When Destinies Collide

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When Destinies Collide Page 6

by Shirl Rickman

“Yes, I know,” I say with gratefulness. But this isn’t my secret to tell.


  I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHY I’m here. I just felt like I needed to finish the conversation that we were having outside of the restaurant. And, if I’m honest, I wanted to see her again.

  It’s late, but I knock anyway. When I drove up, I could see that there were still lights on throughout the house.

  After a few minutes, the door creaks open slowly until Selene appears on the other side of the screen door. She looks shocked to see me, and I can’t tell if she is glad or not.

  “Uh…hi,” I say almost shyly as I peer down at her.

  She smirks. “Hi.” She pauses and pushes the door open. “Do you want to come in?”

  “No. I…do you think we can talk for a minute out here?”

  I see her hesitate at my question, and she glances back behind her like she might get in trouble. I know that isn’t the case, but she seems hesitant about something.

  I quickly add, “It will only take a minute.”

  She looks back once more before turning to me and nodding her head slightly as she walks out to join me on the porch.

  Without a word, Selene slowly walks to one of the wooden rockers and takes a seat. I follow her and sit in the chair next to hers. We both remain silent for a few minutes. She doesn’t push me to say anything. It’s a comfortable silence, and as much as I know she wanted to talk, it feels nice just sitting here with her.

  The night air is warm, and I notice lightning bugs dancing across the darkened lawn in front of us.

  I have no idea how long we’ve been sitting here, but Selene doesn’t rush me to talk. We both release a deep sigh at the same time, and she looks over at me before laughter fills the air. It’s the sweetest sound I’ve ever heard. I’m stunned by her beauty and by the warm feeling I get just being around her. I watch her as she giggles. I study the lines of her face and the way her delicate shoulders shake. Dear God, this girl is everything I want but don’t deserve.

  So lost in my thoughts, I don’t realize she has stopped laughing and is now watching me.

  “I’m enjoying the quiet, but are you ever going to tell me what you came to say?” she asks matter-of-factly, amusement still playing at the corners of her lips.

  A smile forms on mine in response.

  “I just wanted to say thanks for tonight. Thanks for listening and for keeping my secret.”

  I watch her face as I thank her and see the emotions play across her features. It doesn’t make her happy to keep my secret, but she’ll do it. Looking back out into the night, I wait for her to say something.

  “Drake, you don’t have to thank me. It’s what a friend would do.”

  I look over at her again. “Oh, so we’re friends now?” I tease, because I don’t want to admit what her saying we’re friends does to me.

  She grins. “Yeah, I think we are.”

  A funny feeling fills my chest. The sensation isn’t one that I recognize, but I know I like it. I’m just not sure how to feel about it, though. I quickly stand and walk toward the steps and off the porch. I can feel her staring holes into my back before I turn to face her.

  “There is something about you, Selene Chandler. I wasn’t ready for you,” I tell her as I run my hand through my hair. She starts to say something, but I put my hand up to stop her. “Let me finish. I’ve never met someone who sees the real me. I’m going to screw this up because that’s what I do, but I need us to be friends.”

  I feel some relief, but there is still a part of me screaming to ask for more. I think I might want more, but I’m not sure. I’m unsure of how it will work, and I’m not willing to take the chance it might not right now.

  Slowly, Selene pushes herself out of her seat and walks toward me silently. The glow of the porch light surrounds her, making it hard to see her face, so I can’t even get a feel for what she is thinking.

  She keeps walking until we’re toe-to-toe, carefully taking my hand in hers. Her gaze drifts up to mine. I think I see fear when I look at her, but her touch tells a different story.

  “Drake, I have to admit you scare me. When I’m around you, I feel so out of control. And that is something I’ve spent my whole life avoiding. That being said, I believe it to my core you and I were meant to be friends. Be exactly who you are and you can’t screw this up.”

  I squeeze her hand and pull her into a quick embrace. I feel her stiffen a little, but I ignore it and wait for her to relax. Once I feel her give into my touch, I lean my forehead against hers, our faces mere inches apart. I feel her release a massive breath and suck it back in as if she were going to say something, but decided against it. I don’t want to push us further than we’re ready.

  Feeling content, I take a step backward. “You know, I think we’re going to be great friends.” I hop off the porch and walk toward my truck. When I reach the door, I look back over at Selene. She is standing on the porch on the edge of the top step, watching me.

  “Goodnight, Selene,” I say.

  “Goodnight, Drake,” she says back and lifts her hand in a slight wave.

  As I drive away, I glance in the rearview mirror at the house. I can barely make out Selene’s silhouette still standing at the top of the steps watching me leave.


  IT’S EARLY, AND HE IS standing on the other side of the screen door, smiling. If I didn’t know any better, I would say no one else has ever seen that look. The thought makes my chest ache a little, but in a good way. The sensation is so new I think I may be in a little over my head.

  Thinking back to last night, I almost wish I had said no to friendship and yes to everything else I felt when our faces were mere inches apart. Almost being the key word, because when it comes down to it, I’m too scared. Too afraid of what Drake might say or do if he knew just exactly how he makes me feel. Afraid of the reaction he might have if he really knew just how broken I am. He said friends and seemed alright with it. I know deep down I can’t do more. I wouldn’t be good at more.

  I also recognize I want him in my life in any way I can get him right now. There is something about the way he makes me feel, how I know I can trust him, and this overwhelming need to protect him. So, friends it is.

  “Good morning,” he says through the door as I push it open.

  Taking a step back, he puts his hands in his pockets. I notice he does this every time he feels a little unsure. I allow myself to feel happy. I’m not sure I could stop it even if I wanted to.

  “Good morning. I didn’t realize you were helping Aunt Violette today.” I allow the door to slam behind me.

  “Oh, well, I’m not. I actually came to see you.” He doesn’t look me in the eyes.

  “Really?” I say before I can stop myself.

  He looks up, and I can see the crinkles around his eyes. “Yes, really, Selene. I wanted to see if you want to go fishing.” I can’t control the smile that threatens to take up permanent residence on my face any longer.

  “Drake, I think you may need to come around here more often if you continue to put that expression on my niece's face.”

  We both jump and turn to find Aunt Vi watching us through the screen door with a pleased look. I feel guilty. Why do I feel guilty? Probably because I was starting to have very naughty thoughts about my “friend,” and my Aunt was standing behind me when I didn’t know it.

  Drake’s chuckle brings me back to reality.

  “Mrs. D, I don’t always make her smile. In fact, it took me a while to figure out how to get just one out of her.”

  He slings his arm around my shoulder and I instantly stiffen. Drake doesn’t seem to notice because he leaves his arm draped around me and continues talking to Aunt Vi. I can’t move, but part of me wants to punch him right in the face, and the other part wants to bury myself a little further into his side. I’ve often wondered what makes me so anxious when it comes to physical contact. My mama and I discussed my inability to trust people. She always said one day someon
e would break those defenses, and before I could even comprehend it, I would long for their presence. Is that what is happening with Drake? I’m so lost in my thoughts I don’t even notice Aunt Vi has asked me a question.

  “Earth to Selene…Selene, would you like me to pack a lunch for yours and Drake’s little fishing trip?”

  I just blink at her. “Fishing trip?” I ask as if it’s the first time I’m hearing of it. I can feel Drake’s stare burning into my cheek.

  “Selene, dear, are you alright?”

  Shit, Selene! Get a hold of yourself; he just put his arm around you. This is just Aunt Violette.

  “Oh, yeah…yeah!” My voice comes out overly cheerful. I’m sure they can see it’s forced, but neither says anything. “Of course, I’m fine, and I think lunch would be great. I can help you.”

  She pushes the door open for us to come in. “No, of course not. Go get changed and put on some shoes, and I’ll get it all together. Drake, wanna grab the basket off the top shelf of the pantry for me?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I can give you a hand because I definitely think Selene needs to change her outfit.”

  He gives me a once-over and looking pleased before he walks through the door. I look down at myself and realize for the first time I have on my pajama shorts, a tank top, and bare feet. My cheeks flush red, which is silly since it’s far too late to worry about the way I look now. Drake looks back over his shoulder with a huge grin on his face.

  “I think you look just fine the way you are, by the way,” he says like he has just read my mind. Just as quickly, he turns and walks in the direction of the kitchen, leaving me staring at his back, entirely unsettled.


  THIS GIRL HAS ME COMING unglued. I said friends, and I can tell that is all she is comfortable with, although occasionally I can see something in her eyes that says she may feel more. Hell, it’s all I’m comfortable with, and I know without question I feel more.

  That is precisely why she has me in knots, yet I can’t stay away from her. It’s the reason I was at her door at nine in the morning. It’s why I’ve wanted to be near her every second since I drove away from her last night. There is something about Selene that just won’t go away.

  The overwhelming need to protect her from everyone—from the world—just gets stronger and stronger as the days go by. Suddenly, I’m pulled from my thoughts when I feel a thump against the back of my head.

  “What’s wrong with you and Selene today?” Mrs. Durham asks as she lowers her hand back to her side. “I’ve been saying your name over and over.”

  I rub my head. “So you felt the need to slap me upside the head to get my attention?”

  “Well, you weren’t listening, and frankly, I’ve always wanted to do that to you,” she states stoically, but I hear the humor in her voice.

  Just as I’m about to respond, Selene walks into the room. She is wearing her hair back in a high ponytail. She exchanged her pajamas for a pair of short khaki shorts and a purple tank top. Every time I see her, I’m surprised by her subtle and unique beauty.

  “Let me just say now, I don’t skin fish. I catch them, and I eat them, but I absolutely don’t skin them. Comprende?”

  I’m a little taken aback by the return of her confident attitude. I like it, but it’s a complete one-eighty from ten minutes ago.

  “It’s nice to see you haven’t completely lost your I’m in charge attitude. I’ve grown so fond of it,” I say as I pick up the basket of food Mrs. D put together for us.

  Looking up, I find Selene staring at me. “What? Oh, come on, Selene. You won’t have to skin any fish we catch. If you even catch any…” I trail off when I realize maybe I’ve said too much.

  The look on her face is priceless, and I think I just unintentionally threw down the gauntlet.

  “I’m going to fish circles around you, Drake Thomas!” she states confidently as she strides to the back door, yelling over her shoulder. “See you later, Aunt Vi! Thanks for lunch!”

  She’s leaving me, but at the moment I don’t care, because the view she leaves in her wake looks perfect in those little shorts she’s wearing. Once again, I feel a sudden slap on the back of my head.

  “Drake Thomas, you better quit staring at my baby girl like that and get your butt out there before she leaves it here!”

  Rubbing my head again, I just laugh and follow Selene out the door. She’s isn’t waiting for me.

  “Come on, Selene! Wait up!” I yell as I watch her striding with an increased speed across the back lawn. “I need to grab our poles out of the truck!”

  She stops but doesn’t turn around. Is she mad at me? The thought only makes me chuckle. I run over to the truck and grab the poles and tackle box out of the back. She is still standing in the middle of the lawn with her cute little backside to me.

  “Would it hurt you to give me a hand?” I ask with a little sarcasm in my voice.

  I’m hoping it will get her a little fired up again. She is so damn beautiful when she gets irritated at me. Selene whips around and glares at me before walking up to me and taking the lunch basket out of my hands.

  “For your information, I don’t have to be in control!” she shouts, and then she turns on her heels and heads toward the river.

  I just smile and shake my head before silently following behind her. I definitely hit a chord with my little comment back in the kitchen. The funny thing is I would willingly let her be in charge of me anytime she wanted.

  Once she reaches the river, she stops and asks, “So, where exactly are we going?”

  I keep walking past her toward the spot beside the river where I saw her the first time three weeks ago. Of course, I don’t say this. She still doesn’t know I was there that day behind the trees, mesmerized by her.

  “Follow me. It’s just a little down river.”

  We don’t say much after that. It actually feels nice to be with her and not have to talk. She seems to be comfortable with our silence too. It’s one of the first things I noticed about Selene when we sat on the porch yesterday, both before and after she discovered my secret. Our silences are never awkward.

  As we reach the small clearing beneath the cypress trees, I set our poles and tackle box down before turning toward Selene. She is standing at the edge of the clearing, and I can see she is upset.

  “Selene?” I say her name and take a step toward her.

  She looks up at me and shakes her head before taking a step in my direction. I literally watch her wipe the uneasy look from her face and replace it with a calm one. It tugs at my heart because I can see she is used to hiding her real emotions.

  “Where should I put this?” she asks me as she moves toward one of the larger trees lining the river’s edge.

  I quickly answer her to put her at ease. “I think under that tree so it’s out of the sun.”

  I walk back over to the poles and pick them back up. Selene comes to stand next to me and is watching as I bait our poles with the live worms I picked up at the bait shop on my way to her house this morning.

  “I could’ve done that myself, Drake. I’ve been fishing before,” she says as she takes the fishing pole from me. She sounds a little annoyed, and it rubs me the wrong way.

  “Look, Selene. If you don’t want to be here with me then just say so, but I thought we would have fun.”

  I’m beginning to feel a little frustrated with her. I love her spunkiness, but she seems pissed at me. I don’t know how to read her. I mean, fuck! I’m having a hard time keeping my emotions in check, and I’m going to screw this all up. I turn my back to her because I can feel all the blood has rushed to my face. I just wanted today to be perfect. I wanted to make her happy, and it seems I may have just made her feel worse. Can I even be friends with a girl I’m attracted to? I close my eyes just before I feel her hand on my shoulder. I tense.

  “Drake, are you alright? I’m sorry. I do want to be here. I told you last night, I’m just not very good at things like this.”

p; I nod and turn to the water. As I cast out my line, I let the doubts that had begun to rise up in me drain away. “Then let’s catch us some dinner!” I can feel her watching my face before turning and casting her own line into the water.

  I peer over at her, and there is a tenderness in her eyes. Maybe we can do this after all; it will just take some time. I want to know her.

  “What’s that look about?” I ask her, grinning.

  Her smile widens. “I just…”

  Before she can finish, Selene begins screaming and slicing her hand through the air. “Shit! A big bee! Shitty, shit, shit!” I’m howling as I watch her karate chopping the air and running in a small circle. “This isn’t funny! I hate bees! Shit, is it in my hair? Drake! It’s in my hair! Get it out!”

  I get in control of myself. “Selene, the bee is gone.”

  I’m trying to reassure her, but then I start laughing again. She stops running around and glares back at me. She calmly picks up her pole before reeling it in and recasting it again as if nothing happened. I snort one more time and then look at the water.

  “It’s not funny,” she says, but then I see her lips are tugged up in both corners.

  I look back over the river and feel peace take over for the first time in a long while. Another fifteen minutes go by before I feel a tug on the pole, and I begin reeling it in slowly.

  I whisper, “Selene, stay quiet.”

  She quickly whispers back, “But I haven't said anything for nearly twenty minutes. Why…”

  I huff out a breath of air. “Because I have one tugging on my line, and it’s not quite hooked yet.”

  I begin walking backward and continue reeling. Just when I feel the last tug, I yank back and reel quickly. What I didn’t anticipate is the large root protruding out of the ground behind me, and I trip over it when I feel my line snap.

  “Fuuuuuuuucccck!” I roar out of frustration.

  I lie there looking up at the sky, wanting to scream some more because a fucking fish just got the best of me. “Fucking fish!” I say just as I hear a burst of laughter echo through the air.


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