Can't Walk Away

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Can't Walk Away Page 25

by Sandy James

  But no one else knew where she was.

  Sweet heaven! Had Michael hired someone to follow her? Had someone in the press found out where she was?

  A wash of headlights went through the kitchen window as she hurried to grab the baseball bat that always waited right inside the pantry door. Whoever it was, she’d be ready for them.

  Holding the bat in both hands, ready to strike, she crept toward the door, not daring to peek outside to see the now silent car. Footsteps ground against the gravel, becoming mere whispers when the person hit the concrete walk to the kitchen door. A soft knock made her stomach lurch.

  “Savannah? Are you there?”

  She’d never heard anything sweeter than Brad’s voice. Hurrying to the door, she saw he’d shielded his eyes and pressed his nose to the glass, trying to see inside. His eyes widened when he saw her.

  Realizing how crazy she probably appeared wielding a baseball bat, she set it on the island. “I’m so glad to see you!” she said after she threw the door open. She didn’t even wait for an explanation before hurrying into his open arms.

  * * *

  Brad held Savannah close, closing his eyes as he breathed in the sweet scent of her hair.

  The whole drive up the mountain, he’d worried about how she’d greet him. His biggest fear was that she might have wanted to leave him behind every bit as much as she wanted to protect her daughter. Her welcoming words and the way she trembled in his arms told him he’d done the right thing in going to her.

  Now, he just needed to talk some sense into her. But he’d have to wait for her to calm down.

  “You okay, love?” he whispered when she seemed to have composed herself.

  She lifted her head to look him in the eye and nodded.

  The urge to launch into a scolding lecture made it difficult for him to keep his silence.

  “My parents told you I was here,” she announced.

  Since it wasn’t a question, Brad didn’t think it required an answer. He simply kept staring into her eyes.

  “It wasn’t you,” Savannah said. Then she rose on tiptoes to brush a quick kiss over his mouth. “It was never you.”

  The repetition meant she’d seen his insecurity. “That’s not what you said in the note.”

  “Yes, it is,” she insisted. “I told you I left to keep Caroline away from Michael.”

  “You said you left because you thought you’d ruined my life.”

  “I did.”

  He kissed her so he wouldn’t shout at her. Then a simple kiss wasn’t enough. Forcing his tongue past her lips, he willed her to respond—and respond she did. The ferocity of her kiss was enough to make him put aside the discussion they should be having. Her tongue rubbed against his as she looped her arms around his neck. Although they had a lot to talk about, he suddenly thought it would be a great idea to make love to her.

  Brad broke off the kiss long enough to ask, “Is Caroline asleep?”


  “Thank God.” He lifted her into his arms. “Which way’s your bedroom?”

  She pointed down the hallway. “Last door on the right. There aren’t any condoms.”

  “I’ve got one.”

  Savannah cocked an eyebrow.

  “Told you I’d be more careful in the future.”

  Encouraged that she wasn’t protesting that they needed to talk first, he carried her to a large bedroom, having the passing thought that Paul had called this place a “cabin” when it was actually roomy and well-furnished. He nudged the door closed with his foot, taking care to do it gently so he wouldn’t wake Caroline.

  The bed was turned down, so Brad placed Savannah on the sheets and started undressing her. Not that there was much to take off—a thermal shirt and pajama pants. He had her stripped bare and was tugging at his own clothes when she rose on her knees to help him.

  Once they were skin to skin and he’d rolled on a condom, he unleashed his hunger for her, a desire that had been fed with his fears that he might have lost her. The need to reclaim what was his was strong. He pushed her back against the mattress, spreading her thighs with his knee before settling against her core, loving the heat of her pressing against his cock. His tongue swept into her mouth, stroking hers as he drank in her sweetness and wondered yet again how she could have captured him so completely.

  Breaking from the kiss, he licked and nibbled his way down her neck until he could feast on her breasts. Her nipples were always so responsive. He teased one into a tight bud with his tongue and teeth before pulling the hard nub deeply into his mouth and suckling. She let out a low moan and gripped his shoulders.

  Already past wanting, Brad needed her to be ready for him. He continued his journey down her body until he could detect the scent of her arousal. He pressed a finger inside her, finding her wet with welcome, which nearly pushed him over the edge. Rising above her, he said, “Wrap those legs around me, love. I need to be inside you.”

  When Savannah obeyed with a sexy smile, he plunged inside her, closing his eyes at how much pleasure she gave him. Being with her stripped him naked, robbed him of every bit of his self-control, and he knew this would be fast and rough.

  Each time he pushed into her, she raised her hips to meet him, making those erotic little sounds from deep in her throat. Then she squeezed him hard with her legs before her body clenched around him, forcing his own surrender.

  * * *

  Savannah snuggled against Brad, draping a thigh over his legs while he texted all the people who’d been worried about her. Her guilt weighed heavily, but she knew they would all forgive her. They knew how afraid she’d been of losing Caroline.

  The touch of desperation he’d shown when they’d made love had touched her heart. He’d been afraid of losing her. What he never realized was that even if she’d left, she would always belong to him.

  “Guess what?” he asked as he set his phone on the nightstand.


  “We’ve finally got Michael where we want him, love.”

  Her heart skipped in her chest. “What do you mean?”

  “By the time we meet with him, you’ll be walking into that meeting with proof that he defrauded other clients the same why he ripped you off. You can use the affidavits we’ll have to help open his eyes to the fact that he no longer controls you. No, now you control him.”

  Adrenaline racing through her, she couldn’t contain her happiness. Thanks to Brad, everything was different now. Michael no longer held all the cards in this game.

  In all the time she’d known him, the man had wanted one thing—to be Colonel Parker to some Elvis Presley. He wanted to be famous by making other people famous. With proof that Michael was nothing but a phony—a base thief—she could now hold his dream hostage in return for Caroline’s safety.

  She hugged Brad tightly, so full of gratitude and love. Through everything, Brad had been there, backing her up. Believing her. Believing in her. “Thank you. Thank you.” She rubbed her nose against the crisp hairs on his chest.

  “Did I tell you that I thought up another song on the drive up here—another one you inspired?”

  “You did?” She was surprised to feel her eyes grow moist. Why she was such a muse for him, she’d never truly recognize. But she could think of no other way for him to express his love so effectively.

  “I did. I’m calling it ‘Don’t Walk Away.’”

  “I don’t like that title,” she teased. “It’s not accurate.”

  “Not accurate? It’s all I could think the whole damn drive.” He kissed her temple. “I didn’t want you to walk out of my life.”

  “It’s still the wrong title, though.”


  “Because I’d already decided to come back first thing in the morning. Know why?”


  “Because I can’t walk away from you. Ever. So I think you should call it ‘Can’t Walk Away.’”

  He chuckled. “I’ll give that some consideration.”
He rubbed her upper arm with his fingertips. “Are you ready to talk about things now?”

  In his arms, her confidence had returned, as had her common sense—to the point she felt damned foolish. “I shouldn’t have tried to run away. That was stupid.”

  “Glad you said it instead of me.” The tease in his voice took away some of the sting, but she playfully pinched him anyway.

  “If Michael finds out what I’ve done…” The thought made her shudder.

  Brad squeezed her. “He hasn’t, and he won’t. This stays between us.”

  “And my parents,” she couldn’t help but point out.

  He let out a little chuckle. “I doubt they’ll rat you out.”

  “And Joslynn and Greg and…”

  “Your secret is safe.” He kissed the top of her head. “How can you possibly think you’ve ruined my life?”

  “Not a very subtle segue there, Mr. Maxwell.”

  “Subtle isn’t my thing.”

  “So I’ve noticed,” she drawled. A heavy sigh escaped. “No, I don’t think I ruined your life. But I did make it a hell of a lot more difficult.”


  Since he asked as though he honestly didn’t understand, she gave him the truth. “The stress. The stupid press. The whole ridiculous celebrity thing. I don’t want to be a burden to you.”

  “How could you ever believe that you’re a burden?” he asked.

  “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe because I had you running all the way up the Smoky Mountains chasing me?”

  He let out a warm chuckle before he gave her another squeeze. “I love you, Savannah. I need you in my life.”

  She stroked his arm. “I need you in mine, and so does Caroline.” A yawn slipped out that she didn’t even try to smother.

  “Get some rest, love,” Brad said. “We’ll be back in Nashville before lunch.”

  “It’s after two already. If you want to get back by lunch, we might as well leave now.”

  “Let’s get a few hours of sleep first,” he suggested. “Have you thought of a game plan yet?”

  “You mean for Michael?” she asked.


  “Not really. I’ll be glad to take suggestions.”

  “I have a couple of ideas,” he admitted. “Plus Geoffrey and Greg probably have some strategies. Oh, and Ethan wants to talk to you about handling the press.”

  “He would know,” she said. “I can’t imagine what it was like for him growing up with famous parents.”

  “That’s why he thinks he can help you.” After rolling to his side, he scooted down so he could face her and smiled. “As for Michael—I think it’s time we showed him that you’re not the scared little girl he once knew.”

  She smiled back. “How exactly do you expect me to do that?”

  “I think the time has come for you to turn the tables on him and make a few threats of your own.”

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Déjà vu,” Brad whispered to Savannah.

  She squeezed his hand, grateful he was trying to lighten the tension. For two days, they’d prepared for this confrontation. Her thoughts were focused entirely on the man waiting in the conference room.

  Michael Hart.

  If this plan was going to work, she needed to be strong—probably stronger than she’d ever been in her life. With Brad at her side and Caroline’s future hanging in the balance, Savannah knew she had more than enough motivation to succeed. And thanks to the information he’d acquired, she also had plenty of ammunition.

  “It’s almost over, love,” he reassured.

  “I could lose Caroline,” she reminded him.

  Could, but wouldn’t. Not only was Brad there for her, but she had two heavy-hitters in her corner. The Jorgenson brothers. They would never let Michael anywhere near Caroline. As Brad and Savannah had driven back to Nashville, they’d hit the ground running and shared some conference calls with Greg and Geoffrey. Now there were plans in place to get Michael backed into a proverbial corner. Once there, they were going to do their best to keep his ass there.

  Geoffrey came over to them where they waited right outside the double doors of the conference room. His brother followed behind, stopping to put a reassuring hand on Savannah’s arm.

  She gave him a grateful smile in return.

  “Are you ready, Savannah?” Geoffrey asked.

  “I am.”

  “And did you accomplish the task I requested?” His grin was infectious.

  “I did. I’ve grown a pair of cojones,” she announced.

  “Well…then shall we show the esteemed Mr. Hart exactly how large those are?” He opened the doors and swept his hand out to allow her to enter first.

  With all the confidence she could muster, Savannah strode inside. There were several things Geoffrey had coached her on before the meeting, and one important point was that she show nothing but utter composure and confidence. Michael was used to a woman who didn’t question him, who didn’t confront him.

  He was about to meet the new Savannah Wolf.

  Taking the chair at the head of the table, she acknowledged Michael and his lawyer with a curt nod. Then she waited for Geoffrey, Greg, and Brad to be seated.

  Michael’s face flushed as he pointed at Brad. “I thought I told you that I didn’t want him—”

  Savannah calmly held up her hand, bringing Michael to a sputtering halt. “He’s here at my request. End. Of. Story.”

  At first, Michael’s eyes widened before narrowing menacingly. He mumbled something to Tom.

  Tom let out a resigned sigh. “Shall we begin? I understand you’ve come up with a proposal settlement to our suit and—”

  She brought the man to a stop the same way she’d managed Michael. “If you don’t mind,” she said with a touch of condescension, “I’ll run this meeting.” Opening the file that Penelope had left on the table for her, she plucked out the first piece of paper, a summary to remind her of what she was going to “offer” to a man who deserved nothing. “To get you to drop your suit to have me pay you for your…representation…” She let the snidely spoken word hang there for a beat or two. “Here’s what I’m offering. I—”

  Michael knit his brows. “Shouldn’t your lawyer—”

  “I don’t need my lawyer to speak for me,” Savannah replied with as much rudeness as he’d just shown. She glanced at the three men lined up at her side. “I speak for all of us.” Their nods were as brusque as hers had been, but she could see the pride reflected in their eyes.

  Emboldened, she continued. “Here’s what I’m offering. I’ll pay you nothing.”

  Michael jumped to his feet. “Nothing?”

  “Not a dime. However…I will give you three important promises.”

  “I don’t want promises,” Michael insisted. “I want what I’m owed.”

  Tom dragged Michael back into the seat with a tug on his shirt. “I think we should hear her out.”

  Anger written on his face, Michael said, “Whatever. Go ahead, Savannah. Have your stupid say. Then we’ll see you in court.”

  She refused to rise to his bait. “When you withdraw this lawsuit, I will promise not to tell the story of what you did to me to anyone in the press.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked.

  “That means you want new clients and to keep the few you’ve already got. If I tell the whole sordid tale of how you robbed me and left me alone, penniless, and pregnant, do you honestly think anyone will ever hire you again?”

  His face blanched. “That’s not what happened.”

  “Pardon me,” she said, “but bullshit. And I’ll milk it for everything it’s worth. I have offers from three national shows, including Wake Up, America. I’m taping a segment for that show in two hours. If you don’t agree with the proposal, well…I know exactly what I’ll talk about. Trust me, the publicity will bury any chance you have of ever being a talent manager.”

  “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “In addition,
” she said with conviction, “I won’t release the information we’ve uncovered about the other clients you’ve defrauded.”

  Tom’s brows knit as he glanced at Geoffrey. “Other clients?”

  Geoffrey nodded, passing across copies of five different affidavits from former clients. “I do believe our private investigators will turn up plenty more before our quest ends.”

  After a quick shuffle through the papers, all the wind seemed to go right out of Michael’s sails as he slumped in his chair.

  “What’s the third promise?” Tom asked while Michael sat in silence, throwing daggers at her with his eyes.

  “I promise to waive any rights to child support,” Savannah replied. “In return for these written promises, I want you to withdraw your lawsuit and relinquish parental rights to Caroline.”

  Michael always did show his emotions far too easily. He might be peeved that he wasn’t going to walk out of there with a check, but he was at least considering the plan. “So to keep your trap shut, you want me to—”

  “To sign away your parental rights to a child you never wanted. In return…” She plucked a thick packet from the file. “I will sign these papers. The first is a confidentiality agreement that states that I will never discuss anything about our personal or professional relationships in public and—”

  “Oh, I get it,” he said with a sneer. “You’ll gossip to your friends, then they’ll talk to some reporter and—”

  “If you would please stop interrupting…What I was going to say was in public or with anyone outside of immediate family. Should I breach that agreement in any way, you have leave to refile your suit, and I will be more than happy to open up everything we’ve discovered with the press.”

  Michael stared at her with skeptical eyes, but he flipped his hand to get her to continue.

  Despite his rudeness, Savannah pressed on. “The second agreement is that I will waive all rights to any child support—past, present, and future.” She slid the papers to Michael’s lawyer, who immediately began to leaf through them. “There’s only one catch.”

  Michael flopped back into his chair. “I knew it! You want something else—something other than the kid. What is it?”


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