Ironic Missing Quantum Link

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Ironic Missing Quantum Link Page 1

by Sylvester Marshall

 The all-inclusive right price






  The price, Just like all the best things in life, at least at smash words.

  Absolutely free....



  In a global roundabout way, this is a comprehensive rough estimate about origin of the HU persons

  Just like all the best things in life, at least at smash words.

  Absolutely free....

  A very wonderful pleasant, and appropriate, and a hopeful enchanting greetings to everyone around the world, and all future generations, and special condolences consideration to those in grief, medical patience and the impaired audiences, and those who are suffering secret pains, and the full brunt of premature applications.

  Once in a while the universe interfere will free will, and restructure preordain ties, offer an alternate opportunity, this is a cosmic intervention game changer. Our existence is highly and critically based on our available perspectives.

  The all-inclusive throw seeds/cloning project series*

  Collective hive grapevine umbrella enhancing, replenishing principles, for everyone, our critical environments, our entire universe.

  Preordain interpolating sanction transcendence perdition.

  A very simple all-inclusive perspectives, everyone can become environment friendly overnight. And spend their entire life addressing our propagating optional obligations, “leaving everything better than they found them,” with meraki passions to relentlessly performing acts and sequels of all-inclusive kindness, with ease and not much effort. We all can lend a helping courtesy hand, becoming a "day maker," and eventually a lifetime maker. Word to those who isn’t greater good nor, big picture wise, the big picture no longer has to be the one that got away, eloquence over shadowing master piece performance, we all should be a willing participant of, reconstructing and reforming all-inclusive collective hive mind grapevine thinking.

  (When the world’s populations eat or prepare, fruits, edible vegetation’s, vegetables, nuts, berries, we must all offer simple all-inclusive act of kindness, and pretty please; throw all the seeds, nuts, or cuttings, where they has a chance to grow).

  Globally most of us are naturally getting desensitized into having a blatant disregard for what of being our full fledge natural propagation responsibilities.

  Contrary to popular international systematic beliefs, when we engaged in agriculture practice, the ultimate is all-inclusive agriculture practice at all times. Everyone must make a greater good effort to try and plant all-inclusively for one another, and the entire world. Recognize collective hive evolutions, and understand and we all must follow the universe blue print and do our best to try and make all-inclusive accommodation for as much members of the collective hive and other species to forage at the very least on edible vegetation’s. When we aren't using all-inclusive steps in all of our preoccupations and continuity, we most definitely engaged and preoccupied doing the opposite using all-inclusive missteps.

  New ideas, concepts, prime directives, no matter how conducive they are for our prosperities, have to go through combative under their ulterior motivated terrorizing subverting process. Waste crucial time that can save billions of lives. Wealthy egos, well fed without a care in the world for masses, and with the power to introduce overnight fly by-night schemes to alter to suit selfish and super greedy needs, wheeling bias authority, accommodate personal jealousy, over the masses to acrimoniously with extreme prejudice and favoritism, diffuse, dissect, instigate, protect associates profits.


  To be, or not to be, that was the long running, can't get right trade mark,* and the long running primitive question.

  How to be, these are the all-inclusive, collective evolution answers.

  The only thing common about common sense, is our common self-absorbs, and self-promoting dissolution.

  It’s of utmost important to have all of the relevant all-inclusive collective evolution information, in order to create the best versions of our selves.

  Preordain is our cosmic well, and primary sense of being. Our M.E.I.K.E, (for further info, please read, (M.E.I.K.E) is our twelfth extra depth sensory, that preview during waking hours, what are going to transpire. Preordain are a collective hive open casting call of procreations, our level of progress is highly based on previous market intelligence and inherit preoccupations.

  Our position in the continuum, are predetermine by global level of market intelligences. Which are all design to mistreat and hamper freewill perceptions. In order to transcend to advance levels of all-inclusive consciousness we, must form on the anatomic levels, a completely global all-inclusive collective hive, that are obsessive about “beautiful exchanges” and “always leaving everything better than we found them.”

  The preoccupation stage of our existence, determines our type of evolution, and future. Preordain are a cosmic inter global and intergalactic glow-flow of every critical and relative performed actions and inactions. Everyone plays and intricate role, whether as a yin or yang, everyone that ever existed, contributes to our stepping stone relay future, of our earth, and off course the universe.


  All of the yin-yang contributions, plays an active role in the big picture of continuity, relevant episodes, and shapes, and directs the continuum into this exact moment in our journey and the passage of time....

  Basic elementary offerings are labor intensive, and fragmented, basic necessities, basic instinct, basic all inclusive conscience.

  We are only able to sense, feel, touch, taste, utilize our cosmic Wi fi, hear, see, understand, incorporate, process, appreciate, respect, etc., all that we are program and conditioned to, or in most cases mi' programmed to be fatally distracted.

  The end results, without advance collective hive mind melt intelligence, is guaranteed to cause intense any can’t get right thing goes, epidemic and pandemic super rapid crossfire’s, turn violently against the collective hive. Pre doomed to remain tactile, always refueling on the “jiggered wrought double edge of terror, and horror, as we are trying to hold on to the last shred of Sisyphean ignorance’s.” Our available market intelligence are similar to “a drop of blood in shark infested waters.” always ducking, weaving, trying with endless forms of methods and escape to avoid collision of earth other limitations, misconceptions, and self-destructive and fatally, and terror singly corrupt mindsets.

  “While we busy, aimlessly plotting selfish course to the primitive fame, fortune and power chase, interacting and watch primitive scenes we are type casted into the master primitive plan a “ preoccupied with “having, and not being” mastering the clip0 art of doing our worst to one another. “ “On a one-way course to unnecessary obsolesces.”

  Plan b is run for your…. Life.” Unbeknownst the greater good magic happen, right in from of our predisposed “to being a fan, a willing fanatic distracted smoke screen, instead
of trading up, and creating the best versions of ourselves, an all-inclusive umbrella master piece.”

  Our journey is supposed to be a freewill and utmost freedom fact finding mission. From the sunset of civilization, what we fail to realize, and recognize, all of the most important basic cohabiting necessities are systematically preempted being barred, impede, via some form of manifestation from the super decease, which is greed, and its endless glorified labyrinths of factions, that are shaping our playing field into intense chaotic grounds.

  This rush to light, literary works in its very own rush saving light, is design to demonstrate the easy, involve in making up, inventing, conjuring, placating, overnight, structuring suspensions of disbelief, flying high by night schemes, involving in fabricating, following the money and intangible business, utilize every ill-conceivable forms of primitive, “seducing to reduce, each other,” intangible businesses, and profit geared minds, should stop imposing them, and offending others with any of the thousands of belief systems, and trillions of ways to follow money and conjuring overnight schemes, keep it to yourself).

  A few of the factions and manifestations of greed, are selfishness, DE sensitivities, intense respecting and admiration for all wealth, and materialistic things, obnoxious insensitivity, decoys, secrecies, peaceful facades, shadowing chaos, conflicting ideologies, winging it attitude, carelessness and recklessness mannerism and preoccupations, regrettable incidences, inconsolable state, unspeakable inactions, tricks of the trade, underworlds, crimes, hate, abuse, super violence, ruthlessness, craving all, everyone persons for themselves, doing their own counter intuitiveness, that are creating endless blowbacks, in most cases basic necessities requires a huge efforts, or an uphill battle, controlled, by each other, from labor intense mi 'programming, to follow the money, and become twisted claimers of everything. In addition we are being nurtured to become willing participating, groupies with Stockholm syndrome, frail victims of international chaos creating systems.

  An iconoclastic, and Ironic

  Missing Quantum link:


  Once in a while the universe interfere will free will, and restructure preordain ties, offer an alternate opportunity, this is a cosmic intervention game changer. Our existence is highly and critically based on our available perspectives.




  Magnus opus nimbus allegory:

  "Sciatica et sapient”

  The road less travelled

  Anything that is truly wonderful, and has the all-inclusive power to make everyone truly happy, most have the highest level of all-inclusive transparency, can never be introduce with aggression, any form of constrains, nor force fed, be imposing, and could never have any connection, associations with hate, aggressions, selfishness, greedy, profits, violence, separatist thinking, or interfere with freewill, the essence and sparkling formula for happily-ever- after.

  All of our preoccupations and continuities has to be detoured on to a wholesome brand spanking new directions.

  Fellow inhabitants the non-issues, and super-necessaries, predicable primitive disappointments merriment continues, I bring you long running thought provoking culture shocking proclivities, satirizing assertive, arbitrary delineations.

  We are systematically and treacherously, mi 'programmed to settle for slandering mediocre offerings.

  We are unknowingly has frail predisposition to become psychological destitute from being avid sell outs. Most of us manipulated, and routinely mi programed into becoming separatist, with hair trigger rapid hating judgmental aggression against each other. Meanwhile any and all types of amassed wealth has all of the right always, and opportunities to create overnight fly by night schemes, up to this night and day. Wealth were the first ever to have endless diplomatic abilities.

  Wealth always has all of the super highways right of ways, any inaction things goes if you are wealthy, underline power to twist the facts to suit ulterior motives, reject well substantial evidence, and make us all priorities over lookers zombies.

  Fact finding and very important life lessons, is a mission impossible for ordinary persons, they would have to spelunk out of the primitive labyrinths of caves.

  Wealth had long ago divvy up our world, simply distracting the masses with subverting subplots, and form many other deceitful supremacy secret societies factions. Using systematic media directions to turn all of us against each other, lost and twisted with imaginary beliefs, vanity, hair trigger celebratory farce, contest, awards, misinformation, media misdirection, etc., culminating into a vile inclination to unnecessary selling our freedoms for a, fist full of dollars, and twisted empty promises. On any given night and day, it's very easy to notice, first thing in the morning, noon, and night the pandemic addiction and twisted loyalty for newspapers and news, in which most people who are viewing are just absorbers, they has no intentions of lending a helpful hand, breaking news and this just in, is a form of rubber necking entertainment.

  Well groomed to squandering wholesome innocents for none issues, and grievously mi’ nurtured into becoming destitute with colorful conflict, inevitably becoming, dishearten has been, or "a-never- was- pizazz", or fill with twisted want-to-be going super-dark and UN necessary frail.

  All the main why we are always failing to launch the best version of ourselves. Reasons for all the recycled pandemic entropy. Also pinpointing all of the linchpins that has been plaguing our entire time line.

  We are all mi 'programmed to self-destructive to test each other character selfishly, and search each other for weakness, so we can hurt everyone and everything around us. To err, doesn’t have to be part of Hu person’s expectations, always being subjected to party with the full brunt of existence redundant easy breezy follies, always allocating our inner sanctity, and sanctioning compliance, and well groomed to conform, to diplomatic immunity in creating a less than promising versions of our true potential.

  In some way or another, we are all possess by high profile ignorance’s, and open budget counter intuitive ness, and inactions that are mushrooming into ubiquitous synchronize pyroclastic clouds. Derange emerging collateral damages, are the futuristic expectations from long running heavily guarded, "well packaged interconnected pandemic webs and packs of lies,'' "speakers of the truth are will always be branded by the media's as high profile vagrants, that are raving lunatics". Most of us also hit the jackpot with growling nurturing from multi-generations of priorities over lookers. Despicable multigenerational subverting loyalty with mi education, missteps, mi information,' m' programming, over-thinking nonsense, etc., they all has become second nature. Most odd behavior is from the pandemic lack of daily vitals madness, and learnt unnecessary concealed deep seated fear. We aren’t born with fear, every form of fear is learned. Intangible business is a dissolute security blankets, most people feel if they say certain words, are safe, and protected. Intangible business, and following the money, prerequisite, require those involve, becoming a willing participant, in promoting all forms of separatist subjugating ideals.

  We all willingly are compliance and with sophisticate twisted taming, to conform to a long running delusions parading, and dysfunction ally grandstanding pandemic hoaxes. Our timeline, and most of our preoccupations are embattling our continuity, the collective, freedom, freewill
, and require as basic, squandering our wholesomeness.

  Even though we are all born, and must face our inevitable perditions, death as a vagrant. We spend most our live avoiding what we must become, and started out as, high profile vagrant. We are highly, and twistedly driven by our nurturing to respect the wealth, and follow blindly delusions of prosperities. It's systematically well known for us to spend our entire life with counter intuitive twisted primitive priorities, disfigured hurting everyone, and everything around us, motivate by our primitive agilities, grim selfish insensitive hunters, and desensitized super-greedy gathers, claiming, and craving everything with our blurred misstep paths, only to be left behind, twisted and lost, in the bitter end, having, all of the neighborhood pharmacies on speed dial. Most of our continuity paths, was pioneered by people with the big seven untreated illness.

  Most if not all of our preoccupations are subverting primary cause of over flowing emerging counter intuitive windfalls of twisted expressions of delights, sophisticated primitive taming, facilitating following wealth’s and always feeling the whiplash, from its subverting delusions. We are self-creators of endless social unrest pitfalls, constant recycling growling nurturing and mi' educating to become backlashing menace to societies. ("We just have to stand still, and we are routinely bombarded with, high strung restless trajectories of super-unnecessary fait accomplice). we unknowingly compliant, shaking and shimmying with high profile braking news ignorance, "celebrating selfishness ", "justifying super greed," "caring about others is a weakness”, conforming endless nothing, partaking in, and "contributing to delinquencies of our world", bru-ha-ha festivities. Counter intuitive programing is our security blanket, the quaking voids where reality are twisted and blend with fantasy, inherited treacherous customs, and traditions, sinister exotic potential for worshiping delusions, fairytales, and Nancy stories, possessed by redundant primitive enthusiasms and easy access to master self-destructive influence, enigma's (eratum) which are an anthology of ominous dire messy tidings ; We are all the byproduct of dark origin, that are giving rise to our bizarre predilection, propensities, for our long running primitive maximum obedience to the unnecessariness, some people are still waiting for cows to jump over the moon, and dish to run away with spoons, all of these self-destructive addictive charge, "Stanger than fictions" ironies, which are customary in Greek drama's, are subjects for greater good discussions, where we when wrong, and most importantly, these diagnosis, are accompanied with all their all-inclusive solutions, and all of the all-inclusive recommended evasive actions.


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