Can't Walk Away

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Can't Walk Away Page 14

by Sandy James

  “Smart-ass. I can’t help it. The woman inspires me.”

  “Exactly what do you intend to do about that?”


  Ethan pushed away from the door frame and folded his arms over his chest. “She’s not like your other women, Brad. And she’s not like Katie.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You know exactly what I mean. Katie pursued you. You didn’t have to lift a finger.”

  Ethan got that right. Katie had practically stalked Brad, wanting to be a part of the country music scene desperately when she had no true talent. She’d thrived on the parties and the soirees. The concerts. The appearances. She’d enjoyed them a lot more than Brad ever had.

  All those had done for him was make his life miserable. He’d have been content writing songs and staying home. And not the home Katie chose. What he wanted was a cabin in the mountains, someplace private and a bit rustic where he could hike and be alone.

  At least that was what he used to want. Now, he thought being alone would hurt. He wanted Savannah with him.

  “Savannah deserves better,” Ethan added.

  “Are you insulting me?”

  “Easy, pal. What I meant was that she deserves to be treated well. You know, courted.”

  “You think I don’t get that?” Brad snapped. “Stop hounding me, okay? I’ve only got her best interests at heart.”

  Ethan cocked an eyebrow. “And what do you think are her best interests?”

  “She’s going to be a star, buddy. You know that. I know that. Everyone in the crowd out there knows that.”

  “So because people love to hear her sing, you think her becoming a celebrity is in her best interests?”

  “She’ll be rich, and she’ll be able to make a great life for her kid.”

  “It’s just…I think you’ve got Savannah all wrong. I don’t think she really wants to be the latest country singer popping up on every talk show and touring arenas from here to Timbuktu.”

  “How would you know that?” Brad asked.

  “Just picked it up from a few things I’ve heard her say in rehearsals.” Ethan’s brows gathered. “Have you ever had a conversation with the woman? Or are you too busy trying to give her what you think she needs?” He scoffed. “Or trying to get into her pants.”

  Fed up, Brad pushed aside the song he’d been working on and directed a hard glare at his friend. “It’s not like that with her, and you damn well know it.”

  The last thing he needed was another person playing Savannah’s champion, but in walked Russ anyway. “Sounds like I’m missing all the fun. Any punches thrown yet?”

  “Not yet,” Ethan replied.

  “But getting close,” Brad added. “Look, let me lay it on the line for both of you so hopefully you’ll get off my case.”

  “Since I walked into this conversation late,” Russ said, “how about you tell me why Ethan’s on your case?”

  “Savannah,” Ethan replied. He inclined his head at Brad. “He’s ready to turn her life upside down to make her the next great country music star. By the end of the week, he’ll have a thirty-week cross-country tour with at least two stops every week.”

  “No wonder you’re mad at him,” Russ replied. Then he frowned at Brad. “Have you sat down and asked Savannah what she wants for her career?”

  Everything he’d done since she’d made that first damned song pop into his head had been for her. To give her what she deserved. Her talent shouldn’t be destined to linger in bars and clubs, even one as classy and popular as Words & Music.

  “Look,” Russ said, sitting on the couch and spreading his arms over the back. “Would you take a piece of advice from a friend?”

  “Two friends?” Ethan added.

  Brad swallowed his pride and nodded.

  “Talk to the woman,” Russ said. “Just sit down and talk to her. Find out what she wants.”

  “Find out,” Ethan said, “if you’re trying to turn her into something she may not want to be.”

  Much as he hated to admit it, they were right. Things had happened so quickly. Too quickly.

  Everything went fast now. Friendships. Relationships. Careers. Thanks to the Internet, one minute a person was a nobody…the next, she was Savannah Wolf.

  “Fine,” Brad said. “I’ll talk to her.” He tossed a frown to his friends. “Will that get you two off my back?”

  Neither appeared fazed by his pique, and Ethan replied, “For now.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  So you forgive me?” Brad asked. “I just couldn’t turn the words off. I had to write them down. But I listened. Honest I did. You blew everyone away. Including me.”

  Savannah nodded, no longer angry that he had seemed so distracted while she’d been onstage. “I finally figured it was something like that. It was just a…surprise that you were so busy writing on napkins. Then my parents acted like they were in such a hurry. I can’t believe they didn’t stay to talk to me for more than a few minutes after the set. Joslynn left, too. It’s like they all ran out the door.”

  “I’m sure they had a damn good reason for not sticking around,” he said with humor she didn’t understand in his voice. He led her through the restaurant and stopped at the door to a private dining room. “How about I give you a real surprise?” He flung open the doors.


  Tears pooled in her eyes when the people waiting in the big room greeted her with their shouts. He’d told her he was starving and wanted to get away from the crowd. The restaurant was a close walk. Her stomach was making enough whale calls to reveal her hunger to anyone nearby, so when he’d suggested Chez Jacques, she’d taken his hand and walked with him to the trendy new eatery.

  She hadn’t expected to be led to a private room, nor had she anticipated a party to celebrate her opening night.

  A large banner was draped above the table. Written on the white surface in forest green letters was “Congratulations, Savannah!” Scrumptious-smelling foods waited for the guests.

  There were a lot of people, but not a crowd. Just enough to make her feel as though she’d accomplished something important. Her parents were beaming at her, and to see their pride in her on their faces was almost her undoing.

  Hurrying forward, her mother embraced her. “Oh, darlin’. Like I told you before, you were wonderful!” She took a look around. “Isn’t this nice of Brad?”

  Savannah nodded as she was quickly turned to her father.

  “Couldn’t be prouder of you,” he said before he kissed her cheek.

  After greeting a few more people, including Joslynn, Russ, and Ethan, Savannah turned to Brad. “You arranged all this?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He draped an arm over her shoulders and leaned closer to whisper in her ear, “Hope it makes you happy.”

  “It does, Brad. It really does.”

  Then he brushed his lips over hers, right in front of everyone, which made her smile even more.

  Motioning to a lady Savannah didn’t recognize, Brad said, “There’s someone who asked to meet you.”

  The woman, looking a bit out of place in a navy blue pencil skirt and starched gray blouse, strode over on her high heels and offered her hand to Brad. “Thanks for the invite.”

  “My pleasure,” he replied before turning to Savannah. “Savannah, I’d like you to meet Marie Allen.” A glance at Marie. “Marie, this is the woman you’ve been asking me about—Savannah Wolf.”

  Marie held out her hand, and Savannah shook it, a little surprised at the intensity of Marie’s grip.

  “I’m happy to finally meet you,” Marie said. “As Brad could attest, I’ve been anxious to talk to you.”

  Unsure why Marie was at the party since she wasn’t family or friend, Savannah couldn’t help but ask, “Brad’s been talking to you about me?”

  “Actually, I’ve been talking to him,” she said, her voice enthusiastic as she grinned at him as though they shared some inside joke. “Talked and tal
ked and talked.”

  Feeling a bit off center, Savannah frowned.

  “She demanded to meet you, Savannah,” Brad said, at least sounding a bit apologetic, “Since she wouldn’t take no for an answer, I figured this might be a good place for you two to connect.”

  Marie had a rather practiced smile. “I’m here representing Allied Sound. We’d like to discuss the possibility of a recording contract with you. Brad assured me you hadn’t signed with anyone yet, so I asked him to arrange a meeting as soon as possible.”

  Savannah couldn’t decide whether to be thrilled by a company like Allied being interested in her or to be pissed that business was going to interrupt this evening. Only Caroline’s birth could eclipse the way Savannah felt after her most successful opening night, and she didn’t want to come down from that high.

  “I complained until he gave me an invitation to meet you since I was going to be at your performance.” Marie shifted a worried gaze to Brad. “Is now a bad time?”

  “It’s fine,” Savannah assured her. “Thank you for coming.”

  * * *

  Brad almost let out a sigh of relief. He’d been afraid Savannah would be angry that he’d invited Marie Allen to the reception.

  Marie had contacted him, which was an unusual thing. Allied had no reason to search out clients, and that spoke volumes about Savannah’s talent. He and Marie were peripheral friends through some of Allied’s artists who’d recorded his songs, but he hadn’t heard from anyone in the company in a long time. They’d been good to him, and the organization was kinder to singers than any other recording company in Nashville. If Marie Allen wanted to meet Savannah Wolf to talk shop, then by God, he’d make sure she got exactly what she wished for.

  Hopefully Savannah would understand that he’d been acting in her best interests by not telling her that Marie was in the audience. News like that would’ve surely thrown her off her game, and tonight was too important for her to be flustered at the possibility of recording with Allied.

  No longer lost in thought, Brad tried to play catch-up with the conversation.

  “You really need to consider hiring a good manager,” Marie suggested. “Once we start talking brass tacks, you might want someone who’s been down that road to look out for your best interests.”

  An odd suggestion from a recording executive, which only went to show that Allied was an honest company that actually cared about its talent.

  Savannah was shaking her head before Brad could add his two cents. “A manager is out of the question.”

  His girlfriend had a stubborn streak.

  My girlfriend.

  That sounded…right. So he jumped in the debate. “I tried to tell her that, too, but…” He shrugged. “For now, I’ll be there to help look over anything you offer.”

  Marie’s smooth smile told him he was correct. Allied wanted to offer Savannah a recording contract. “So you think I’m going to make this incredibly talented woman an offer?”

  “Of course. I know you, Marie. You’d have never reached out to me if you hadn’t already made up your mind you wanted her.”

  Switching her attention back and forth as Brad and Marie bantered, Savannah looked a little shocked. “You want me to record for Allied?”

  With a nod, Marie said, “Why else would I be out this late? I’ve got three kids.” She thrust out her hand again, this time holding a business card she seemed to pluck from midair. “Give me a call next week. We’ll have a meeting.” She smiled at Brad. “Drag yourself along so we can chat about your new songs, too.” Turning on her sharp heel, she strode away.

  Savannah rubbed her fingertips against her forehead. “I feel like I just got caught in a storm.”

  Brad barked out a laugh. “That describes Marie perfectly.” After Savannah slid the business card in her skirt pocket, he took her hand.

  “You should’ve told me she was coming.”

  “That would’ve spoiled the surprise of the party,” he teased, hoping to defuse any anger she had over him not telling her he’d talked to Marie.

  Her frown was stern enough to show he’d taken the wrong tack. “Don’t try to charm me, Brad. You promised me you’d tell me if you were planning anything to do with my singing.”

  “You’re right.” He kissed the back of her hand. “I should’ve told you. Anyone else would’ve been a bundle of nerves at knowing Marie was watching them. You’re obviously stronger than other singers. Am I forgiven?”

  “You are…if you promise to keep your promise from now on. Seriously.”

  “I really am sorry, Savannah.”

  “You’re forgiven.” She lost herself in thought for a moment, a frown forming on her mouth. “I still can’t believe Allied wants to talk contracts with me.”

  “May I make a suggestion?” Brad asked, hoping that she’d be a little less reticent to protect her interests now.

  She slid a skeptical gaze his direction. “Go ahead.”

  “Why don’t you talk it over with someone who knows contracts?”

  “A manager?”

  “No commitment. Just pick his brain so you go into the Allied meeting properly armed.”

  Her frown eased. “You already have someone in mind, don’t you?”

  Brad let out a chuckle. “I do. Greg Jorgensen. He’s a talent manager. Things are getting serious now, sweetheart. You need someone to watch out for you.”

  Savannah let out a snort.

  “I know what you’ve been through,” he said. “But you can’t let that jerk ruin this chance for you. Would you consider meeting with Greg?”

  “Fine. But I’m not promising anything.”

  Brad brushed another quick kiss over her mouth. “That’s all I could ask.” Then he leaned in closer and whispered, “How about we go talk to your guests and get back to celebrating? Then we can get out of here and be alone.”

  Her features softened as a sly grin bowed her lips. “Alone? What makes you think I want to be alone with you?”

  Moving in even closer, he brushed his lips against the hollow under her ear. He loved how she shivered in response. “I sure want to be alone with you.”

  She tilted her head just enough so he could press a kiss to her slender neck. “I guess there’s only one question I’d want to ask.”

  “And what is that?” He blew in her ear and then eased back to find an incredible and hopefully seductive smile on her face.

  “My place or yours?”

  * * *

  The ride to Brad’s house seemed to take forever. The satellite radio was tuned to a seventies channel, which made her happy. The last thing she wanted to listen to at that moment was country music. No, her restlessness and need required something more sensual, and the tunes of Led Zeppelin and Peter Frampton suited her just fine.

  She had no idea what he liked, and her experience with men was rather limited. Orgasms had been few and far between, but she loved the closeness and the intensity of sex, even if she was often left wanting more.

  Now she wanted Brad with a passion that was new and rather frightening. Never one to run from a challenge, she embraced that fear and let it feed her desire. His experience was vast, and while that might have been a turnoff, it wasn’t. She counted on that past to make him the man to show her everything she’d been missing.

  If only she could show him how badly she wanted him.

  She gathered her courage. Popping her seat belt, Savannah shifted to face Brad and reached over to run her hand from his knee to his thigh, dragging her nails along the fabric. His sharp intake of breath made her bolder, so she let her fingers walk over to the obvious bulge in his jeans. The way his breathing sped made her tug on her bottom lip with her teeth to keep from laughing in relief.

  She might not be a skilled lover, but she was getting to him.

  “You keep that up,” he said with a growl in his voice, “I’m gonna drive us right off the road.”

  Savannah rubbed the length of his erection. “It seems as if you’re a b
it…anxious to get home.”

  “I’m so far past anxious, I doubt we’ll make it to the bedroom.”

  “Fine with me.”

  Driving with his left hand, he slipped his right from her shoulder to her breast, giving it a light squeeze that made her tingle.

  Her bravado fled, and she wasn’t sure what approach to take next.

  Did he want dirty talk? That was a skill she couldn’t fake.

  Did he need her to be more aggressive? She was already pushing herself.

  Oh Lord. What if he was into really kinky stuff?

  Joslynn had mentioned BDSM, and Savannah had needed to Google it to know exactly what it was. When Bri loaned her a copy of Fifty Shades of Grey a few years back, Savannah had closed the book at the first sex scene.

  Kink was evidently not her thing.

  On the other hand, she wasn’t sure exactly what her thing truly was. At that moment, she felt inadequate and downright virginal.

  He pulled into the garage, killed the engine on the Escalade, and lowered the door behind them.

  Savannah rose to her knees and cupped his face in her hands, turning him to look at her. “You know we really need to talk.”

  “Talk? You expect us to talk? Now?”

  She nodded, knowing he was every bit as wound up as she was. Any conversation between them at that moment would be nothing but gibberish. “We’ll talk about a lot of things. About Allied Sounds and Marie Allen.” Then she pressed her lips to his. A quick but very sweet kiss. “But we’ll talk after.”

  “After sounds great.” But Brad didn’t seem in a hurry to get out of the car. Instead, he dragged her from her seat across the console and onto his lap. A little awkward at first, he shimmied her around until she straddled his hips on the big leather seat.

  His kiss was full of hunger that fueled her own. He made her body frantic for more of his touch. Welcoming his tongue when he thrust it into her mouth, she moaned deep in her throat. The heat he created inside her, from her breasts to her core, was incredible, and she was ready to be rid of any barrier between her skin and his touch.


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