Stay A Little Longer

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Stay A Little Longer Page 11

by Jess Bryant

  Without warning, Trent collapsed, “Ah, hell…”

  “Oomph.” Lance winced at the heavy weight and the feel of fingers leaving his ass rough and empty. But he didn’t hesitate. He wrapped his legs around Trent. He didn’t have his hands, couldn’t hold him close the way he wanted, but he wasn’t letting him go yet, not yet.

  Trent groaned and shifted slightly, “I know I’m heavy. I’ll move soon.”

  “Stay. Stay like this a while longer.” Lance whispered softly, nuzzling his face into Trent’s hair, “I like the feel of you on top of me.”

  “Mmm, that’s good because I like the feel of you under me.” Trent yawned.

  Lance smiled, “You always fall asleep after you come?”

  “Mmhmm.” Trent shifted again, getting comfortable, “When it’s the best orgasm of my life, yeah. You wear me out.”


  “I got us all sticky again didn’t I?”

  “You did.” Lance snorted, “But if you want me to clean us up again, you’re gonna have to uncuff me before you fall asleep.”

  Trent jerked upright instantly, “Shit. Shit. Oh, shit. Sorry. I forgot… Jesus, I forgot about the cuffs.”

  His hands were instantly on Lance’s wrists, rubbing and trying to soothe them. His apologies continued and Lance could do nothing but smile. So damn sweet and protective after being all bossy and dominant.

  It was official, Trent Thorne was fucking perfect.

  “Where’re the keys?”

  “In the pocket of my utility belt where you got the cuffs.”

  Trent was up and off of him instantly and Lance got a good look at his tight ass as he rushed across the room. He moved quick. Lithe and graceful, he dug into the utility belt and held the key up successfully.

  “Let me get a towel too.” He disappeared into the bathroom and reappeared a moment later, rushing back towards Lance as if he might have disappeared in the minutes he was gone. “Sorry baby, so sorry.”

  Lance didn’t feel the urge to combat the sweet endearment and that was when he knew. His heart was a goner. He was completely addicted to this man. Falling for him. It was more than a couple of orgasms and pleasure.

  Trent got him. Understood him on a level nobody else ever had. And when he left, Lance was going to be fucking heartbroken.

  “Shh, it’s okay. Stop apologizing.” He muttered softly as Trent wiped the damp towel over both of their chests, cleaning them up. “It’s fine.”

  “It’s not fine. I really would have fallen asleep. Sated and happy and with you in my arms, I would’ve fallen asleep and completely forgotten I tied you up.” Trent blinked and shook his head, “Jesus, I tied you up. I handcuffed you.”

  “Not one of the usual Trent Thorne tricks?” Lance teased but Trent didn’t laugh.

  “No. Never. I…” Trent’s brows furrowed and he met Lance’s eyes, “I usually hold back because it’s never been more than a quick fuck. Something to soothe the itch that I’ll have to pretend never happened the next day.”

  Trent unlocked the cuffs and rubbed at Lance’s wrists as he spoke. And Lance’s heart thumped hard at the words. The words he hadn’t known he wanted, needed. The words that said that this thing between them was special, it was mutual, and it had shocked the hell out of both of them.

  “I’m glad you didn’t hold back.” Lance reached up now that his hands were free and slid one into Trent’s hair, “I can’t seem to hold back with you either.”


  “Yeah.” He smiled softly at the doubt in the confident man’s voice.

  “I like you.” Trent said softly.

  “I think that’s obvious from the fact we’re covered in each other’s come.”

  “No. That’s lust. Wanting to sleep with you? Cuddle with you? Hold you? That’s….”

  “More.” Lance filled in when Trent trailed off again, his brows furrowing.

  “More.” He agreed.

  Lance slid back down onto the bed and pulled Trent down with him. It was nice to know they were on the same page. This was something special. They’d stumbled into it by accident. The sparks had ignited out of nowhere. But it meant something. It had too. He just wasn’t sure how the hell he was ever going to make it work.

  “We don’t have to figure it out tonight.” Trent’s voice was soft and sleepy from where he’d fallen into the nook of Lance’s shoulder, reading his mind again even half asleep.

  “I know.”

  “We’ll figure it out. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Lance wrapped his arms around Trent and hugged him close. The other man cuddled in tight. Within minutes he was asleep, breathing deeply and snoring softly. Lance stayed awake a while longer, his mind racing. Because even if Trent stayed, Lance wasn’t sure he could give him what he deserved

  A future.

  Chapter Eleven

  For the second morning in a row, Trent woke up in an uncomfortable bed, on a lumpy mattress, with stiff, scratchy sheets. This time, he knew exactly where he was. This time his head was turned facing the man who had his arm thrown around Trent’s waist. This time there was no ringing phone to distract him, nothing to pull his attention away from the gorgeous man asleep next to him.

  Dark hair mussed. Thick lashes spread across his cheeks. Lips soft and swollen. His brows were furrowed, a small line forming just above his nose. He looked more like himself with that furrow, with that serious look, even in sleep. Like he was worrying about something, which he probably was, because his man was a worrier.

  Trent rolled himself slowly so as not to wake his bedmate. He shifted onto his shoulder, tucking a hand under his head to prop himself up on an elbow. Lance tightened his grip on Trent’s waist, trying to pull him closer, but didn’t otherwise stir.

  And Trent smiled.

  His man. His worrier. His. Lance was his. He’d said so. Agreed. Wanted Trent just as badly as Trent wanted him.

  And whatever this was, it was happening fast and it was crazy and out of control but Trent couldn’t stop it. He didn’t want to stop it. His heart yearned for this man, for what he offered when he didn’t even know he was offering it. Comfort and acceptance, support and desire and… possibilities.

  Jesus, he was falling in love with the guy. Falling hard. Fast. And the impact when he hit rock bottom was going to be devastating.

  Even though his mind said he should let the man sleep, his hand rose of its own accord. He couldn’t help it. Whenever he was near Lance, he needed to be touching him. He brushed Lance’s hair back softly, slowly trailed his fingers across his temple and down his cheek.

  Lance made a noise, a low little noise, and snuggled closer. And if Trent had any doubt, any doubt at all that his heart beat for this man, he was certain right then and there. He wanted Lance to be his, for real.

  Trent slid closer to him and nuzzled his lips against Lance’s stubbled jaw. Lance made that noise again and Trent pressed even closer. He loved that sound, loved that Lance made it for him, loved the way that even in sleep Lance tipped his chin up to give Trent more access to his skin.

  He should let him sleep. He really should. But his lips had made contact with that warm, sensitive skin that he was completely addicted to. He kissed his way down that sharp jawline that had captivated his attention from minute one and Lance shifted against him.

  “Mmm, Trent?” His voice was gruff, rough from sleep, and sexy as hell saying Trent’s name.

  His lips curled, “Hmm?”

  “This isn’t a dream, right?”

  Trent’s heart thumped and he nodded without removing his lips from Lance’s throat. So damn sweet. He didn’t even know how sweet he was and that only made him sweeter.

  It felt like a dream. This whole thing did. Like he’d wished so long for someone like Lance that he couldn’t possibly be real. Someone strong but soft in all the right places. Someone smart and funny. Someone that matched him on the smartass scale and kept him on his toes. Someone that wanted, needed the same things he d
id in and out of bed. Someone that would stand beside him and try to protect him, defend him when the wolves came calling. Lance was the dream.

  “Not a dream.” His own voice was gruff.

  “Mmm.” Lance shifted again, “I was dreaming about you.”

  “Yeah?” He nipped Lance’s jaw and pulled back enough to finally look at him, look him in the eyes. His dark, hooded eyes. Pupils dilated and thick lashes fanning out. He was biting his bottom lip between his teeth and Trent automatically went for his mouth dragging his own teeth along the plump swell until he freed it from the confines. “What were you dreaming?”

  “I uh…” Lance tilted his head to the side, “I need to brush my teeth. Morning breath.”

  “I don’t give a shit about morning breath.” Trent held tight when his man tried to shift away from him, “Kiss me.”


  “Kiss. Me.” He growled the order and felt Lance shiver even as he saw those dark lashes flutter.

  Lance lifted up and complied instantly. His lips pressed against Trent’s softly. Sweetly. Closed lipped. And it took everything that Trent had not to laugh.

  Instead he pushed harder, pressed harder, rolling Lance to his back and looming over him, using his tongue to tease Lance into responding. To taste the seam of his lips until he gasped in a breath and then Trent stole inside, licking and sucking until they both lost control and were grabbing at each other, grinding together, moaning into each other’s panting mouths.

  Trent broke the wild kiss with a growl, “I want you so fucking bad.”

  “Yes. Yes, yes, yes.” Lance chanted as if Trent might not hear him the first time.

  “You sure? Be sure, Lance.” He met those mesmerizing dark eyes and held his gaze, wanting to be certain they were on the same page, “Because if I fuck you now, you’re mine.”

  Lance licked his lips, “I’m already yours.”

  “No. I mean it. You’re mine, Lance. I’m gonna be a possessive bastard and I’m not gonna let you go.”


  “I’m not done.” He cut him off, “I’m gonna force you to be honest with me and with yourself. I’m gonna insist that we deal with the hard shit together. I won’t out you. I swear I won’t force you to come out of the closet, not until you’re ready, but you’ve got to work with me too. You’ve got to tell me here and now that you’re willing to try and make this work. If that’s not what you want…”

  “That’s what I want.” Lance cut him off this time with a sound that Trent could only call surrender, “You’re what I want. You and me. We’ll figure it out. Just… please, Trent. Please…”

  Trent kissed him with more passion than he’d even known existed inside him. Thank God. His heart was pounding in his chest. Thank God Lance wanted the same thing. Because he’d had no idea what he was going to say if he’d argued.

  Would he have said that he wouldn’t fuck him? That he’d leave? That he’d go away and leave him alone? Never come back? He didn’t know. But he did know each and every one of those things would have been a lie if he had said them.

  Because there wasn’t any walking away from this man. Not now that he’d had a taste of him. He wanted more. Wanted all of him. All his secrets and desires, all his wants and needs, all of his heart and his soul. He wanted Lance.

  They kissed desperately, tongues and teeth, bodies grinding again. Lance wasn’t asleep anymore. He was a full participant, all heat and strength and energy beneath him. He ran his hands over Trent, every inch he could touch, leaving goosebumps of desire in his wake. And when he slid his hands down, cupping Trent’s ass and pulling him down as he spread his legs, making room for him, Trent groaned at the feel of their hard cocks colliding.

  “Fuck me, Trent. Now. Please.” Lance panted and Trent growled.

  “I like it when you say please. Like it a lot.”

  “Good. Then please grab the lube out of the drawer and fuck me already.”

  He nipped at Lance’s neck, “Mmm, one more.”

  Lance growled and with shocking speed slid a hand down and fisted Trent’s cock, making him buck and cry out, “Please, you bossy fucker.”

  Trent had no comeback for that. Shit. His balls felt like they were on the verge of exploding already. How was he this close when they hadn’t even gotten started? Only with Lance. He bit him again for being a smartass, enjoying the way it made Lance’s breath hitch, before he rolled off of him to stand and open the nightstand.

  All the air left his lungs in a rush and he knew his face must have said it all when he glanced back and Lance’s cheeks colored pink. Embarrassment? God, his man was so fucking adorable.

  “Damn, you’ve got quite the collection.” He rifled through the drawer full of dildos, prostate massagers and fleshlights, “We’re gonna play with these sometime soon. You know that right?”

  Lance swallowed audibly, “We are?”

  “Mhmm. I’m gonna watch you fuck yourself with this while you suck me off.” He picked up one of the toys, twirled it slightly and then returned it to the drawer, “I’m gonna get you so worked up you’ll beg me to let you come and that’s when I’ll give you my dick. Hard. Make you scream my name until your throat is raw.”

  He licked his own lips at the imagery. As if it wasn’t enough having Lance laid out half-naked for him. All those muscles and beautiful features on display. Lance had slid his hand down inside his boxers and was stroking himself as Trent spoke.

  “Off.” He commanded.

  Lance didn’t hesitate, he pushed his boxers down with his free hand, his other staying on his dick. Pumping up and down slowly, rhythmically, his wrist twisted each time he met the underside of his plump, purple head.

  “You too.” Lance moaned and his hips arched up into the motion, “I want to see you.”

  “You’re bossy for a bottom, you know that?” Trent grinned when Lance flipped him off with his free hand before sliding his own briefs down to the floor, “Better?”

  Lance moaned in response and Trent’s cock twitched. Beads of precome swelled at the head and he stopped playing around. He was too damn close and from the look of it so was Lance. He didn’t want to come until he was as deep inside Lance’s body as he could get so he grabbed a bottle of lube, flipped the cap and squirted the slick liquid into his hand.

  “Condom?” His voice was barely human.

  “No.” Lance opened his eyes, which had fallen shut as he stroked himself and met Trent’s eyes, “No.”

  Trent’s heart did that jumping thing again and he swallowed hard, “Baby, it’ll be…”

  “No. No condom. Nothing between us. You said I’m yours? Then you’re mine and I want what’s mine. I want to feel you. I told you I’ve been tested and there’s been no one since but the papers in the drawer if you want to see it for yourself.” Lance’s lips quivered slightly, “I want you, Trent. Please. I need it. Need you. Just you.”

  As if he could say no to that? As if he wanted to? Trent’s heart tore wide open. Nobody else. Not now. Not ever again. Just him. Just Lance. Nothing between them.

  “Fuck.” He had to grip the base of his dick and squeeze at the rush of pleasure that thought gave him, “Lance, I’ve never… not without a condom… I… I don’t know how long I’ll last and I want to make it good for you.”

  “You will.” Lance’s eyes met his again and held, “I trust you.”

  Trent broke. He absolutely fucking broke. He didn’t just have Lance. He had his trust.

  He was back on the bed in an instant, smacking Lance’s hand away from his cock. He stroked him once just to hear him moan and then slid his hand lower. Impatient. Desperate. Call it what it was. He just needed inside his man. Lance shuddered when Trent’s slick fingers slid over his balls and then lower. He rocked into the touch, his hands coming up to fist in Trent’s hair as his hips pumped up and down, trying to get Trent’s fingers where he wanted them.

  “Trent.” Lance whined when he found that tight pucker and circled teasingly.
  “Shh, relax baby. Relax and let me in.” Trent pressed their lips together.

  That earned him another whine and he grinned into the kiss as he worked Lance’s body open for him. One finger sliding into the tight, warm heat as Lance moved with him. His moan became a gasp when a second finger carefully slid in and when Trent glanced up his eyes were squeezed shut tight again. His beautiful features twisted up in a mixture of pain and bliss.

  Trent focused on turning that look to pure pleasure, “You’re so goddamn gorgeous. I thought I was dreaming when I flipped those lights on that first night and saw you. Thought you couldn’t possibly be real because I wanted you so bad.”

  Lance shifted as Trent’s fingers went to work, pushing in and out slowly, scissoring him open, “I… I thought… I was the one dreaming.”

  “Not a dream though, is it Lance?”

  “Still feels like one.”

  “Mmm.” Trent hummed his agreement as he fisted his dripping cock with his free hand, lubing up, getting ready, because he wasn’t sure how much more he could take. Just the simple touch of his own hand had his nerve endings firing. The feel of Lance’s tight body squeezing his fingers made him want to pull them out and slam his dick inside him. Take him hard and deep and claim him.

  He worked Lance harder. Faster. Fisting their cocks and using the lube and precome they were both spilling to slide his hand easily up and down in a rhythm that matched the fingers in Lance’s ass.

  Lance squirmed and whined, “Hurry. Trent. Hurry. I’m so close.”

  “Don’t you dare come yet.” He growled out warningly.

  “Then hurry the fuck up.” Lance shot right back.

  “Bossy fuckin’ bastard.”

  Trent thought about turning him over, smacking his ass and pounding into him. He had it coming. He was all but begging for it. Hard and rough. Fast and dirty. But Trent had promised he would try to make this good for Lance so he refused to give into the urge to go caveman on his man’s ass… literally.


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