Vengeance (Oak Grove Suspense Book 1)

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Vengeance (Oak Grove Suspense Book 1) Page 14

by Reese A. Stephens


  “You here yet?” I ask with a grunt.

  He gives a chuckle. “That bad, huh? What’s going on? I’ll be there by o-nine-hundred.”

  “Good. Three men tried to take my son this evening.”


  “They grabbed him as we were going into a restaurant. I don’t know how they knew we were there other than they must have been following us. I’ve got two officers on him and Shay right now. Dylan’s okay, but I think we’re all pretty shaken up.”

  “No doubt. I’ll see if I can bring a couple people with me. Why don’t you call the boys in?”

  “Yeah, I should … I’ll do that. Thanks for coming out. I know I’ll need the help. I have good people here, but this town is so low on crime, they have no idea what to do.”

  “Don’t worry, we’ll find who’s doing this.”

  I believe him. If there is one thing I know, it’s that my guys will stop at nothing to help me and I’d do the same for any of them. After the call ends, I get to work contacting my brothers from my time in the service, Jonathan Miller, Paul Samson, and Riley Peters. The five of us were inseparable during our term. We all made it back, mostly in one piece, and have kept in touch since. Where Marsh and I went off to join the FBI, they started their own bodyguard/private investigator group. Between Marsh and my connections in the government, they’ve made a pretty good living for themselves. The five of us worked insanely well together. We always get our mark.

  Jessica pokes her head in my office. “Sir, he’s awake.”

  I nod to let her know I’ve heard her. I stand from my desk and take my jacket off. I want the guy to know I’m loaded. I’m not messing with him. He has no clue who I am or what I’m capable of. I’m at the point where I’ll throw the law out the window to get answers and I’ve not even questioned him yet. No one messes with my family and gets away with it. First, I watch him through the two-way mirror. He looks smug, cocky even. I instantly hate the guy. Lester Harvey, 30, of Brantsville is about to meet my wrath.

  “He hasn’t said a word,” Jessica tells me.

  “Did you pull his file?”

  She nods and hands it to me. “Petty theft? That’s it? How do you go from robbing a person’s house to kidnapping so quickly? He was only charged four months ago. This seems off. Did you run his prints?”

  “Yes, they match.”

  I nod. I think there’s more to Lester than meets the eye or is on his record. I brace myself to head into the room with the man who tried to take my son. I enter the room silently, walking over to the table and dropping the file on top. I stare at him for a long while. He’s pretty big; I’d say at least six-three, two-hundred-fifty pounds of muscle. He definitely does not look like a Lester. I stare him down for about two minutes, trying to ramp up his nerves, but honestly he looks as if he couldn’t care less. The guy has been smirking the whole time.

  Finally I speak, “Kidnapping … that’s a big leap from petty theft.” He says nothing, just stares at me with his head cocked to the side, condescendingly. I continue. “Trying to take a cop’s kid is pretty stupid. Did someone put you up to it?” He still stares. He’s trying to unnerve me, but it’s not working. “Who are you working for, Lester?”

  Nothing, no response at all. I stare at him for a long moment, leaning back in my chair. The man watches me, but he seems to be thinking about something else. Maybe I can still get him.

  “Kidnapping and assault of an officer can put you away for a long time, you do know that, don’t you?”

  Still no response from him. I get up and head to the door, my hand turns the knob, I start to turn back, but I can’t let this guy get to me. I yank it open letting it slam close. I try to take several deep breaths, but this guy is pissing me off. I go back into the viewing room where Jessica waits.

  “Did you find the other two perps?”

  “No, they looked for hours. The trail ended in the creek. They must’ve stayed in there.”

  I blow out a breath. “I’m going to let him sit for a while. I’ll be in my office. Do not un-cuff him.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  I watch the guy for a long time. He doesn’t really move at all, just rotates his shoulders a few times, but that’s it. What’s his game? This has to be connected to ‘The Fox’. Why else would he be here trying to take my son? I head back to my office and stare at the file on my desk before finally picking up my phone to call Shayla.

  “Hey, baby,” I say when she answers.

  “Hey, how’s it going?”

  I groan. “He won’t talk. How’s our boy?”

  She giggles. “He’s being a big baby. Whining about everything, complaining about how he’s fine, then crying because he hurts. I feel bad for him, but honestly, he’s trying my patience.”

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I’ll be there soon. I’m legally required to let this guy rest for eight hours. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  “It’s okay. I understand. We’ll only be here overnight. He’s really okay. He’s going to have a headache for a few days but he’ll be fine.” She sounds like she’s trying to convince herself. I hear her sniffle.

  “Oh, Shay. It’s okay. I have you guys protected. No one will get either of you.” My heart breaks for her.

  “I know. I’m just tired. I hate seeing him hurt.”

  I rub my forehead as I rest my elbows on my desk. “I need to try to talk to this guy once more and then I’ll be there. I’ll bring you dinner.”

  “Okay. Can you just get us a pizza from Luigi's?”

  I smile sadly, because when my healthy doctor is asking for pizza, I know she’s having a rough time. “Of course, baby. Love you.”

  “Love you, too.”

  I blow her a loud kiss through the phone to hear her giggle, then ready myself to head back to the interrogation room.

  “Coffee?” Jessica asks, handing me a cup before I go back into the room with Lester.

  “Thanks. I’m heading out after this, but I’ll wait to be sure he’s in a cell.”

  She nods, so I head in. I pull out the chair and sit down. I steeple my hands on the table in front of me and stare at him. He’s been sitting in here for several hours and is starting to look tired. That’s good, maybe he’ll crack.

  “Who do you work for?”

  He sighs, hanging his head. All bravado and cockiness seems to be gone. He looks up at me and says, “I don’t know.”

  “You don’t know who you work for?”

  “Nope, I’ve never seen him.”

  “Why’d you do it?”

  Lester shrugs. “He paid me.”

  “Did you know the target was my kid?”

  He says nothing. I ask again, still no response. “It doesn’t help you to avoid my questions. Just tell me what I want to know.”

  “You gonna cut me a deal?”

  I pause to think about it for a minute. “I might be able to convince the D.A. to drop the assault against an officer charge.”

  “What about the kidnapping? I mean, I didn’t take him.”

  I’m getting pissed at his flippant attitude. “You did take him. You’d have gotten away with it too if I hadn’t shot out your tires. That was probably the worst planned abduction I’ve ever witnessed.”

  “What can I say; I’m not really into taking kids.”

  “Who paid you to do it?” I try again.

  “I don’t know.”

  I stand up quickly, sending the chair skittering across the tilled floor. I lean down on the table, putting my face level with his. “Tell me who you work for!” I yell. He smiles and I lose it. “Tell me his damn name!”

  He smiles again. I’m about to hit him when the door flies open. Two of my biggest officers come towards me.

  “Chief wants to see you,” Marks says.

  “Fine. Get me a name!” I yell as I fling the door open and storm off. I head straight to the chief’s office.

  “Chief?” I say as I enter unannounced.
  “Have a seat, Ryan.” I plop down. “I think we should remove you from this case. You’re too close.”

  “No, you can’t do that! I’m the only detective you have here.”

  He shakes his head. “Glen can do it.”

  I snort. “I’m the one training him. He doesn’t know what needs to be done.”

  “Ryan, this isn’t a suggestion. You need to take a step back. You’re too close.”

  I shake my head in disbelief and stand. “Fine. Have it your way. I’m taking a leave of absence, effective immediately. My family needs me.”

  I don’t wait for his response. I head straight to my office and grab all my files, shoving them into my bag, and storming out of the precinct. I head straight to the hospital and find Shayla asleep on the small love seat in Dylan’s room. I grab one of the thin hospital blankets and drape it over her. She opens her eyes and smiles at me.

  “Hey,” she says as she sits up. She pats the cushion beside her and I sit down. She wraps herself around me, covering me with the blanket too. “Glad you’re here.”

  I put my arms around her and kiss her head. “Me too. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  “This is a hospital, there’s no rest. I wasn’t asleep anyway. I just had my eyes shut.”

  I chuckle. “You were snoring.”

  She half heartily smacks my chest. “I do not snore!” I just smile as I shrug my shoulder. I love seeing her smile, even over something so silly.

  “Of course not. How’s our boy?” I ask, looking over at our sleeping son.

  His coloring looks much better than earlier and he is free of tubes coming out of his arms. You wouldn’t know anything was wrong except for the bandage on his head. Shayla sits up and looks over at our son.

  “He’s okay. He’s had a pretty horrible headache, but the medicine has helped. He should be completely better in a few days.”

  “I’m sorry. This is all my fault.” I dry scrub my face as I rest my elbows on my knees.

  Shayla rubs my back. “This isn’t your fault. You didn’t tell those guys to take him.”

  I huff and look up at her. “Shayla, this guy is working for someone who is after me. I’m off the case, so now I won’t be able to find out who it is unless I can find the other kidnappers. But I didn’t see them; I have nothing to go on.”

  “Why are you off the case?”

  I snort angrily. “Because the decrepit chief, who is way too old to be working, thinks I’m too close and shouldn’t be on the case. I could’ve had that guy talking. He already told me someone hired him. These guys around here don’t know how to interrogate anyone. They’re backwoods country. I hate this town.” By this point, I’m pacing back and forth, and pulling at my hair.

  Shayla steps in front of me. “Baby, calm down,” she whispers, looking over at Dylan. He’s still totally out thanks to the pain meds. I sigh and pull her in my arms. “You’ll find them. I doubt very much that you’ll be sitting on your butt just because the chief says you’re off the case.

  “You’ve got that right. My guys should be here by tomorrow morning. I have to pick them up at the airport. We’ll go back to my house and work on a plan. I’ll try to get the chief to change his mind. Maybe Marsh, my FBI friend, can persuade the chief to let him take lead on the case.”

  “Sounds good. I knew you’d figure something out. Sit, let me comb your hair, you’ve made it a knotted mess.” She gives me a gentle shove into the wooden chair. I appease her, even though I don’t care about my hair right now.

  “Ow,” I complain as she takes the rubber band out.

  “You’re the idiot who used a regular rubber band instead of a hair tie. I might have to chop off this mess.”

  I jerk away. “You are not cutting my hair.”

  She giggles. “Shh, you’ll wake up my baby. I won’t cut it.”

  “You better not. I love my hair.”

  She laughs. “See, I told you. You haven’t changed, still as conceited as ever.”

  “You love my hair. You should’ve seen it when I had to chop it off in the service. I just grew it back a year ago.”

  “I bet you still looked hot with it short, but you’re right, I love your hair longer. I also like this beard you’ve got going on.” She scratches at my face. The beard isn’t intentional. I’ve been busy the past few days and haven't shaved.

  I turn to look at her. “You do?”

  “Yeah, I like it. Short like this. I mean, I don’t know how I’d feel about a Grizzly Adams look, but this is nice.” I grab her wrist and kiss her palm.

  “I’ll see what I can do.” I wink.

  She pushes me to turn forward. Her smile is huge and her cheeks are pink with blush. She combs through my hair with her fingers and I won’t lie, it feels amazing. She then puts it back into a messy bun using a real hair tie. As soon as she’s finished, I pull her into my lap and kiss the heck out her. A throat clearing breaks us a part. She jumps up and straightens her clothes. I look over to see Dr. Daniels glaring at us.

  “Trevor?” she says.

  “Dr. Daniels. I’m here as your son’s physician.”

  “Of course, sorry. Is there something wrong?” she asks, suddenly seeming worried.

  “No, I just want to examine him before I sign off on his release.” The doctor’s voice is sharp and clipped.

  Shayla seems to shrink back into herself around him. I don’t like it at all. I rub Shayla’s back in support, but it seems to anger Daniels. He glares at me before studying Dylan’s chart.

  “He seems to have had a good night.” He turns to Dylan. “Dylan, can you wake up for me?” He says, placing his hand on Dylan’s shoulder and nudging him slightly. Groggily, Dylan opens his eyes.

  He sits up and stretches. “What?”

  “I’m Dr. Daniels; do you know where you are?”

  Dylan rubs his eyes and yawns as he speaks, “Yeah. Hospital. I hit my head.”

  “Good. I’d like to examine you quickly and then we’ll get you out of here.”

  Dylan’s face lights up. “Sure. I can’t wait to get home.”

  It takes about an hour for us to get out of there. They sure take their sweet time when they discharge people. Once we’re home, Dylan goes upstairs to charge his phone so he can call Faith, leaving Shayla and I in the den alone. I pull her down with me on the couch.

  “You should get some sleep,” I tell her.

  “So should you,” she retorts. I nod and lay my head on the back of the sofa. She giggles. “In your bed.”

  I sit up, turning towards her. “I’m not leaving you guys here alone.”

  “You can use the guest room,” she offers. I’m glad she’s not fighting me on this.

  “I’ll sleep here. I don’t want to be upstairs with you down here.”

  She sighs. “You don’t have to do that. I have a security system. No one will get in.”

  “You could just sleep in her bed, but, ya know … leave the door open.” I turn to see our son standing at the foot of the steps.

  “Sounds good to me,” I say. Standing, I hold out my hand to Shayla. “Let’s go to bed, baby.”

  “How does this keep Dylan safe?”

  “The systems on and I’ll stay in my room,” he tells her. “I don’t feel that great. I sent coach a text and called Faith. She’s coming over after school. Okay?”

  “Dylan it’s four thirty in the morning,” Shayla chastises him. He just shrugs.

  I look at Shayla. “We’ll leave the door open. I’m a light sleeper. I’ll hear if someone tries to break in. The system is set.”

  “Maybe he should sleep on my chaise,” Shayla offered.

  Dylan grunts. “Mom, I’m too big for that thing. I just want to sleep in my own bed. I’m tired.”

  I squeeze her hand. “He’ll be fine.”

  “Okay,” she submits. I pull her up from the couch and towards her room.

  “You don’t have to seem so excited,” Dylan grumbles as he heads up the stairs.

/>   I just laugh. I am excited, even though I know we’re just sleeping, but to have the love of my life in my arms as I drift off is more than enough for me right now. It’s something I’ve wanted for as long as I can remember.

  “You do seem awfully excited,” Shay says as she comes out of her bathroom. She’s dressed in sweats, but she’s still hot and completely adorable. I hold my arms out to her. I’ve already stripped down to my boxer-briefs and t-shirt and gotten into bed.

  “I can’t help it. I want to hold you.” She smiles warmly, getting into bed and cuddling close to me. I kiss her head. “I love you.”

  “I love you too. This is nice.”

  “It is, even if we have to leave the door open.”

  “Yeah, our son is surprisingly strict.”

  “He should be. If that door was closed right now, I wouldn’t be such a gentleman.”

  She sighs. “You keep kissing my neck like that and I’ll shut the stupid door myself.” I growl, capturing her lips with mine. I start to roll her on her back when we’re interrupted. Like always.

  “Hey, get off my mom. I thought you said you had some kind of super sense?” I reluctantly remove my lips from Shayla’s and look up at our son. He’s standing there with a smug smile. The little twerp.

  “Can we help you?” I ask.

  “Just wanted to let you know Faith will be here around noon. She’s bringing me lunch.”

  “How long will she be here?” Shayla asks, sitting up.

  “How long can she stay? Her mom’s dropping her off. She has an orthodontist appointment this morning, so she doesn't have to go back to school.”

  “However long her mom wants her to stay is fine. I just need a few hours of sleep.” Dylan looks happy with this response.

  “Thanks. Night. Love you both!” he calls over his shoulder as he heads back down the hall.

  I flop back on the bed, pulling Shayla with me. “Night, beautiful.”


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