Exterminators Infected (The Exterminators Book 1)

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Exterminators Infected (The Exterminators Book 1) Page 11

by DeSantis, James

  “You think?”

  “You're my son, of course.”

  “Thanks dad,” he said smiling. He looked at his dad and smiled. “I really like this girl.”

  “Sounds like it,” his father winked. He brushed off his son's shoulders before letting his hands rest there for a moment. As he looked at him he could feel a tug in his heart. A feeling of being proud, excited, scared, but most of all the feeling of his son being almost a grown man. “I'm very proud of you.”

  “Oh, don't get all mushy on me!” Nick laughed.

  “I won't, I won't. Just have fun and live life. Go get this girl.” He patted his son on the shoulder.

  “Thanks again, pops. Later!” Nick called as he started walking quickly to the door.

  “Oh and Nick,” his dad said. Nick stopped and turned. “Don't you dare do anything that will make me ground you for the rest of your life! I don't care how old you are you'll be trapped here forever if you do something you'll regret. Trust me.” Nick laughed and nodded. He walked out the door and was on his way to meet Kelly. Nicks' father smiled and sat on his bed. “My son...” his voice faded into the air. He couldn't help but picture Nick as a child. Holding him with his wife. They would tickle his belly and he'd laugh. He'd get angry over not having any food. He'd cry if they went too far from him. Now he was on a date with a girl. His father couldn't have felt prouder at this moment.

  Peter was looking at the guide. It was basically a scrap book of Exterminators experiences with these hunts. He felt that most of the advice was obvious. Always keep alert, don't use too much energy consuming weapons, you can't hurt yourself with your own Rod. Peter had been alternating weapons on and off throughout the last few days. His weapons ranged from swords, guns, and his favorite - gloves. Not just regular gloves, but the glove he was able to create was a magical one. While using the glove he was able to summon elemental powers. Such as creating fire, water, or electricity. However, with the amount of energy it took to use it he had to rest a long while before trying it again. Not to mention the elements fell apart all too often. Fire breaking apart, water spilling everywhere, electricity frying his lamp. It was gonna take a lot of work to learn to control the different magical elements.

  He liked the idea of being in control of a weapon. He never had violent tendencies but the fact that he can use weapons to defend himself now was amazing. Still, none of it could be used on problems at school. The bullies pushing him around were just the tip of the iceberg. It was his own father who he wanted to put a stop to. The way his father became more abusive over the past few years made Peter shut off any emotions he had. He concealed himself behind a blank statue of his former self. He hated that. That emotion he could feel trying to break though: hatred.

  He jumped on to the computer to see if he could find anything about monsters. Every time he searched he just saw video games, TV, and movie monsters. Nothing to really point him in the direction of a community of Exterminators. The organization must have eyes everywhere, meaning finding anyone would be impossible unless in person. He wondered if anyone else at his school could be an Exterminator as well. He wouldn't put it past some people.

  His cell phone went off and he jumped. Only time it ever went off is when his mom called. His mom was in the other room, asleep though. He grabbed it and looked at the caller ID. He picked it up. “Heya Kelleh!” He tried to sound louder than usual.

  “Hey Pete! How's everything?” she asked. Pete couldn't see her but sensed something different in her voice.

  “I’m fine. Are you okay?” He got off his bed. He felt something was wrong as he heard shuffling around on the phone.

  “Oh yeah, I'm fine. I'm getting my shoes on and heading out. Listen, can I ask you a weird question?” Peter calmed down. She wasn't in danger.

  “Shoot,” he said going back to reading his guide.

  “I'm going on a date with that Nick kid. I'm a little worried ‘cause I don't know much about him. Can you be honest with me and just tell me he's a good guy or if he's a slime ball.”

  “This is strange. You've been on dates before but never asked me about them,” he said, making his voice sound curious despite not really caring. He knew Nick wouldn't hurt Kelly, she wasn't in any danger.

  “Well yeah, but I never dated someone you've known! I know you just met him but does he seem nice?”

  “Yeah, he's nice.” Peter turned the page to study a picture of a gigantic bear-type creature.

  “Did he talk about me before?”

  “He said you were really cute.”



  “No way!”

  “Yes way.”

  “Are you listening to me?” She sounded annoyed. Peter looked up from his guide.

  “Yes. I'm sorry I didn't mean to ignore you. I'm just reading. Yes, he thinks you are cute. I’m sure you'll have a great time,” he told her with a calm and soothing voice. He wanted to make Kelly feel comfortable.

  “Thanks Pete, makes me feel better that he's not some total creep. Well, I'ma go meet him. Talk to you later, goodnight!” He responded the same and hung up. He felt a sense of happiness for his friend. He really enjoyed Kelly's happy attitude. He was also fond of his new friendship with Nick. Their being together would make them both happy. Peter wondered if that would make him happy as well. Having someone to be together with. He pondered the thought for a moment before looking back to the guide.

  Nick stood at the movies entrance, pacing. He was nervous but excited. He couldn't wait to see Kelly, but he was scared to see her at the same time. He tried to calm himself down and just breathe in deeply. The nice cool night breeze blew through his clothes. It cooled him down before he got his clothes soaked from sweat.

  He looked up at the movie theater sign. “What to see,” he muttered as he looked at the names. Action movies galore with two romantic comedies on the menu. He chose one of the romantic comedies, the one that had the least horrible actors. He figured even if it's bad he could take the opportunity to glance at Kelly when she wasn't looking. Study what she thinks of certain parts of the movies, so he knew how to counteract later, when he went in for a kiss.

  “Figured what movie we're gonna see?”

  Nick jumped back, scared out of his mind. He stumbled backwards then laughed. “Okay, thanks for scaring me. We aren't seeing a horror movie now.” She giggled. “I say we go to see one of the romantic comedies.”


  “I just figured you'd like that.”

  “What? I wanna see things blow up, people screaming, cool car chase scenes. I don't wanna see some boring romance movie.” Nick laughed. He liked how open Kelly was about expressing her views.

  “All right then let's go watch one.” He grabbed her hand. Her face lit up, and she smiled. He held tighter, loving the way her hand felt.

  “Plus, we can fill in that romance movie time later,” she said winking. Her grip became tighter as well.

  Marshall knocked on Fred's door. Fred had been home a few days, Marshall figured he'd check up on him. Marshall and Fred still haven't been on good terms. Still, he was one of his oldest friends. Even if they weren't friends like they used to be, he still cared about his health.

  Fred opened the door. “Oh, hey,” Fred said in surprise. He wasn't expecting to see Marshall, of all people. Marshall waved while he entered the house. It was clean to perfection. “Cleaners left about an hour ago. Daily routines.”

  “Parents in town?”

  “Are they ever?”

  “Good point,” Marshall said sitting down. “I'm sorry for the other day.”

  “What happened the other day?” Fred joined him on the couch. His shoulder burned a bit every once in a while but besides that he was back in top shape. He sometimes couldn't believe the speedy recovery.

  “I should have been there when you were fighting that wolf thing.” Marshall kept his head down. “I've been thinking a lot lately. Why we don't talk like we used to. I think I
just wanted to be noticed. I mean I wanted to be popular. I just never actually wanted to be popular, just the idea of being popular.” Marshall began fumbling his own words. “Point is, I know I've been acting strange these past few years. I'm sorry about that.” He looked up and pointed to Fred's shoulder. “Maybe if I wasn't acting like an idiot you wouldn't have that.”

  This was the first time in years Fred heard his old friend Marshall speak truthfully. He felt the connection of friendship he had years ago come right back into place. As if they never fought all those years ago. “No one is to blame. Nobody thought these creatures were real. I didn't, Nick didn't, Peter...well Peter might have. Still, no one thought they were really real. So I don't want you sitting there thinking it's entirely your fault.”

  “I'm just glad you’re all right.” Marshall lifted his head. “I mean who else am I going to make fun of for being chubby on the team.”

  “I will punch you. In the face. Really hard.” Fred drew his hand back, Marshall moved to the side of the couch laughing. It felt like they were back to their old friendship. Like when they were kids playing together.

  Marshall sat back up. Fred looked behind him at the empty kitchen. It was dark, lonely, isolated. “Hey Marshall,” he said as Marshall looked at him. “Wanna play some video games for a while?”

  Marshall glanced around the house. He saw the empty halls, kitchen, and bedrooms. He already felt alone and he didn't even live there. “Yeah, got anything new?” Fred smiled while he went looking for a game to play. He was glad he didn't have to spend another night alone with his own thoughts in a quiet house.

  “That was about the most amazing thing I've ever seen!” Kelly threw her right hand up. “I mean whoa! Did you see that building fall over? The sound effects!? It was like I was right there.” She was speaking so loud and fast that Nick just nodded to everything she was saying. His real attention was placed on her face. He wanted to kiss her lips. “Then when that guy came running off the bridge and slammed on to the boat. Whoa! What a movie!”

  “Yeah, it was pretty awesome.” Nick tried to pay attention to the movie as best he could. Normally an action movie for him is pretty easy to get through. Just sit, watch, laugh, and enjoy. However, next to Kelly, he just couldn't concentrate. He kept sneaking peeks over to her every few seconds. He couldn't control his need to want to talk to her. Be closer to her.

  “Where to now?” She grabbed his hand.

  “Wanna grab something to eat?” He pointed to the restaurants along the side of the road two blocks down.

  “I could eat,” she began. “You better not judge me though based on what I get. A girls gotta eat ya know!”

  “I won't judge you,” he said smiling back. “I think you’re gorgeous. So whatever you eat is already what you've been eating. So keep eating it, ‘cause you'll always be beautiful to me.” The words just slipped out. He didn't prepare them at all but they came out so perfect.

  She lit up and tightened the grip she had on his hand. “That was very sweet of you.”

  “Well, I'm a pretty sweet guy.”

  “Don't push it, you ain't that sweet to be conceited,” she said laughing.

  Carl threw some of his clothes in the dryer and hit the large blue button. He let the rumbling sound take over, letting his mind drift off as his clothes were drying. He was trying to imagine the kids he now had under his wing. Nick and his bravery. Marshall and his hard headed mentality. Peter and his smarts. Fred and his determination. All the boys lacked something, but together they could be unstoppable. He smiled as he pictured the group. Having new recruits back under his command felt good. First time in a long time he felt like a real Bora.

  A Bora's job was always to raise Exterminators to be Protectors or Boras one day. They were there to train the Exterminators to be smarter, faster, and more powerful. They are to lead by example; showing these kids how to fight as a team and by themselves. He grew up the same way with three other fighters. Two of them were still on the hunts today. One was now a protector and the last one a Gada. He was very proud of his friends.

  He closed his eyes, imaging Ross. Remembering the very first time he met them all at fourteen. She stood there smiling, waiting for the instructions by their Bora. She was a year older than him but so short, that by looking you'd think she was younger. He wanted to run over to her and sit next to her but kept his seat in the back of the group. He didn't want to make it obvious to anyone that he liked her. She eventually walked over after the instructions were over and asked if he wanted to walk together. To keep each other protected.

  Carl opened his eyes. He felt his cheeks were wet. “Crying again you old man? Come on now,” He thought, laughing. He wiped his face and walked away from the dryer. He needed to get away from his memories. The memories that still haunted him today. The experiences that changed his life forever. For the good and for the bad.

  “I only brought fifty dollars. You, of course, order about forty five dollars’ worth,” Nick said chuckling.

  “First off it was only twenty dollars. Secondly, I'm hungry. Third, you're cheap.” Now it was her turn to laugh.

  “Fair points,” he responded nodding. He took a sip of his drink. He was trying to figure out the next question. He knew he didn't want any awkward silences. So, he used his moment to drink while coming up with something that she would answer.

  “Why'd you ask me out?”

  Nick almost spat his drink out. “Well,” he began, trying to clear his throat. “I just found you very pretty. You seem really laid back as well, which is great. Peter likes you, so you must be a good person. I asked you out because I wanted to get to know you.” His answer couldn't have sounded better. It also couldn't be any truer

  “Well, I'm glad you asked me out. Usually I get the creeps asking me out. I try to avoid them at all costs. Then, I get the older guys who can't find someone in their own age bracket. Like your thirty, guy, please get away from me!” She used her hands to show what she meant, her face giving a disgust look.

  Nick laughed at her. “Well I'm not a creep. I'm only seventeen. I also would like to note that I'm not from here. So that puts me on the “I'm not super mean” list right?” She giggled and nodded. “I also just wanted to ask you out ‘cause I haven't met anyone I liked here yet. You seem to be the only girl I'm really attracted too. If I came off rash about asking you out, I'm sorry. I just really hate being alone.”

  She smiled at him. She leaned over the table and held his hand. “I think it's very sweet that you asked me out. I understand about not wanting to be alone. I understand that, all too well. So don't worry about it being weird or anything. I'm super glad you asked me out,” she told him with a bigger smile. Her teeth showed through this smile and Nick took a second to also register that. Her teeth were perfectly white. He wanted to run to the bathroom to make sure his teeth held up.

  “So, what's your favorite thing to do around here?”

  “Yeah, that's all. If I get any more information I'll let you know. All right. Okay. Bye,” Jin said hanging up the phone. He let out a sigh and got up from the bench in the park. He felt the sudden weight of the world on his shoulders. All he wanted to do was run away for a few days and forget about everything. His girlfriend wanted to move in. His father is dying slowly in the hospital. His trainer has been missing in action for two weeks now. He was also still waiting for his promotion. He began to wonder if anything could go right.

  He was walking down the block when he saw two kids running towards him. They weren't much older than seven or eight and they were playing tag. The one boy in the lead was outrunning the other at a good speed. Eventually, the one in the front would lose energy, whereas the slower one took his time keeping up but never using up too much of his energy. Jin knew how to study the signs of how someone is using their body from a massive amount of training. He saw the one behind jogging at a nice steady pace, whereas the one in front was running frantically with his arms up in the air. As they passed Jin, the small one l
ooked up with a big smile. They dashed past him without even slowing down.

  Jin felt the need to escape. To rip away from all the chains that kept him in this place. He wanted to be free like the kids chasing each other. Run around without a care in the world. That isn't the life of an Exterminator though, and Jin is an Exterminator. He questioned if he wanted to be one anymore.

  Nick walked down the block, trying to think of things to say. Kelly held his hand the entire time they were walking back home. He felt the need to speak but he also liked the feeling of walking and studying the world they lived in. The lights were bright at night. The houses on every block looked old but antique-like. The streets were filled with cars passing by. Nick took it all in, finally accepting the new area he lived in.

  “Do you like it here so far?” Nick diverted his attention back to Kelly.

  “I do. It's growing on me, anyway. Certain people here are making it worthwhile,” he said, a warm smile on his face.

  “You know, you really are a sweet talker,” she said, pushing him with her shoulder. He laughed and pushed back gently. She giggled as she went to the side and back. He pulled her in just then, arching her back and putting his face to hers. He could sense she wanted more. So, he put his lips on hers, a little sloppy at first with his lips going over both hers. On the second kiss it felt perfect. Their lips touching each other like they were meant to, the connection he felt with her grew. He felt like he wanted her more than ever, even though he'd never been closer to her than where he was right now. Another kiss and then he pulled her back up. She stood there for a moment, putting her finger on her lips. “Well then, that was something.”

  “Sorry, I didn't mean to-”


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