A Shadow's Light BK 2

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A Shadow's Light BK 2 Page 18

by J. M. Pierce

  “We have to hurry.”

  “What, you don’t want someone seeing me half naked?” he asked playfully.

  She blushed.

  “Half naked doesn’t bother me. The covered in blood part could pose a problem.”

  Test looked down at the dried blood that remained on his skin. His shoulder had stiffened up to the point that he could barely move his arm. “Good point,” he replied.

  Alyssa got out of the car and pulled her seat forward. Test struggled to sit upright in the back seat of the small car. Finally getting his feet situated in front of him, the effort left him feeling dizzy. He leaned forward and placed his forehead on the head rest of the driver’s seat.

  “You okay?” asked Alyssa as she rested a hand on his back.

  “Yeah,” replied Test. He lifted his head briefly and then placed it back on the head rest. “I just need a second.”

  “We don’t have one. Come on, you’ve got to move, sexy,” she replied playfully, but with a stern tone.

  While he was still leaning on the seat, Alyssa released the lever that folded it forward. Test held himself in position and then threw his left leg out the door and onto the concrete. As he swung his right leg to follow the left, he bumped his shoulder on the door frame. Fighting the urge to scream from the pain, he instead bit his lip and closed his eyes tightly.

  “Dang it,” said Alyssa. “You’re bleeding again.”

  Test looked to his shoulder and could see a fresh trickle of blood coming from the bullet hole. Forcing through the pain, he gripped the seat in front of him with his good arm and pulled himself up and out. Alyssa gripped him under his wounded left shoulder, trying desperately to be of help, but causing a new influx of pain to surge through his body. He didn’t react; instead he forced himself to stand.

  He took a moment to look around. The hotel they were at was much the same as the one he’d called home in Saratoga.

  “Come on,” said Alyssa. “Our room’s right here.”

  The two of them walked quickly to the door, and before Test even had a chance to survey any more of his surroundings, they were inside and the door was closed. Without thinking, Test walked to the single queen sized bed that occupied the room and began to sit.

  “Hold it,” snapped Alyssa. “We’ve got to get you cleaned up first.” She pulled the wooden framed chair from under the desk and placed it near the bathroom for him. “You sit here while I get a bath ready for you.”

  Test stared at her for a moment while she patted the seat of the chair. For all of the bad that had happened to him, it had brought him to her. He walked to her with his bad shoulder leaning slightly to the floor, and then stood in front of her.

  “What would I do without you?” he asked tenderly.

  She didn’t answer. Instead she grinned shyly and then gave him a soft and gentle kiss.

  “Now, you sit and let me get your bath going.”


  Test soaked in the tub for what felt like an hour. The bubbles had faded and the cold, blood stained water that it left behind was anything but soothing. With the dried blood gone, he could see the hole in his shoulder more clearly. He reached back and could feel a matching hole on the other side. It was lucky for him that the bullet had gone straight through. Other than being shot, everything about it was lucky. It somehow seemed to have missed hitting bone. Though it was still painful, he was surprised at how much less so it was now than it had been. The range of motion seemed to be returning as well.

  Feeling the chill of the cooling water, he stood and got out of the bath tub. As he reached for the towel, the image in the mirror startled him. He barely recognized himself. Gone was his long hair; in its place was short stubble, barely an eighth of an inch long. He leaned forward with his palms planted on the counter and examined himself for a moment.

  The memories of his captivity, few as they were, visited him. He recalled the Professor’s speech; more specifically, the moment he had learned who and what he was. The anxiousness within him grew, and his heart began to race as he thought of the conversation with Dawson. The fact that he’d tortured his mother, and gloated of her death, set his anger to burn. In a quick ignition of rage, his arms ignited with color as he slammed his fist on the counter. With his eyes closed and head hanging over the sink, he was overcome with a strange sensation.

  A sudden and sharp tingling began in the pit of his stomach, followed by a feeling of being pushed up from the floor. He stood from the counter and stepped back, watching his reflection as the familiar red light within his torso began to glow. The electric blue glow of his arms intensified, and he raised them away from his body, palms up, watching the red pulses streak in a steady rhythm. Breathing heavily, he forced the furnace hotter. The glow from his torso became more brilliant, and the pulses running down his arms raced faster. It was then that he noticed the bullet hole in his shoulder.

  With each pulse, a beam of light exited, and with each pulse the beam grew smaller. Incrementally the bullet hole reduced in size, until after only a few seconds, it was gone.

  He dropped his arms and stepped towards the mirror, touching the spot where the hole had been. He felt the back side and found that the entry hole was gone as well. Struggling with whether to be excited, amazed, or just plain confused with what had just taken place, he rested his palms back on the counter. His breathing slowed, and so too did the emission of light from within. He tried to relax for a moment and not let his tendency to over-react jeopardize the sanctuary that Alyssa had found for him. He glanced back up into the mirror and frowned at his reflection.

  “Now what?” he asked himself aloud. “You might as well have stayed in Lincoln. You’re no better off now than you were then.”

  “But now you have me.”

  Test looked to his right in the mirror and could see Alyssa’s head peaking around the bathroom door.

  She opened the door further, and stood with her shoulder leaning against the frame. “You’re way better off now. You’ve got me,” she said innocently.

  Test reluctantly smiled at her reflection in the mirror. “How long have you been standing there?”

  She brushed her hair from her face, her modest shame showing clearly in her eyes. “I heard a loud thump and got worried,” she began. “When I got to the door, I could see the light through the cracks.”

  “Did you see?” he asked.

  With a nod, she replied. “Yes, I saw everything.” She glanced at his shoulder.

  Alyssa walked up behind him and laid her head on his bare shoulder, kissing it softly. “You’re beautiful too,” she whispered.

  Test took a deep breath and closed his eyes. When he opened them Alyssa was gone. He turned in a sudden panic and took two quick steps out of the bathroom door. Upon entering the main room, he found her standing over the bed with clothes laid out in front of her.

  “Something wrong?” she asked.

  Test laced his fingers behind his head and exhaled forcefully. “No,” he replied as he scratched the back of his head. “Just got spooked is all.”

  “Well, I got these clothes for you before I left. I hope they’re okay. Your mom told me what sizes, but she didn’t know if you’d fit in them now or not.”

  Test walked to the bed and picked up a black t-shirt. Sliding it over his head, he realized that his shoulder didn’t hurt at all anymore. The shirt was small for him, and it hugged every curve of muscle that it covered. As he swung his arms back and forth, he noticed Alyssa watching him.

  “What?” he asked.

  Alyssa quickly turned back to the bed, fidgeting with the jeans that she’d gotten him. “Nothing,” she replied.

  “Come on. What is it?”

  She stood with her arms folded across her chest and a rush of color on her cheeks. “It’s nothing. That shirt…it’s flattering, okay?”

  Test joined her in embarrassment. Reaching for the jeans, he avoided any eye contact as he reached across in front of her.

  “Hopefully these
aren’t as small as this shirt. I won’t be able to walk, let alone run, if someone finds us.”

  Test turned away from her and walked to the little area just outside of the bathroom. She tried not to watch, but couldn’t resist. To both her relief and disappointment, Test slid his jeans on under his towel and fixed everything before turning back to her. Once more, she was caught admiring him, but she didn’t care. She watched him intently, as if to study him. His eyes caught hers, and then it was as if a sudden charge of electricity had filled the room.

  Test was both frightened of, and attracted to the look on Alyssa’s face. He could feel the attraction too. Without a word spoken, the two of them walked towards each other. Standing face to face, Test cupped her face in his hands.

  As he leaned into her, he asked, “Where’s Cliff?”

  The intensity in her face remained fixed as she replied. “He’s by the door.”

  “Tell him to use it,” said Test just before he placed his lips on Alyssa’s.

  Test pulled her into him and held her tightly. The excitement and adrenaline of the moment caused the energy from within him to appear, creating a gentle red glow between them. Their lips parted, and Alyssa touched his chest cautiously.

  “I’m sorry,” said Test shamefully.

  She glanced quickly at his face before laying her head on his chest. “Don’t be. Every girl wants to see fireworks after a kiss.”

  Test relaxed as she wrapped her arms around him and caressed his back with her fingertips. After a brief moment, he felt her bundle his shirt in her fingers, and then suddenly become rigid. With a jerk, she lifted her head.

  “Someone’s here,” she said.

  The instant the words left her lips, something ripped her from Test’s arms, and she disappeared into thin air.

  “Alyssa!” he screamed.

  His body ignited with color, and the TV that he was standing next to exploded from the waves of energy blasting from his core. He knew who had taken Alyssa, of that there was no doubt. The Reapers had found them.

  “It’s me you’re after! Leave her! Come and get me!”

  With no answer, his fury grew exponentially.

  “Fine, I’ll come get you.”

  In a flash of light and color, Test had shifted to the other side. Near the door stood a Native American man, with long black hair that lay evenly over his shoulders. Dressed in a black vest with Native jewelry, the man’s right eye stared dead and gray at Test. A scar cut through his left brow and down his face to his jaw line. In his arms, Alyssa hung limply with her eyes open and lifeless.

  “Hello, Test,” said the man with a deep, gruff, and staccato voice. “How fitting is your name? That is why I am here after all; to give you the final test.”

  Taking a step towards him, Test spoke confidently. “Let me have her, and I’ll take your test.”

  As if he hadn’t heard him, the man replied. “My name is Ikuhabe, and I will be your teacher, your judge, and your ally should you pass.”

  “And if I don’t?” asked Test.

  “I will be your executioner,” replied Ikuhabe with a venomous grin.

  “What do I have to do?”

  Ikuhabe let Alyssa’s body fall mercilessly to the floor. “It is very easy, really,” he replied coldly. “You must let her die.”

  Enraged, Test moved with ghostly speed, seeming to materialize from one spot to the other. He stood in front of Alyssa’s body. “Not gonna happen,” he said through clenched teeth.

  Ikuhabe laughed. “Let me be clear. She will die whether you pass or fail; it is simply a matter of your reaction.”

  Test reached for him, but was suddenly gripped from behind.

  “I think he has already failed,” growled a voice in his ear.

  Test looked over his shoulder and saw the scarred face of an Asian man holding him.

  “Anil,” he whispered unconsciously.

  Anil found pleasure in Test knowing his name, and spoke to Ikuhabe. “You see Iku, I think my theory is correct. How else would my name find a new Shadow’s lips?”

  “She must be dealt with,” replied Ikuhabe.

  “Let us deal with the matter at hand first.”

  Anil rested his mouth to Test’s ear. “Mr. Davis, it is only a matter of minutes before she is gone.”

  Test exploded, trying desperately to free himself from Anil.

  “It’s frustrating, isn’t it,” asked Anil, “to have so much power on one side, yet so little on the other.”

  “No,” begged Test. “Please, don’t let her die. I’ll die for her. Please?”

  “Ah, but you see, you may very well die regardless,” replied Anil. “I’m starting to see that as inevitab….”

  As if a bomb went off behind them, they were thrust forward with a great amount of force and Test suddenly found himself lying on the ground between the two Reapers.

  “Deal with me now, Anil.”

  Test felt Anil climb off of him and was pushed to the side by Ikuhabe. As he rolled, he saw a woman with long, brown, and curly hair standing rigidly with her arms to her side.

  “Ah, Lauren,” said Anil. “You steal from me a hunting trip. I had so looked forward to your moment. I guess,” he spoke looking back to Test, “that we will just have to make this a special moment for the both of you.”

  Lauren looked down to Alyssa’s body. “Take her, Test. She is out of time.”

  Test got to his hands and knees and rested his right hand on Alyssa’s hip. Instantly, he received a kick in the stomach from Iku.

  “I do not think I will let it be so,” said Iku as he stood over Test.

  “Take her, son!”

  Though he couldn’t see him, Cliff’s voice echoed from behind the door.

  “Do it now!” he screamed.

  Through the door and over top of him, a flash caused Test to duck and roll to his side. He watched as Iku flew backwards and landed on his back. Atop of him, a young Cliff rained punches down upon the man with the ferocity that Test had not thought him capable of. After a flurry of punishment, Ikuhabe disappeared from beneath Cliff, apparently shifting back to the world of the living.

  Anil reached down for Alyssa, but Lauren was quick to grab him.

  “Take her! I’ll keep him here for as long as I can. You will be stronger than them, but only if you go now!” she screamed.

  Without comprehending what she’d said, Test laid his hand on Alyssa once again and quickly shifted to the other side. The room had become remarkably still. The odd, fuzzy sensation resulting from the shift wore off, and he turned his attention to Alyssa. He got to his knees and pulled her up to his chest, cradling her as he brushed the hair from her face.

  “Alyssa? Wake up, come on.”

  She lay heavy and limp in his arms.

  “Alyssa, please? Don’t go. Please? Come back.”

  From the corner of his eye, he could see quick flashes of light coming from a few feet away, but he couldn’t bring it into focus. It was like looking at someone through an opaque curtain; one second it was there, and the next it was gone. He took Alyssa into his arms and was quick to get to his feet. He felt a sharp pain sear into the bottom of his bare foot and noticed the carpet around him littered with glass shards from the TV.

  Once more, the light before him flashed, and for a moment he could see Anil’s face, the scars visible even in the unsteady light. Frantic, he turned towards the door, and with Alyssa in his arms struggled to work the handle. Finally, he heard a click and then, gripping the handle with a finger, wedged his foot in the crack and kicked the door behind him.

  The instant that Test saw the light of day, Iku covered it with his fist. Test fell backwards, and as he fell, he threw his palm towards Iku, pulsing as hard as he could. The dark skinned man flew backwards several feet off the ground, his long black hair wrapping around his head and face as if a stiff wind were blowing from behind. Test rolled Alyssa off to his side and quickly stood; only to realize that Iku was already back to his feet and waiting
for him.

  The light shining from within Iku’s torso was dim and barely visible. The pulses running down his arms were slow and weak.

  “Your time is now, Test Davis,” said Ikuhabe through heavy breaths. “You have failed…,” he looked to Alyssa’s body just behind Test. “And she is dead.”

  Test looked upon Alyssa’s lifeless body and clenched his fists tightly. He turned back to Iku.

  “You’re right,” he replied as he began walking towards him. “It is my time.”

  Test reached out his arm, and as Iku attempted to pulse off of the ground, took him into his grasp. Iku continued to pulse, and Test could feel his power grow weaker with each attempt. Test began to tighten his grip and watched with pleasure as Iku crumpled in agony.

  Just as Test had felt the last of Iku’s energy fade, he was slammed from behind and thrust forward onto the concrete. He spun and jumped to his feet in time to see Anil pulse powerfully into the air, the force of the pulse leaving the concrete sidewalk fractured. The concussion sent Test falling backwards. Before he hit the ground, Anil had landed behind him, wrapping his arms around him once more.

  Though Anil had spent more time on the other side than any of them, his power was still great. As before, Anil placed his mouth to Test’s ear and whispered as he forced him to look at Alyssa.

  “I told you. One way or another, she was going to die. She had no choice, it was my will.”

  Test looked upon her body. As he stared, he felt the anger and sadness swell inside him. But it was too late.


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