Captive (Billionaire's Blood Slave 1) (The Billionaire's Blood Slave)

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Captive (Billionaire's Blood Slave 1) (The Billionaire's Blood Slave) Page 2

by Rosa Steel

  “Not quite,” Knight said.

  When she screamed, his hand was somehow already over her mouth - an unpleasant echo of their night together. He held her close. She thrashed, but his body was solid and unforgiving as steel. It was useless. In the dim light of her kitchen his hair was black as night, his eyes more empty than the space between stars. In the doorway behind him were two shadows – men who’d come with him. Cold horror ran through her.

  “Curious how the mind works, eh Alice?” His voice was a dark whisper at her ear. “I fed when I woke that night, and still I almost bit you. Very embarrassing...” Knight bent, until his lips ran soft over her throat. He took his time, enjoying her helplessness. As he licked her trembling skin he breathed deep. “And you, you wanted me, even after my cruelty.”

  He turned, dragging her with him, and stalked past his men. “Take her,” he growled at them, thrusting her into the arms of the closest. “But spill a drop of her blood and I will kill you both.”

  They were on her faster than she could see. One stabbed something sharp into her arm in a flash of glass, and she could barely choke out a scream before the world dissolved into a cold, dreamless nothingness.


  Alice woke, with a rush of fear climbing up through her chest. She lay sprawled on a plush carpet, and her eyes opened to dim gold light. Gradually it dawned on her that her clothes were gone, and she shuddered at the exposure, the cool air over her skin. Her heart was suddenly pounding.

  Her body was wrapped in something tight, yet pliant enough that she could move a little. Harsh binding crossed her chest and her arms. When she could move enough to look, she found the bonds were a harness of black leather, inlaid with silver. It fit her perfectly. Gleaming buckles held straps taught over her chest, crossing over between her bare breasts. Her hands were held tight to her sides by cuffs around her wrists. Similar cuffs hugged her ankles, linked together by a short chain. The worst was two thin leather lines that passed down to the cleft between her legs, clinging to either side of her slit in a strange parody of a thong. The leather parted the soft flesh of her rump slightly, connecting to the harness at the back. It made her feel more exquisitely exposed than actual nudity would have.

  Alice squirmed as she grew more terrified. She crossed her thighs in a desperate attempt to cover her exposed sex. The room was a small and dark, windowless, unfurnished except for the carpet and a table in the corner. Something gleamed on it with the flash of bright metal. It made the hair stand on her neck.

  “Ah, you’re awake.” Knight’s voice behind her was smooth, calm, and very, very close. He looked down on her with the black eyes out of her dream. Alice let out a whimper in spite of herself.

  Knight didn’t seem bothered by her obvious fear. He even smiled a little. “I waited rather a long time - you should thank me for my patience. I’d forgotten how fragile you mortals are.”

  He was dressed as he had been the night they met – expensive suit, gleaming black shoes. Slowly he crouched to smooth golden hair from her eyes, and Alice couldn’t help flinching from his touch. But he didn’t hurt her, simply moved the curl behind her ear with cool, gentle fingers. Alice’s voice was thin and high with terror when she finally managed to speak. “Why are you doing this? Please, just let me –“

  “Go?” Knight smiled, “No, I think not. You’re mine now.”

  Mine. The word constricted around her like a python. She couldn’t breathe. With tears starting in her eyes she stared at him.

  “What? Please, I won’t tell anyone, I’ll give you… I’ll give you anything…“

  Being at his mercy like this was terrifying, but worse was she felt an urge to touch him, even now. What has he done to me? Alice wondered in horror.

  His hand ran absently through her bright hair, bringing a strange flush of terror and pleasure coursing through her body. “I have not kept a blood slave in almost a century. It might flatter you to know that I tried to resist you, dear Alice.”

  His eyes flickered unreadable emotions, then his grin grew wide and cold. Something was strange about his teeth - they were too bright, and sharp. The canines were long and pointed as daggers.

  Knight licked his lips, so sensuously that Alice felt a pang of longing in spite of herself. “Pretending to have a soul only worked when I didn’t want anything too badly. In the end I am what I am.”

  “Vampire,” she whispered, disbelieving. He bent over her. Cool lips ran over her skin, to the point at her throat that still remembered his first kisses. He laughed quietly as she squirmed against her bonds. His tongue danced out over her tense flesh, and she mewled in fear.

  “Vampire,” he agreed, and bit.

  At first it was so painful that she cried out, trembling in his grip. His teeth in her throat were agony that shook her whole body. After a few seconds a feverish hot flush came over her, washing out the pain in a flood of warmth. It felt almost good.

  And then it did feel good, too good - a murky, feverish high that sang in her veins. Her head was clouded, and a vague, fiery haze filled the air. Alice suddenly realised she was moaning. Her body arced towards his, longing, and he reacted by sliding his hands over her, hands that were suddenly searing hot. A thin line of red blood crept down from her throat and crawled over her breasts. His tongue followed it, curled around her nipple, licked. Exquisite sensation flowed through her. He tortured her nipple with his tongue, smiling against her flesh, enjoying her moans and her wriggling.

  Knight broke away, standing abruptly. Alice couldn’t help a small noise of disappointment, which he heard. “You’ll be a good slave.” He grinned, going to a table in the corner. He returned with a black leather riding crop in one hand, gleaming silver at the hilt.

  “On your knees.”

  Alice whimpered, and when she took too long Knight sighed exasperation, reaching down for a handful of her golden hair. He dragged her up painfully until she knelt awkwardly in her harness, facing him.

  “Too slow.” Knight held her with one hand, raised his arm over her shoulder. There was a whistle in the air, and the crop cracked hard over her buttocks so that she yelped in pain. Her flesh stung horrible, trembling in anticipation of another blow.

  “You’re a good girl, but you do need some training.”

  “Please –“ Alice whimpered, which turned to a squeal as another slap came down. Worse than the pain was the humiliation – her cheeks burned but her body was still flushed with the delicious heat of his feeding. She wanted him. She was bracing for another blow when he reversed the crop in his hand, opened his pants to reveal his full erection. His cock hovered in front of her face, pale as marble and pulsing with blood.

  “Do I need to say it, slave?” His hand twisted in her hair, dragging her closer until it cock butted against her cheek. It was almost too hot to bear. She gagged and flinched back helplessly trying to turn her face away. Her hands struggled uselessly at the cuffs. Oh god, she thought as the heavy cock rubbed over her lips. The haze of warmth muddied her thoughts, and she found herself wanting to reach out with her tongue, feel that glorious flesh...

  “Please don’t –“She begged. Knight raised his hand, and another crop stroke cracked down on her tortured ass. This time she screamed. Crisp red welts were rising on the pale cheeks.

  “No,“ she whimpered.

  With a sigh Knight reached down with his crop hand and gripped her jaw painfully tight. Alice struggled, whimpering as he thrust two fingers between her lips. She closed her teeth hard, but the fingers jabbed into the corner of her mouth and yanked her jaws open. His cock rammed past her lips and suddenly she was choking on it as he fucked the hot wetness of her mouth.

  Alice’s whole body writhed against the bonds. She squealed, muffled by his cock. Her head tugged against the hand holding her hair as she tried desperately to turn away. His cock surged between her lips over and over as he groaned satisfaction. He traced the end of the whip over her exposed tits, giving her nipple an experimental flick. Pleased by the muf
fled yelp of pain he did it again.

  “Your lips look good around my cock, slave.”

  Alice’s only reply was muffled whine. The huge cock filled her mouth so much it was hard to breath, and gradually she stopped trying to twist away, just concentrating on not choking. Each wet thrust made her shudder. Soon she could taste salty pre, flooding her mouth as his cock rammed against the back of her throat.

  The horror of it was too much to bear, and she knew she was crying. Only a few hours ago she been free, a successful young woman, and now she was a slave on her knees sucking this creature’s cock. The worst part was that something about his flesh in her mouth was making her flush hot. She knew that if he touched her slit she’d be dripping wet. Her thighs were already slicked with her own liquid arousal.

  Unconsciously she ran her tongue over the smooth head as she writhed, and felt a perverse flush of pleasure when he groaned.

  “Good girl.” Knight muttered his voice raw with lust.

  The words stirred horror and fury in her chest, but something else too. Before she knew it she’d twisted her tongue again, lapping at the underside as he fucked her mouth. It’ll be easier if he comes quicker, she told herself, squeezing her eyes shut. Her lips clasped tight around the throbbing shaft of his cock.

  Knight groaned wildly, thrusting harder and faster, until she was gagging as he pounded into her mouth, and then his seed spurted molten hot against the back of her throat. He grunted as he came, holding her head tight as she instinctively tried to pull away. Alice trembled as it filled her mouth in hard spurts. He yanked on her golden hair, forcing himself deeper until she gagged.

  Finally he was finished, but his grip didn’t slacken for even a second. His cum pooled salty and boiling in the bottom of her mouth. She could hardly breathe around the painful width of his cock.

  “Swallow.” He rasped, staring down at her with glazed black eyes.

  Alice flinched at the command, her mind screaming at her to escape. But no matter how hard she twisted his hand through her hair held her agonisingly tight. She mewled helplessly.

  “Swallow, I said.” Dark fury was growing in his voice.

  The crop whistled through the air again, landing with a sharp crack against her ass. The punishment was so quick and unexpected that she jumped, swallowing the hot liquid almost without meaning too. Knight sighed, please, as he felt her tongue twist around his swollen length. When he released her Alice dropped back instantly, coughing and turning her face away. He let her go, watched her crawl awkwardly the short distance to the corner of the room.

  “You’re good at that.” He sighed evenly. For the first time he sounded pleased.

  She merely looked at him terror, tears gleaming in her eyes. Golden curls clung to lips damp with his cum. She wished she could reach her mouth to wipe it, but there wasn’t enough slack in her cuffs. Her skin still stung where he’d struck her with the crop.

  Unconsciously she crushed her thighs together, trying to hide her nakedness, and the awful wet slick between her thighs.

  “You’re so sweet. Come here.” Knight ordered, slapping his thigh like a man calling a dog.

  Something about that little gesture was enough to stir her anger higher than her fear. Now that Knight’s fury was calmed a little she could stand to look at those terrifying black eyes.

  “I’m not your slave.” She said.

  Knight looked at her in surprise, then smiled, seemingly pleased. “You are, and soon you’ll like it. Come here now and I’ll only whip you once for disobedience.”

  “No.” She stared back, shaking but determined.

  He actually laughed now, grinning expansively. “Will wonders never cease?” Knight strode to her quickly, raising the crop high even as she cringed away. He reached down and snatched the crossed straps of her harness, used it to bend her over on her belly with her cheek pressed to the carpet. Then he hooked his fingers through the crotch-straps and yanked until her knees propped tender ass up in the air. Her glistening cunt peeked out from between her thighs. She could only hope, desperately, that he couldn’t see how wet she was.

  The first blow made her yelp, but after that she bit her tongue in silence and closed her eyes. He rained the strikes down on her stinging backside, while she flushed brightly and squirmed helpless against him.

  When he’d reached ten, Knight breathed out hard, looking down at her, and smoothed a blood-warm hand over the red stripes he’d left. The sensation was so strong a combination of pain and pleasure that Alice almost whimpered. Instead she bit her tongue harder, determined to give him nothing.

  “Quite impressive,” he said, “Annoying, but impressive.” He crouched to stroke her bare skin, smoothing his hands over her full breasts, caressing her tormented body in a way that Alice couldn’t help but enjoy slightly. Then he sighed, shrugged his cuff up to check a heavy silver watch.

  “I need to be somewhere, unfortunately, or I’d keep whipping until you understood our relative positions. Maybe I’ll just fuck you like you seem to want and call it a night.”

  That made her gasp, and then she knew from his grin that it was exactly the reaction he’d wanted. His hands wandered. One of them cupped her breasts, tweaking her nipples, while the other slid slow and hot to the cleft of her thighs. Alice tried unhappily to clamp her legs together, but with her ass thrust up and exposed there was nothing she could do. His fingers traced the liquid-coated rim of her sex, and she flinched back. All that did was annoy him. He snatched hold of the harness and forced her back into the degrading position while he fondled her.

  “Stop, please,” She whined, then had to choke back a sigh of pleasure. Her cheeks burned, but so did her slit, quivering at his touch.

  “You’re so wet for me,” Knight marveled. Alice cringed, wanting to die of shame.

  The fingers massaged, dipping into her sopping cunt one by one. She made small noise of distress. Her body responded with delight, warming against her will. Without meaning to, Alice leaned back against his probing touch. He split her delicate folds open easily, thrusting a finger inside her and swirling it until she moaned. Soon he took a position behind her, his cock nuzzling at the opening alongside his violating fingers. He was as hard as he had been when he fucked her mouth, how was that possible? The tip of his cock ran along the velvet cleft between the lips, and she couldn’t help remembering how that massive shaft had felt splitting her open on his desk. How many times had she dreamed of this? But it was all so wrong, now, so dirty.

  He eased into her, sinking past her clenched entrance inch by inch. He didn’t take his finger out, instead using it to tug viciously at her hole, stretching her wider open. It was too much to bear, and soon she was whimpering, begging him to stop.

  “Do you want me to fuck you, you wet little slut?”

  “No, p… please!”


  He forced another finger inside, grinding them both across her clit while his huge cock slid further into her tortured cunt. A hot flush of pleasure surged through her, so powerful that her whole body shuddered. In spite of herself she moaned and arched her back, forcing her plush ass back on his cock.

  “How about this,” Knight said, and ran the crop along her sweaty back, “you tell me the truth, or I’ll give you one stroke for each thrust until I come.” He demonstrated his threat instantly. He forced his whole length savagely into her, at the same time slapping the crop down over her ass so hard that she screamed. Her slit clenched down around his cock at the pain. Alice looked back over her shoulder in horror to see him grinning and sobbed weakly. The fingers in her cunt massaged, sending bolts of liquid ecstasy through her helpless body. His cock was throbbing inside her, sopping with the shameful evidence of her desire.

  “Well?” Knight asked, drawing the tip of the crop along her spine.

  Alice shuddered, squeezed her eyes shut. “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Yes what?”

  “I want you,” she admitted, trembling with humiliation.

  Knight groaned with pleasure, smiling down at her. His cock pulsed as he started to thrust, surprisingly soft.

  “Good girl,” He murmured, “That wasn’t so hard, was it?”

  She could only whimper in humiliation, unable to even speak. At first waited for more pain, but instead his crop hand rubbed over her sore butt-cheeks, massaging. He didn’t take the fingers out though, leaving her painfully stretched as his cock surged into her. He was warm and almost gentle, kneading her flesh, flooding her with glorious heat.

  But soon his strokes grew harder, wild and urgent. Gentle didn’t suit him. His cock was big enough that each time he had to almost force it into her tight cunt, despite her wetness. Each stroke pounded her into the carpet. He crushed his balls against her soft ass-cheeks as he forced himself in to the hilt.

  Knight grunted as he fucked her, loving the way that she mewled in mingled pain and pleasure with each devastating thrust. Her glistening slit was wrapped around his cock, flinching helplessly as he raped her. Alice tried to squeeze her eyes shut and ignore her violation.

  It was impossible to ignore the heat, though, and the horrible way that she was enjoying being fucked by him. Eventually the pain melted away, and her whole body was tingling with fire rising up inside her. She struggled against her bonds, wailing, suddenly desperate not to come while this monster fucked her, not to let him know that her body had betrayed her.

  But it was no good, his strength and the harness meant that she could only push weakly against his hot body, which just seemed to turn him on more. He thrust faster and faster, snarling, shoving his drenched fingers in and out of her slit at the same time. Each time they rubbed her own juices over her clit until her world was a haze of blistering ecstasy. His nails dug into her tender flesh as he grabbed her ass cheeks, forcing them further apart so he could pound deeper into her.

  “Come for me.” He snarled.

  To her horror she did, tumbling over the edge into a screaming orgasm. Her whole body shook with the pleasure that tore through her. Her battered cunt clamped helplessly over his impaling cock, as if trying to force into out of her body, but this only made him moan louder. Knight fucked her hard as she came. Without warning he snarled and hot liquid burst inside her, flooding her until it seeped out the sides of his cock in a white trickle. Knight howled as he came, ramming into her a last few times.


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