *

  “I’m telling you that we need to get these places monitored. The one guy, Perkins, used a credit card in Mercy at a local hardware store. They are in the area still,” Brook said to Conan with Carter, Yandi, and Alex in the room.

  “We can get some surveillance vehicles near the homes,” one of the guys suggested.

  “Too risky. They’ll be onto that immediately. We have to think differently while Alex and his team try to track these men down now that we have their names,” she replied.

  “Maybe we’ll get lucky on the blood found in the escape vehicle we located. Someone or more than one person was injured,” Alex stated.

  “I wished we killed them all. Why did they do this? It would only enrage all of us and, of course, the team, every department and cop out there. I don’t get it,” Conan said.

  “Maybe it’s to throw us off,” she whispered and then looked at the set of houses with the safes like Barry had described. “We’ll need to be very smart here. You’re in command, Conan. What’s the next step?”

  “We need to get people close and undercover. Something unrecognizable that won’t stand out,” Conan said.

  They were all quiet, and then Brook smiled.

  “Use their tactics and sneaky ways to remain undetected,” she said.

  “What?” Alex asked.

  “These homes are all upscale neighborhoods, and there’s lots of activates going on during the week. These men have the next twenty-four hours to do something and to make this their last hit. We get a dozen or so of us and we go undercover as landscapers, pool maintenance guys, utility workers, etcetera, and we set something up in each neighborhood and near the houses that have those safes. When they come in to make their move, wham! We catch them in the act.”

  “That’s an awesome idea. We’re going to need a lot of man power and people we can trust,” Alex said.

  “All of us, plus two teams of SWAT guys, mostly retired military and more than ready to assist. Add in your agents, Alex, and we have an army of people ready and willing.”

  “Let’s call for a meeting first thing tomorrow morning. We need to get these people into their roles by late morning, early afternoon. It’s going to be pretty difficult to do this,” Alex said.

  “We can do it. This has to end. These men are bad news and they’re going down. We can catch them.”

  * * * *

  Brook was taking a shower at the guy’s house. Conan had helped her get some clothes from her place and some things for the next week. It was late now, midnight, and they would need their rest for the morning. As she rinsed the conditioner from her hair, she heard the door open. Glancing over her shoulder, Conan was there and getting undressed. She gave him a small smile, still feeling uneasy about today’s events and how the men treated her when the police arrived on scene. She had peaked in on Kernan, who was sleeping from the pain meds Kinchley forced him to take for tonight, and she didn’t want to wake him. She exhaled in relief as Conan joined her in the shower and wrapped his arms around her waist, hugging her from behind. He suckled against her neck.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, and she sighed and rocked her ass back against his cock.

  He slid a hand to her breast and cupped it. “Now I am,” she replied, and he moved her hands to the wall, placing her palms there before sliding his palms down her hips to pull them back.

  “Open for me, Brook. I need to be inside of you.”

  She exhaled, wanting him so badly, though she wished that Kinchley and Kernan were there, too. She felt his cock nudge against her pussy, and a moment later, he slid all the way. They both moaned rather loudly.

  “Heaven. I thank God every day for you, Brook. Every day to have you back in my life again.” He began to rock his hips and thrust a little faster. He used his left hand to massage her ass cheek and then run it up and down her back, then to her hips and ass again. She spread her ass cheeks and rocked a little deeper. “I would do anything for you, Brook. Anything to keep you safe, to keep you here with us.”

  “I would do anything for you, for Kinchley and Kernan, too.”

  “We know that.” Kinchley’s deep voice echoed in the bathroom as Conan grunted and thrust deeper, faster into her cunt.

  She looked at Kinchley with hooded eyes as Conan rocked his hips and pounded into her pussy. He held a towel and watched. “You’re ours, baby. All ours to love and cherish. Let me hear how good it feels to have Conan’s dick thrusting into you so hard and deep.”

  “Oh, Kinchley. Oh God, please, I need you, too.”

  “You’ll get me, and a surprise, too,” he said.

  “Fuck. I’m there, baby. Come with me. Come,” Conan said and thrust again and again, and she felt her juices flow. Conan released his seed inside of her. He kissed along her neck and shoulder as he rubbed her breast, and she cringed as his palm made contact hard with the bruised one.

  “Sorry, I just can’t seem to get enough of touching you, baby.” He kissed her neck and she smiled.

  “I’ll enjoy it even more when the bruising is gone,” she said as he pulled out of her and she turned to hug him. She washed up quickly and then rinsed before Kinchley welcomed her into the towel and his arms, wrapping her up and carrying her from the bathroom. She glanced at Conan as he hung his head and let the water wash over his muscles.

; When they got into the bedroom, there was Kernan, naked, side bandaged up and his legs over the edge of the bed just sitting there. He looked exhausted.

  “Kernan,” she said and looked at him, unsure as to how to approach him or what to say. She didn’t want to anger him again like she did this afternoon.

  “I need you,” he said, and she smiled as Kinchley set her down between his legs and let the towel fall. Kernan squinted his eyes at her as he looked at the bruises on her ribs and breast, seeming angrier than he had been. She went to touch his cheek and then pulled back. Kinchley was behind her again and kissing her shoulder, but Kernan saw her reaction.

  “Touch me. It’s okay, baby, I need to feel you close.”

  “Are you sure?” she asked.

  “Very fucking sure,” he said, and she reached out and cupped his cheek, then slid her palm along his shoulder. He pulled her against his chest, his hands on her ass, and he kissed her. She kissed him back, and they didn’t discuss the incident when he got shot and how she showed emotion and care and touched him while he was being so strong. They didn’t talk about his command and order for her to leave and go back to work while he went to the ER. No, they didn’t, and all she focused on was the feel of his mouth on her, his hands on her, and Kinchley’s fingers sliding lube into her asshole.

  “Now,” Kernan said, and he lifted her up with Kinchley’s help. He laid back on the bed and she straddled Kernan’s hips and kissed him. Behind her, Kinchley stroked fingers into her asshole as he caressed her ass cheeks and suckled on her neck.

  Kernan pulled from her lips.

  “Ride me. I need to feel you. We need you,” he said, and Conan joined them, too. He climbed up onto the bed, cock in hand, and she knew they wanted to make love to her together. She needed it, too.

  As she lifted up, Kernan thrust upward as she lowered down. They exhaled in sync, and she rocked her hips immediately.

  She felt Kinchley’s fingers pull from her asshole as he lowered her down with a palm at her back only for Conan to grip her hair and move her mouth to his thick, long cock. She wanted it. Wanted them. Licking along the tip and then the base, Brook focused on the taste and feel while Conan moaned and played with her hair. Underneath her, Kernan grunted and thrust upward as he pinched her nipples, making her first orgasm hit her. Then came Kinchley. Cock against her asshole, he nudged and nudged, then thrust into her from behind, and all three of them moaned.

  It was like a combustion of fireworks, feelings of completion, home, love, empowerment, and magic all rolled up into one. With every thrust from her men, she felt the walls she kept up all day fall down, and her heart leapt for joy that her men were alive and well and making love to her. That they got this chance and that Kernan hadn’t gotten more seriously injured or killed. She would do anything for her men. She would protect them and lay her life on the line for them. She would take a bullet for them any time just to make sure they were okay and lived.

  The emotions, and depth of their love, had her crying and moaning as she felt Kinchley come, then Kernan and then Conan as her body reacted and came last. She was gasping for breath as Conan slid his cock from her mouth, and it wasn’t until she lay against Kernan’s side that they realized she was crying.

  “Brook?” Conan asked and caressed her back.

  “Baby, are you okay?” Kernan asked. She kissed his nipple and ran her palm along the bandages. Kinchley lay behind her, pressed up against her back, his palm sliding along her hip, squeezing.

  “I would do anything for you guys, for your love, to be in your lives, to share in this bond we have, anything. I love you so much. No matter what, know I will always love you,” she said to them.

  “As we will do anything for you and always love you, too, Brook. Always,” Conan said. She fell asleep in the safety of their arms without a worry for tonight and with hope that their future together would truly last forever.

  Chapter 9

  “They think they’re so fucking smart. Like we can’t pick them out in the neighborhoods? That’s what the night is for. Darkness is my friend. Let’s see how they like this plan,” Gill said to his team.

  “Why are we bothering with this shit? I got millions to spend and a beach calling me,” Oakley stated as they pulled the boat along the dock and had men remaining there so they could have a quick getaway. The plan was perfect—load up the truck, take out whoever was near this house on Burrens, and then take off on the water.

  “I don’t see a soul. Our inside guy was right. The cops are focusing on the place next door. We should be able to do this within ten minutes, tops,” Flounder whispered.

  “Okay, let’s move,” Gill ordered.

  They worked in sync like well-oiled machines and were successful getting into the house and then loading up the truck and the additional boat. As the truck pulled out of the driveway, suddenly lights illuminated from behind the trees and there were a bunch of cops and SWAT.

  “Stop! Police!” some guy yelled and was running toward them. His backup was much further back, and they started to shoot.

  Several others were coming around grabbing the men helping, and Gill knew he had to run toward the boat. Flounder was running with him, and they disappeared into the tee line.

  “Not getting away this time, asshole.”

  He turned as he heard the voice and there was one of the detectives, but he didn’t see Flounder behind him.

  “I don’t think so, dick,” Gill said, and then Flounder slammed the gun down on the back of the guy’s head.

  “Conan!” a woman screamed. Gill saw her right away. It was the female detective, the one their informant told them about.

  “Run, Flounder. Let’s go,” he said, and they ran down the tree line toward the water to their boat. Shots were fired, and Flounder grunted and went down. As she got closer, she yelled for him to stop. He heard more cops yelling, flashlights pointing his way. He thought this was it when he caught sight of Perkins.

  * * * *

  Brook was running toward where Alex was and she knew that Conan was coming around the right side of the house, Kernan and Kinchley with SWAT team, as well, approaching from the right and the left. When she saw the guy strike Alex and Alex go down, then another guy strike Conan and he fell to the ground, she saw red. She took a few shots, and the one guy went down. When she got to where Conan was, she checked him out, and he was moaning. The clicking sound of a gun alerted her to the fact that she got caught. She looked up at some big guy with a long, thick beard and beady eyes.

  “Come on, bitch, you’re coming with me.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  He pointed the gun at Conan. “Then he dies,” he said, and she screamed as he pulled the trigger. He didn’t hit him, though, he shot the ground. “Now.”

  “Don’t hurt him. I’ll go. I’ll go, just don’t shoot them,” she said as she heard Alex calling for help. Conan was grunting and trying to say no to her or to the guy with the gun.

  “Move it,” he said and grabbed her arm and started making her hurry into the woods. She tripped over things and could tell that the cops were all heading their way. She needed to slow him down to buy them time to find her and know that she was being taken.

  She heard Kinchley and Kernan calling her name.

  “Help!” she screamed, and the shot to her head sent her to the ground.

  “You stupid bitch.”

  He dragged her to the clearing, and the sound of the motor running alerted her to the boat. Her head spun and she couldn’t see straight. They were going to take her with them. Oh god. She had to fight. She had to.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” one of the men yelled.

  “Insurance policy. Now move it,” he said, and he shoved her onto the boat and then got on, too. One of the men grabbed her and lay her face on the edge of the boat as he patted her down and then laughed. “She’s fucking hot.”

  “It’s a long ride to where we’re going, she can be our entertainment.”

Stop, police!” She heard the men yelling from the shoreline, and she knew they could see her, face down and unable to move. Then the guys on the boat began to fire semi-automatic weapons at the cops.

  “No! No, don’t do it. I’ll go with you. I won’t fight,” she yelled, hoping to protect her men and her fellow cops. The gunfire stopped and they sped off into the night with her on the boat with several men. This time, she wasn’t sure she was getting out of this situation.

  * * * *

  “Stay here and get treated. We have the Coast Guard out there and they will find them,” Kernan said to Conan. He was sitting on the back of an ambulance with an ice pack on the back of his head. He was fuming mad.

  “She fucking saved my life. The guy was going to kill Alex and me. She went along with him to save us.”

  “She saved us all, too. They were shooting at all of us as they were leaving on the boat,” Kernan said, and then looked at the sheriff and the commanders.

  “The other boat is pulling up now. Coast Guard may have sights on them as we speak,” Sheriff Hayes told them.

  “Let’s go,” Conan said and stood up.

  “You should stay,” Paul said to him.

  “No fucking way. This ends tonight. They lay a hand on Brook and they’re dead. All of them,” he stated.

  “All that are left are Gill, Flounder, and three other men. The rest are caught or were shot and are on their way to the hospital,” the sheriff told them.

  “Let’s get to the boat and get the last five,” Conan said. Kernan nodded, and he, Kinchley, Conan, Paul, Sam, and Carter got onto the boat to catch up to the men that took Brook.

  * * * *

  “Where the fuck is our ride? Another twenty minutes and we’ll be standing here with our dicks in our hands when the cops show up,” Gill yelled as he paced by the trees near a dirt road.

  “He’ll be here. He couldn’t exactly just leave when I called,” Flounder said, and then looked at Brook. He smiled.


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