Narcissistic Tendencies (Dating by Design Book 3)

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Narcissistic Tendencies (Dating by Design Book 3) Page 7

by Jennifer Peel

  I nodded. “They’re both great.” Nothing like him. That wasn’t true, I think Jack had passed on the ability to charm women and those eyes. Eyes that made you dream of all the possibilities. Oh my gosh, I had to quit thinking things like that. Both men were on the no-fly list as far as I was concerned.

  “Huh.” She looked impressed. “I was told under no certain circumstances was I to ask about his family. His assistant said he likes to keep his private life just that, private.”

  “I can understand that, given his career.”

  “Well, good job, he obviously felt comfortable with you.” Her phone buzzed, causing her to pause and roll her eyes once she looked at who was calling. “If Momma leaves me one more message about different positions we should try, I might change my number or move out of state. Jason’s already afraid that Momma’s been making pornographic movies on the side given her in-depth knowledge.”

  I busted out laughing. I highly doubted Nan, the epitome of Southern momma propriety, would be caught dead watching porn, much less making it. Not that porn was a laughing matter. I’d seen way too many people at the clinic trying to get over their addiction to it. It ruins more relationships than most people would think. The unrealistic expectations it gave people combined with the violence it perpetuated while lessening the ability to make real life intimate connections was lethal to a relationship.

  “Good luck.”

  “Thanks,” she sighed. “I’m going to need it. And a vacation. Momma did recommend that as a way to get pregnant. We haven’t told her yet that we’re waiting until we’ve been married a year to try. She and the Nanettes would probably be over here trying to chase some evil spirit out of me if we did.” She walked away, ignoring her phone that was now constantly buzzing.

  Meanwhile I was hoping the connection meeting either prevented me from having to see Nick or that it got over in enough time I could leave early. I could review all the new questionnaires at home. I should have asked Kenadie when he was coming in. I assumed it would be after the connection meeting. Kenadie wouldn’t want Nick or a reporter in the office for that in case someone got a little loud in our meeting, aka Zander or his protégé Dante, who was a recent new hire. He was as loud and opinionated as Zander, arrogant too, as well as an excellent relationship manager.

  With Zander at the helm during these meetings, the structure had changed—everything was digital now. No more printing out pictures of the clients we were matching. Zander had them all ready to go in a program he worked with Kenadie to create. Everything flashed up on a screen or we could pull it up on our tablets. It was another reason Zander had everyone send him our picks the day before.

  I walked into the conference room to find Cara and Eva already there, sitting next to each other as always, deep in conversation. They had become more territorial since the new relationship managers had come on board. I had thought one or both would have left after the debacle with Meg. They both put their foots in their mouths when Eva decided that she wanted Zander. No one knew how deep Zander’s and Meg’s feelings had run for each other; I’m not sure even they did at first. But I guess getting paid to take men out on dates to fancy restaurants, while not the only job requirement, was a nice perk. It also came with a nice expense account. It was a cushy sort of job, but one that came with great responsibility and the requirement to be able to read people and situations.

  Eva and Cara both looked my way when I entered.

  “We are so jealous,” Eva said. “We thought one of us would be Nicholas’s relationship manager.”

  “How did you get so lucky?” Cara’s tone intimated that it wasn’t luck, but that I’d struck a deal with Kenadie or something.

  If they only knew how much I didn’t want the job. “Legally, it worked better for the company and him,” was all I would say about it.

  Both of their eyes widened. Not sure if they believed me or not.

  Others started gathering in. The room was getting crowded. We had eight relationship managers now. Will and Andy had been there for a while, but our recent hires were Dante, Jade, Todd, and Leah. With the exception of Todd, everyone was in their late twenties and early thirties. Todd was in his forties. It was nice to have his perspective. And it was hard to find people his age to do this job.

  Daphne, our receptionist and admin assistant, brought in lunch that consisted of sandwiches and fruit while Zander got the presentation on the seventy-inch screen at the head of the room. It was like a toy for Zander. Sometimes during lunch breaks you could catch people in here watching sports, especially when events like the Olympics were on.

  The buzz around the table all centered around Nick. I focused on my food and tried to ignore it, until Jade asked, “So what was it like going out with him? I’ve been binge watching his show on Netflix. He’s amazing.”

  I refrained from rolling my eyes at the sweet woman.

  Zander gave me a smirk, knowing how I really felt about it all and knowing I couldn’t voice my true feelings.

  “It was . . .” how did I put it without lying? “It was unusual.”

  There was a collective let down around the room as if they had all wanted some salacious piece of news. It was like all their bodies said, “Aw.”

  Everyone was waiting for me to expound and give them one juicy morsel. Again, they were disappointed.

  I was grateful when Zander said, “Let’s get started. Since you are all so eager to hear about Nick Wells, we will start with him.”

  I smiled around the table, not sure why I was so nervous. Zander was right, it wasn’t like I was setting two people up for the rest of their lives. Though I did worry about how the women might change their tunes if they got a shot at the celebrity. Fame and fortune did funny things to people.

  Zander pulled up Nick’s picture and the women in the room sighed. Oh, brother. Three womens’ heads lined up beneath him, each with a short bio under their profile pictures and their compatibility ratings. Both Nicole and Chanel were forty-eight percent compatible and Scarlett was fifty. There were women who had higher compatibility rates, and typically we wanted them to be above fifty, but these three were who I deemed more stepmother material, in case it ever went that way. At least they were old enough to have given birth to Skye.

  “Tell us about the women you’ve chosen for Nick and why.” Zander turned the time over to me.

  I faced the screen. “Each woman recently asked to have a new match in our not looking for anything serious group.” It was before we announced Nick was using our services, so that played in their favor. “They’re each successful and enjoy adventure. Nicole is a motorcycle enthusiast like Nick.”

  “Nicole and Nick? They would be Nic-Nick,” Dante teased.

  There was a smattering of laughter before I moved on.

  “Scarlett has done some local plays and commercials, so they share an acting background, which could be good or bad.”

  “Why?” Zander asked.

  “She might look at it as a way to get her foot into a bigger door.”

  Everyone nodded and said things like hmmm and that’s true.

  “Chanel and Nick have different political views, but she runs endurance races and I remember her being a lot of fun when I evaluated her. Plus she has a lot of self-confidence.” And I didn’t voice it, but I thought she would be a good role model for Skye.

  “None of them have children and two are divorced, like him.”

  Nick stipulated that he didn’t want to date anyone who had children, which was a major point against him in my book since he had a child. I could understand if he was childless.

  “So who do you think would be the best fit?”

  He deserves none of them. “Chanel has my vote.”

  Zander looked around at everyone else at the table, especially the guys who were the women’s relationship managers. “Any objections or concerns?”

  “They aren’t as young as the women he typically dates,” Eva threw out there.

  “True, but he didn�
��t specify an age.” On his questionnaire, all he said was as long as they look good on my arm. Insert a huge eye roll from me when I read that.

  “They look to have more class than the eye candy I’ve seen on his arm,” Will chimed in.

  “That’s a bad thing?” I asked.

  Will shrugged. “I just wonder if he wants someone a little more vampy.”

  “Yeah, did you see his ex-fiancée?” Dante said. “Yeow, baby, was she hot and young.”

  “And,” Cara added, “there wasn’t anyone with higher compatibility rates?”

  “I took into consideration our client date,” I said, trying not to squirm in my seat, seeing as it had never really happened.

  “That must have been some date.” Eva gave me a hard stare.

  “What happened?” Cara was dying to get more information.

  Feeling uncomfortable with where this was all going, I looked to Zander for support. I promised Jack I would pick well for Skye’s sake, but I couldn’t reveal that. I wasn’t even sure I should mention his daughter since he tried to shield her.

  Zander gave me a thoughtful glance and thought for a moment. “Let’s go with Kate’s gut. She’s evaluated every one of our clients, and since Nick is a special circumstance, we need to make some allowances.”

  There was some disgruntled murmuring, but everyone knew not to argue with Zander, he always won.

  I would thank him later.

  “Todd, you’re Chanel’s relationship manager, correct?” Zander asked.

  Todd nodded.

  “She has to sign the NDA his lawyer provided before he, or most likely his personal assistant, will contact her.”

  Nick was adamant that he made the first move. Typically we gave each person the other’s contact information.

  Zander continued. “And she has to do it here in the office so we can verify it’s her. It might be best if you send her a message now. Maybe she can come in later this afternoon and sign it.”

  “Just let me know when she’s coming in, and I’ll send her information to him,” I addressed Todd.

  “Don’t you go through his personal assistant?” Eva asked in a condescending manner.

  Why did she care one way or the other? It’s not like it was some treat for me.

  Zander intervened before I could answer. “Kate, you’re free to go since you have other duties to attend to.”

  Bless him. I didn’t want to be looking over questionnaires all weekend.

  Before I could leave, Kenadie came in. She looked polished and pretty, ready for her interview in a smart looking navy dress and wearing her signature killer stilettos.

  “I wanted to let you all know Channel 15 will be here around four to interview Nick and myself, so please beware and let’s be professional. No fangirl moments please.” She eyed Cara and Eva. “Sorry to interrupt.” She flitted out as fast as she had come in.

  I took that as my cue to make my exit. I hustled to my office, bent on getting out of there as fast as I could to avoid the office celebrity later this afternoon.

  No such luck.

  Chapter Nine

  I made my escape from the conference room only to be faced with him. What was he doing here so early? Where I used to love how open our loft style office was, I was lamenting it now. There was no ducking and hiding from him from where I stood. My office was too far away, and he had seen me.

  Daphne, our receptionist, had just finished greeting him in a way too breathy I’ll-love-you-forever tone when Nick’s and my eyes locked.

  He was dressed to steal hearts in a shirt and slacks that molded to him in a way that enhanced his broad shoulders and trim waistline. He knew he looked good by the way he swaggered my way wearing not quite a smile, but a look that said he was pleased. His eyes drifted over my tapered jeans and off-the-shoulder blouse—it was casual in the office on Fridays since we didn’t see clients.

  I felt self-conscious before I reminded myself that I had no reason to feel that way. I looked fine enough for the office and I wasn’t dressing to impress him. I didn’t even want to impress him.

  “Kate.” He never greeted people with simple words like hello.

  “Hello, Nick.” I walked toward my office hoping that was all he had to say to me.

  Nope. He followed.

  “Can I help you with something?” I asked, trying to make it to the safety of my office.

  “I have no doubt you could.”

  What did he mean by that? I stopped to face him. I shouldn’t have. His eyes drew me in like one of those cobras that could put you in a trance before they poisoned you.

  He edged closer to me, reeling me in. “Why do I feel like I’ve met you before this week?”

  His question shook me out of my stupor. I had to be more careful around him. “Where would we have met?” I responded with a question of my own, knowing I couldn’t own the truth, but not wanting to lie. The woman he met fourteen years ago no longer existed, even if I missed her occasionally.

  He inched closer. His scent filled me. I held my breath while he studied me.

  His eyes went from searching to frustrated. “Have you ever been to LA?”

  I shook my head. “Not yet.”


  “I have a mental health professionals conference there next month.” I was looking forward to it. I was extending my visit and planned on doing some sightseeing. And after this new assignment, I was going to need the vacation.

  His stare was still trying to place me.

  Did he really remember me? No matter. I headed back toward my office. “Good luck with your interview.”

  “I don’t need it.”

  I couldn’t hide the eye roll. It naturally appeared after such a cocky statement.

  He arched the one eyebrow. “This isn’t something new for me,” he defended himself.

  “Right. Well, then have a good weekend.” I darted into my office.

  He didn’t get the social cue that I didn’t want to continue our conversation and invited himself in. “Speaking of the weekend, I’m going to need you to go on that client date with me tomorrow night.”

  I held on to my desk for support. “I don’t think a client date is necessary.” Panic interspersed every word. “I’ve already chosen your first connection. I’m just waiting to get word that she’s coming in to sign your NDA. You can take her out,” I stumbled over my words.

  A pressed-lip smile danced on his face as he approached my desk. “I’m going to pass.”

  “You haven’t seen her yet.”

  “This event calls for someone . . . I can trust. Just for this weekend.”

  I could feel the crease between my brows increase exponentially with that confusing statement. “You don’t even know me.”

  “I have a sense about these things. Besides, I don’t know the other woman at all, and this is important to me.”

  “I’ll show her to you and you’ll see what a catch she is.” I was desperate to convince him.

  His hands pressed against my desk while he leaned over it, getting too close to me. “What are you so afraid of?”

  “I’m not afraid,” my voice shook. “But really, you should take Chanel.”

  “What if I—”

  Thankfully, Kenadie interrupted us. “Oh, good you’re here.” She stood at my door. “Did Kate tell you who she paired you with?” Kenadie’s eyes shined with excitement. She loved seeing a good match made.

  Nick stood up straight. “We were just discussing her.” He gave me a gratified look. “We can pick up where we left off after the interview.”

  My shoulders fell before I dropped into my chair. With Kenadie watching I couldn’t refuse. “Sounds good.” I hoped he heard the implied I loathe you right now in there.

  By the look of his smirk he heard it loud and clear.

  So much for me leaving early.

  He and Kenadie walked off together. Kenadie was chirping happily about some of her thoughts regarding the interview. I hoped he didn’t disa
ppoint her.

  Meanwhile, I was reaching for the peppermint oil and rubbing it into my temples. I was going to my parents’ tomorrow, so my dad could adjust me and my mom could massage away the knots in my back caused by Nick, if they hadn’t killed each other yet. More than likely I would have additional knots when I left because my visit would turn into a marriage counseling session. I rubbed more oil into my temples.

  I sent a desperate plea disguised as a follow-up email to Todd asking him to let me know as soon as Chanel could come in and sign that stupid NDA since Nick was asking about her. So I stretched the truth a tad. I was banking on Chanel running in here waving a pen, ready to sign her life away to have the chance to date the ex-superstar. There was no way I was going on a date with him tomorrow, even a platonic client one. And what was this event that was so important to him? He had to have flocks of women willing to go with him on a moment’s notice, even if Chanel happened to not be available. Really, she would be better company for him than me.

  I did my best to focus on the mass influx of questionnaires we had received this past week knowing it would only get worse from here, especially once the interview Kenadie and Nick were doing today aired, not to mention the commercial he was doing. Kenadie may need to hire another psychologist if this kept up, or that raise I was getting better make up for the new chaos in my life. I wondered how long his contract was with us. His profile didn’t say and when I tried to access it, the information was blocked.

  I was so distracted, I only got through two questionnaires in an hour and a half. Before I knew it, I heard the rumblings of a camera crew and unfamiliar voices in the office. I walked over to my door so I could close it to drown out the sound, but before I did, my curiosity got the better of me. I peeked out to see what was going on. They were staging some chairs in front of the wall of bliss where a picture of each engaged and married couple we had matched hung. It was Kenadie’s pride and joy.

  I observed Nick perusing the wall with interest. That was, before he turned around and caught me staring at him as if he knew I was watching. What gives? Even from the distance, I could tell how gratified he was that he found me paying attention to him. I slipped back into my office and shut my door. I took a deep breath. And another.


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