Mine, All Mine

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Mine, All Mine Page 12

by Dayna Quince

  “Did I hurt you?”

  “Oh God, Dominic, don’t stop,” she cried against his shoulder as he slid into her over and over, driving them into a fast and shattering climax. Their lovemaking was quick and rough, the emotions shared too fierce to be anything but. Their breathing was ragged as they lay on the floor together in each other’s arms.

  Dominic kissed her sweetly. “I’m sorry, I should have been gentler with you.”

  “Don’t you dare apologize to me.” She smiled languidly. “It was perfect. You could never hurt me.”

  “I know, but it’s only your second time with me.”

  “I’m no delicate flower.” Lilly smiled seductively.

  Dominic groaned. “Don’t talk like that or I will never leave this room.” He kissed her again. “Rest up—tomorrow will be a long, exhausting day. I will send a messenger to my aunt who lives just outside of London and hopefully she will oblige us with her aid. I’ll see you at dinner.” He kissed her one last time and left.

  Lilly sighed contentedly as she stretched out on the thick rug and smiled like a fool. She had never felt this way, this happy. It put everything into perspective, and yet made her as reckless as the wind. She loved him; he loved her. What else mattered? He said he would save her and give her back her life, but what he didn’t realize was that he already had.

  Chapter 19

  The next morning the three companions set out for London at first light. Chance rode with Lilly and Dominic most of the way, keeping a suspicious eye on Dominic. At noon, they stopped to have a picnic in a nearby field before continuing on to an inn for the night. Lilly enlisted the help of Jenny to be her new lady’s maid as they headed for London, and to provide a buffer between her and Dominic for Chance’s sake. Lilly was still emotionally exhausted by the time they reached their destination, but overall in good spirits.

  The following morning, Chance took his own carriage and set a brisk pace for London to gather a troop of Lilly’s most trusted friends to help with her return to the social whirl. The story to be gently put about was that Lilly had retired to the country in the wake of the scandal with her great-aunt.

  Lilly rolled her eyes at this. “I am not a wilting flower,” she proclaimed disgustedly.

  “For now, pretend that you are.” Dominic smiled.

  Lilly would gradually step into society again, surrounded by friends, with a carefully laid-out plan to trap her stepfather. The trap would come in the form of a ball hosted by Dominic’s aunt to celebrate Lilly’s return. The Prince Regent himself would be invited for the presentation of the necklace, which Lilly would be wearing that night. It would be the talk of the ton and irresistible bait to her stepfather.

  The plan was dangerous and not without flaw, much to Dominic’s annoyance, but it was the only plan they had. Night and day Lilly would be with him, and when he couldn’t be with her, Chance— or three footmen at the very least—would take his place. Lilly chafed at the idea of being so watched and protected, but agreed nonetheless.

  When they finally reached Dominic’s London residence, it was midday. Dominic helped Lilly out of the carriage and was immediately met by his frazzled underbutler.

  “My lord,” he intoned gravely, “Lady Seavers has preceded you.”

  “Thank you for the warning.” Dominic half smiled, half grimaced. He shouldn’t delight in his servant’s discomfort, but he could understand the concern. He escorted a deliciously drowsy Lilly into the front hall and was immediately set upon by his aunt.

  “My lord!” she screeched as she came tripping down the main stairs. “I am so glad you have arrived, and what an honor it is to have been invited to serve you.” She creaked into an overly deep curtsy.

  Dominic already regretted asking her to come, but it was too late now. “Lady Lillian, may I introduce to you my aunt, Lady Seavers. Aunt Millicent, I present to you Lady Lillian St. James, daughter of the late Duke of Cranston.”

  “How do you do, Lady Seavers?” Lilly said politely.

  “Very well, my dear. I trust your travels were uneventful?” She looked around, expecting to see someone else, but Jenny had long ago disappeared in the wake of the underbutler. “Were you alone?”

  “Lilly’s maid traveled with us, Aunt Millicent.”

  “Well then.” She eyed Lilly none too discreetly and plastered a patently false smile on her face before continuing. “You will be delighted to know, my lord, that I have brought my daughter Clarissa with me. She is of an age, you know, to adore all London has to offer. Clarissa! Clarissa!" She chirped until a very prim and proper young lady peeped out of the drawing room, before demurely stepping before them and executing a curtsy.

  “My lord, I present to you my daughter, Miss Clarissa Eloise Seavers, my pride and joy.” Lady Seavers beamed.

  After an awkward moment, Dominic cleared his throat and continued the introductions his aunt seemed to dismiss. “Good afternoon, Miss Seavers. This is my ward, Lady Lillian.”

  “It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Seavers.” Lilly stepped in and tried to salvage the situation. The hall was rapidly becoming awkward. Clarissa only briefly glanced at her before returning her gaze to Dominic and batting her eyes atrociously. Suppressing the urge to roll her own eyes, she decided retreat was the best option.

  “If you will excuse me, I would like to freshen up.” Lilly made her escape.

  Both ladies nodded absently as Lilly moved to follow a maid to her room, leaving Dominic stuttering for a moment, clearly uncomfortable with Miss Seavers’ bold stare.

  “I believe I shall follow suit.” He bowed briefly, not waiting for a response before turning on his heel and following Lilly up the stairs.

  “Well!” Lady Seavers scowled as she went into the drawing room and plopped herself down on the settee.

  “She’s very pretty, Mama.” Clarissa pouted dramatically as she sat beside her mother. Clarissa was a classic English beauty with pale blond hair, pale blue eyes, and a tiny rosebud mouth. However, the effect was quite ruined by her ever-present frown.

  “Nonsense, dear, all men favor blondes,” Lady Seavers said, smoothing her own pale locks, now liberally streaked with silver. “Don’t frown, dear, it only perpetuates wrinkles.”

  “Do you think he will like me, Mama?” Clarissa pouted once more.

  “Of course, dear. Don’t let a little tart like Lady Lillian dim your confidence. You are an English rose, the perfect wife for a new earl returning to society. Our plan shall not falter!” she said vehemently.

  Clarissa beamed. “You’re brilliant, Mama!”

  Upstairs, after Jenny had retreated, Lilly stretched out on her bed and sighed blissfully. Her muscles were stiff from the confinement of the carriage, but Lilly refused a bath until after she napped and had to prepare for dinner. She had dozed in Dominic’s arms on the way into town but was still sleepy, as travel often had a way of sapping one’s energy. She rolled onto her stomach and closed her eyes. She heard the click of the door and soft steps enter her room.

  “Jenny, you may rest for the afternoon as well. I won’t need you until it’s time to dress for dinner.”

  The footsteps came toward the bed and Lilly smiled. A hand slid up her leg, gently curling around her knee. The bed dipped as the intruder climbed up over Lilly, laying his body flush with hers; lips teased the back of her neck. “Are you sleeping?” he whispered.

  “Obviously not.” Lilly opened her eyes and stared into Dominic’s. She rolled onto her back and gloried in the feeling of his weight on top of her. “You should not be in here. Your aunt would be sorely disappointed.” She giggled at his scowl.

  “There are many things my aunt doesn’t know about, and my visiting your room is one of them.” He playfully nipped her lips.

  “Oh, Dominic.” Lilly sighed blissfully. “This all feels too good to be true.”

  “I haven’t even started yet.” Dominic buried his face in her neck and inhaled deeply. He ran his hands down her sides, stopping at the edge
of her chemise, gently beginning to pull it up.

  “Dominic, we mustn’t,” Lilly weakly protested.

  “Oh, I simply must, Lilly, I really must.” Dominic fairly growled as he felt her lift her body to aid in the removal of her shift. He swept it over her head and looked down at her glorious nakedness.

  Lilly began to work the buttons of his shirt free while Dominic ran his hands all over her skin, his lips trailing kisses on her throat and breasts. The feel of his fully clothed, fully aroused body on hers was erotic. Lilly frantically began to open buttons and pull his shirt from his breeches.

  “Easy, love, you might still be sore.”

  “No, I’m not. I want you, Dominic. I want you right now.” Lilly nearly groaned as he pulled away and disposed with the rest of his clothes. She welcomed him back with open arms as she cradled his body with hers. The fever of desire had taken hold of both of them. Dominic ravaged her mouth with kisses, dueling together until she gasped for breath, and he bent to pay homage to her breasts. Lilly moaned as he suckled a soft peak and pleasure stabbed through her nerve endings. “Now, Dominic, please,” she cried.

  He rubbed his manhood against her wet folds and growled. The torture was exquisite. He played with the entrance of her body, dipping himself in her moist heat. She was ready, and he slid to the hilt in a single thrust.

  “Are you okay?” he panted before continuing to lose himself in her.

  “Yes, Dominic, please!” she begged, and then groaned as he moved inside her to a primal rhythm. They moved together fiercely, reaching for that heavenly peak. Lilly clawed at his back and shoulders, completely taken over by him. She couldn’t get enough of the feel of his body on hers—his body in hers. Each thrust rippled through her; the pleasure bathed her like waves, over and over, until finally she couldn’t take it anymore and screamed into his shoulder as her body exploded in ultimate pleasure. Stars fell behind her closed eyes.

  Dominic hoarsely groaned as he followed her into heaven and spilled his seed into her womb. He rolled her on top of him and held her limp and sated body as he tried to catch his breath.

  “Are you okay?” he asked as he slowly stroked up and down her spine. She nodded.

  Lilly tried to hide her tears and discreetly wiped at them until one fat drop fell on his shoulder. He rolled her beneath him and framed her face in his hands, forcing her to look at him.

  “What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?”

  He looked horrified at the thought, and Lilly smiled at him. “No, it’s just too many good emotions—if there is such a thing. I was overwhelmed, but in a good way," she reassured. She giggled as he kissed her tear-stained cheeks and relaxed.

  “I don’t ever want to hurt you, Lilly.” His voice was gruff.

  Lilly was surprised to hear the emotion behind it. Maybe all the things she felt, he felt too—only he wasn’t turned into a watering pot like her.

  “You’ll never hurt me, Dominic.” And she knew it, too. As she knew the sun would rise tomorrow, she knew this man would rather die than do anything to hurt her. This made her want to cry again because never had she needed anyone like she needed him. He was her champion.

  “I hope that’s true, Lilly. I hope I can be everything you will ever need in life.” He kissed her gently and then got up to dress.

  You already are, Lilly thought, but could not say the words aloud. There was already so much emotion in the room between the lovemaking and the words that followed.

  Chapter 20

  After leaving Lilly to rest, Dominic went to his study to compose a letter to Lord Douglas and check his other correspondence. He would tell Lord Douglas about the plan, and set up a meeting to go over what he knew from Lilly and how to involve the Prince Regent in their scheme. He also needed to discuss the preparations for the ball with his aunt, but he was already dreading it. Lord only knew why she would bring her daughter into a bachelor’s household when they were already treading the waters of scandal with Lilly’s presence.

  Their first week would be rather slow starting today, Monday, with Chance introducing the first whispers of Lilly’s return. He would enlist the aid of some of Lilly’s closest friends: Miss Olivia Brentton and Miss Lydia Covington. The ladies could be trusted, according to Lilly, to spread the word in the right tone. They were walking a delicate path and couldn’t afford any missteps. Lilly would enter the social whirl with light entertainments such as afternoon teas and garden parties here and there. Shopping excursions, walks in the park, and drives down the promenade would prepare her for the first ball, selected carefully by its size and safety of the residence in which it was being held.

  In two weeks, Dominic would be opening his own home for a ball in Lilly’s honor, hosted by his aunt. They would reach the climax of their plan and hopefully catch their enemy and bring him to justice, freeing Lilly and freeing himself. With the Prince Regent as a guest, they would make a grand gesture of returning the diamonds, which Lilly would be wearing that evening with everyone as witness. What happened after that Dominic didn’t know, but hopefully their well-placed crumbs would bring a rat into the light.

  Fields knocked softly before entering as Dominic bid, and bowed. “My lord, the footman Charles did as you requested and fetched Lady Lillian’s belongings without incident.”

  “Good. I am glad your carriage was not far behind ours, Fields.”

  “Lady Seavers also requested an audience with you, my lord.”

  “Thank you, Fields, you may escort her in.”

  “Yes, my lor—”

  Lady Seavers breezed in, unaware of the scowl the butler threw her. “My lord, thank you for granting me a moment of your time.”

  “It is no problem at all, Aunt Millicent. In fact, I needed to discuss our planned schedule for the coming week. Once word spreads of Lilly’s return, we will need to carefully decide which invitations to select.” Dominic hadn’t realized he had so openly used Lilly’s given name, nor did he take notice of his aunt’s rather pinched expression as he casually penned a note to Chance.

  “I see. Are you concerned that she will not be readily accepted by polite society?”

  “I’m sure there will be some talk of a malicious nature, but with our help and a carefully laid plan, she should make a phenomenal return.”

  “Oh,” his aunt said quietly.

  Dominic stopped writing and looked up at her. Was that disappointment he heard in her voice?

  She looked up brightly and smiled. “I’m sure the wealth of attention my daughter will garner will enable Lady Lillian a smooth entry. Why, the Belowhughs have already extended an invitation to Clarissa for tea this very afternoon. I would not mind bringing Lady Lillian along.”

  His temper began to slip just a bit. “I would certainly hope so, seeing that your sole purpose here is to act as chaperone to Lilly, not parade your daughter around London.”

  Aunt Millicent blushed contritely. “Of course, my lord. I was only hoping to allow the dear girl some time to rest, but seeing as it would be highly improper to leave her, and it is too late to cry off…”

  Dominic looked at the mantle clock. It was nearly three in the afternoon. “I suggest that you send Jenny to help Lilly prepare for this unexpected engagement. In the future, Aunt Millicent, any invitations must be approved by either Lilly or me. You may go.” He dismissed her without another glance.

  Aunt Millicent fairly fumed as she exited the study. Dominic shook his head and sighed. He would be glad when he could be rid of his aunt and her daughter.

  Lilly returned from her sudden afternoon tea feeling like a wrung-out rag. The Belowhughs had been standoffish, to say the least. It didn’t help that Lady Seavers introduced her very colorfully in a way that painted her as Dominic’s mistress in training. It was unbearable. Never in her life had Lilly been treated with such disrespect, and from people of lesser social standing to boot. When Miss Belowhughs inquired after her background, Lilly was only too delighted to discuss her family name and origins. She even drew out t
he ducal crest for Miss Belowhughs’ benefit. Lady Seavers had failed to mention that Lilly was the daughter of a duke, only that Lilly had suddenly come under the guardianship of the earl for a short time.

  Lilly thoroughly enjoyed Lady Seavers’ angry blush when Lady Belowhughs began to fawn over Lilly’s every word and need. However, the coach ride back to Dominic’s townhouse was excruciating. Clarissa pouted unmercifully, and Lady Seavers kept making snappy remarks to Lilly. Lilly refused to be baited with the subtle accusations about her relationship with Dominic, nor would she cower under that woman’s icy glares. Three seasons in the ton had given Lilly a veritable army of responses and set-downs, but she would not waste a single one on Lady Seavers.

  Lilly returned to her room to find Dominic standing by the fireplace, staring into the flames. He looked up as the door clicked shut.

  “You shouldn’t be in here,” Lilly stated as she leaned against the door.

  Dominic closed the distance between them and placed his hands against the door, caging her as he studied her face. “What’s wrong?”

  “I am tired, that’s all,” she said flatly. Lilly looked down, but he only tilted her face back up to meet his gaze.

  “Did afternoon tea with the Belowhughs not go so well?”

  “To say the least.” Lilly stepped out of his arms and moved away from him. “Your aunt seems to have some preconceived notions about us.”

  “You cannot believe that I told her about us.”

  “I know. It is only to be expected.” Lilly sighed as she sat before the vanity and began to take down her hair. She was desperate for an hour’s rest before meeting Lady Seavers again across the dinner table.


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