Convoluted Journey (The Mercury Black Authority Book 1)

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Convoluted Journey (The Mercury Black Authority Book 1) Page 13

by Finian Blake

  “Good as done, I’ll have Lynn out within the hour.” Susan smiled with a passing thought. “Someone else will be out to sweep for electronics in a few hours. Now, go to your Ark and let me do some work here.” When the door closed Susan leaned back in her chair. Although she did not like to take on partners she thought that Noah would work out well. Considering his background, she was surprised that he would treat a woman as a serious business partner, since most men tried to treat her as a pleasant distraction.

  Noah approached the van that was parked about twenty yards from the Ark. Milo was sitting behind the steering wheel.

  “Milo, are you a night person?” Noah was surprised to see Milo still on duty.

  “No, I am not at all a night owl. We are a little short on help and need a rotation of three people to keep two people with eyes on at all times. It is a tough job, but manageable.” The three men had been sleeping in the van and rotating.

  “I’m going to be back here for let’s say two hours,” Noah slipped Milo thirty Pounds through the window. “Take the boys out for breakfast. Feed them up right and be back here at about half of nine and I will know how much more time I will require. Will you be able to do some more time here?”

  “Absolutely, Susan said whatever you need.” Milo’s voice had a determined sound to it.

  “Are you always so attentive to Susan’s wishes?”

  “This is a job interview of sorts. If we pass, we will have security jobs at the Inn.” Milo sharpened up considerably.

  “Take a break and I will take it for a few hours.” Noah wanted them away from the Ark so that he could do what he needed. Milo and crew disappeared quickly.

  Noah opened the Ark and began to work the weights. He looked outside in time to see the fuel truck pulling up. Noah was just finishing up with the fueler when Lynn pulled up in a van. She gave him a friendly wave moving to the back of the van. Shultz was a healthy looking German shepherd that was obedient to Lynn’s every command. The dog looked to be larger than Lynn was but he was not fat, just very large as far as German shepherds go. Noah walked back inside the crew cabin to wait.

  “Hello in the aircraft may I come in?” Lynn called out.

  “Please do.”

  “Susan called and asked me to do an exercise. What do you need?” Lynn was straight to business Noah actually preferred the direct style.

  “Don’t use the bait. Just work Shultz through the plane. I want to see if there are any residual traces of drugs on board.” Noah looked around the crew area. “You might as well start here.” She worked Shultz through the galley moving to the chairs. When Shultz started with the luggage rack, he began working with interest. Shultz selected a map case, and really pawed it with more than a superficial interest. Lynn gave Noah a funny look as he shrugged.

  “Follow through with the exercise. Open it up and see what we have.” Lynn looked at the tag. It belonged to the relief and she found a plastic bag with white powder inside of the bag.

  “I’m glad we’re here alone.” Lynn looked pale and her voice seemed to waver. “What are you going to do Noah?”

  “Could you finish checking the aircraft and give me a chance to think this out?” Noah had not expected this. Lynn put a sympathetic hand on his shoulder before moving her search back to the bay.

  “I’ll finish in back.” All of the lights were on in the cargo bay and Shultz went to work enthusiastically. He stuck his nose in every corner of the bay coming close to getting his nose caught in some of the openings in the floor. After fifteen minutes, Lynn emerged from the bay with Shultz.

  “I understand that you were caught off guard. What do you want to do?” She put her hand on his head and ran her fingers through his hair.

  “You have a job to do. I would like the chance to talk to him. I can’t afford to lose a pilot,” Noah shook his head slowly and reaffirmed. “I would like to talk to him, but it is your call.” Lynn was surprised. She thought that he would try to bully her into something because he could get Susan to make her do what he wanted. Maybe Noah was a decent sort after all. She cupped his cheeks in her hands, lifted his head, and gave him a firm kiss on the forehead.

  “It’s just the two of us here, so nobody needs to know.”

  “I was hoping that you could see your way clear to let me work this out.” Noah looked up and smiled. Lynn decided that it was Noah’s smile that she found so attractive.

  “What would you have done if I went the other way?”

  “It is your job and your call,” Noah locked his eyes on to her eyes. “I meant what I said.” She wrapped both of her arms around his head forcing Noah’s face into the chest of her stiff woolen uniform.

  “You really meant everything that you said in the car. It was not just a con!” She released his head, “Tell me why you care?”

  “You’re worth it.” He answered softly.

  “You can stay.” She gave his head a soft push. “I’ve got to go. I need to write up this exercise. Come on Shultz.” Lynn called out over her shoulder. The ever obedient dog never let her get more than a few feet away. She walked to the van loading Shultz in the back driving away with a smile with tears forming in her eyes.

  When Lynn drove off Noah punched the galley wall. What in the hell was Frank thinking of? Noah didn’t need a drug problem of this kind on this trip. Frank’s problem distracted Noah from the cargo bay.

  “Do you need that wall bumped in?” Noah looked up and saw a man in mechanic’s coveralls standing in the doorway. “The name is Mike. I had a call from Susan.”

  “We are expecting a rim from the states. May I ask if you have heard anything?” Noah shifted gears. He could not let this bother him all day.

  “As a matter of fact I have. The rim was planned into Heathrow. There was a problem with the flight, so they moved it to a direct into here. We should have the tire mounted and ready to go about zero-eight-hundred tomorrow.”

  “That was not what I was hoping for.” Noah shrugged, “I will have to live with it. If you see anything else, go ahead and repair it. I’ll have the engineer enter it in the log later.” It was all he could arrange at this time. Mike went out the door and started his work. Noah moved up to the cockpit starting the cleanup. He was washing the cockpit windows when he spotted a woman and her daughter walking up to the Ark. The woman had a knock out body and the young girl’s clothes were much to revealing for a young girl. The girl was pulling a wheeled bag that was only a little smaller than she was. They appeared to be walking up to the van, so Noah decided to go down and get them squared away.

  Noah started to walk up behind the mother. She was wearing silk stovepipe jeans with a bright red silk blouse. Over the blouse, she wore an extremely fitted black silk vest. Her low heel English riding boots covered her jeans to a point just below her knees. Her daughter was wearing skintight silk pants, and a revealing spandex top that revealed too much cleavage. It was much too sexy an outfit for a young girl.

  “Can I help you?” Noah offered.

  “You can tell me where my brother is Noah.”

  “Terri,” Noah was taken by surprise. “What are you doing here?”

  “I brought Suki to do the sweep.” Terri turned around, “I came along to help Suki perform the sweep. You have not met her yet, have you?” The girl was a Japanese woman in her mid-twenties. “Where is my brother?” There was an edge to Terri’s voice.

  “I sent your brother to breakfast. Milo was here all night, so I gave him thirty Pounds and told him to come back in two hours.” Noah was wondering about the edge on her question, “Is there something wrong?”

  “This is his first big interview. If Milo screws this up, the opportunity goes away, and thirty pounds will buy a lot of ale. He is an alcoholic and Susan is giving him this chance to prove up.”

  “From what I see everything is perfect, and it shall be reported as such. Milo did an excellent job.”

  “Can Suki start? I need to talk with you.” Terri indicated the bag. “Noah, would y
ou help bring the equipment into the Ark?” He and Terri went back outside after wrestling Suki’s equipment into the crew area.

  “Milo is about blown out. He called me this morning saying that he did not want to blow it and if he wants this security job he can’t refuse.”

  After a few minutes of thought Noah offered, “If I decide to stay out here he is off the hook am I right?” Terri nodded yes. “Then I need to stay out here until seven o’clock this evening, which will give Milo about twelve hours.” Noah could see the relief in her eyes. “Does that sound about right?”

  “It would be a big help,” Terri beamed. I am going to help Suki with her sweeps. Would you tell him? It shouldn’t seem like I am interfering.” Noah nodded silently.

  Milo arrived back at the Ark early about half of eight.

  “I’ve got it, thanks for breakfast.”

  “Milo, there are some details that I have to take care of here. Is there any way that you could come back in twelve hours?” Milo’s hollow eyes brightened considerably with seemingly new life. “That would work very well indeed. See you at half of seven.”

  “Make it seven even.”

  “Then I will be back at seven even.” Milo turned and said over his shoulder. “See you then.” Noah sat down on the steps. Twelve hours would give him time to figure out what to do about the relief. He lit a smoke and emptied his mind. He heard Terri’s concerned voice coming over his shoulder.

  “You’re going to burn your fingers,” Terri said tapping him on the back with the toe of her boot.

  “Too late, it is already done.” He looked at his hand to see the cold coal against his skin. He was deep in thought.

  “Are you ready for a report?”

  “Why not,” he stood up and followed her in the Ark.

  “Doesn’t that bother you? Don’t you feel pain?” Terri looked concerned. “Burns like that should get your attention.”

  “It does hurt, but I just ignore it. My mind was somewhere else.”

  Terri started the review, “Suki is our electronics genius. If it’s tech, she has a handle on it.” Suki’s head did not quite come to the top of Terri’s shoulder. She was short even for an Oriental. She was four foot eleven if you rounded up the fractions, but her body had all of the curves of a mature shapely woman with the spandex top only accentuating her curves. Her eyes were dark brown, almost black, her skin was the pale Japanese type and her raven hair absorbed the light making it absolutely black. She was drop dead gorgeous.

  “Suki, it is a true pleasure to meet you. Sorry about the young girl comment. It was my impression from a distance.” Noah was fumbling for words. He looked her in the eye and bowed with his head in an Asian style.

  “I am used to it and by the way I am British not Japanese. Let’s cover what I found.” Suki was down to business walking into the cargo bay, “There are six microphones. She pointed out the four that he had found, and then she pointed out two more. The transmitters are only good to a distance of one mile and the recording unit is in this crate. All other areas are clear.” Suki looked Noah in the eye. “Do you want my recommendations?” Noah nodded his head, yes. “Leave the bugs in the bay active. You may be able to plant some ideas. Just remember that they are there. Of course I can disable them, if you want.”

  “No I like your idea. Let’s not disturb them.” Noah developed an instant liking for Suki. She seemed to have good instincts. Suki’s West End London accent was in direct contrast to her classical Japanese features which distracted him to no end.

  “Can I offer to buy you ladies some lunch?”

  Suki was quick to reply, “No, I am taking over for Terri. What would you like for lunch when you get back?”

  “I won’t be back for lunch. There are things here that need my attention. It should take about twelve hours. I will get something on the way back.” He looked at Terri. “I told security not to come back until seven. I should be done by then.”

  “You don’t like Japanese women?” Suki was pouting.

  “I like Japanese, German, American, Spanish, French, African, Indian and British women, and I am more than willing to expand the list.” Noah was sexually drained and it was not hard to turn down her offer when he was that exhausted “I just need to take care of business. I meant to get my laundry done before I left and didn’t do that. I will be home in a few days, so I can manage without however there are other things that absolutely need to be done.” Terri decided that she would tell Suki about Milo on the way back to the Inn.

  “Suki let’s leave Noah to his work. We have a few things to do back at the Inn.” Noah gave Suki a polite bow, forgetting that she was culturally more British than Japanese giving Terri a quick hug.

  “Thank you both for your help. I very much appreciate your technical skills.”

  The women loaded up their equipment. Noah helped them out of the Ark and into the building with their equipment. The last thing he wanted to do was offend them, but he did need to concentrate on business. He noticed Susan walking through the building. The ladies talked for a few minutes, and continued on their way. Susan walked back to the Ark with Noah.

  “The rim will come directly here. It will be in about zero six hundred on the morrow. Terri and Suki told me about the bugs. In addition, Lynn told me a long story about the cocaine. You really know how to liven up the morning.”

  “Tell Terri she can go back home. Sorry to extend her day.” Noah was surprised to get everything taken care of so quickly.

  “Terri hasn’t been going home lately. She has attracted a rather nasty stalker and is camping out at the Inn.”

  “A stalker,” Noah was instantly concerned. He only exchanged a few minutes conversation with Terri, but something told him that she was worth caring about. She was exceptionally good looking and was as smart as they come. Susan launched into the details describing the threats and the hazing that occurred over the last few weeks. She told him that Milo was planning on shooting him. Noah sat silently for a few minutes with his head in his hands. When he picked up his head Noah knew what had to be done.

  “Please have Terri and Suki pick me up about seven o’clock, and I’ll need Milo in about the same time.”

  “I can take care of that easily. Do you need a gun?” Susan knew that the Yanks liked their guns it seemed to be a way of life in America.

  “I don’t like guns. Is there a Chemist near that fish shop?”

  “Yes, what are you going to do? Poison him?”

  “I won’t do anything so crude. I need some oil of ipecac.” Noah could see her curiosity rise.

  “I think we have some of that in the first aid kit. I’ll check.” She was waiting for him to come up with a long list. She couldn’t believe that he was going to solve this problem with oil of ipecac.

  “That’s all I’ll need.” He hesitated, “Tell the girls to look hot, use bright colors and sexy clothes.”

  “Oh! Come on,” Susan laughed, “they will grab every eye in the place if they were dressed in burlap.”

  “Of course they will. Please be sure that Milo has both of his helpers stay out here at the Ark with him.”

  At six thirty Noah was at the front door of the Brit World Wide building where he could see the whole car park, noting that there were parking places all over the lot. He saw Terri’s car pull in a parking space in the front line. A beat up Volvo sedan cruised past the back of her car. The driver was a nicely dressed middle-aged man. He circled finding a spot in the farthest corner of the car park. Noah watched him put a small pair of binoculars up to his eyes. He watched the girls climb out of the car and walk in the main entrance.

  They walked through the building, and straight out to the Ark. Noah fell in behind them finding it difficult to take his eyes off the two women dressed for clubbing. Terri was wearing a thin red silk blouse and a very short black spandex skirt with a pair of patterned red hose and a pair of red high heel ankle boots. Suki wore a black and white ballerina skirt, a white see through top with a black
lace bra underneath, patterned pantyhose with black and white thigh length high heel boots. The girls would catch everybody’s attention. Noah wore something that would allow to be admitted in the door. Milo and friends appeared next.

  “I am back and ready for surveillance duty.” He looked exhausted.

  Noah told him what he was thinking. Milo wanted a part in the action. Noah explained that he needed him and his crew planeside where everyone could see them. He did not want anything coming back on Milo’s doorstep. Noah slipped an arm around each lady and the three walked out to Terri’s car. He could see their friend watching through his binoculars. Noah held his hand between the bucket seats making a quick motion with his thumb. “When I give you this signal, go back to the car and wait for me.”

  When they reached the club the blue Volvo pulled in a few parking places down while the three partiers headed into the club. Terri went straight to the doorman pointing to Noah and Suki. She was well known at the club, so there was no problem jumping the line and he gave the three of them a signal to go straight in. They found a spot at the bar near the waitress’s service station. The tables across from them immediately filled in. Every male in the place was trying to get a better look. They ordered their drinks and waited, but not for long. A slightly built middle-aged man pushed in between Noah and the girls.

  “I’m Alvin.” He said as he finished elbowing in. “I saw you jump line with those whores.” Terri and Suki could hear every word.

  Noah smiled, “I am sorry. Let me buy you a drink.”

  “I will have a double Bushmills Whiskey neat.” He was not short on swagger. When the bartender brought him the drink Alvin downed it slamming the empty glass on the bar. Noah pointed to the empty glass and the bartender delivered another. Alvin downed that one quickly too. “Where do you Yanks come up with these hot looking whores?” Alvin stood there verbally raking the ladies over the coals. “Some duct tape and rope will do the trick nicely. I will gag them quiet, so I can take my time with them. I will teach them to dress like whores. I can take days with them and I have some friends that will make some money with these sluts.” Noah found it difficult not to punch Alvin’s lights out. The only reason that he did not was that it would interfere with his plan. One of his strongest points was that he didn’t let his emotions interfere with the objective.


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