Greg Tenorly Suspense Series Boxed Set

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Greg Tenorly Suspense Series Boxed Set Page 56

by Robert Burton Robinson

  She threw her cell phone at the wall. Chasing Larry around for the past few days had kept her mind off Melanie. Now her heart ached as though she had just found her friend’s lifeless body in that rundown motel room.

  Rebecca’s mind wandered to the time she caught Melanie. It happened just a few weeks after they had become partners. At around 8:30 on a Wednesday night, Rebecca was on her way to make Cheating Husband Video No. 37 when she realized that her video camera was not in the car. So, she swung by the office to pick it up.

  There was light coming from Melanie’s office, so she walked in to turn it off, and was startled to see a hooker sitting at Melanie’s desk.

  “What are doing in here?” Rebecca grabbed her cell phone and was about to call the police.


  Rebecca was surprised the hooker knew her name.

  The woman stood up. “Rebecca, it’s me—Melanie.”

  If that coal black hair is a wig, thought Rebecca, it could be her. Man, was she hot! The tight mini-skirt and low-cut blouse accentuated all her nice parts. How could any man with blood in his veins resist her? “Melanie, why in the world are you dressed like that?”

  Melanie smiled bashfully. “I’m working.”

  “Working? Working the streets?”

  “Yeah, sort of. I’m gonna try to pick up a certain husband in a certain bar and take him to a motel.”

  “You’re crazy.”

  “Yeah, a little. But I’ve got to catch this guy. I’ve tried everything else. And the wife is absolutely sure he’s cheating.”

  “What makes her so sure?”

  “She found a condom in his pants pocket.”


  “His wife had a hysterectomy two years ago.”

  “So, now you’re going to seduce him—and what? Secretly videotape him getting naked with you?”

  “Well, yeah.”

  Melanie was like a little sister to Rebecca. “Sweetie, please don’t do that. It’s gonna make you feel so dirty, and it could be dangerous. It’s just not worth it.”

  “But it’s the only way I can nail him.”

  “No. Don’t do it.” It was more of an order than a request.


  Rebecca grabbed her camera and left. “Bye. See you in the morning.”

  The next morning when Rebecca walked into the office with the donuts, she found Melanie sitting at her desk watching a video on the camera’s LCD screen, smiling. “He’s a goner,” she said, with great satisfaction. “The wife will get everything she wants and deserves.”

  Rebecca walked around the desk and watched the video over her shoulder. “You had sex with him? What were you thinking?”

  “I got him.”

  “Yeah, we’ll it looks like he got you. I don’t understand. How could you degrade yourself like this, Melanie?”

  “It’s worth it to catch a cheater.”

  “No, it’s not. You’ve turned yourself into a—”

  Melanie jumped up from her chair. “—a slut? No, I haven’t. My ex-husband did that.”

  “By cheating on you with hookers? How did that make you a bad person?”

  “Look, I understand what you’re saying, Rebecca, and I wish I could feel that way about it. But after I went up to Little Rock and met that prostitute, Cherry, and found out he had sex with dozens of women like her, I knew I was just another hooker to him. And it was as though I had slept with all of those women too.”

  “That’s crazy, Honey.”

  “I know it’s crazy. But I can’t get it out of my head. So, I decided I might as well put it to good use.”

  When the husband had seen the video, he agreed to his wife’s divorce terms. The wife never saw it. Once all the paperwork had been signed, Melanie destroyed her little sex tape.

  Rebecca had made Melanie promise she would never do it again. But now she thought about all the cases her partner had closed in short order, and knew why. She shuddered to think that her friend got any pleasure from the lurid encounters. If so, she was even more damaged than Rebecca had realized.

  But she still didn’t understand how Melanie had hooked up with Larry. Maybe on that particular night, the cheating husband was a no-show at the motel. So, she went on the prowl for cheaters and found Larry. Perhaps she saw a wedding ring or a tan ring and decided to see if he’d take the bait.

  Rebecca wondered what she could have done differently that might have saved her dear friend.

  Her cell phone began to ring. At least it still worked, she thought. She walked over to pick up the pieces and saw that there were only two. The cover had just popped off. “Hello?”

  “Hey, Rebecca, it’s Sandy.”

  She grinned broadly. “Hi, Sandy.”

  “Have you seen Larry’s new chapter?”


  “I’m afraid we’ve got trouble.”


  “In the new chapter, he hunts down the redhead and rapes her,” said Sandy. “Before, it sounded like he was in love with her. But now, he just wants sex, and he’s determined to get it—no matter what.”

  “I just talked to him on the phone,” said Rebecca.

  “He called you?”

  “No. I called him. I thought I was calling Greg’s cell phone, but it turned out to be Cynthia’s. Remember Saturday night—how I called her phone, thinking Larry might answer it if he saw that it wasn’t Greg calling?”

  “Yeah. So, what did he say to you?”

  “Basically, the same thing you just told me—that he was going to have sex with Cynthia tonight. Oh, but it gets worse. He said he was going to get her pregnant.”

  “Yeah, that’s what it says in the chapter too. He’s an animal.”

  “I thought he was lying—just mouthing off. He said my call woke him up and…I just realized something.”


  “He said it was 9:30. That’s an hour later than it is here. That’s Eastern Time.”

  “So, if he was telling the truth about the time, he might already be in Orlando,” said Sandy. “I tried calling Greg’s cell phone, but it was turned off. And they didn’t answer their hotel room phone. But it’s probably just as well, because I really hate to spoil what’s left of their honeymoon. And I really think Larry’s lying. We know he made up the story about what happened in the motel room with Chaucey Reed. And he’s got to figure Cynthia went to the police and that there’s a warrant out for his arrest. But, just to be on the safe side…I have a proposition for you.”

  Rebecca hesitated. “What kind of proposition?”

  “I did some checking. We could catch a noon flight out of DFW. There’s an hour layover in Atlanta, but we’d be in Orlando by dinner time.”

  “I see.”

  “Then we could enjoy Disney World for a couple of days while keeping an eye on Greg and Cynthia. And if Larry is crazy enough to try something, we could nab him.”

  “Nab him?”

  “Well, isn’t that what you private eyes say?”

  Rebecca laughed. “Sounds like you’ve been watching too many old movies. Nab him?” She laughed harder.

  “Well, at least I made you laugh. And I do love to hear you laugh. So, what do you say? Want to go see the Mouse?”

  “I’d have to reschedule some things…but, sure.”

  Rebecca agreed on a time and place to meet Sandy at the airport and hung up. Then she realized several details had not been discussed. Where would they stay? Would they get separate rooms? Was he expecting to sleep with her?

  This could be a very interesting trip, she thought.


  “Pretty good food, huh?” Greg took another bite of his scrambled eggs.

  “Very good. But I know the real reason you wanted to eat here,” said Cynthia.

  “What do you mean?”

  She nodded to whomever was behind Greg.

  He turned around. “Oh, hi.”

  “Good morning.” It was Cinderell
a. “I hope you’re enjoying your magical vacation.”

  “We’re on our honeymoon,” said Cynthia.

  Greg frowned at Cynthia. “Great—now you’ve blown my chances with her.”

  Cynthia punched him in the arm.

  Cinderella giggled and said, “Have a wonderful honeymoon.” She moved on to the next table.

  “Oh, there’s the prince,” said Greg. “I suppose you’ll want to flirt with him. Go ahead—I deserve it,” He pouted and bowed his head.

  “I already have my prince.” She smiled as she gently took his chin in her hand and lifted his head.

  “And I have my princess.”

  “So, where shall we go today, My Prince?”

  “How about Disney-MGM, My Princess? That Rock ‘n’ Rollercoaster ride sounds great!”

  “Oh, yeah, and I want to ride the Tower of Terror.”

  “This is gonna be so much fun. I can’t believe we’re actually here. And, by the way, have I ever told you how beautiful you look in the morning light?”

  “Thank you.”

  “In any light, really. But this morning you’re…almost glowing.”

  Cynthia leaned toward him and whispered. “It’s because my husband made love to me last night…and yesterday afternoon…and this morning. And he made my body feel amazing—better than it’s ever felt before.” She leaned back. “I might actually be younger today.”

  “I feel younger. That’s it—now I understand. We’ve discovered the elusive secret sought by so many throughout the course of history—the Fountain of Youth.”

  “Well, since we’re feeling like a couple of teenagers—let’s go act like it!”

  Greg jumped up from the table and took her hand. “You got it, Baby!”

  They paid for their breakfast and headed for the Disney-MGM Studios bus stop.

  Nothing could spoil their fun.


  After hiding behind a beard for seven or eight years, he wasn’t sure what he looked like under there. But with each stoke of the razor, he became less Larry Luzor and more somebody else.

  He studied his clean-shaven face in the mirror. “They’ll never know it’s me.”

  Brushing his hair back into a ponytail changed his look even more. I’m a graduate student, he thought. But it was February, so okay—he was taking a semester off. He laughed. Whatever. The important thing was that the guy in the mirror looked way too young to be either Larry Luzor or Barry Undermine.

  The drive from Coreyville had been exhausting. He had not arrived in Orlando until 5:00 AM. But as his body attempted to rest, his mind kept itching until he got up and scratched it by writing and posting another chapter. Then he had slept soundly for three hours—until Rebecca Ranghorn called. She must have been quite proud of herself, he thought, for helping to rescue Cynthia at the football stadium. But she would never have the satisfaction of avenging Melanie’s brutal murder.

  The plot of Larry’s novel had taken some unexpected and undesired twists, and now his main character had become desperate. The title of the book, Illusion of Luck, had become all too appropriate. The leading man had loved the redhead for many years. But now, she had rejected him—repeatedly, and gone off with another man. Even after proving he was willing to kill for her, she still did not believe in his undying love.

  And now, knowing there would be no happily ever after, that she would never welcome him into her arms, he altered his ultimate goal. Since she would not willingly offer herself to him, he would take her by force.

  Deep into her rich soil would he thrust his seeds, with full knowledge that the harvest would come in time. And with all confidence he knew she would resist the mighty urge to dig up the precious seeds and toss them to the swine, since this would go against her deeply-held beliefs.

  And though he might die in the fields with his plowshare yet exposed in the blazing sun, withering away slowly, day by day; his seedling would live on, and thereby, would he.

  The redhead would nurture the child, though it be him, reincarnated. She would hold him lovingly to her breast for suckle, wash his body tenderly and whisper to him with a mother’s sweet breath.

  So, if he must die and be born again in order to be one with her… so be it.


  “Hey, son, you should be working instead of playing around on the internet.”

  “I’m on my coffee break, Dad,” said Crow.

  “Well, then where’s your coffee?”

  Crow frowned at him.

  “I’m just kidding. But you’re wasting your time. There’s nothing but trouble out there.” He walked off.

  You may be right, thought Crow. Barry Undermine’s book was disgusting. Sure, he used a lot of flowery words, but to Crow it was just frilly ribbons tied around piles of dog poop.

  He wondered if Barry had really followed Greg Tenorly and his new wife all the way to Disney World. Maybe Greg would push Barry off the top of a roller coaster. It was fun to imagine him falling…falling…falling to his death. Oh, the horror that would race through his mind as he fell. It wouldn’t be enough payback for what he had done to Chaucey, but it would help. Maybe Barry could make up a nice poem about his death as he fell.

  But what if Greg couldn’t handle the creep? What if he needed help? A rage began to build in Crow’s chest when he thought about Barry touching Chaucey, pushing her, trying to rape her.

  He pictured himself grabbing Barry’s head and squeezing it as hard as he could, until his eyes began to bulge, and then twisting his head a full 360 and ripping it right off his body. Then he could spin around and hurl it into the sky like a shot-put. He’d look back just in time to see Barry’s headless body collapse to the ground like a sack of potatoes.

  Kroger Bagley, Jr. was not a savage beast.

  But with Barry Undermine, he could sure act like one.


  Normally, Chaucey’s work consumed her, and she thought of nothing else for eight to ten hours. At 7:00 AM, before sitting down at her computer, she always made herself a ham and cheese sandwich for lunch. Then, at around noon, on her way back from one of her few bathroom trips, she would grab it out of the fridge, along with a Diet Coke, and rush back to her computer desk. A couple of times she had forgotten to put the ham on her sandwich. No problem. She never even noticed it was missing.

  Even trips to the bathroom were not wasted. There were always design issues to work out in her head while walking to and from, and even while on the pot.

  But today was different. She stared at a computer screen of images that made no sense to her. All Chaucey could think about was Crow. In the past, thoughts of him only concerned what movie they would watch or what would be ordered for dinner. He was just a buddy to unwind with after a hard day’s work.

  She picked up her cell phone. This was so strange to her. Why did she feel she must hear his voice right this minute? They would be together for dinner. Couldn’t she wait until then?

  Crow’s cell phone went directly to voice mail, and she hung up.

  Just as well, she thought. What kind of message would that send if she called him while he was at work? She’d never done that before.

  Reading a little news would get her mind off him, she figured. But after reading only two paragraphs, she found herself googling Bagley’s and calling the store.

  “Bagley’s Food Mart.” It was a young-sounding woman’s voice.

  “Yes, could I please speak to Crow Bagley?”

  “Uh, just a moment, please.”

  Chaucey could only hear mumbling.

  Then Crow’s father took the phone. “This Kroger Bagley. May I help you?”

  “Hi. This is Chaucey Reed, and I’d like to speak with Crow—that is, if he’s not too busy, Sir.”

  He sounded thrilled. “Oh yes, Chaucey. We’ve heard so much about you. Crow’s always saying ‘Chaucey did this’ and ‘Chaucey said that.’”

  What had Crow been telling his parents? Did they think she was dati
ng their son? Sleeping with him? “Well, I would like to meet y’all.”


  “I know Crow’s working, but is he available to talk for just a minute?”

  “He’s not here, Chaucey.”


  “When he asked me for a couple of days off this morning I figured the two of you had special plans. But I didn’t ask. I try not to pry too much.”

  “Oh, I see.” Surely Crow wasn’t about to knock on her door and ask her to elope. “Must be a surprise.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. Please don’t tell him I said anything.”

  “No, of course not.”

  “Well, you two kids have fun. Can’t wait to meet you, Chaucey.”

  After she hung up, she walked over to Crow’s apartment and let herself in. He had entrusted her with a key many months earlier.

  Maybe there was a brochure or a scribbled note somewhere, she thought. But she found nothing to indicate what he was up to. Then she bumped the mouse to bring his computer to life.

  His email program was open. She hated to snoop, but really needed to know what was going on. The subject for one of the emails was an airline ticket confirmation.

  Oh no, she thought. He is planning a trip. How would she let him down gently? She just wasn’t ready for that. What if the tickets were non-refundable? Then she might feel obligated to go.

  But the reservation was only for one person—to Orlando. What’s going on here?

  She opened the other browser window and saw the familiar page of Barry Undermine. Crow needs to just forget about Barry, she thought. Chaucey wished she could.

  She had not seen this chapter. It made her cringe, reading about the beautiful young woman who met the manipulative writer in a motel room and had wild sex with him. That woman was her. What if Crow thought that was what really happened?

  Chaucey refreshed the page to see if anyone had commented, and was surprised to see a new chapter that had been posted early that morning.

  Clearly, Barry was still after Cynthia. But how foolish of him to announce his intentions on the web. Greg and Cynthia would surely be following his writings and alert the police immediately.


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