Rockin' Her World

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Rockin' Her World Page 8

by Selena Illyria

  Sympathy tugged at Bax’s heart strings. He exhaled. “Fine. I’ll talk to her, but no promises. Although, your wife made it clear that there would be no celebration of Reggie’s birthday.”

  Antonio shook his head. “I’ve spoken to her about that too. We will have a small party and there will be presents. I’ve made sure of it, even if it’s just from me and Bettina.”

  Bax snorted. “You got a present and will say it’s from the both of you. Like Santa.” He chuckled. “Her birthday was always an afterthought in her family. Always forgotten. Something either came up or Bettina didn’t want to go to the expense. Reggie didn’t even get a happy birthday some years.”

  Antonio’s shoulders slumped. “I know. Bettina didn’t want the other children thinking that Regina was getting special attention, even if it was her birthday. Nor did she want the children to have to go to extra expense over a present. After all, they were all earning their allowance. She didn’t want them to value presents over…well…the holiday. Christmas is very important to her.”

  “Not good enough,” Bax said, shaking his head. “Reggie always felt left out or unimportant. Her own friggin mother wouldn’t wish her a happy birthday and barely acknowledged the day, and then her father got sick. It all went to hell. That’s a lot of hurt to try and soothe over two meals.”

  Cliff strode into the kitchen fully dressed and with a jacket on. “Who are—? Oh.” Cliff took a seat next to Antonio and pulled the plate toward him and dug in. “So, trying to convince us to come to Christmas dinner?”

  “And a small birthday dinner for Reggie,” Bax interjected. “Antonio, I’ll explain it to Cliff. Why don’t you go on home? Maybe after some sleep you can come by here and again and lay it all out for Reggie. We’ll be out most of the day getting last minute stuff and checking on family.” Bax stared at Antonio rather than glancing over at Cliff to gauge his reaction.

  “That sounds good. I need to get home anyway. I didn’t tell Bettina I was stopping by here on my way home.” Antonio pushed back his stool and headed for the entryway.

  Bax followed him and locked up after him. He returned to the kitchen and settled down next to Cliff. “Think I did the wrong thing?” He cut up his omelet and began eating. “I know, after what happened this morning, I just…”

  Cliff shrugged. “It’s not your job to play peacemaker. It’s up to them to figure their relationship out, or if they want to have a relationship. Bettina has caused a lot of pain to Reggie. That can’t be ignored or forgotten. And it can’t be fixed by two dinners. Bettina won’t change just because her husband wants her to. But I love you for thinking maybe it can.”

  A flush filled Bax’s face. “Shut up. And I don’t think it can either, but I just want Reggie to be happy, that’s all. And besides, it’s Bettina’s fault that Bettina is the way she is.”

  “True. I just wish the rest of the family didn’t follow Bettina’s lead and forget Reggie’s birthday. I know that Dana feels guilty about it, but doesn’t want to piss off her mother. It may be Christmas time for them but to forget or brush aside Reggie’s birthday is beyond rude. It’s disgusting.” Cliff’s words came out in hard, sharp tone. “But you know what? That isn’t even the real issue. It goes deeper than that. It just shows how little Bettina respects Reggie. She gripes about Reggie’s career. Her love life. Nothing is ever good enough for Bettina, and she makes her displeasure known with her stupid birthday nonsense.”

  Bax reached over and squeezed Cliff’s shoulder. “I feel the same way, but we can’t stop trying. It means Reggie’s happy and less stressed when dealing with her family, and that’s worth the trouble. Look, you better eat fast and get going before Biddie falls asleep.”

  Cliff wolfed down the rest of his food, put his dishes in the sink, planted a kiss on Bax’s temple and headed out. “Love you. I’ll be back before dawn. Promise. And be ready for all the free samples Biddie will try and foist off on me.”

  Bax snorted. “Just bring some coffee and we’re good, OK?”

  “OK,” Cliff called out.

  Bax finished his late night dinner and washed the dirty dishes and headed to the bedroom for a shower. He paused to check on Reggie.

  She slept soundly, breathing in and out. She hadn’t shifted, not once.

  Bax grinned and headed into the shower. He didn’t take too long. Not bothering to get dressed, he climbed into bed next to Reggie, wrapped his arms around her, and fell asleep.

  In the morning, he woke up alone.

  The bitter, earthy scent of coffee drifted around him. He inhaled deeply, pushed back the sheet and got up. Bax headed to the kitchen to find Reggie wrapped up in a robe and sipping a mug of coffee.

  “Morning. I made coffee.” Reggie went back to sipping her drink. “So, wanna tell me why Antonio was here last night? He left a message on my phone. Something about a talk between him and you and Cliff, who still isn’t home.” She gazed up at him.

  Bax’s face and the tips of his ears prickled. He licked his lips and took a seat next to Reggie before he started to explain. The words rushed out, and he waited for disappointment or sadness or anger. When he finished, she gave a long sigh.

  “OK, so Antonio wants to talk,” Reggie said carefully. “I could hear him out and decide, but I won’t go where I’m not wanted, and I won’t go to a birthday party just because he suddenly wants us to be all chummy. I have to be welcome in that house. I don’t know what he said to Dana or Tim, and I’m sure I’ll hear all about it later, but I’m tired, Bax. This is the last straw. I don’t want to play good little peacemaker anymore.” Her stomach grumbled, interrupting her speech.

  Bax stood up, leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. “How about some bacon, eggs, and cheese biscuit sandwiches, hmm?”

  “Sounds great.” She leaned her elbow on the counter and rested her chin on her hand. “I admit, I got lost in trying to figure out what Antonio’s angle is. I mean it won’t win him points with my mother, trying to bring us all together. She’s made it clear she doesn’t want her perfect little Christmas ruined by me.” Reggie slumped in her seat. “I’m too fucking old for this shit, you know. I had to pretend to be fine with all of her sneaking around with Antonio during father’s illness and be fine after he died and be fine for my siblings. It’s exhausting being fine all the time.”

  Bax nodded. “I know the feeling. You’ve reached your limit. We’re here for you in any way we can.”

  Reggie grinned. His simple words had made an impact on her. “I know, honey, I know.” She heaved out a sigh. “I’ll go to the family dinner.”

  Bax opened his mouth. She held her hand up, stalling anything he could say.

  “I want to go. Not play nice or be the dutiful daughter, but to see my siblings and spend time with my family. If I have to put up with my mother, so be it. It’s not often that everyone is in the same place all at once.”

  “You’re such a beautiful soul.” Bax grinned at her. “Cliff and I will be there so you don’t have to face Bettina alone.”

  “Of course you are. Did you really think I’d leave you behind?” She snorted.

  “No, of course not…” His words trailed off. Bax took a moment before he decided to breach the other subject on his mind. “So.” Bax glanced at Reggie, eyeing her critically. “How are you feeling?”

  “If you mean ‘am I going to run from the house screaming that I had sex with my best friends’ then no, I hate to disappoint you.” Reggie got up and poured herself more coffee. “I feel good, better, satisfied, and at peace. Surprisingly so.”

  “When you want something for so long and you finally get it, that can give you a sense of calm. Good.” Bax moved around the kitchen to prep the sandwiches. “Do you want to go over the rules of our relationship?”

  “No cheating and be honest about my feelings and my limits and do what we normally do?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “Smartass. Yes. We are now a committed ménage. Does that bother you?” A nervous flutter started
in Bax’s stomach. Seconds stretched out like salt water taffy being made. His heartbeat kicked up. For a second he was so focused on hearing her answer that he forgot how to breathe.

  “Relax, baby. No, honestly it doesn’t. It will be difficult at times, just like any relationship, but we’ve always been a ménage, even when we weren’t having sex. You two are my best friends and closer to me than my own siblings. You’ve always been my family. It feels natural to take this step. As odd as it is. Now hurry up with the food, will you? I’m hungry.” She got some plates and set up the places.

  “OK, OK. Can you check in on Cliff? I think Biddie may have kidnapped him into helping distribute Christmas candy or be one of Mrs. Claus’s elves.”

  “Ooooh, I want pictures. Can you imagine, our Cliff in tight red-and-white-stripped tights and no shirt? Hmm? Maybe he should bring the costume home, let us corrupt one of Santa’s elves.” She left the kitchen, laughter trailed after her.

  Bax grinned. She fit in with their relationship perfectly. A flare of heat went off in his belly and arousal filled his balls. His cock thickened. An image of Cliff wearing nothing but those tight tights that left nothing to imagination surfaced in his mind.

  “Damn it, now I need to get him some tights, but they’re probably all sold out,” he muttered to himself.

  Bax put together the sandwiches and heated them under the broiler.

  Reggie returned to the room with a grin. “He stayed over to help Biddie this morning. She didn’t make him dress up, much to our disappointment, and he’ll be bringing home some goodies with him.”

  “Damn it. Maybe next Christmas we can make him dress up? Maybe both you? Hmm?” Bax suggested. He plated the food and settled down next to her.

  “A busty Santa’s elf or Mrs. Claus having a hot-as-hell ménage with an elf and chef Santa, with you wearing leather, right?” She leered at him.

  He shivered, and his cock twitched. “Damn, any way you want it, as long as I get to fuck Mrs. Claus from behind.”

  She let out a long laugh. “I’m so glad you’re so shy about all this. So, you want to wait until next year to do that to me?”

  Bax snorted. “No, we’re doing that when you say when. For now we should talk about what we’re going to do about your birthday. Do you want a private party with us or do it after the party that Antonio has planned. Don’t tell Cliff, I told you, but he got a cake for you from Biddie’s.”

  She gasped. “No! Oh my god, you didn’t! Oh, you two are so sweet. How about we save the cake for our own private party after the dinner. Maybe get out some champagne?”

  “Oh, I like the way you think.” Bax leaned over and pressed a kiss to her cheek. “We can do that. I suppose no sex tonight as we’ll need all of our energy for tomorrow night and the day after.”

  “Yeah, we will. As fun as last night was, and I really do want to repeat it but only after we get the stressful task over with. Maybe this time we can change things up, with you fucking me, or maybe Cliff can fuck me and I can suck you off.” She paused and took a sip of her coffee. “I’ve missed you.” She leaned against Bax.

  Bax let out a laugh. “Way to change the subject. I missed you too, baby. Don’t worry. Everything will be fine. You have us,” Bax assured.

  Reggie kissed his neck. “Yeah, I know. You always have my back, and I love you for that.”


  “Well, it’s good to see that you could be an adult, Regina, and come to family dinner,” her mother murmured across the table.

  Reggie gritted her teeth. Her leg jiggled up and down. She let loose all the expletives in her vocabulary but in the confines of her head rather than saying them out loud. “It’s good to be here,” she murmured in a tight tone.

  Bax reached over and squeezed her hand. He gave her a small smile.

  The gesture soothed her already frayed nerves. For the umpteenth time, she wondered why she was being the good daughter. One glance at Dana, Cressida, Chantele and her husband Michael, and Leroy and his wife, Andrea, and the reason became clear. Being with family—in all its forms—was what this was all about. Despite her differences between her and her mother, she loved her sisters and brother.

  Cliff patted her thigh.

  Yup, family. She nodded at him.

  The small touches and demonstrations of affection and support warmed her heart. She glanced down the table to where Antonio sat. Antonio’s children Carla, David, and Rita sat around their father looking different shades of uncomfortable.

  Reggie tried to give them a reassuring smile, since they had greeted her so warmly when she’d arrived with Bax and Cliff a few minutes go. But didn’t think she did a good job pulling off the grin. Carla’s face creased with confusion, and David and Rita looked away.

  Heat flushed Reggie’s face. Crap, I’ve bungled it, she thought to herself. I’ll try again later when we do the one gift ceremony.

  “Now, now, Betti,” Antonio chided gently. “Regina and her friends are our guests. No need to tease.”

  Reggie resisted the urge to snort at the choice of the word “tease.” She knew full well, hell everyone knew full well, her mother wasn’t teasing her.

  Bettina ducked her head. “I didn’t mean it to come out so harsh. Also, I just want to say that it’s good to have Dana back under our roof. I’m very glad that she and Timothy made amends and hopefully we’ll be getting a surprise later,” Bettina sang the last few words.

  Don’t say anything, Reggie told herself. Don’t start a fight. She clenched her jaw and kept the words in.

  “No, there will be no engagement,” Dana bit out. “We’ve discussed it. Neither of us is ready for marriage. Timothy will be returning the ring you encouraged him to buy for this disgusting display for your church-biddy gossiping. We are here for dinner and family. That’s it.”

  Reggie picked up her glass and took a quick sip to keep from laughing out loud.

  Bax shook next to her. She could hear his muted laughter. Cliff’s grip on her thigh tightened. A small snort escaped from him. He picked up his napkin and made a show of shaking it out and placing it on his lap.

  “So, Timothy,” Reggie managed to ask, “how is law school going?” Despite all her efforts, the hint of laughter shook her tone. She felt her mother’s glare but ignored it.

  Timothy threw her a grateful smile. “Great. I’m learning so much. I’ve already gotten an internship in the Attorney General’s office this summer. I’m hoping that I get placed in the Civil Rights division.”

  “And I’m so proud of him.” Dana gifted him with a gentle smile. “I’ll be doing summer school. I want to finish school early.”

  Reggie frowned. “Why?”

  “Because I’ve been offered a few opportunities that I want to take advantage of.” Excitement shown in Dana’s eyes and lit up her face.

  “That’s wonderful,” Carla said. She beamed at Dana.

  Reggie took the opening that Carla had given her to open communication with Antonio’s eldest child. “And how is the fashion world these days? I saw some of the upcoming themes and I’m a little unsure of how to wear them,” Reggie let out a laugh.

  Carla waved off her comment. “It’s just for show. I’ll e-mail you some of the worth-it pieces, OK? Same e-mail address from before?”

  Reggie grinned. “Yes and absolutely. Also, maybe we could do lunch sometime in January?”

  Carla let out squeal. “I would love that. I’m moving to Charlotte in June. Maybe you can show me around?”

  Reggie stared at Carla. “Why didn’t you call me? I could’ve shown you around, maybe gotten you a better deal. I know some realtors just dying to sell off some properties. Antonio, why didn’t you tell me?” She glared at her step-father, who just beamed at her.

  “I’m sorry, I was busy running hither and yon for your mother to prepare for the holidays. That and work. Next time, I’ll do better.” He gave her a small nod.

  “I’d appreciate it.” Reggie picked up her glass of water and took a
sip. She tried to ignore her irritation. It would’ve been a great chance at reconnecting with Carla again. At least now she’d have that chance, now that she knew Carla would be moving to Charlotte.

  The tension faded away. Conversations erupted around the table. Reggie and Carla talked about the housing market, while Bax and Cliff engaged Antonio in Duke’s chances in March Madness. The rest of the family spoke about politics or music and new movies. The only one not engaged: Bettina.

  A bit of guilt poked Reggie’s conscience at her mother being left out, but she refused to draw her into a conversation that would just allow her to dominate and impose her opinions and wants on everyone at the table. Her mother remained uncharacteristically silent, and the rest of dinner sailed by smoothly. Gertie joined them for dessert. She and Bax got into a debate over which was the best type of sugar substitute: agave, brown sugar, or honey.

  All in all, despite Bettina’s drama and machinations, the meal went off well. When the family moved into the sitting room where the family’s Christmas tree was set up, Reggie moved over to Antonio and placed a hand on his forearm. “Can I speak to you for a moment?”

  Her mother hesitated. Concern filled her face, but Antonio waved her off. “Sure.”

  They hung back. For a moment words slipped away. A blush flooded her face and neck and chest. “Um, first I want to thank you for inviting me and Bax and Cliff. Dinner went really well, and I’m thankful that we came. Thank you for reaching out.”

  Antonio gave her a small smile. “I’m just glad you are willing to give me a chance. I know you have many questions about how your mother and I came together and a lot of the mystery and secrecy surrounded it. I want you to know we didn’t hide our love from your father. He knew about us and gave his blessing. I know that will be difficult to accept, but he knew the marriage was over. He stayed with her because he didn’t want her to live with the stigma of being a divorcee in this community.”

  Reggie let that information sink in. Some things clicked into place, but the remnants of frustration with her mother remained. “Thank you for telling me.”


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