Ironic Missing Quantum Link

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by Sylvester Marshall

  From the beginning its customary to, elect, or put the most materialist of the restless natives, run of the mill the greediest people, the ones with the most in there meadows, and hunters, farm animals for slaughter, sheep’s, pigs, goats, cows (ironically countries with the most cattle’s, are a major source of methane gas, and hole in the ozone layer)“on a pedestal, and then turn around and try to reach them,” those who usually have the most heighten level of desensitizing terrorizing mind set, find pleasure in creating chaos, are always setting the pace, herding the masses into our current state of unrest. Where ever you are in the world right now, you are most likely on the opposite end of the all-inclusive scale. There is an extremely high probability you are following the money, or a greedy selfish persons, and your mind isn’t set to retain invaluable information, and are following captains of a sinking ships.

  Super greedy people they great pride in using the ostrich hiding technique thinking, they can escape the rest of societies behind gated communities, while leaving a comet tail wake, emitting and emoting widespread destructions, a canopy and halo of counter intuitiveness behind and all over their persona. Brandishing panic room diplomacy, with feral writhing grins, as if they are living in a different world, and they are untouchable to the intricacies of the universe, they were able to create the most disturbing sets of laws on the books, shape our continuities, control all intangible business, create super unnecessary, replace natural, acquire things by any mad method necessary, let their vilest imagination run disturbingly while, twisted priorities, class systems, covert liaisons, clandestine operations, shadow corruptions, double identity Ops, concentrate super greed, delusions of grandeur, create slavery, refreshing deception, create wars, create meritocracies and all the trimmings of self-destructiveness, and lay the sabotaging ground works, and fly-by-night brain washing "overnight schemes, design to keep wonderful people down", down disarray, discombobulated, and stay tuned to super greed, selfishness, and being party to endless inactions, and all of the selfish destructive systems currently in play, just from us following the money. Some forms of the under privileges are underrated, poor, and misfortune people, are systematically misled and herd into their twisted concepts and become a slave for self-destructive wealth, they are poor and misfortune. Here is the thing, greedy selfish and reckless, method of conquer good people require grandstanding, delusion of prosperity, to be able to corrupt innocence people and turn them into enslave of counter intuitive systems, to do their dirty work. If you don't preset your mind to desire less, it is set on an open desperate corruptive anything goes, and by any means necessary setting, that is guaranteed to progress into super greed.

  In most cases, if not all, successful people are exhibiting and obviously suffering from the big seven types of unsettling tendencies, sociopaths, manic depressive, psychopaths, narcissist, sadist, masochist, anarchist, tendencies, the greedy and selfish people has all of their cliché’s, adages, proverbs, maxims, etc., enshrined and are living ruthlessly by, and duping and conforming the wonderful people of our entire world to counter intuitively following. This has been a demented borderline psychotic pandemic missteps from the dawn of civilization, culminating into, "the sum of all fears".

  Re-observe all successful people closely, and you with notice, they all has pronounce seeping issues and disturbing O.C.D qualities, some are able to hide it well, in most cases their disturbing habits and ways always severely outweighs their redeeming qualities.

  Greed can never in a million years, bring you happiness.

  A strange irony is most of the rich are really poor with all forms of super-nonsense, with overnight schemes controlling interest. Most of the people who are duped into thinking they are poor, or misfortunate are really rich, and wealthy in so many ways, just has misconceptions of wealth. The rich has to normally become rich with endless primitive fear, and chemical poisoning, and lack of nature. The more obnoxious rich are usually replace all natural things, and nature, and opt to become rich with brand new shiny poisonous artificial chemical finish ill-fate products, that has proven to post all types of health risk. All finish artificial products has collateral damages, in every wealth homes there is endless dangerous chemical warfare, they are mostly suicidal materials that are endangering their families, and creating bizarre illness. Examples when brand new artificial materials are introduce, such as asbestos, and lead paint, only the wealth could afford them and factory workers, making them guinea shoat and sow, the poor, or misfortune are usually rich with kindness and close to nature, which is the fountain of youth, and fill with an abundance of wealth taken for granted.

  Another irony is we all born rich, we are universe travelers in the journey, by the time we enter our anatomic universe, we had already travelled, from the microscopic universe. Encrusted with wealth abilities and capabilities, with a blank mind. Without super prime directives, with clear cut all-inclusive enhancing and enlightening, rewarding and collective evolution guidance, we are coned into selling our freedom, and freewill, when we join systems that has relentless history of creel and unusual punishments. It’s customary for us to sell our freedom, for a fistful of dollars, favors, currying favors, unrealistic needs, material gain, associations, fame fortune, and other useless desires. One of the main secret of life is never to sell your freedom, or all- inclusive freewill, is the recipe for easy access to failure.

  Gathering all of the extreme important life less is an uphill battle, we all have to fend for our self, well-armed with useless faire tales, Nancy stories and alarming addiction for fantasy. Inevitable falling prey to sophisticated disfiguring ulterior motive taming, highly geared in making us restless with fortified menacing twerking ignorance, engulf with unnecessary secret pain blinders, duped by super wizard into turning against each other making us susceptible and victims of unruly circumstances and a guessing Russian roulette type game. unnatural systems requires setting up endless roadblocks for nature, open budgets for intangible businesses to pacify the masses, only to scheme freedom to mobilize dark counter intuitive practices.

  Careening and spiraling to twisted bitter ends, progressing into impulse buyers, multi-tasking many forms of costly escape's, lost with twisted priorities, without all of the relevant information’s, and a dreadful annoying sense and disturbing uneasy feeling something is very wrong. nurture from the sanctity of our home and meritocratic educations that are mi' programing entire populations, to be part of the matrix systems that has been failing us miserably from their inceptions, yet we structure into following goose missteps, lump together and turned into endless regimes of Hench persons, chasing emptiness and self-destruction, for the successful.

  Most if not all of the available international systems, was design by, people with seeping issues, who are always displaying self-destructive finished products, finessing dark side, twilight zone commonsense to attract innocent and misled people to be part of a fatal dangerous super greed, and selfish game.

  All actions, inactions, disturbing habits, and ill practice have to progress, they must take a turn to the unspeakable worst. As time goes on haphazardly on by we becoming increasingly desensitize to their disturbing mind sets and super greed. It became normal to seek out billions of ways to escape, all of the super mad systems, counter intuitive play around our world, since the dawn of civilization.

  The masses had coin an accepting fancy term name, for those who are successful with the big seven seeping disturbing ruinous issues unique talent, “eccentric,” to give them a false sense of normality, since they had always been in control ruling, and setting us all to fail miserably throughout the timeline up to this present minute.

  The retrospective question everyone should ask, about this sordid long running tale, the answers are self-evident, what type of persons and personalities can become successful in our crooked world?

  Due to all of the goose missteps that always in ubiquitous play, we will always remain in a, can’t get right progressive stupors. Eventually will realize
, that all of the people, friends, acquaintances, strangers and families, concepts, organizations, groups, etc., we use to run towards open arms with glee, that in the not too distant future, now at the slight presence, instant contorting increasing repulsing agitations of these piranha relations, people who aren’t aware of their vile chaotic imposing factors, those who make us wish we can dematerialize and reappear thousands of mile away from them, instead we will be run at a quickening emergency super panic pace, while cringing, and sometimes, hidden in fetal positions, with a sign saying don’t resituate.

  A main elementary secret of life is always making all-inclusive preparations, with unwavering resilience. When we aren’t making all-inclusive preparations, we are most likely making counter intuitive preparations for the past.

  Anyone who wants to be a super star, have to be aware constantly and always play a role in the all-inclusive grand big picture of the universe.

  The big picture concept; is the most important concept of reality, the big picture is the all-inclusive picture. We are all method actors, or directors; the choice is highly based on our mindset, and serendipitous experiences. With everyone doing their own thing dialogue, setting up plots, and subplots, cueing deception, and special ensnaring special effects. Anything that aren’t of an all-inclusive in nature, is most likely part of the ongoing problem, and has being posing mass fatal threats. Evasive therapies for ensuing entropies, and the longevity of our planet.

  Everyone and all species plays an intricate and very important role in the grand scheme of existence. The role we each plays, is highly based on past actions, and with our pressing and ensuing crisis, that are “stranger than fiction,” challenges, super inaction, gone horribly wrong, throughout our fragile time line.

  Every one of us, and other species, are unique entity, each and every person, are an evolving entity, stemming from multigenerational genetics special creation, an acquisition and mergers of both parent. Each person’s born is a special genetic collaboration and one-of-a- kind creation that will have unique and special needs, even twins, quintuplets, etc. However most people are densely mi' programmed to impose all of their limitations and learnt super-nonsense, not respecting individualities, or allowing unique specimens options and preferences while trying to get a little more life. We are nurtured and mi' educated to aggressively and primitively mold others into mechanical protégé’s, eventually turning them into disgruntle nemesis. It's customary to make all of our sensitive decisions, critiquing, and giving compromising opinions, without all of the collective relevant information’s. Rely on aftermath contingencies, attack festering tragic challenges and crisis, in their wakes.

  Therefore we are twisted fatally with twisted primitive concerns, following a pack of lies, always derange "trying to get more out of a situations than is allow." Wasting a lot of our time inventing new medieval ways to terrorize each other.

  Everyone is born super rich (vagrant), they are universe travelers; they had to travelled from the microscopic universe into our present anatomic universe. Most of the time our nurtured mindset conditioning, determine their level of characteristics.

  A mind is a terrible thing when it is given the freedom to wander aimlessly into the dark matrix. Most people don't realize the ongoing dangers, not presetting their mind to desire less, leaving it out of all-inclusive character. Our brain (mind

  ) are a super computer that are a grand wizard of managing objectives, from our inception, birth our brain starts recording, and storing utilizing all of our available senses. Our mind works on automatic and is always editing and shaping us into a future version of our current state of being, progressing from all of the available market intelligence.

  Our mind (brain) are always working expeditiously, and none stop, twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, to get anything our heart desire. ”Our mind works behind our back”, with frozen smile carelessly, mockingly and demonically to acquire whatever we desire, when our mind aren’t set to desire less.

  Its most definitely set to our most fervid desire, much more, and to acquire everything in its path, it’s a stifling suspense sensation, that guarantees to hurt everyone around us and, hindering greater good progress. Desiring more are, similar to the Alamo, the battle of waterloo, Vietnam War, all wars “a lost causes” setting, everyone should take a questing itemizing eye opening look their possession, it is living proof of their level of greed. Setting our minds to desire more is very progressive to a disturbing super-greed fault. The customary things to do, and the standard operating procedures, are usually not of an all-inclusive nature.

  When we aren’t making all-inclusive decisions, we are most likely belong to endless regimes, that are rejoicing and constantly celebrating any chance they get to make very poor and twisted decisions, false moves, missteps, mi’ directions, douse in mi’ information, half cock, half baked, twisted, with a spastic gait, and are part of nesting sociopaths, narcissist, psychopaths, sadist, masochist, anarchist, terrorist, derange work-alcoholics, dish out cruel and unusual punishment with carnival glee, to anyone that’s not in their self-destructive category, or part of the waking problems that are linking us to certain can’t get right positions.

  From the very onset, it’s customary to lump everyone together, and use one-size-fits-all counter-intuitiveness on every one. Develop disdain to all various types of indifference. Routinely imposed, and imply personal brand of magical thinking and solutions for everyone.

  Every single one of us has a very important synchronized preordained role to play in the grand scheme of existence, with surround local sound local geographic sounds, and in Technicolor. Everyone has their very own preordain unedited script, only with collective intelligence are upgraded. to get a little more insight about preordain magic, (meike homework recommend watching a movie call Paycheck, with Ben Affleck and the movie Next with Nicholas Cage, groundhog day, and many others, that can give you an example of how our meike, super powers, preview to us everything that will happen, secret messages of our future.) our script can only be upgraded most of the time, only when collective intelligence is upgraded. In this version of your preordain script, you are precisely where you have to be, speaking figuratively, in the next scene, that uncertain feeling resurges, your mind is an uproar and you are in overdrive, 'thinking a thousand things a minute."

  No matter how much you are trying to out distance the this literature and the stand to reason truths, with a frozen smirk, you draw back, intrigue, after the intermission, playing your part diligently in the grand scheme of existence, action or inaction cut; to continuity and the passage of time.....

  The quality of the set design, and the cast and the directors is highly base on our programming. Some of us get trapped in a Groundhog Day farce scene, or type cast. Every one of us has a choice to either become, a good or horrible director. An all-inclusive director, pay attentions to all of the tiniest of details, the big picture. Or we can choose to be a fly-by-night director, an apparition of sub counterintuitive cartoon plots.

  Unfolding scene with various directors and cast, lead actors, and supporting cast are always unfolding all around us. Some people are mi' programmed to into being type casted, becoming scene of the crime, “a walking crime scene” and to always be cueing their limited inactions, primitive emotions, inactions, primitive vulgarities, restless natives, and international ignorance's, culminating into un necessary entropy and unrest.

  This is the unravelling all of the very important secrets of existence, and pinpointing all of the linchpins, “distinctive elements of danger," the entire root reasons for all our challenges, and crisis.

  Well informed preventative steps, to guard against our constant distasting state, and influx of counterintuitive ness, and " insurmountable amount of, unnecessary insecurities, intangible, and "potable state of agitation."

  With most of the world population, steadily rising from seven and a quarter billion people, mind-set are set to have a penchant
to desire more, and the thrill of the chase, and the counterintuitive games, how could that be a good thing?

  Life is filled with unnecessary festering twisted and bitter surprises, ranging from, "the good, the bad, and the ugliest of unnecessary surprises."

  We has been mi' programed, and desensitized to become creatures of counterintuitive sheltered habits. All our customs and traditions are in full force effect road blocks, unspooling well tangled our customary pooling of personal brand of counter productiveness, that are tether in all factions of our continuities. Existence is fathomless depths of hyper drive trajectories of super unnecessary, culminating, and always resurfacing aimlessly geared to destroy, and overlook all of the main all-inclusive ingredients for the greater good.

  The missing equation, are ironically the main ingredients, and in all instance, naturalness, root secret that can endow us with fullness of life.

  This literature aim is an introduction of the missing equation that can guide us towards the well censored all-inclusive path, back on course with our very promising evolution, all-inclusive knowledge and intelligence, that can be a greater good spring board back to evolving, that we had long ago detoured from, and towards a new improve refreshing version of ourselves and bridging the tethering gaps and voids of collective existence.

  Writers block

  Fragile minds, traversing the can’t get right passages of time

  "The pen is mightier than the sword."

  Tale of the scripts, literary intrigue,

  Rarely things can stand the test of time, than published and un-published words, dismiss by literary overlords.

  Long running relay documentations of restless natives continuity fatigues

  Naked experience flows and noticeable dips.

  Emotional outpours of the minds, scribbling whips.

  When we analyze our past to present, and try to determine, which group of people played a significant role in shaping our continuum. We would find an all walks of life's and professions, entertainers, artist, performers, musicians, farmers, gardeners, environmentalist, journalist, transporters, etc.


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