His Perfect Martini: An accidental marriage romance (The Cocktail Girls)

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His Perfect Martini: An accidental marriage romance (The Cocktail Girls) Page 6

by Angel Devlin

  “Fuck you.” I spat out. “I already paid you a shit ton of money to destroy that. You said you’d got rid of it and I had the only copy.”

  “Well, you should know by now that I’m a liar who will get on by any means necessary.”

  “And you should know I’m a YouTuber who videos absolutely everything and your whole blackmail/extortion threat is here on my phone.” Louis barreled up to Josh, getting up in his business. “Now here’s what’s going to happen. You are going to fuck right back off to the sewer you crawled out of and if you come near Mila again, I’m taking this to the police. Get rid of that video if you know what’s good for you.”

  Billy sighed. “Be cool, dude. I didn’t really still have it. I was bluffing. Now there’s no need for any drama.” He turned to me. “I’ll tell your parents you’re a complete waste of space and a lost cause. I have another idea of something they can do anyway.”

  He walked off.

  “Are you okay?” Louis walked over to my side.

  My eyes filled with tears. “No. I’m not. I’m really not. Thank you for what you did but right now I just want to be alone.”

  “Mila. I go home tomorrow. We need to talk.”

  I shook my head. “There’s nothing more to say. Billy showing up made me realize that I make rash, stupid decisions when it comes to men and I’m better off on my own.”

  “You don’t mean that. Mila I-”

  I held my hand up.

  “Louis, I know you’re going home tomorrow but I need time. I’m sorry, but I’m going home—alone. Thank you for what you did though. You saved me.” I just wanted my safe place, my apartment, so I walked away from him.


  Friday 6 April 2018

  It was our last day together before my flight home and I couldn’t wait for Mila to come to me. I decided to go meet her. Because I’d realised something.

  I didn’t want to go home if she wasn’t coming with me.

  I didn’t want us to end.

  When I heard that douche bag threaten her, I’d had to hold my fists by my sides so I didn’t end up in a cell instead of spending these last hours with her. It was time for me to tell her how I felt.

  But she refused when I said I needed to talk to her. I was desperate to get the words out but as I said, “Mila, I-” she interrupted me. And then she left me standing there.

  The words ‘I love you’ on the end of my tongue.

  I appreciated she needed her space. But I had hours remaining before I had to get on that plane. It was time to commandeer the troops. Because I needed my wife back.

  “The dickhead did what?” Cam’s face was masked with fury. It surprised me given his previous attitude.

  “I thought you might be happy. You didn’t seem such a Mila fan.” I told him, raising the question I’d had all week.

  Cam sighed. “It was all so fast, and us guys had been with you from the off. I thought for a while you were so hell bent on your subscriber numbers that you were forgetting your mates had been on this crazy ride with you.”

  I leaned over and knuckled the top of his head. “Never, mate. You’re stuck with me and my crazy for life.”

  “Yeah, I know that, and I also realised life moves on. We do need to grow up. I watched you with Mila, and well, I saw how you two are with each other and I want that. I’ve been single for a long time, since me and Steph broke up, and it’s time. Time for me to get back on the horse.”

  “Dude. I love you, man.” I held out a bro fist.

  He returned the bro fist and laughed at me. “Yeah, how about saving that love for the missus? So what’s the plan then? We need to go get your girl.”


  Being alone wasn’t happening because Max had called Jenny, who called me. She refused my pleas of wallowing in self-pity and showed up on my doorstep armed with wine, and Ben & Jerry’s.

  “Come in.” I told her, walking back through to my living room and flopping back onto the couch.

  Dressed in my pjs, I threw my comforter I’d dragged to the couch over myself and huddled down.

  Jenny walked back in with the Ben & Jerry’s and a spoon. I eyed it. Cookie Dough. Yup I was gonna eat that and wallow some more.

  I reached over for it and tucked in.

  “So, spill. Billy turned up, yeah?”

  I licked the back of the spoon. “Do I actually have to tell you everything or do you already know it all?”

  She shrugged. “I want to hear it from you.”

  “But you’re interrupting valuable ice-cream time.”

  “You’re interrupting your life, which is worse.”

  I put the ice cream on the table.

  “Billy turned up and threatened to show a video of me giving him a blow job if I didn’t go back home and become the dutiful daughter again. Now thankfully Louis heard and recorded it all because, Jenny, I do not know what I could have done if he hadn’t.”

  I broke down into tears. It was what I needed. To let everything out. I sobbed so hard I felt I’d be sick, but no way was I revisiting epic Ben & Jerry’s so I sat up and tried to compose myself. Jenny had wrapped me in a massive hug and held me while I cried.

  “Mila. I can’t even begin to imagine how it feels to have parents like yours.”

  “I don’t even know what I did wrong. Growing up, I was everything they ever wanted, but it was never enough. They always wanted more from me. In the end I couldn’t take it anymore and I ran away. But I wanted to prove them wrong. To go off with someone they’d see as not good enough and settle down and show them they were wrong. Not only did that backfire they hired him for fuck’s sake!”

  “They aren’t normal, Mila.”

  “Their whole relationship is a sham. They don’t love each other. They’ve both had numerous affairs, but they manage to pay everyone off who would say anything. Their whole relationship is branding. It’s all for show. I hate them. I hate that they couldn’t be the parents I needed them to be.”

  I started crying again.

  Jenny picked up the ice cream and walked out of the room. I heard the freezer door shut and then glasses clunking and she came back with wine glasses, the rest of the bottle, and some tissues hanging out of her pants pocket.

  I drank my wine while Jenny consoled me about the fact my parents were utter shits.

  After about thirty minutes Jenny fixed her gaze on mine. “Now. I want you to tell me about Louis.”

  I sniffed. “What about him?”

  “I want to know how you really feel about him, and about the fact that he’s leaving tomorrow.”

  I sighed. “It doesn’t really matter how I feel does it? Tomorrow he’ll be gone.”

  “Well, he will if that’s your attitude. Frankly, I thought you had more balls than that.”

  I sat up. “What do you mean?”

  “I’ll ask you again. How do you really feel about Louis?”

  I chewed on my lip. “This is going to sound insane.”

  “I don’t care, just tell me.”

  “Jenny… I actually think I love him.”

  And it was the truth. There was just something about the man that had hit me the first time I’d ever set eyes on him. Just this huge connection like life had sent me the person I was destined to be with.

  “And so now you’re going to give up on the person you feel you love and let him fly back home?”

  I shrugged.

  Jenny reached over and filled up my glass.

  “Bitch, you trying to get me drunk?”

  “Hella, yeah. Drunk Mila makes better decisions. Now get that down you, get dressed, and let's go.”

  “Go where?”

  “To meet your husband and stop you from ruining your life.”

  We pulled up to The Strip in a cab and I followed Jenny to a boutique. “Jenny. What are we doing here? I thought we were meeting the guys?”

  “You are.” Louis walked in dressed in a dark suit, a white shirt, and gray tie. Oh my God, I just wanted to rip ev
ery stitch of clothing from his body there and then and get him to use that tie on my wrists.

  “What’s going on?” I asked.

  Jenny melted away into the background and Louis took my hand in his.

  “Mila. We met not even a week ago and I know it’s totally crazy but I feel like our wedding was the best rash, insane decision I ever made. But it annoys me that you don’t remember it. I don’t want you to let me go home tomorrow with only a plan of a future divorce.”

  He dropped to a bended knee.

  Holy crap!

  “Mila Williams. I love you. I know it’s stupid and we only just met, but I do. We have the rest of our lives to get to know each other. I can move to Vegas, or you can come to the UK. Fuck, we can move to Timbuktu if you want. But please, marry me again. Marry me relatively sober so you can remember it this time.”

  “And this boutique hires out wedding dresses.” Jenny shouted.

  My heart skipped a beat. “Yes! Yes, Louis Clayton. I will marry you. In the most outrageous wedding possible that you can put together in the short time we have, and I don’t care where we live either. We’ll sort all that later. What matters is I feel the same. I love you too.”

  He picked me up and whisked me around.

  “Go get your dress and we’ll see you at the Chapel.”

  This time we were married by a dwarf ‘Alan’ from the hangover, complete with monkey. It was appropriate given the circumstances of our first wedding. But yes, this time I did actually remember it and lo and behold… Louis didn’t record it.

  Yes, you could only have it filmed by the chapel themselves, but we agreed that this ceremony was private. I’d found a fantastic tight short white dress that molded to my figure and had teamed it with a small tiara. Accepting I wasn’t a traditional girl, it was time for me to embrace exactly who I really was.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife… again.”

  We went back to Louis’ hotel room at the MGM grand where he carried me over the threshold. I giggled as he headed straight for the bed where he carefully deposited me on the comforter.

  “I’d love to tear your clothes off right now but unfortunately they have to back to the shop tomorrow.” Louis said.

  “Yeah, it’s a pity.” I replied, but we could take each other's clothes off reaaallly slllooowwwwllly.

  And we did. With nibbles, caresses, bites, licks, and sucks.

  Finally naked, Louis sank himself inside me while his fingers strummed my clit. I slipped my hand between us and put a finger either side of his dick and moved them up and down the base of his cock with a slight pressure.

  “You’re killing me here Mrs Clayton.” He groaned.

  “Oh I hope not. I need you to stay alive so you can continue to satisfy me for hours yet.”

  “Okay, I’ll try my best to survive.” He said, and then he hardened his thrusts and quickened his strumming until I could barely remember my own name.

  April 7th, 2018 - Saturday

  When I woke the next morning I turned to my side to see my new husband packing his things. The smile I’d woken up with slipped from my face as I remembered he was leaving. He came over to me, knelt at the side of the bed and stroked a hand down my face. “I’m only going home to sort a few things out, Mila. Then I’ll be back. Here before you know it.”

  “I know, but I’m gonna miss the shit out of you.”

  He laughed, that big hearty laugh of his. “Which is really funny when you think this time last week we didn’t even know each other existed.”

  “So you’re really gonna come live here for a while?”

  “Yeah if the laws allow it. Plus there’s my mother to get past. I didn’t invite her to my first wedding. She’s gonna have my balls for not being at the second.”

  “Oh, let’s just keep getting married then. I like marrying you.” I said leaning over to kiss him.


  It took a year of legal wrangling with only occasional visits to each other before Louis’ visa was approved. He moved into my apartment. I’d like to say it was all plain sailing but it wasn’t. Some times were hard, we had huge arguments. But neither of us had lived with anyone before and we realized we were adjusting to our new lives together. Louis did change his channel. His vlogs of the different aspects of Vegas had gone down really well and he found himself with multiple offers from Vegas businesses to showcase their venues and events, and then we had our own reality channel. I was very careful about what we showed. I’d gotten used to my every move being recorded but there were still times when I said no. Like when we’d gotten married a third time in the UK so his family could attend. (By the way I loved Louis’ mother).

  But today I walked in with my own phone, recording Louis’ face as he sat down on our second wedding anniversary to a home cooked breakfast.

  “Hey, hubby. Happy anniversary.”

  “Hey, wife.” He looked at the silver server in front of him. “This is very elaborate for a slice of toast.”

  “I cooked you a full English, you jerk.” I said. “Okay, now you can eat.”

  He lifted off the lid to find there was no food. Instead there was a pregnancy test stick.

  Louis went pale.

  “Mila. Are you saying that…?”

  I grinned. “You’re gonna be a dad. Happy anniversary, baby.”

  “Oh my God, that’s amazing. That’s so frikking amazing. He jumped up and down and picked up the stick to look at it.

  Then he threw it down and stared at his hand.

  “You peed on that, didn’t you?”

  “That’s usually how those work.”

  “Ah well, I always wanted to move onto golden showers. It’s kind of a step towards it.”

  “Louis. For God’s sake.” I said as I put down the phone because I was then lifted off my feet.

  “That is totally not going on the channel now.”

  “Yeah it is.”

  “No, it’s not.”

  “So, in tribute to your ass tattoo I think Martin for a boy and Martina for a girl.”

  “Our child is not being named after an ass tattoo.”

  But my protests were drowned out as Louis’ mouth crushed mine.


  All About Angel

  I like writing short sexy stories that get readers hot under the collar while also entertaining and hopefully making the reader laugh.

  Keep in contact with me here at


  The Cocktail Girls

  It’s time to get drunk on love!

  The Cocktail Girls is a shared world between 14 of your favorite romance authors!

  Each novella is a stand-alone story set in the city of sin.

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  His Hurricane by Alexis Adaire

  His Perfect Martini by Angel Devlin

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