Mine, All Mine

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Mine, All Mine Page 4

by Dayna Quince

  He had been out riding, Lilly noticed—she could tell by the damp splotches on his thighs, as well as on his brown tweed riding jacket. His dark hair still held sparkling droplets of rain. As he squatted next to her, she could not help but notice his strong, muscular thighs encased in fashionably tight breeches. She blushed and turned away, silently cursing herself.

  “Now,” he said, removing his gloves and placing his hands over hers. He leaned over her and put his arm around her, placing her hands once again on the udder of the cow.

  Lilly was finding it difficult to breathe with him so close, and when she did finally breathe all she could smell was his clean, freshly shaven skin and the scent of rain emanating from his clothes.

  His hands were warm and very large in comparison to hers. She could feel his body tightly against hers as he spoke.

  “You have to massage it like this. You slide your hand down to squeeze the milk gently from her.”

  Lilly was as red as a cherry and blushing all the way down to her toes. Not only was she beginning to feel warm all over, but her breasts began to tingle at his words, as if they too wanted to be touched. Lilly cursed her traitorous body.

  “Pardon?” he asked, turning to her.

  “Nothing, my lord, just repeating the instructions to myself.” She hoped he could not see her flushed cheeks. She could feel the barest touch of his hand over the curve of her back and couldn’t stop a shiver of awareness.

  “You know, Miss James, milking Roberta helps to soothe the ache she feels when her udders get too full. It can be terribly painful if she’s not milked once or even twice a day.” His hands continued their lazy trail up and down her spine. “You can stop now, Roberta feels better already.”

  And indeed, the cow was happily munching on some straw, paying the two of them no mind. Dominic moved the bucket out of harm’s way and helped Lilly to her feet. She grudgingly obliged, and he hauled her into his arms, effectively locking her to him.

  “Do you ever ache, Miss James?” His breath feathered across her neck as he nuzzled her ear.

  Lilly closed her eyes in pleasure as she was caught, yet again, in his embrace. His thick, wavy hair tickled her chin and neck as he playfully began to kiss a path to her throat. Exploring lips brought her skin to life, and a warmth from within flooded her limbs.

  “You are so soft,” he mouthed against her. His tongue created little licks of fire on her skin, and all Lilly could do was hold onto his shoulders and brace herself for whatever came next.

  “I can soothe your ache, Miss James.” His kisses slowed as his nimble fingers inched her bodice a bit lower.

  Lilly flinched and was about to stop his progress when his full hand cupped her breast and squeezed firmly. Sensation shot through her like lightning bolts, and all her fear and trepidation turned into a longing too powerful for her to deny. She arched against him as he squeezed again and then rubbed his thumb over her nipple, causing it to pucker. Lilly’s knees became wobbly, and Dominic instantly backed her up against the stall wall, placing his knee between her legs to support her.

  He caught her lips in a searing kiss as Lilly snaked her arms around his neck and pulled him tightly against her.

  “I want you.” His words were laced with desire.

  Lilly could feel the state of his arousal pressed tightly against her belly. His words scared her, but she could not stop from wanting his kisses or touch.

  “Say you want me,” he said, molding her hips to his. It was just too much, too much sensation and too much need for something she did not even fully understand.

  “You told me to stay away from you.” Lilly opened her eyes, mentally grasping for her earlier anger to give her the strength to push him away.

  “I know”—his eyes met hers, burning her with the heat of his passion—“but I cannot stay away from you.”

  “You could ruin my life. Do you even care about that? I would be the only one to pay for the consequences of our actions. Even seen standing here with you now, I could be dismissed on the spot.” Her eyes sparked with anger and hurt. “Do you care about anyone but yourself? You arrogant lords are all the same.” She pushed him back and turned to leave, her hands trembling. She shouldn’t have spoken to him in such a way. She was a servant now, not a lady. Her fool tongue might land her in deeper trouble than she already was.

  He stopped her. Lilly faced him; whatever she was now, she wasn’t a coward.

  “You didn’t exactly push me away, Miss James. You want the same thing.”

  “You don’t know what I want, and it certainly isn’t to be played with by a rake like you.”

  Dominic surprised her by laughing. “You insult my honor, Miss James, but you are too damn cute when you’re mad. Still, I must punish you.” He tried to pull her close again, but Lilly pulled her arm from his grasp and glared so hotly he should have gone up in flames.

  “Please, Miss James, don’t leave in such a fit.”

  A fit? His arrogance was so infuriating! How Lilly would love to drown that devilishly handsome face in the bucket of milk. It would serve him right. But she couldn’t do that, this strange earl might not mind a sharp-tongued servant, but a milk bath could push him too far.

  “My lord, I beg you to heed your own advice and stay away from me. I wouldn’t want to resort to other means of persuasion.” She smiled tightly, boldly glancing at the area of his manhood and meeting his eyes again. She hoped she proved her point.

  “Miss James, I—”

  “Millie, what’s taking so long? Have you finished yet?” Laura called from the stable doors.

  “I’m coming, Laura,” Lilly called out, hoping to escape, but damn—he was not about to let her go without giving a warning of his own.

  “As I was saying, Miss James, you would do well not to make threats and invite my attention. Or I will have to punish you, and that deliciously insubordinate mouth of yours, in a way we would both very much enjoy.” He smiled wolfishly. “I always get what I want.”

  ”Spoken like a true rake.” Lilly quickly snatched up the bucket of milk and made her escape before it was too late. She could hear his soft chuckle and feel the heat of his gaze follow her all the way out of the stables.

  The next two weeks were what Lilly could only describe as decadent torture. With an eerie capability, that blasted man seemed to find her whenever she was alone. In some deserted stairwell or hall, in the kitchen garden, or worse, the stables. He would pin her with his gaze, touch her ever so lightly, and then kiss her and turn her body and soul into flames.

  Lilly had spent three seasons in the ton and was a roaring success, but never had she encountered such a man who on the outside appeared cold and reserved, but on the inside was blazing with passion and vitality. The man was a mystery to behold.

  At night, she dreamed about running her fingers through the thick black locks of his hair. His eyes would burn into her with that bright magnetic blue and his lips, those lean strong lips of his, would trail down her body to places she dare not think about in the light of day. His strong, broad shoulders were an anchor for her senses. His muscular arms caged her in a world where only desire could exist, and her body reveled in the feel of him hard and warm against her. He was not lean and fashionable like the other gentlemen of the ton. He had led a very active life, toning his body to that of a pugilist. His arms bulged and flexed beneath his fine coats, and his thighs bespoke of years of riding and outdoor sports. He carried an edge that even his refined clothes and surroundings could not quite disguise. It terrified Lilly and thrilled her at the same time. She was bewildered by his actions toward her. He was simply amused by her blunt insults toward the class she was no longer a part of, and he seemed to enjoy the cat-and-mouse game they played. Lilly did too—except for the sense of danger she could always feel when he was near.

  The fear of prosecution was always in the back of her mind. She had adapted to the role of servant out of necessity, and though she knew she might have to live this way for the rest o
f her life, it still hurt deep inside. She could not help but wonder if she had met Dominic in a ballroom as her true self, would she still feel this attraction? Probably not. Besides, would she want to be courted by a man who chased the skirts of his servants?

  Lilly’s eyes opened to the deep gloom of her room. It was another night of sleepless turmoil, preceding yet another busy day. If Lilly had the energy, she would cry. She could foresee an endless day of cooking and cleaning ahead of her and could already hear the clang of pots and pans in the kitchen. It was time to get up.

  The cool, crisp air of the morning served to sweep away the last cobwebs of sleep. Making her second trip to milk Roberta, Lilly made her way through the early morning fog. She reached the stable door, which had been closed to keep the chill from the animals, just as a man was stepping through. Lilly nearly collided with him in her haste, but when she moved to step aside, the man curiously turned to her and grabbed her arm in a vice-like grip.

  “Don’t say a word,” his gruff voice said. “Keep your mouth shut, and I won’t have to hurt you, bitch.”

  He backed her around the corner of the stables into a small alley next to a storage shed. Lilly was frozen with fear, unable to move or speak. She could see nothing of this stranger beneath the hooded cloak he wore, but could smell the liquor on his breath and the musty body odor coming off his grimy clothes. He shoved her up against the wall, causing Lilly to wince in pain, and pinned her with his callused hand around her throat. He squeezed tightly when Lilly tried to struggle.

  “Now listen here, bitch, we know you have the necklace, and we want it, so you better give it up. Find it and give it to me, or I’ll expose your clever little masquerade, or maybe just kill you, understand?”

  Lilly’s eyes widened in horror as the clouds shifted and the sun filtered through, revealing the face of her attacker. It was the man from the market, and he knew who she was. Tears came to her eyes as she painfully inhaled through the constriction around her neck.

  “Ye understand, lass?” he demanded, shaking her violently.

  “Yes,” she croaked, and sobbed with relief as he let her drop to the ground.

  “I’ll be back, and when I do, you better have that necklace or your own pretty little neck to show for it.”

  Lilly shook uncontrollably as her attacker strode away into the mist. She could not believe what had just happened to her. Already she had been found out, and now she did not know what to do. She thought she would be safe working in a wealthy, respectable household, with the only threat being the old acquaintances from the circles she used to move in. Never did she think that her stepfather would send dangerous criminals after her. How did he know where she was or that she had the necklace?

  There was only one option. She had to find Chance. Only he would know what to do. Getting to her feet, Lilly sought the safety of the stables, where the stable boys steadily worked at brushing down the horses and mucking stalls. Never in her life had Lilly been so excited to see a cow, but somehow good old Roberta provided a certain comfort with her wide brown eyes and innocent expression. Her solitude was short-lived, however, as a tingling sensation down her neck preceded the arrival of the last man Lilly wanted to see that day. Even as she turned away, pretending not to see him, she wished she could be held by those muscular arms and tell him all her secrets.

  “Good morning, Miss James,” he said politely.

  “Good morning, my lord.” Lilly’s voice was scratchy and hoarse. She immediately tried to clear her throat.

  “Are you ill?” Dominic queried with a frown creasing his brow.

  “No, my lord.” She coughed and looked up at him. The light fell fully on her face and shoulders, and she panicked as she saw Dominic’s eyes narrow on her neck.

  “What the hell!” He stepped closer and reached a hand toward the red markings on her skin. Lilly immediately stepped back in alarm, pulling her cloak up to cover the marks.

  “Those are not love bites, Miss James—someone tried to strangle you. Now, who was it so I can repay them in kind?”

  “Please, Lord Redwick, it is nothing.” Lilly stepped back until she was flush against the wall. The look of rage in his eyes was frightening, even though she knew it was not aimed at her.

  Dominic moved closer until he was mere inches away but did not touch her. He pinned her with his eyes. “Did he…”

  “No! God no. Really, it’s nothing you need concern yourself with.”

  “Are you in trouble, Millie? I can help you, whatever it is.”

  “I’m not in trouble.”

  “Just tell me. You can tell me Millie, anything, and I will do whatever is in my power to help you.”

  Lilly was amazed by the change in Dominic. He went from a black rage to soft and caring in the blink of an eye. Lilly was beginning to lose her grip on reality while looking into the enchanting blue depths. Her fear melted away, and she unconsciously swayed toward him, yielding to the strong arms that pulled her against him.

  “I can save you, Millie, whatever it is.” He lowered his head into a very gentle kiss. “I can take you away from all this and give you everything you deserve.” He brought his head to hers again, giving her a soft imploring kiss.

  “I could give you protection. All you have to do is say yes and swear to be mine.”

  Lilly’s scattered brain struggled to understand his whispered words. Was that a proposal? No, it could not be. The only protection he could give her would be as his…

  A cold rage infused Lilly from head to toe. Never in her life had she imagined ever receiving such an indecent offer. She tried to push away from his broad chest, but only succeeded in pushing herself against the stall wall again.

  “You want me to be your mistress?” she asked with disdain.

  Dominic looked around. Checking to make sure no one could see or hear them, he said, “It is a noble offer, Millie. I know you are in trouble, I can see it in your eyes. I can help you get away from it, as well as a life of servitude. This way we can both get what we want.” His eyes scanned her body hungrily.

  If there was enough space to lift her arm, Lilly would have slapped the smoldering desire right off his face.

  “You have no idea what I want, my lord, and it certainly isn’t to move from one form of servitude to another. I would rather clean pig slop than service your needs.”

  Dominic stepped closer, bringing them nose-to-nose. His eyes narrowed menacingly, holding her gaze firmly with his.

  “Don’t be stupid, Millie. An offer like mine for a girl like you is a godsend, and it will only be offered once. I know you want me just as much as I want you, do not deny it. I can taste it when you kiss me. I will have you either way. You cannot resist me. I’ll make you mine.”

  Lilly’s very core shook with the meaning of those words, but her trepidation was masked behind a curtain of fury. “I wouldn’t be your mistress if you were the last man on earth, Lord Redwick, and I will never give in to you, not willingly at least. So please, for the hundredth time since we’ve met, just leave me be.”

  He stepped back, his demeanor cooling. “No,” was all he said, and then he turned and walked away.

  Chapter 6

  By the time the evening’s dinner guests had started to arrive, Lilly had thought up a plan. Staying in the house was too dangerous. Not only was she in constant fear of meeting with that ghoul by the stables, her senses were constantly assaulted by the master of the house. There were only so many places she could hide from him, which were dwindling by the day. After the guests retired to the drawing room for dessert and dancing, Lilly would sneak out and find Chance. He was the only person she could trust to help her, and maybe even move her to a position in his household. Once Lilly could hear the music, she went up to the drawing room under the pretense of checking on the chocolate-glazed tarts she had personally made. She entered through a door hidden behind a massive potted palm, which stood directly behind the dessert table, so the servants could enter and restock food without bein
g seen by the guests. Lilly prayed she would be able to slip in and out just as easily.

  Lilly peeked around the door to make sure that no one who knew her was close enough to spot her. She kept her head down and away from any who might be close enough to take notice. She wedged herself between the palm fronds and a pillar, and then discreetly began to scan the crowd of guests for Chance. However, her view was somewhat obstructed by the daughters of Lady Bellwort. Marguerite hovered over the dessert tray, chatting with her sister Portia, who was more slender and attractive. Lilly had never been formally introduced to the girls. They were younger than she was by two years, and Portia’s waspish tendencies excluded her from the circle of acquaintances with which Lilly associated. But now she could not help but be a little jealous. They both wore beautiful gowns, and Lilly would give anything to be able to attend such a gathering again as herself and not some impoverished maid. She would give anything to have her old life back.

  Portia’s words suddenly caught her attention. “That man’s eyes could burn a hole through my undergarments.”

  “That’s if he would ever look at you, Portia, but you might as well not even exist to the earl,” Marguerite said as she shoved another cookie into her mouth. The blond curls piled on top of her head shook with each bite.

  “That will change. All I need is to catch his attention for a moment, and he won’t be able to take those gorgeous blue eyes off me.”

  Lilly rolled her eyes disgustedly. If that girl only knew what those eyes could do, she would run for the hills.

  “You sound like you know him, Portia. What makes you think—”

  “I just know, Marguerite!” Portia snapped back at her sister and slapped a cookie from her hand.

  Lilly slunk farther behind the massive palm and sighed to herself. She herself had been the recipient of many burning stares from that blue-eyed devil. She could feel them now, burning their way down the nape of her neck to the small of her back, and knew he had to be standing right behind her.


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