Fluffing My Neighbor (Neighbor Erotica, Oral, Virgin)

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Fluffing My Neighbor (Neighbor Erotica, Oral, Virgin) Page 1

by Sienna Valentine

  Fluffing My Neighbor

  By Sienna Valentine

  Fluffing My Neighbor

  Sienna Valentine

  Copyright 2014 by Sienna Valentine

  Smashwords Edition

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  I would do anything for the Thompsons. After all, I've been living next door to them for a couple years and I almost think of them like family, even often babysitting their kids after school before one of their parents gets home. They were nicer to me than my own family, and ever since I moved next door to them I've been happier. Their kids are great, too. Both of them are under ten but it's been pretty neat to watch them grow up in the last couple of years. They're lucky to have parents that are still together and love them. My own family split up years ago and it was pretty hard on me. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

  Mrs. Thomson has always been good to me, too. She was a beautiful woman when Mr. Thompson married her, and from the pictures I've seen she was beautiful for years after that as well. Not that I think she isn't beautiful now... but... how can I put this? She's put on a few pounds.

  Mr. Thompson, though, bless his heart, has never said one word about it. Not to my knowledge, anyway. He still treats her like a proper lady and talks to her sweetly. Whenever I'm around I seem him giving her little kisses, she certainly isn't ignored. He's good with his kids, as well, and often he'll start playing or horsing around with them as soon as he comes home, at least when he gets home early enough that they're still awake. In truth, I see him a lot more than Mrs. Thompson because of their work schedule and he and I have a pretty good relationship.

  I've also developed a pretty close connection with Becky, their nine year old daughter and she's come to confide in me over the last year. She knows she can talk to me about anything and I won't rat her out to her parents. Not unless it was something really serious, anyway. I could tell something was bothering her one day when I was putting her to bed, her parents still at work, and so I asked her what was up.

  "I'm just worried about my Mom and Dad," she said.

  "How come, Beck?"

  "Well, in the past, when I was little, I could sometimes hear them at night in their bedroom making all sorts of noises, carrying on and hollerin'. When I was young, I wasn't sure what was going on but now I know what they were doing."

  "You do?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

  "We take sex-ed in school and I'm not a baby," she said firmly.

  "That's true, you're not," I agreed with a smile.

  "Anyway... lately my Mom hasn't been going in there much anymore, at least not when Dad goes to bed. When she does, I don't hear hardly any sounds at all. I'm kinda worried about that, since my friends at school say they still hear their folks doing it."

  "Well, maybe they're just being quiet about it now," I suggested. "Maybe they known their room is next to a little snoop," I teased.

  Becky smiled but I could tell it was forced. "A couple times," she continued, "when Mom did follow Dad into the bedroom she came out not long after. I snuck out of my room and followed her downstairs. When I peeked into the kitchen, I saw her crying in front of a big bowl of ice cream."

  I wasn't sure what to say, so I just sat there for a moment.

  "The thing is, I know that sometimes when a man and woman do it it's called making love. So if mom and dad aren't making love, does that mean they don't love each other anymore?"

  I shook my head. "I'm sure it's nothing, Beck. But I'll tell you what. What your dad comes home tonight, I'll have a talk with him. Not sure what I'll say, exactly, but I'll feel out the situation and let you know if I find anything out. But I'm sure it's nothing. Sometimes grown-ups just go through phases in their relationships. That's all it is. I'm sure things will be back to normal in no time."

  Becky smiled and thanked me, and I gave her a quick peck on the forehead before I left to let her get to sleep.

  When Mr. Thompson came home later that night I waited until he had taken his shoes off and got himself a drink, as he often did, before I approached him.

  "Hi Mike," I said, as I walked into the kitchen. Mr. Thomson had long ago asked me to call him by his first name. He said Mr. Thomson made him feel too old. It was a hot day and I was wearing my short cutoffs and a white tank top. I usually dressed pretty lightly in the summer when I babysat because the Thompson's didn't have air conditioning. The sweat from my chest was making the shirt cling to my boobs and my nipples poke out. I hadn't worn a bra today either. Since I just had to walk over from next door, I often dressed pretty casually.

  "Hi Jenny," he said, giving me a smile. "How were the kids?"

  "Good. Although, well, Becky is a bit upset about something..."

  Mr. Thompson frowned. "What's wrong?"

  I'd known him long enough that I felt like I could be pretty direct, I didn't like to beat around the bush. "She's noticed Mrs. Thompson come out of your room crying on a couple of occasions," I said.

  "Oh," he said.

  "She's worried you guys aren't... doing it... anymore," I said, worried I was blushing a little.

  He coughed. "What?"

  "Well... she said she use to hear you guys having sex after your wife would follow you to bed, but now she never does. She's worried it means you don't love her anymore."

  Mike drained his drink and then set it down on the counter, wiping his mouth with hand. He was tall, and very handsome. Mrs. Thompson was very lucky. "Of course I love her, why would she ask that?"

  I told him what Becky had said about making love and what she thought it meant.

  I don't think in all of the years of babysitting for the Thompsons I've ever seen Mike blush like he did now. He literally couldn't look me in the eye. "Well, that's just silliness..."

  "Well, I know it's none of my business, but I just thought I should tell you what was going on. You've always been very good to me and I hope you know that you can trust me if you ever want to talk about anything, or if you ever need anything."

  Mike did look at me then. He slowly turned his head back toward me, and I watched as his eyes traveled the length of my body, starting down at my hips and up past my stomach, my breasts and finally my face. His eyes seemed to focus on my full, pouty lips. "Well, maybe it's best if I did get it off my chest," he said. "It's just... embarrassing, I guess. But it's like this. I do love Catherine. It's just that lately, well, she's gained a little weight and sometimes it's a bit hard for me to... to show her my love."

  "What do you mean?" I asked.

  "Well, err," he started to blush again. "How old are you now, Jenny?"

  "I'm 19," I said.

"Okay, so you're old enough that I'm sure you know how it all works. You must have had boyfriends before, you're pretty enough that I'm sure you've had to beat them off with a stick."

  It was my turn to blush. "Not really," I admitted. "I guess I'm too busy with school and babysitting here all the time. I haven't really had time for boys..."

  "Oh," he said. "Well... you must know about sex, though, right? I mean, how it all... works?"

  "Oh of course," I said. "I wasn't raised in a convent. I just haven't, you know, experienced it firsthand."

  He stared at me again before continuing. "Of course. Well, so, basically the issue is one of... arousal. For a man and a woman to have sex, the man has to be aroused."

  "You mean get hard?" I asked.

  He coughed again. "Yes, right. Get hard. I guess you do know some things after all. You have no experience, at all?"

  I shook my head.

  My Thompson nodded but was looking thoughtfully at me. "Good, good. Anyway, to get hard a man has to be turned on and, well, like I said, I love my wife but... she's gained a few pounds and it's been kind of tough for me to..." he trailed off.

  "Get hard?" I finished for him. He nodded. "Well gee, Mike, I guess I can understand that. But it sounds like Catherine is very upset about it."

  "I know, Jenny," he sighed. "She has a large appetite, and not just for food. I guess she's been feeling a bit neglected."

  "I wish there was a way to help her," I said.

  "Me too," he said. "But a man can't help what turns him on. I still love my wife, but when I married her she was very thin and beautiful. She looked a lot like you, actually." He again let his eyes wander across my body and I blushed again.

  "Do you really think I'm beautiful?"

  "I'd have to be missing my eyeballs not to," he said.

  I put a finger up to my lips, dipping it into my mouth. I sometimes did that when I was thinking. "Well, is there any way that I could help you guys out?" I would hate for the two of them to get divorced. I knew their kids would take it horribly, especially Becky. And then they would move away and I'd probably never see them again.

  Mike looked at me long and hard now. His lips pursed and I guess they were dry as he started to lick them a little bit. He looked like he was going to suggest something, but then stopped himself.

  "What? Did you think of something I could do to help?" I repeated. "I'd do ANYTHING to help you guys, you're very important to me," I said.

  "Anything?" he asked.

  "Why sure," I said.

  Mike just nodded slowly. "Well, let me think on that a bit Jenny. We'll talk again tomorrow."

  I went back to my house and returned the next day to meet the kids as they returned from school, as usual. I told Becky that I spoke to her dad and it was nothing to worry about, it would get sorted out but it was just grown-up stuff. She seemed relieved and I hoped that I hadn't just lied to her. That night I put them to bed and waited anxiously for Mr. Thompson to return, hoping he had thought of something I could do to help.

  When he did come home, I waited in the family room for him to find me when he was ready. He came in softly and stood in the doorway for a moment before saying anything. I sat and looked up at him from the couch. I was wearing a similar outfit as yesterday, although today my shorts were a loose cotton instead of my jean cutoffs.

  He came into the room and shut the door behind him as he did. "I couldn't sleep last night," he said. "I was thinking about what we talked about yesterday. I feel bad that Catherine has been crying about something that is all my fault, and even worse that Becky has noticed."

  I stood up and walked over to him to put my arm on his shoulder in comfort. "Oh Mike," I said. "You can't help it, like you said. Your body just works the way it works."

  He nodded. "Well, that's right, it does. Which is why I was wondering if you meant what you said about wanting to help?"

  "Of course," I said enthusiastically. I was so happy that he had thought of something.

  "Well, I hesitate to even ask this, but it's the only thing I could think of and you did say you would do anything..."

  "I meant it Mike, please tell me what I can do!"

  "Remember when I said that Catherine use to look a lot like you?" I nodded, so he continued. "Well, it got me to thinking that maybe if I could see... more of you... it may help me get... hard. Then I could go in later and show her that I still loved her."

  "See more of me?" I was confused. "You see me almost every day, I don't understand."

  Mr. Thompson cleared his throat. "Well, what I mean is, your body. Without clothes, that is. That's the kind of thing a man needs to see to get... hard."

  "Oh," I said. I could feel my face burning. Mike was asking me to take my clothes off in front of him. I know I had said I would do anything, but to get fully naked in front of him was the last thing I expected him to suggest.

  "Nevermind. This was a bad idea, forget I said anything," he said, turning towards the door and reaching quickly for the handle.

  "Wait!" I cried. I did tell him I would do anything, and if this was something that would help his marriage then it was a small price to pay. "I'll do it."

  He just stood facing the door, his hand still reaching for the knob. "Are you sure?" he asked quietly.

  In answer, I pulled off my t-shirt quickly and dropped it to the floor and then hooked my thumbs into my pants and panties and pulled them both down, stepping quickly out of them. "Turn around and see," I said.

  Mike slowly turned. When he was fully around, his eyes were down at my feet. Gradually he raised his head, letting his eyes linger on each part of me in turn. They travelled up my long, smooth calves, past my knees and up to my neatly trimmed bush where they paused. I was glad now that I swam twice a week at school, it kept me from letting myself get unruly between the legs. I unconsciously spread them a bit further out, and I saw his eyes widen as he spotted my pussy lips peeking out from beneath my light pubes.

  Soon his gaze continued up my flat tummy and past my ribs, pausing again at my C cup breasts. I took a deep breath to make them swell out a bit more. I was pretty proud of them, there was no sag and I thought that my little pink nipples were fairly pretty compared to some of the girls I'd seen in the change rooms. His eyes continued up until they met mine again. "Wow," he said. "You really are beautiful."

  "Thank you," I said. "Does this help?" I turned around for a moment and gave my butt a little shake and then returned to face him. I couldn't help but feel my own eyes look down towards his waist, but between his pants and belt it was hard to tell if he was aroused at all. I was less embarrassed than I thought I'd be, I was just happy to be helping.

  "Well, it's a start," he said. "But..."


  "Well, it's just that sometimes just looking isn't enough to get a man really excited. A man needs to be plenty hard and excited to be able to have sex, and that's what Catherine desires. She likes a good hard cock. And it'll probably be at least an hour before she comes home. I'm not sure if this will be enough to keep me aroused until then."

  "Oh," I said, blushing again as he said the word cock. "What else do you need?"

  He slowly walked forward until he was close enough to me that I could smell him, a musky and warm aroma that smelled very manly. "Sometimes, a man needs to touch as well." His voice was very soft, as if he was afraid that saying it louder would scare me away. But I was determined to do what I needed to do to help him out.

  "Oh, ok..." I said. I'd never been touched by a man before, and I never thought my neighbor would be the first one to do it, but it really seemed to be what he needed. I stood up tall and lifted my chest again, giving him permission to start.

  He slowly raised his hands and cupped my breasts, his grip was firm and warm. I could feel myself starting to tingle between my legs, the way I felt when I looked at the dirty magazine's that a friend had once lent me. He squeezed my tits gently, rubbing his thumbs over them. "Beautiful," was all he said. His rough thumbs an
d forefingers grasped each of my nipples and gave them a gentle tug, causing me to let out a little yelp, but I smiled at him to let him know that it was okay to continue. He had simply surprised me, but I really did like the way it felt.

  He continued doing that for a few minutes as I watched his face. He mostly just stared at my breasts, but every once in a while he looked back up at my face, still focusing on my lips. They were starting to feel dry, so I licked them and watched as his eyes focused even more intently. He seemed to be thinking about something, almost at war with himself. He finally stopped and backed away.

  "Is that good enough?" I asked.

  "Well Jenny, not exactly, but I think we should stop anyway," he said.

  "Why?" I asked. I was actually starting to enjoy the feeling between my legs that his touch was causing. Mr. Thompson was a handsome man and his hands felt wonderful against my skin.

  "Well, what I need now is really not something I should ask you for," he said.

  "Mike!" I scolded him. "Remember, I'm an adult and can decide what's right and wrong and I told you I want to help however I can."

  "That's true, Jen, I'm sorry," he said, pursing his lips. "Well, I think the only thing that's going to make me ready to last long enough until Catherine comes home is if you... use your mouth. To suck me."

  "Suck you?" I repeated, not sure what he meant. Suddenly I figured it out. My friends and I had discussed blow jobs before. We had even practiced one night on a banana. "You mean a blow job?"

  Mike just looked at me and nodded, his eyes wide and face still with anticipation as he waited to see how I reacted.

  "I guess I could try that, if you think it would help..."

  I didn't think it was possible, but his eyes got even wider as he nodded his head vigorously. "I know it will. This is the last thing I'll ask for, I promise."

  "Well, ok," I said. "What do I do?"

  He smiled and moved forward again, putting his hands on my shoulders as he gently but firmly pressed down. "It helps if you're on your knees," he said. I followed his instructions and watched as he fumbled with the belt around his pants, finally opening it and letting them fall to the ground. He wore boxers, and there was a noticeable bulge in the front of them. "Now pull my underwear down," he said.


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