Stay A Little Longer

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Stay A Little Longer Page 17

by Jess Bryant


  “Always.” Lance nuzzled in closer and took comfort in the words and the touch.

  It hadn’t been an easy year but they’d made it through because they had each other. After the media had confronted them in Fate, after Lance had outed himself and after they’d confronted their feelings and admitted they were in love and wanted to be together, things had spiraled out of control more than either of them had been prepared for. Life, as they say, had gotten real that day.

  Lulu had been great. A perfect first person to confront them, to tell about their relationship. Lance’s sister had been sweet and understanding. She’d oohed and awed over their endearments and handholding.

  In fact, she’d been so understanding that Lance had finally asked how long she’d known. Blushing and shy, his sister had made an admission of her own. She’d found his stash of porn years ago and put two and two together. She’d known. She’d known he was gay and she hadn’t said a word. And when he’d asked her why she’d simply shrugged and nearly brought him to tears when she said he hadn’t been ready.

  He hadn’t.

  He hadn’t been prepared for his parents’ reactions either. As he’d imagined a million times, they’d been disappointed in him. Disappointed in how he’d handled his past and disappointed that he wouldn’t continue the Nichols line and give them grandchildren. He hadn’t even tried to explain that if he and Trent decided they wanted kids that they could always adopt because that hadn’t been the point. They hadn’t outright disowned him but they’d been distant and awkward ever since they learned he was gay.

  Tonight would be the first time they’d come up to the new house.

  The one Trent had insisted on buying after their public outing. The one he’d found after firing his manager, Rick, because he’d learned the bastard was the one to tell the media where he was. The house he’d decided to call home after his label had dropped him and he’d decided to step out of the spotlight for a while.

  Lance had tried to convince him not to give up his music and though Trent no longer performed, at least for the time being, he hadn’t walked away from the industry completely. He’d started writing, a passion he’d always pushed aside for the sake of the bad boy image.

  He’d written or co-written almost every song on Lemon’s newest album actually and when it released after the new year, Lance was sure that Trent would be thrust back into the spotlight, right where he belonged.

  The house had been a steal and absolutely perfect for them. A big, old brick mansion tucked into a valley about twenty miles east of Fate, it had needed some work. Still needed work. But they worked on it together, while they worked on themselves and each other too. It was secluded and theirs, just theirs, at least it had been for the last year.

  Tonight, for the first time, they were opening up their home to their families. Plural. Because it wasn’t just Lance’s mom and dad or even Lulu coming to dinner. Trent’s brother was coming too. Trevor. The twin brother that he hadn’t spoken to in over a decade was on his way to Fate to meet Lance and to spend Thanksgiving with them.

  He knew that was the real reason Trent was nervous. Trent wasn’t anxious about facing down Lance’s parents. They’d dealt with awkward dinners and stilted phone conversations in the last year and he’d never buckled. He’d stood tall and proud beside Lance for the last year, presenting a united front for the Nichols family.

  Now it was Lance’s turn to stand by him. Because that’s what people that loved each other did. They stood together. They had each other’s backs. And they were always, always, there for each other even when nobody else was.

  It had been a rough year. Lance had dealt with people he’d known all his life looking at him as if he were a complete stranger. Some of them ignored him now. Others weren’t even that civil. But for the most part, he’d been wrong about how Fate would handle finding out he was gay.

  The women he’d been so worried would string him up… hadn’t. Oh, some of them fell into the previous categories of ignoring or taunting him but the ones that matter, the ones like Maddie that he still liked and respected, they’d accepted him and his apologies for all the pain he’d caused. He was proud that he could now call Maddie his friend again, even if her husband still glared at him every time they were in the same room and probably always would.

  Trent had dealt with fallout too. The media stalking them and plastering their faces with false headlines about fights and fallouts had done a number on him. He’d fired the man that ran his life. He’d lost his label. But he hadn’t lost his music and he’d said that was enough. His music and Lance were enough. And some days it was true, some days Lance believed him, but today, he knew that it wasn’t.

  Trent needed his family, at least what was left of it. He needed his other, other half. His twin brother. The one that hadn’t supported him, had shunned him for years, but had finally worked up the courage to ask if he could be a part of Trent’s life again.

  Tonight would be the first time they’d seen each other since the awkward phone call that had left Trent in tears. Lance had tried to convince him to meet with his brother one-on-one, to do it on a less stressful occasion, but Trent wouldn’t hear of it. It was Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving was all about family so here they were… awaiting the arrival of their family members, and the no doubt awkward meal that would follow.

  “We’re not ready for this.” Trent sighed and turned in his arms, pulling Lance against him.

  “We’re ready.”

  “Liar.” Trent snorted.

  “Not anymore.” Lance smiled softly and leaned up to brush their lips together, “We’re hosting our first family dinner together and it’s going to be fine. Even if my parents look at us like we’re aliens for kissing and even if you and your brother don’t patch things up and end up throwing food at each other, we’re going to be fine.”

  Trent trembled slightly, holding in laughter, “I’m not going to get into a food fight with Trevor.”

  “I might. If he’s mean to you.” Lance grinned.

  “My man. So protective.” Trent nuzzled his jaw lovingly, “We’ll be okay because when they all leave tonight, we get to go to bed together, in our bed, in our house, in this wonderful, amazing life that we’ve made together.”

  “Mmm.” Lance moaned as Trent trailed his lips down his throat, “My man. Such a sweet talker.”

  The ding of the doorbell sounded loud from downstairs and they both groaned. Their guests were here. At least one of them was. The ringing came again and Lance growled as he pulled away from Trent.

  “That’s Lulu.”

  Trent flashed a dimpled grin, “You don’t know that.”

  As the bell continued ringing Lance cracked his neck and sighed, “It’s Lulu. Nobody else is that obnoxious. Only little sisters.”

  “Hey. Hey.” Trent caught him by the hand and pulled him back when Lance started to step away, “Hey, just remember, we can deal with them, with all of them, as long as we’re together.”


  Trent pulled him close and pressed their lips together as the annoying doorbell rang through the house and they ignored it. Lance nipped his bottom lip and Trent groaned and deepened the kiss. His tongue stroking over Lance’s lips, seeking entry, and claiming his territory as soon as he got it. He stroked and teased and sucked and only when they were grinding together, getting lost in the moment, did Lance force himself to pull away.

  “Lulu…” He sucked in a gasp of air and Trent groaned.

  “Now there’s a boner killer.”

  Lance laughed, “Tell me about it.”

  “Go answer the door, baby.” Trent kissed his forehead and then shoved him away, “I need a minute and then I’ll come downstairs.”

  “Don’t leave me down there all alone.”


  With that, Lance turned and left their bedroom. He jogged down the stairs, his irritation with his sister returning as the doorbell continued to ring. She was
twenty-three years old. She was an adult. This ridiculous, obnoxious, childish behavior had to stop and he fully intended to tell her that when he jerked the door open but the look on her face stopped him in his tracks.

  She was pale. Her face white and tear-soaked. Her eyes red-rimmed and her mascara smudged. Her hair was mussed as if she’d been pulling at it and he the overprotective big brother in him roared to the surface.

  “What happened? What’s wrong? Jesus, Lu talk to me. Tell me what’s wrong.”

  Her lips trembled and tears filled her eyes again, “He proposed to her.”

  Lance blinked in confusion but opened his arms instinctively. His sister rushed into them. Squeezing him tight and no doubt ruining his white shirt with her tears. He wrapped her up and pulled her inside, kicking the door shut behind them as she sobbed.

  “Lu, what happened?” He asked again when she began to sniffle a few minutes later.

  “Derek.” She whined her best friends name, “He’s engaged. He… He… He’s getting… married. He’s marrying someone and… it… isn’t… me.”

  Damn it, Lance tucked his sister closer as the puzzle pieces slid into place. Derek Harper. Her best friend. The man she’d been in love with since she was a little girl. The one, as far as Lulu had always been concerned. And really, the one that Lance had always assumed would wake up and realize Lulu loved him and that he loved her too. But instead, he’d proposed to his college girlfriend, probably during the Thanksgiving lunch he’d invited Lulu to join him and his family for, and Lance’s little sister was absolutely devastated.

  “I’m so sorry, Lu.” He brushed her hair and held her tight, trying to offer what comfort he could.

  The sound of footsteps on the stairs drew his attention and he glanced up to find Trent coming down, his eyes taking them in and his eyebrows furrowing. He was instantly on alert. Concerned. All joking from earlier gone and replaced with only the glint of worry for Lance and the girl he’d deemed his sister from that first day at the trailer.

  “What happened?” He hit the hardwood and stomped towards them.

  “Derek.” Lance supplied over the top of his sister’s head.

  “We’ll kill him, Lulu. Take him out and hide the body. Nobody’ll even have to know.” Trent eased in behind her, wrapping his big, strong arms around the both of them and Lance couldn’t help but smile at his boyfriend.

  Because this was why he loved Trent so damn much. Why he’d fallen for him from the moment they met. He was strong and caring but so soft and sweet. He could soothe with nothing but a few words and he could make any situation seem better.

  Lulu pulled back a little and hugged Trent in return.

  Lance watched the two people he loved most in the world embrace and his heart thumped too hard in his chest. Their conversation from upstairs played in his mind again. They would get through anything as long as they had each other. Even this, Lulu’s breakdown before Thanksgiving dinner, could be dealt with. He caught Trent’s eye and mouthed the words to him.

  I love you.

  Trent nodded and then tucked his chin onto Lulu’s head. No words needed to be spoken. Nothing else needed to be said. They’d been able to understand each other without the need for words from that very first day and now, over a year later, they were fully in sync and in full agreement.

  They would wait to tell their family that they were getting married. Now wasn’t the time. They’d tell them later, somewhere down the road, when it wouldn’t hurt Lulu just to think about weddings. And until then, well, they were both really good at keeping secrets.


  First off, let me say thank you to you, the reader. If you’ve made it this far then you’ve taken a chance and hopefully enjoyed my first trip into the M/M genre. It’s a genre that I personally love to read and I hope that you do too. If you enjoyed this short novella, please, leave a review on Amazon. If it does well, I will consider writing more M/M novels and novellas.

  Now, on to everyone that helped make this novella possible.

  Maren Lee, my book bestie, my confidant, my life coach and my sometimes therapist, you keep me on track, give me great ideas and listen to me whine when the characters aren’t talking to me. I couldn’t have finished this one without you. Seriously. Every time you asked for a new chapter I had to open the computer and force myself to get to work on these boys even when they were being difficult. Thank you for believing in them and in me.

  To all of the amazing Indies Ink babes, you get me through the day, make me smile and keep me going. I can’t thank Dee Ellis enough for bringing us all together. Also, nobody would be holding this book in their hand (ebook or print) without all the hard work she put into formatting this novella and for going above and beyond, always.

  For Tanya Chris and Laurin Kelly, thank you for reading this story when it was still that, just a story idea with a lot of holes that needed filling. Trent and Lance wouldn’t be the men they are today without your input and guidance. You’re both invaluable.

  Lastly, to my family and friends who more than likely saw that first teaser for Trent and Lance and thought I had lost my damn mind writing a M/M romance novel, thanks for not trying to talk me out of it. For standing by me and for having my back, because that’s what family does. And thank you for giving this book a chance, even if it isn’t your usual genre, just because the words are mine.

  I love you all and thank you so very, very much for continuing to support me on this incredible journey.

  Xoxo, Jess

  About the Author

  Jess Bryant is an avid indoorswoman. A city girl trapped in a country girl's life, her heart resides in Dallas but her soul and roots are in small town Oklahoma. She enjoys manicures, the color pink, and her completely impractical for country life stilettos. She believes that hair color is a legitimate form of therapy, as is reading and writing romance. She started writing as a little girl but her life changed forever when she stole a book from her aunt's Harlequin collection and she's been creating love stories with happily ever afters ever since.

  Jess holds a degree in Public Relations from the University of Oklahoma and is a lifetime supporter of her school and athletic teams. And why not? They have a ton of National Championships! She may be a girlie girl but she knows her sports stats and isn't afraid to tell you that your school isn't as cool as hers... or that your sports romance got it all wrong.

  For more information on Jess and upcoming releases, contact her at [email protected] or follow her on her many social media accounts for news and shenanigans.

  Also Available From Jess Bryant

  The West Brothers Series

  Crazy Little Thing Called Love

  Something To Talk About

  Too Good To Be True

  Merry Little Christmas (A West Brothers Novella)


  It Had To Be You

  Call Me, Irresistible

  Stay A Little Longer (A M/M Novella)

  Bomar Boys Series

  No Regrets

  No Apologies

  No Fear

  Nothing to Lose (Coming Soon)

  Call Me, Irresistible

  A Fate, Texas Novel

  Impulsive. Irresponsible. Impossible.

  Lemon Kelly lives in a world that is fast, loud and a little bit crazy. She left her small hometown for the bright lights of Nashville and has been living her dream ever since. She's traveled the world and plays her music for crowds of adoring fans. She has everything she ever wanted. Only the wants of a 17 year old girl vary greatly from the needs of a grown woman. Is it selfish to want something more, something like the love she writes songs about?

  Can a girl have two dreams? Or will she have to give up one to get the other? And if so... which? Fame or a family of her own?

  Stable. Solid. Safe.

  Shane Lowry likes his quiet, controlled life. The always responsible small town deputy is a father to his three daughters first and foremost. Nothing comes before
them. He had to grow up fast and early and he's long since stopped letting silly things like lust control his actions. He doesn't even date. So why does he find himself so drawn to the lively girl next door turned country music superstar that is the complete opposite of what he should want in a woman?

  If he lets her in, she'll shake up his entire world. He knows it. But is that a good thing or a very bad thing?

  The sparks between them are undeniable. The pull irresistible. And if they take a chance they just might find what they've both been missing.

  *Call Me, Irresistible is a standalone, full length, contemporary romance novel set in Fate, Texas with a guaranteed HEA. It is intended for audiences 18+ due to language and sexual situations. If you enjoy the quirky characters in this little town, try other releases by Jess Bryant set in Fate such as the West Brothers Series.*

  It Had To Be You

  A Fate, Texas Novel

  Austin Evans is a playboy, a flirt and a charmer. He’s dated half the female population of Fate, Texas and figures he’ll get around to the other half before he ever decides to settle down. Fate, however, has other ideas. Because one night with the prim and proper town doctor isn’t nearly enough. He can’t get her out of his head, doesn’t want her out of his bed and if he can convince her to give him half a chance he’ll keep her in his life forever.

  It was supposed to be one night. One night of passion. One night of scorching hot, mind-blowing, earth-rocking fun. It was a one night stand that somehow turned into two nights, then three and four… and Victoria Sands knew better. Of course she knew better. She was a good girl, a smart girl. She knew better than to continue seeking him out, knew better than to keep falling into his arms, knew better than to let her heart get involved, but when it came to Austin her logical, rational brain never stood a chance to her body’s desire.


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