Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, 567
Ronald Reagan Legacy Project, 567
Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Foundation, see Reagan Foundation
Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, 567, 568
Ronnie and Jesse (Cannon), 34
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 4, 258
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 4, 41, 49, 50, 164, 290, 565, 567–68
Roosevelt, Selwa “Lucky,” 260, 349 memoir of, 521
NR’s relationship with, 309
on NR’s rivalry with Raisa Gorbachev, 458–59
Roosevelt, Theodore, Morris’s biography of, 407
Rosebush, James, 264, 317, 329, 333
Rose, Charlie, 528
Rosenberg, Stephen, 398
Ruge, Daniel A., 35 and assassination attempt, 276–77
mutual dislike of NR and, 277–78
NR’s drug dependency as concern of, 320, 614
Rumsfeld, Donald, as Ford’s chief of staff, 185
Ryan, Fred, 390, 483, 517, 552 as Reagan Foundation chairman, 546
in resignation as chief of staff, 546
and RR’s Alzheimer’s disease, 531, 543–44, 546
and RR’s funeral arrangements, 561, 562
as RR’s post-presidency chief of staff, 502–3, 515–16, 526
Sacramento, Calif., Reagans’ remoteness from social life of, 145–46
Sacramento Bee, 154–55, 360
Sadat, Anwar, 290 assassination of, 285
Safire, William, 294, 506 in attack on NR’s White House influence, 496
St. Basil’s Cathedral (Moscow), 462
Salinger, Pierre, 138
Salvatori, Henry, 129, 163, 186
San Francisco, Calif., hippies in, 138
San Francisco Examiner, 143–44, 230
Sardiña, Adolfo, 133
Saturday Evening Post, 147
Saturday Night Live (TV show), 358–59
Schary, Dore, 71, 594 on NR’s starring role in The Next Voice You Hear, 96–97
Schary, Miriam, 77, 96
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 566 JFK biography by, 408
Schreiber, Taft, 113, 135, 163
Scouten, Rex, 243
Scowcroft, Brent, 467, 487
Screen Actors Guild (SAG):NR as board member of, 98
RR as president of, 76, 91, 434
RR’s resignation as president of, 107–8
Seaman, Barrett, 488
Sears, John, 187–88, 189, 190 in attempt to sideline Meese, 218–20
Deaver’s conflict with, 210–12
Kitchen Cabinet sidelined by, 208
NR’s relationship with, 186–87, 207, 212, 220, 443
and NR’s reliance on astrology, 207
as RR’s 1976 campaign manager, 186
as RR’s 1980 campaign manager, 206–8, 210–12, 214, 215–17
RR’s firing of, 219–20, 443
RR’s message softened by, 208–9
“Second Hand Rose” (song), 316
Secret Service:increased security measures implemented by, 345
NR’s relations with, 345
Patti’s refusal of protection by, 369–70
Ron’s refusal of protection by, 357–58, 616–17
Selznick, David O., 95
Senate, US:Republican control of, 249
Republicans’ 1986 loss of, 465
Watergate hearings of, 488
Serra, Junipero, 143
Serrano, Eddie, 291
Service, Robert, 84
Shaddick, Raymond, 268
Shales, Tom, 246
Shanahan, Ann, 328
Sheridan, Ann, 72
Shevardnadze, Eduard, 450
Shilts, Randy, 417, 418, 429
Shooting of Don McGrew, The (Service), 84
Shriver, Sargent, 168
Shultz, George, 388, 483, 569, 572 China trip of (1983), 1–2
Dobrynin’s dialogue with, 440–41
in Geneva meetings with Shevardnadze, 450
Haig replaced as secretary of state by, 307, 439–40
Iran-contra deal opposed by, 473
as NR’s ally and friend, 261, 304, 307, 434, 440, 444, 467
on NR’s backstage role in Reagan presidency, 3
on NR’s involvement in negotiations with Soviets, 441–42
and NR’s UN speech, 326–27
on RR’s desire to meet with Communist leaders, 2
on RR’s grasp of complex issues, 440
and RR’s meeting with Gromyko, 445–46
Shultz, Helena “Obie,” 442, 457
Sidey, Hugh, 468
Sidwell Friends School, 14–15
Simi Valley, as site for Reagan presidential library, 501–2, 503
Simon, William, 244, 609
Simon & Schuster, 516, 523
Simpson, John, 268
Simpson, Wallis, 39
Sinatra, Barbara, 279, 331, 332
Sinatra, Frank, 250, 257, 279, 308 alleged sexual liaison of NR and, 332
marriage problems of, 332
NR’s friendship with, 331–32
RR’s first presidential gala produced by, 245–46
RR’s second California inaugural gala produced by, 164–65
Sinatra, Tina, on father’s friendship with NR, 332
60 Minutes, 194
Skinner, Kiron K., 569
Smith, Gordon, 149
Smith, Liz, 329, 523
Smith, William French, 185, 526 in war on drugs, 321
Smith College:awarding of honorary degree to NR rejected by, 327–28, 539
culture of, 53
Factory Follies at, 58–59
impact of World War II on, 58
NR at, 53, 54, 55–56, 59, 60
WAVES at, 58
Solidarity movement, 517
Southern California, University of, 181
Soviet Union, 436 Afghanistan invaded by, 435, 436
plight of Jews in, 461
RR’s distrust of, 435
US relations with, see US-Soviet relations
Spadafori, Gina, 163
Speakes, Larry, 397, 401, 465, 479 and assassination attempt, 270, 274–75
memoir of, 508
on Michael’s opportunistic schemes, 361
and stereotyping of gays, 413–14
Spencer, Stuart, 19, 171, 507 and choice of J. Baker as chief of staff, 233–34, 235
in Ford’s 1976 reelection campaign, 184–85, 186, 188, 191–92, 193, 199
in gubernatorial campaign, 137
in meeting with Wyman, 136–37
on NR as shrewd judge of people, 135
as NR’s ally in defeating North’s Senate ambitions, 52–58
and NR’s campaign to oust Regan, 475
on NR’s complaints about gubernatorial campaign, 140
on NR’s friendship with Buckley, 130
on NR’s political acuity, 135, 141
NR’s relationship with, 192, 222–23, 512
on NR’s role in RR’s political life, 134–35
on NR’s support of Weinberger, 149
on NR’s willingness to be the “bad guy,” 135
on Reagans’ unique closeness, 4, 135
Roberts’s political consulting partnership with, 133–34
RR’s 1968 presidential run opposed by, 173
in RR’s 1980 campaign, 222–23, 227
in RR’s 1984 reelection campaign, 376, 377
RR’s Alzheimer’s disease and, 542
on RR’s emotional remoteness, 133
and RR’s “evil empire” speech, 439
Sears advised on 1990 campaign by, 208
in Tower’s meeting with RR, 491–92
White House troika arrangement opposed by, 235–36
Spielberg, Steven, 291
Stack, Robert, 523 NR dated by, 95
Stanford University, 502
Stanley Holden Dance Center, 200
Stanwyck, Barbara, 110
State of the Uni
on (film), 218
Steffes, George, 146
Steinem, Gloria, 495 Ms. essay on NR by, 251
Steinhoff, Johannes, 393
stem-cell research:Fox’s advocacy of, 560
G.W. Bush’s restrictions on, 559–60
NR’s advocacy of, 557–60
Stewart, James, 48, 114, 129, 164
Stinchfield, Frank, 34
Stockman, David, 232 as RR’s budget director, 263–64
Stone, Roger, 204–5
Straight Inc., 324
Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), 434, 450, 455–56
Strauss, Robert, 481 Regan firing urged by, 476–77
Streep, Meryl, 259
Sullivan, Denise, 277
Sunderland, Nan, 24, 48
Supreme Court, US:Brown decision of, 328
Roe v. Wade decision of, 151, 301
“Survival Sunday” antinuclear rally, 370
Sweet, Robert, 423
Tampico, Ill., Reagan family’s stays in, 80, 83
Tarasenko, Sergei, 455
Tate, Sheila, 264, 274, 334 and astrology controversy, 353
NR’s Gridiron Club spoof orchestrated by, 315–18
as NR’s White House press secretary, 243
Taxi Driver (film), 273
Taylor, Elizabeth, 69, 226, 421, 424
Taylor, Orville, 37, 65
Taylor, Robert, 131
Taylor, Ursula, 131, 573
television:NR’s brief career in, 67–68
RR’s career in, see Reagan, Ronald, film and television career of
Wasserman and, 108
Thatcher, Margaret, 293, 294, 350–51, 503, 516 Gorbachev praised by, 447
RR’s first meeting with, 204
RR’s friendship with, 259, 447, 531, 532, 610
RR’s Reagan Library tribute to, 541
videotaped eulogy for RR by, 562
That Printer of Udell’s (Wright), 84
Thau, Benjamin, 97 NR’s film career promoted by, 69–70
NR’s rumored sexual relationship with, 70–71
theater:Edie’s career in, 9–10, 12–13, 15, 22
NR’s brief career in, 63–65
This Is the Army (film), 136
This Week with David Brinkley (TV show), 484
Thomas, Helen, 242, 243, 294, 319, 334
Thompson, Nancy, 247
Thorne, Narcissa, 46
Thousand Days, A (Schlesinger), 408
Thurmond, Strom, 174
Time, 180, 193, 195, 221, 444, 455, 468, 488, 504, 510, 512, 569–70
Tinker, Grant, 519
To Love a Child (N. Reagan and Wilkie), 331
Tomshany, Dave, 140
Tonight show, 262, 373
Tower, John, 467, 487 RR’s private meeting with, 491–92
Tower Commission, 467 report of, 482, 485, 487, 497
RR’s contradictory testimony to, 482, 534
Town Meeting of the World (TV program), 173
Tracy, Louise, 47
Tracy, Spencer, 12, 22, 77, 218 alcoholism of, 47–48, 68
Edie’s friendship with, 68
NR’s film career promoted by, 68, 69, 71
NR’s friendship with, 65
as regular guest at Davis home, 46–47
Travolta, John, 314
Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The (film), 48
Trewhitt, Henry, 383
Trinity, The (Russian icon), 461
Trivette, Paula, 404
Tru Luv (canoe), 202
Truman, Harry, 98 as FDR’s 1944 running mate, 49–50
Trump, Donald, 302, 518–19 in refusal to release tax returns, 298
and RR’s 1980 presidential campaign, 205
Stone’s friendship with, 205
Trump, Fred, 205
Tucker, Sophie, 77
Turmoil and Triumph (Shultz), 440
Turner, Carlton, as NR’s ally in antidrug crusade, 322–24, 329
Tuttle, Holmes, 163, 237, 509–10 in firing of Battaglia, 157–58
RR’s 1976 presidential bid opposed by, 185
in RR’s gubernatorial campaign, 127, 129
Twenty-Fifth Amendment, 398
Ullmann, Owen, 512
United Nations:AIDS crisis and, 425
NR’s drug problem speech to, 326–27
United States Information Agency (USIA), 131
Universal Pictures, 108
University School for Girls, 30
Unruh, Jesse, 34 in 1970 gubernatorial loss to RR, 164
RR accused of corruption by, 163–64
US-Soviet relations:conservative unhappiness with, 456–57
Geneva summit in, 448–51, 453
INF treaty in, 456
mutual disarmament as RR’s goal in, 435–36
1987 Washington summit in, 456–57, 501
1988 Moscow summit in, 460–62, 501
NR’s role in, 448–49
preliminary Geneva talks in, 446–47
Reykjavik summit in, 453–54
RR’s anti-Communist rhetoric as sticking point in, 434, 436, 438–39, 460
RR’s desire for meeting with Soviet leaders in, 2, 197, 295, 436, 440–41
RR’s letter to Brezhnev in, 436–37
RR’s lifting of grain embargo in, 436
RR’s “peace through strength” mantra in, 438
RR’s “tear down this wall” declaration in, 456, 516–17
SDI as sticking point in, 434, 450, 455–56
see also Cold War
Vanderbilt, Gloria, 419
Vanity Fair, 519
Vietnam Veterans Memorial, 345
Vietnam War:NR’s visits with veterans and POWs of, 168–69
protests against, 138, 151
von Damm, Helene, 153, 177, 252 as ambassador to Austria, 308–9
NR’s dislike of, 307–9
Von Drehle, David, 563
Waffen SS, 391
Walesa, Lech, 517
Walker, Robert, NR’s relationship with, 95–96, 97
Walking Tall (TV series), 280
Wallace, Chris, 240, 297, 396, 484 Regan’s rudeness to NR reported by, 484–85
Wallace, George, 236 in 1968 presidential race, 174
Wallace, Henry A., 49
Wallace, Inez, 67, 73
Wallace, Mike, 240 Edie’s friendship with, 44–45
Wallison, Peter, 474, 486, 534 as White House counsel, 297–98
Wall Street Journal, 241, 342, 382, 488, 568
Walters, Barbara, 540
Warner, John, 226
Warner Brothers Pictures, 108 RR’s contract with, 86
war on drugs, 321, 330
War on Poverty, 167–68
Warren, Earl, 138
Washington, D.C.:1987 summit in, 456–57, 501
social scene in, 239–40
Washington Evening Star, 10–11
Washington National Cathedral, 561, 563, 576
Washington Post, 230, 239, 246, 262–63, 283, 295, 325, 327, 331, 334, 336, 376, 381, 424, 456, 474, 478, 486, 496, 520, 524, 525, 563
Washington Times, 363, 506
Wasserman, Lew, 77 as last Hollywood mogul, 108
as RR’s agent, 89, 90, 108
Wasserman, Lynne, 77–78
Watergate scandal, 170, 182, 183, 186
Watkins Commission, 425–26, 428, 429
Watkins, James, 426
Watt, James, 444 public relations blunders of, 304–5
WAVES, at Smith, 58
Wayne, John, 164
WBBM, 44
Weinberg, Mark, 291, 358, 359, 416–17, 430, 537
Weinberger, Caspar, 434, 438, 444, 466, 483 Iran-contra deal opposed by, 473
on NR’s influence on Soviet policy, 433
as RR’s California finance director, 149
Weinrott, Lester, 24, 25, 44
Weir, Robin, 414
Wescott, Jean:as NR’s college roommate, 55
on NR’s high school years, 30–31
West H
ollywood, Calif., RR’s parents’ home in, 87
Wexford (Arlington estate), as Reagans’ home during 1980 campaign, 226, 227
Weyrich, Paul, 456
What Does Joan Say? (Quigley), 520–21
What I Saw at the Revolution (Noonan), 521
White, James Platt:homosexuality of, 61
illness and death of, 61–62
NR’s brief engagement to, 60–61
White, Ryan, 424–25
White House:beauty salon at, 261–62
Jackie Kennedy’s redecoration of, 253–54
NR on dreariness of, 242–43
NR’s renovation of, 253–55, 261–62, 282
Whitmore, James, 96, 97
Wick, Charles Z., 131, 250, 257–58, 279, 481, 485 Reagans’ friendship with, 131, 237
as USIA head, 131
Wick, Douglas, 431 in Elizabeth Glaser’s meeting with Reagans, 428–29
in last visit with NR, 575
on NR as shrewd judge of people, 131
NR at wedding of, 413
on NR’s emotional reticence, 19–20
Reagans’ friendship with, 426–28
stem-cell research advocacy of, 557–58
Wick, Mary Jane, 131, 250, 258, 279, 347 Reagans’ friendship with, 131, 237
Wick, Tessa, 558, 559
Wiesel, Elie, 392 RR’s Bitburg visit opposed by, 391
The Triumph of Nancy Reagan Page 78