His Reign (The Opeth Pack Saga Book 1)

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His Reign (The Opeth Pack Saga Book 1) Page 10

by Sascha Illyvich

  He hated himself for his behavior but it had been protective, he thought. Merely a way to avoid the sting of heartache that the prophecy surely would bring once things finally showed themselves provided all this shit was real.

  "It's very real, dear boy."

  He groaned. For the first time in a long while, Józsi didn’t know what he was going to do. He couldn’t let Kiba or the hunters hurt the loves of his life. Not when he’d finally found home and had considered the idea of letting someone love him. He studied Selene’s face, watching her expression change from urgency to comforting, her eyes widening slightly and mouth opening.

  Selene began stroking Ilona’s hair, the motion making Ilona recline against the back of the couch.

  Her features showed just how exhausted she'd been. Slumped posture, half open eyes, slow movement and of course slightly slurred speech showed just how tired she truly was.

  The fact that they'd gained eight hours to their day didn't help either.

  Being shot at hadn’t helped, either. “Lukina, take her into my bedroom, and you two retire for the night.” Józsi patted Lukina’s thigh.

  Lukina nodded. “Are you staying with us tonight Selene?”

  “No, dear child. I have business to attend to, but I will be back later this week.”

  “Szeretlek.” I love you. Lukina bowed to Selene and blew her a kiss.

  Selene smiled, though to Józsi it looked weak. Something else was up. “I love you too, honey.”

  Lukina took Ilona down the hallway and into Józsi’s bedroom. The door shut behind them.

  Józsi and Selene sat in silence for a few minutes, sipping their coffee. Józsi reclined into the leather chair and stared at Selene. “So, now what?”

  Closing her eyes, Selene eased herself against the cushion and rubbed her eyes. Her expression went from blank to annoyed before she opened her eyes. “I don’t know.”

  Józsi jaw twitched. “Great.”

  “I know Kiba’s planning something big. He’s attacked you once. He’ll strike again. Probably with a local group of hunters.”

  Józsi settled into the couch. “What the fuck does he want?”

  “What all control freaks want. The undying loyalty of those they control. Or in this case, those they are supposed to control.”

  He let out a slow breath. “That means me, too.”

  Selene nodded. “Right. You left, so he wants you back as a sign that Opeth Pack blood is thicker than any other substance and he'll demand loyalty at any cost. That means he'll want Ilona and Lukina, probably punish them for their perceived disobedience.”

  “He can’t have them. They are mine to protect.” And love. Though the last part was, he’d probably didn’t tell the pack witch anything she didn’t already know.

  She eased back, crossed one leg on top of the other and stretched an arm over the back of the couch. “Then you are going to have to fight him for them.”

  Józsi scoffed. “I’ll kill the old man.”

  “Maybe. But you’ll also be fighting for Alpha.”

  He straightened. “I don’t fucking want that position. I left on purpose, with no desire to return!”

  "Why are you afraid when the position was yours before you were born?"

  "Because-" He couldn't finish the thought. In truth, the reason he left had to do with his inability to bear the burden of responsibility. If he couldn't protect his lovers, he had no business being Alpha.

  "I know about your failure and desire to leave the pack because of it. But failure is an event, dear boy, not a person."

  He scoffed. "I don't believe that way."

  Selene narrowed her eyes. “Too bad, hot shot. You’re getting it no matter what you feel about it. If you don’t kill Kiba, he’ll come at you again. And again. And he won’t stop until you’re dead and out of his way. Goddess knows what he’ll do to your lovers once you’re not there.”

  Józsi’s grip on the arm of the chair tightened. The very idea of Kiba having his lovers, raping them, doing nasty things to him, frightened him. Angered him. Blood pounded in his ears loudly. His flesh crawled at the fact. He actually swore he felt his blood pressure rise.

  “The only thing you’re left with is to trust yourself, Józsi. You are not a little puppy anymore. You’re not wolfie anymore.”

  Józsi gritted his teeth. His stomach tightened as fear settled in his gut. His shoulders drew up automatically. “Who told you I was ever called that name?”

  “Who else?”

  His kicsi farkas. Little wolf.

  Selene picked up her coffee, swirled the liquid around and took one final sip before setting the cup down on the glass table. Every movement of hers seemed very calculated, almost practiced. “I’ve got to go. But before I do, think very carefully about your next move. Kiba isn’t rational, so someone needs to be.”

  "I've got no choice in the matter, do I?"

  "Better wise up and face those demons, dear boy. They can't win if you don't let them."

  Sage advice from someone he'd just met. Yeah, he'd take that.

  "I'm not kidding. The strongest one isn't the one who will win the pack and lead them to greatness. It's the one with mercy in his heart and soul who ultimately will win.'

  "I'm afraid my only option is to kill Kiba. How is that merciful?"

  She raised a finger and tsked at him. "I never said mercy was always kind."

  He nodded. This prophecy bullshit was about to get complicated and goddess knew he had no desire to be a part of it. But it looked like he had no choice.

  He hadn't slept a bit. Józsi had nightmares all throughout the time he was supposed to sleep, images of Kiba chasing his mates, doing bad things to them while he merely sat and watched.

  Well, he didn't just watch, he was unable to move. Bound by…fuck what held him?

  He had no clue. In the end, he had to suppose fear kept him from moving.

  When he rose, the smell of fresh brewed coffee and chocolate woke Józsi. He lifted his head and saw a half-naked Ilona sitting on the couch staring at him. Her nightgown barely covered the tops of her thighs. Thin straps could easily be pushed aside to reveal her plump breasts begging to be ripped off, but her smile made her look all the more innocent.

  He'd forgotten how sexy her tousled hair looked first thing in the morning. Plump lips looked ripe for kissing. Józsi could easily get lost in the pools of her deep blue eyes. Licking his lips, he moved to face her. “Morning, princess.”

  She smiled that half-empty smile that spoke volumes about her soul needing filled on a deeper level.

  “I know this is a bit much for you, but we’ll get through it, okay?” He reached for her hand.

  She worried her lower lip with her teeth, put her hand in his and crawled closer to him.

  “Come here.” The soft tone in his voice was a change. He couldn’t remember being this nice to anyone in a long time.

  Ilona crawled over the arm of the couch and slid onto his lap, settling her buxom figure onto the hardness of his body. She wrapped her arms around him and buried her head in his neck.

  His erection took notice of just how soft her round ass was.

  Of course the crowning glory, he groaned silently, was that his heart warmed from the skin on skin contact.

  She looked into his eyes, appeared to be studying his expression.

  He nuzzled her cheek, then looked back at her. “What do you see when you do that?” Sounds from the kitchen indicated Lukina was awake too. The clanging of pots and pans distracted him from his own question until he turned his head back to Ilona.

  Ilona blushed and turned her head away. “I don’t know.”

  “No, sweetheart. Tell me what you see when you look into my eyes.”

  Ilona looked at him directly. She parted her lips, licking her bottom lip, and then closed her mouth.

  Józsi placed his hand on the back of her head and brought her lips to his, drawing in a breath when their mouths met.

  She tasted like plum
s, sweet and juicy.

  Her tongue pressed against his mouth, swirling over his bottom lip.

  He opened for her, sliding his tongue out to meet hers. Stroking her tongue with his, he coaxed her into his mouth.

  Fingers wrapped around strands of his hair, tugging loosely on his head.

  Pulling away, he opened his mouth and pressed it sweetly against hers again, enjoying the sensation of her body in his strong arms.

  She pulled back, looking deep into his eyes. She tilted her head slightly, gave another smile. Eyes sparkled dimly, lids half closed. “I see a man torn apart within himself, Józsi. I see a sad wolf that has lost his way from home.”

  Józsi shifted his weight, adjusting how Ilona sat in his lap. Her bare skin against his jean-clad thigh let him feel her heat. He smelled her arousal, the familiar sunflower and sweetness he missed and adored so much. “And you think you can fix it?”

  “I’ve told you already. Lukina and I are home to you, whether we’re in Hungary or four thousand miles away with you.”

  How he wanted to believe that, even as his heart skipped a beat. He remained sitting straight, shoulders back while keeping his arms around Ilona. She needed the protection, needed to adjust to their new home slowly and he'd be more than happy to let that happen, as long as he could make them see his every action as something done for them.

  “I will always love you, Józsi, as I always have. It’s up to you to decide to love us back.”

  "I do love you back."

  She shook her head. "You don't commit the full way, do you drága? You always stop short. You've been the one who made the choice for us to come back here."

  "You followed willingly."

  Ilona's lips pursed into a thin line, eyes closed, then opened. "Yes. We did and will always follow you as long as you'll have us. But some day you're going to have to give us more."

  "I don't understand." By now his voice had dropped to a whisper.

  "Search your heart." She pressed a hand on his chest, splayed her fingers open.

  He nodded. The memories of them playing together as younger wolves flooded his mind. Lukina nipping at his tail the moment he’d pinned Ilona, then them all putting up magic and kissing each other in a pile of laughter and smiles. Then, he felt his own disappointment when he boarded the plane to America. Still, his cock ached painfully to be buried inside her. His resolve to not fuck her now was weakening.

  “You are everything to us, Józsi. You always have been the stronger one. The one who has always protected us up until you left. Afterwards, Kiba was merciless. Demanding of my talents and Lukina’s position as future messenger. He didn’t beg, he wasn’t nice. He merely ordered and used force. He’d beaten Krystyna once for disobeying. He’d threatened to beat Katarina but Nicholaus stepped in after having killed Katarina’s father and brother. That’s when Kiba left them alone. He concentrated all his hatred on us, on me.”

  Shame washed through him, his face heating as blood coursed through his veins in anger ire at his behavior. Yeah he'd done the right thing for them, himself, but he assured himself with the comfort of a lie.

  He told him himself they'd be fine.

  Instead, he left his lovers defenseless, hoping they could survive

  Lukina came into the living room, set three cups of coffee on the table before them. She made herself comfortable at Józsi's feet before taking Ilona's hand in hers. With her other hand, she stroked her fingers across Ilona's thigh while resting her head against Józsi.

  Goose bumps appeared on Ilona's legs.

  Dressed in a white nightgown that came to just below her hips, Lukina looked like a doll, her red hair pulled back and piled atop her head. Ruby red lips emphasized her pale skin.

  “You are beautiful to us, szeret. Lover. I know you want to make love to both of us, but I cannot allow this to go on further until you give yourself to us.” Ilona’s chin jutted out.

  Józsi looked at the floor. What could he give them? Hadn't he offered them safety and the comfort of a new home? “I cannot do that.”

  “Yes, you can.” Ilona’s finger stroked his chest. She began playing with the tuft of hair sticking out from the collar of his shirt.

  The sensation sent shivers throughout his body.

  "We fucked earlier."

  "Yes, we did." Lukina scoffed, ran a hand through her hair and glowered at Józsi. "As you so crudely put it, we fucked. But that was release for all three of us, badly needed. This is different. You've brought us back to here and while I'm familiar with this land, Ilona isn't. She's scared and all she's asking is for some reassurance."

  Józsi stiffened. "You both feel this way?"

  Ilona nodded.

  He hadn't fathomed the implications of what it meant to bring them both back here, other than their safety but for once his quick thinking failed him on some level. Not being able to fuck either of his lovers without committing to something he couldn't understand made no sense.

  "We want you to be complete with us, Józsi." Lukina stroked his thigh with a fingernail.

  A shiver ran through him, as did the question of what it felt like to be complete? He kept his gaze on Ilona.

  “Someday, you will have to give of yourself everything that’s been given to you, szeret. I hope you do it before it’s too late.” Ilona nuzzled his neck.

  Stiffening, he brushed his chin against her hair, the soft curls tickling his face. “Do you feel the way Ilona does, Lukina?”

  “I have a harder time saying no to your advances, but I will ultimately hold off that which is most intimate.” Her eyelids were half open now, her gaze dropped to her lap.

  He circled her waist, brushing against Lukina’s hand.

  Their fingers interlocked.

  Lukina looked up at him, her hand still on Ilona’s thigh, though it had moved to between her legs. “Doesn’t this feel right to you?”

  He nodded slowly. It did feel like something had been given to him that he’d been missing forever, though he didn’t know it until recently. Even as bitterness consumed him, only their love could force out the negative emotions.

  Once they'd broken him down, it became easier to accept the love given and his only desire now remained to protect it and not share it with anyone. Selfish, he knew.

  Lukina and Ilona looked at each other, then back at him. Both smiled. Ilona’s expression still looked half-empty, painful.

  Lukina looked more at ease with things. Odd, considering she was the younger of his two lovers by at least three years.

  Józsi lifted his head to meet their gaze. “I am no submissive.”

  “We’re not asking you to be a submissive. We want you as our Alpha, Józsi. Do you think I am subservient because I sit on the floor at your feet while Ilona is on your lap?”

  He shrugged and didn’t reply.

  “Submission is a strength I show routinely to my Alpha. It is a gift, one you have been given from me. But I am not your submissive.” Her eyes narrowed. “I’m on the floor because there’s room for me there. If you’d have not fallen asleep on the couch, but rather in our bed, you twit...”

  That remark cut. But she was right though.

  He let out a breath. How his life had gone from simple to complicated in a matter of four days was beyond him, but things had certainly changed.

  Glancing out of the window, he saw snow falling outside. Finally, the winter weather had made its way all the way down from Houston. The distance from Houston to Clear Lake wasn’t that far, but weather differences were sometimes like night and day, even thirty miles away.

  Ilona’s fingers strummed against his chest. “Did Selene stay long last night?”

  “No. We talked for a few minutes and then she left.” He still heard an echo of the words she’d said to him last night repeating in his head. The feeling of being chastised was damn annoying.

  “What are we going to do?” Lukina rubbed his thigh.

  Józsi inhaled a deep breath and released it slowly. “I don’t kn

  Ilona yawned, arching her body against his. Her breasts rose and fell against his chest.

  He grew harder. His resolve to respect what she and Lukina had said would weaken over time if they kept walking around without clothing.

  He stared at Lukina, then at Ilona. “You two have to get dressed.”

  Lukina stood and sashayed off into his bedroom. The flirty little nightgown lifted up just enough to show off her round ass. Sometime soon he wanted to fuck that sweet, perfect little asshole of hers.

  He swallowed hard.

  Ilona frowned. “Why, Józsi? This is natural for us.”

  “Because we are in America now. Americans do not walk around seminude.” Józsi knew he sounded like an asshole even as the words left his mouth.

  “We are not Americans. And we are not human, either. Our laws and customs are different than theirs.” Lukina stared at him, her eyes narrowing into tiny slits.

  “I am not a Hungarian.” His tone went flat.

  “You were born in Budapest, szeret. You are Hungarian unless…” She paused. “You have renounced your citizenship?”

  “Yes.” He lied. In truth, he held dual citizenship.

  “Oh Józsi.” She lowered her head and slid off his lap.

  The horrified look on her face tore at his heart. He heard the first sniffles and knew tears would follow.

  Ilona began crying, walking back toward his room.

  “God damn it!” He clenched his fists and slammed them into the coffee table.

  The door slammed shut, echoing in his ears. Why had he lied to them?

  Reaching into the humidor beside his chair, he picked up a Robusto sized cigar, punched the end and lit the lighter. He twirled the cigar in his fingers and carefully lit the end until it had a gray ash. Puffing on the cigar, he inhaled and blew out a thick cloud of smoke into the air that billowed around his head before dissipating into nothingness.

  Sinking back into his chair, he closed his eyes and waited. It was all he could do until he heard the door open and Lukina stomp down the hallway.

  She stopped just before him, set her hands on her hips. Now dressed in blue jeans and a white sweater, her hair had been pulled back, emphasizing the menacing look on her face. Her green eyes burned with ire. “You’re an asshole, Józsi. Why did you make her cry?”


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