Convoluted Journey (The Mercury Black Authority Book 1)

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Convoluted Journey (The Mercury Black Authority Book 1) Page 26

by Finian Blake

  Noah moved to help her. He took a small wicker basket from her and laid it on the seats. He was going to introduce Lynn when she started her routine. She started Shultz, with the dog immediately ramming his nose in Noah’s crotch. Noah tried to push him back with the 100 pound dog pushing him back into the chair. Lynn forced Shultz to sit. The rest of the crew was howling with laughter. When Noah stood up, Lynn stepped smartly forward grabbing him by the belt. Fran’s face was agape.

  “You must have something in your pants,” she pulled down his zipper sticking her hand inside of Noah’s pants. “Just as I thought, there’s a package,” She said giving him a squeeze hard enough to make him wince.

  The quartet was still howling with laughter, and Fran was bright red with her mouth wide open. Nobody noticed Susan standing in the door in her suit. She was wearing a short jacket, a thin plain white blouse and a three quarter length skirt. She wore her signature knee length high heel boots. With her five ten height, they made her taller than most men or at the very least eye to eye.

  “Now that is payback,” Susan looked at Noah. “You are a sight,” she laughed.

  “Fran, this is Susan, and the lady with her hand in my pants is Lynn.” He saw the question forming in Fran’s mind. “Yes she is a real customs officer.”

  Lynn had trouble talking due to the laughter, “This is payback for a joke that they played on me. I developed the idea for this from watching Benny Hill. I think that he’s a scream.” As she pulled her hand out of Noah’s pants, she raked his package with her nails,” causing Noah to cough loudly. Lynn took Shultz back to the van.

  Susan was watching Lynn’s little game. It was the first time she did anything requiring correction since the troubles, but she would have to correct her later. Susan turned her attention to Fran. She was obviously Latin, with her raven black hair and full hips. Susan was almost a foot taller than Fran, but she was wearing heels. Fran appeared to be a confident woman with a strong sexuality about her. Susan would have Lynn test her at a better time.

  “This must be the one you called me about.” Susan hesitated looking at the quartet.

  “We are all in on this rest assure that you can talk.” Noah thought he would take the pressure off right away. “We are going to delay for a day or two. I don’t want to put any extra pressure on you with the funeral and everything going on here, but we need to take care of Milo first.” Noah explained about the funeral and asked the crew if they would like to attend with all of them declining as he thought that they would. Noah was the only one that even talked to him when they were in the last time.

  “The Inn is closed for the funeral so I booked the crew into the Sofitel hotel. I have your rooms already. Just give your name at the desk.” As usual Susan was at her efficient best with the van waiting outside the front door to expedite the crew to the hotel.

  Noah and Susan went up to her office to allow Lynn time to change. He handed her the draft for two hundred fifty thousand Pounds Sterling. “It is a draft. It was the only way I could get Pounds Sterling without taking a huge loss in conversion.

  “Noah, I can’t let you have more than twenty percent. I told you that.”

  “How much does Terri own?”

  “She was working off five percent and Milo was supporting her. I do not think she will be able to do that now since there was no insurance. Why?”

  “Would there be a problem if I paid off her five percent and gave her five of my twenty?”

  “That would be alright but why?”

  “Call it a death benefit.” Noah thought a minute. “How does the partnership line up?”

  “With the changes you just suggested, you have fifteen percent. Terri has ten, Suki is working off five, and Lynn has fifteen. That leaves me with 55.

  “How about this,” Noah asked, “for the $250,000 I get ten, Terri goes to ten, Suki goes to ten, Lynn holds at fifteen, and you hold fifty-five with everybody paid up.”

  “That is very generous, but Lynn and I seem to be on the short side of your generosity.”

  “You and Lynn get 50,000 pounds each. To cover what I give Terri and Suki. So everything is equal.”

  “You are out of your mind. What about this Fran? Are you going to try to cut her in too?”

  “No. She is along for the ride. I owe her six million and she is watching her investment, but she is under my care until we part ways.”

  “Six million, you say that like it was six dollars!”

  “I need twenty days for the money to show up. I am working on the first installment. When I work a deal everybody gets fat. Which reminds me, I promised you six hundred pounds up front for each round trip for your services. Well, I marked you down for a share of the bonus instead.” Susan had that here we go again look on her face. Noah placed his map case on the desk placing his hands on top of it. You Brits prefer small notes. I believe that a ten-pound note is normally the largest you carry.” Susan nodded. “Here is 44,800 pounds in ten pound notes.” Noah flipped open the case it was almost full. “Tell me I am full of shit.”

  “I didn’t say you were full of shit. I said you were crazy.”

  “I know I am crazy, but what I am not is ungrateful. You and the girls took a risk for me, and you sustained some damage. I am pulling down a huge gain, so all of you deserve a cut. Do you want a crazy man for a partner?” Noah’s head was leaning over the case. She reached behind his neck pulling his face to hers giving him a hard kiss. “Yes,” just then the door opened and Lynn walked in.

  “OH! I thought…” Lynn face showed her jealousy. Susan tilted the case toward Lynn.

  “Look what the nice man has brought for us.” She tossed a bundle of bills at Lynn.

  “I believe you owe Noah something.” Susan pushed Noah in to an armless chair. She gave Lynn her instructions, “Pull your skirt up.” She pushed the blushing girl over Noah’s lap starting to administer a several sound swats. Susan stood her up. “Fix yourself.” Lynn pulled her skirt down. “What are you going to do before you open a door?”

  “Knock,” Lynn answered in her pouting voice.

  Noah did not know what to say, “I have a few things to retrieve from the Ark. Can we meet out front?” He hurried out to the Ark. He picked up three stashes of cash. He passed the mechanic as he was leaving the Ark. Noah arranged for a strut service on the landing gear making it clear that he wanted the Ark to be down for two days. He walked out front, as Susan was coming down the stairs with Lynn. They put the cases in the boot and drove off.

  The first stop was the funeral home. Susan checked the arrangements wanting to add all of the upgrades that could be made quickly, since money was scarce at the time the arrangements were made so that everything was at a basic level. She upgraded the headstone to the maximum that the cemetery allowed with the mortician giving her a picture that she could show Terri and when Susan was finished she paid in cash. Noah inquired about finding some clothing more appropriate for a funeral. The home had a selection of what appeared to be top coats. They were large simple coats to cover inappropriate dress, since time was short Noah ended up renting one. Susan copied down the location of the cemetery getting a map to find the location of the burial plot. With only a graveside service planned everyone would meet at the burial plot in the cemetery.

  The bank was next, and Susan deposited the 250,000 Pound draft in the Inn’s account. She passed it off as a loan from investors that brought the account balance to 370,000 pounds, after which Lynn deposited 50,000 in her account. They stopped at a luggage shop purchasing two large black purses. Lynn and Susan took twenty bundles out of the map case putting ten bundles in each purse. They gave Noah two bundles for his money belt which Noah accepted not wanting to be ungrateful and they were ready for the day.

  Susan pulled her car into the cemetery a half hour early. They thought that they would be the first ones there, but about twenty yards ahead the Jaguar from the Inn was parked at the side of the road. Susan had lent it to Terri for the week with her chauffer Fr
ank. She did not want Terri driving alone in her state of mind after losing Milo. Frank was former SAS and she wanted to be sure Terri was safe. Suki was her main stay today. When they saw Susan’s car, they walked back to it. They both wore simple black silk three quarter length dresses high necklines and long sleeves. Terri wore a small black hat with a mesh veil. She walked with a slight limp. Behind the veil, Noah could detect that her right eye was bruised and looking at Suki he noticed that she had a cut over her left eye and her lip was split. Otherwise, he could not detect much physical damage. Terri partially lifted her veil kissing Noah on the cheek. They exchanged some pleasantries and slowly edged toward the graveside. Everybody else was properly dressed with Noah feeling out of place in his funeral coat.

  About six more people showed up from the Inn. The priest said some prayers and delivered a short eulogy. The service was basic and discreet with no mention about the circumstances of his death other than it came much too soon. Susan invited the mourners to lunch at a nearby restaurant. On their way back to the car, Lynn walked up to Terri and Suki, while Susan and Noah watched from the car. As the financial officer it was appropriate that Lynn deliver the purses. She took the small handbag that each one was carrying and put it in the larger purses, presenting both Suki and Terri with their new bags. Lynn walked back to the car and Susan drove off immediately. The Jaguar from the Inn pulled up twenty feet slamming on the breaks and Frank could be seen holding his ears.

  Susan, Lynn and Noah were first to arrive at the restaurant. It was the fanciest place that was open for lunch that afternoon. There were only ten people so they decided on using one large table. Susan ordered lobster and beef for everyone. By the time the first of the mourners arrived, several bottles of wine were placed around the table. Everybody knew each other, so introductions were not necessary. Terri and Suki walked in carrying their new purses over their shoulders holding them closely. Frank was the last one in. Terri slipped the veil off her bruised face, not surprising to the other mourners. They walked directly up to Susan. Susan and Lynn received long kisses from both Terri and Suki.

  Noah was sipping a cocktail at the far end of the table being content to watch things unfold. Lunch was outstanding and the service was flawless. Terri worked her way around the table. She thanked all of the mourners for their sympathy. When she reached Noah, Terri whispered in his ear.

  “Thank you for coming.” It was a heart-felt statement not just a recital. “This really does mean a lot to me. I need to talk to you later.” She moved down the table talking to each person.

  “I have something for you,” Suki whispered in Noah’s ear. She bit his ear leaving a set of red teeth marks on his ear lobe. Not many of the others recognized Noah and they stayed with the group. Noah quietly worked his way to the door where Frank was standing.

  “Are you going somewhere sir?”

  “I am going out for some fresh air.” He patted Frank on the shoulder. He felt a strap across his shoulder and then patted him on the back, there was no doubt that Frank was carrying.

  “Nice tailor.”

  “He did do a good job. This is my family and anybody that hurts them will pay.” Frank said it quietly, but there was no doubt that he was serious. “The girls are going home with Susan and Lynn. Could I drop you somewhere?”

  “Frank, have you finished your dinner?”

  “Quite finished and I’m looking for a reason to leave.” Frank smiled, “Thank you for asking.”

  “Let me offer my respects, and I will be ready,” Noah made a quick round of the room. He whispered in Susan’s ear. “I am going to the hotel. Ring me in the morning. Frank will run me over there.” He gave her a kiss on the cheek. He was out of the room and in the car in a heartbeat before she could argue. Frank was quickly out on the road headed for the Sofitel.

  “I understand that you showed those bastards the exit.”

  “Yes I sent them on an ocean cruise in a cardboard box. The launch was a bit abrupt.”

  “How high?”


  “Were they awake?”

  “One of them was and the other was taking a forever nap.”

  “I like your sense of justice. Thank you for saving my girls.” Noah nodded. It was a short ride to the Sofitel. Noah was happy to see Frank had taken his three bags from Susan’s car. He looked at the two map cases.

  “Could you keep those with Susan?” He shook Frank’s hand and walked in the lobby.

  “Those are my girls and I love them like family. I am in your debt forever.” He held Noah’s hand for an extended period, Frank’s vice like grip was more than firm.

  Noah checked in at the desk. He called the relief and told him about the strut problems that would cause them to leave on the third day. Picking up his key Noah went up to the room. He undressed and hit the shower after which he crawled in between the sheets with the idea that he was going to spend the day in bed. When a light tapping awoke him Noah tried to ignore it but the tapping became more persistent. He opened the door a crack spotting Terri’s blackened eye through the crack. As he opened the door wider he could see Frank standing over her shoulder. Terri told Frank that it would be alright, and he left without comment knowing that she would be safe with him.

  Noah remembered that he was naked starting to look for his pants, but Terri pushed him back to a sitting position on the bed.

  “Give me a hand with this zipper.” It was a back zipper and he eased it down carefully letting the dress fall to the floor without trying to stop it. Except for kicking off her shoes, Terri did not undress any further. He was looking at her standing in her lace slip seeing welts on her front through the lace. “They are head to toe. I guess they did a good job of working me over while I was passed out.” Terri slipped into bed holding the covers open. Noah slipped between the sheets next to her without waiting for an invitation. As she backed up to him, he could feel the different silky layers slide against his naked body as she wiggled seductively. She took his hand and placed it on her breast. Noah went to say something and she bit his thumb. Terri started to say something and he put his finger to her lips. They laid there in a quiet embrace for hours. With the tears running down his arm Noah understood all she wanted was contact and not conversation. After several hours the phone rang. Terri answered the phone “It’s the engineer,” she said as he took the phone from her.

  “Noah, strut service doesn’t take that long.”

  “I need the time to take care of that stuff for Fran. Meet me for breakfast at half past eight and we can discuss it.” He hung up the phone. “I would like to put Suki on him, he absolutely adores demanding women.”

  Terri took the phone from his hand. She slid out of bed dialing the operator. Noah could hear her talking, but could not make out what she said. After a few minutes she hung up the phone.

  “You can count on it. Suki loves to be adored and needs a fresh hobby. Suki has been following me around for days worried that I will do the same thing that Milo did.”

  “Everybody thought…”

  “Noah, Milo was depressed and he committed suicide. Personally I’m pissed, and every time I see these welts, I get pissed all over again. That crazy neighbor ripped me off, killed her husband and another neighbor. She committed suicide in a park wearing my clothes. I am pissed about those boots that I gave you too. What the hell did you do with them?”

  “Terri, think back what did you tell me to do with them?”

  “I told you to stick them up his ass.” Noah gave her a big smile.

  “No,” She said as he kept smiling rubbing one of her welts Terri started laughing. The thought of her tormentor, hurtling earthward with a lady’s boot sticking out of his ass was too much. All of a sudden she did not miss the boots any more. Terri pushed Noah back on the bed while slipping off her panties.

  “When I say be gentle it is not a figure of speech.”

  “What if I start with your toes? He ran his hand beneath her slip and down Terri’s legs. They
made love tenderly without urgency making no sound other than quiet moans. He originally felt guilty about his instant attraction to Terri. Now that Pat was divorcing him Noah felt no conflict in loyalty or love. For the first time he took full notice of her. Terri’s Plumeria scent over powered his senses and they enjoyed each other without reserve.

  Noah and Terri went down to breakfast. When they stopped at the table Fran and three of the Franks were just being served, the engineer was missing so Terri called up to the engineer’s room. Suki answered the phone.

  “Where is Frank?”

  “He is busy adoring me. I will let you know when he can talk.” Noah looked at Terri.

  “I guess Frank and Suki will be joining us later. I need to duck out to the Inn Susan promised me that I could look in on Angie.” Noah froze not wanting to bring up fresh wounds.

  “Relax Angie is as much a victim as any of us. Nobody blames Angie the poor kid took it worse than any one since her husband caused all of this.”

  Everyone wanted to go and the car would only hold five people so Noah suggested taking the engineer, pilot and copilot this time. He suggested that the relief and Fran go to the airport for some helicopter lessons to kill some time. This idea met with general agreement and the group split up with Frank and Fran going to the airport in a taxi. The rest of the group drove out to the Inn.

  The Jaguar turned into the courtyard pulling up in front of Founders cottage. Susan was using it while things were shutdown. She had a talk with Noah suggesting that he would see Angie first. She ducked into the cottage next door to prepare Angie. After fifteen minutes, she escorted him to the cottage finding Angie sitting on a love seat with a quilt covering her legs and a loose shawl covering her shoulders. Half of Angie’s face was covered with thick bandages and Angie still looked rough, since her husband Frank kept going after she passed out. Noah felt his anger rising knowing that something needed to be done about this sadist, which could not be postponed until the last run.


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