Ironic Missing Quantum Link

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Ironic Missing Quantum Link Page 10

by Sylvester Marshall

  The time capsule would send a counter-intuitive message that only proves something is afoot, and is a confirmation of our twisted priorities. All our non-all-inclusive preoccupations and continuities are signaling high flying red flags, S.O.S “we the C.E.O of our own

  Any intelligent space travelers would focus on the missing equations, the important things they don’t see would be their major focus. In all our preoccupations and continuities, like clockwork the missing equations are the all-inclusive equations.

  When anyone laves out all-inclusiveness, they are programing with counter-intuitive, counter-productive, and inactions. Our history books are documented blood stained proof of what happens when we use separatist customs.

  Leaving out part of any equation, deprive our chance of getting the complete solution; all our answers would partial, leaving us twisted and only would be able to operate with a part of the total solution. Would similar to using a portion of our brain and unable to receive the benefit of masterful frame of mind.

  We have refined countered intuitive programing and using it as a form of magical stinking thinking, blinding us from all our true priorities.

  Non all-inclusive preoccupations are the main reasons we are making all form of bizarre decision. Most of us were programed to avoid the truth.

  From nurturing stage’s, double standard and mix signals was normal, we were told not to lie, then in the not too distant future, our parents would tell us to answer the antique land line phone/ cell phones back Aug Lang sync, or the door bell, to lie telling the person they know at the door, they aren’t here.

  The truth is the most important thing, for the ultimate form of success we must embrace the unvanquished truth at all times, when we stray from honesty, we began neglecting our innocents and set ourselves to fail miserably.

  There is all sort of ingrained extraterrestrial xenophobia fear of the unknown “illegal aliens”, getting probe, abducted, etc.

  Here is the honest thing, if these so called advance alien who are capable of flying, galloping, or cruising out of their galaxy, without drinking their own urine, or have to wear some type of diapers as a source of drinking water, and has the cutting edge solution for the bone density enigma challenge all astronauts face.

  When an advance space travelers had any interest in Hu persons as abductees.

  They would simply swoop from the comfort of their cloak vessels collect trillions of Hu person eggs, sperm cells, stem cells, etc., and farm their own Hu person population like they are already doing in, reltih galaxy (bit of questionable humor).

  One of the world’s other main challenge and limitation, is a fact that everyone is programmed to follow blindly fashionable ignorance’s, vile ritual, sinister customs, disinformation’s, amusing superstitions, and separatist traditions.

  Freeze reality frame:

  Back on planet 26, these illegals with eleven porthole life forms. Were so successful with their preoccupations and continuities, they decided collectively to become the, caretaker of the Universe. They are teeming and advancing with all sorts of all-inclusive considerations, with an all-inclusive mindset, is the prime conditioning for impeccable wisdom. Collectively and gracefully they float in all their preoccupations and continuities.

  In between and all around the prism galaxy, there are surplus of the raw materials, numerous belts of left over fragments of raw materials, everywhere throughout the galaxy.

  Left over raw elements and gases, and dust particles fuse together and form, nebula type fireworks. Glittering with the suns light, creating a prism with its obnoxious some of raw surplus are precious gems, emitting all the primary colors in a rainbow iridescent spectrum glow, from both their suns and moonlights rays.

  Chapter two

  You can find traces all particle, from every, known and unknown gas or solids in existence, casually floating around only in the prism galaxy. The galaxy was one of the first galaxies to form approximately 13. 2 billion years ago.

  The prism galaxy with its nirvana properties is now nestled harmonically in the oblique beveled corner of the universe.

  The prism galaxy is now a sparkling vivacious cluster of “bell us summations” a vibrant cluster of planet s and moons, and suns. The new positions of the planets, Is a far cry from their gloomy and horrendous history. Noticeable left over scares from numerous super-radical encounters are everywhere.

  During the prism galaxy earlier stage, and its primitive time the galaxy was a wild and very unpredictable area of space. All sorts of entities were always orbiting aimlessly bumping into each other, or spewing rapid cross-fire of mesmerizing fragments, petrifying energies, super-magna plumes everywhere.

  In space, gamma rays can be considered a child’s play, compare to countless, other sinister forces you can reckon with in space. Runaway planets sometimes get caught in each other’s gravitational force in an interlock struggle.

  Wormhole back draft ripples from its feeding on a super planet. Then there are unpredictable stellar-shift, when gravitational lock of a Pulsars, Magnetrons, Polar-Quake, cross path.

  Just to name a few, from the many celestial’s challenges, these illegal aliens were able to travel through successfully to other galaxies. Bipolar gravitation bubble, (two orbiting Planet of opposite polarization super symmetry, are caught in a gravitational high speed lock).

  In outer space there are, trillions of entities that are always competing for the same area of space, or getting caught in gravity locks. Sometimes each entity has their, own unstable orbit, on a collision course with numerous objects in its path.

  Strangely enough, planet 26 now have, a wonderful orbiting gravitational vortex, in the oblique fossilize prism vicinity. Planet (@^) are an Acadia nestle intuitively in the heart of the prism galaxy, it’s now a symbol of creative collective preoccupations and strict organic continuities.

  In their neighboring galaxies, there are numerous newly forming planets, in its super-radical stages.

  Planet (@^) are teeming with super-intelligent illegal aliens life. The habitants of planet 26 are semi-immortals; a real living immortal, would had to have indestructible biology system. Semi immortal means that when the right conditions are met; a life form can go on living almost endlessly.

  The illegal aliens have eleven portholes, senses system, one of their elven portholes, located in the center of their biological system; it serves as their cosmic link to the universe, every living thing in the universe has a cosmic link.

  All their senses are always constantly in tune with both Universe, the anatomic and microscopic. The porthole located in the middle of their biological system is always in constant interactive mode with cosmic vibrations that’s always in play all around every species.

  Although they are a super-advanced species, like any other species they are born with an empty a slate, empty brain, what a species brain is fill with, determine the standard of preoccupations and continuity.

  Around the Eocene, epoch some 50 million years ago, their first set of leaders was always amazon women, logical choice of leaders, since women was the primary support in bringing life, from the microscopic universe, into the anatomic universe. The inhabitant of p26, never-ever deviated from their true natural organic holistic sources of daily vitals for sustaining both of their life forces. Therefore; was never had to face growth disorder, are one of the primary genetic traits that is compromise from prolong lack of total daily vitals for sustaining both of their life forces. Naturally they were able to use most of their brain processing powers, and their genetic growth traits remain intact, causing all of the inhabitant of p26 to be very tall. Every one of the inhabitants from p (@^), are all very tall, since they always received their total amount of daily vitals, their growth were never inhibited. Growth is the first of all our biological process to be override, in last ditch failsafe attempt, our brain prioritize, which function to keep or is critical, when it it's face with lack of daily vital, bypassing certain receptors, trying to preserve us or save
us from ourselves.

  From the very beginning the leaders created a prime directives uniform code of awareness (tcejorp/ginolcsdeesworht), it’s an all-inclusive set of ideas fill with 100 % unvanquished truths, and they all follow gracefully.

  An all-inclusive vade mecums “Handbook”, the vade mecums was created from the very beginning, along with “(Tcejorp/gninolcsdeesworhT)”, all done the during their, earliest and primitive stage.

  The vade mecums was created by their ancestors, under the guidance of their last single leadership; Nozama llat. Single-leadership was considered very primitive, they change immediately to groups of amazon women, breifly, thier names were: (Llat aisak, Ynasile, Srewot eimmat, Neevrap aqiddis, Aisak llat,: Enasile, sajor allebasi, Eemsa, Aredasna, drofnub enaj, nailnij gnej, Nefed oay, Aella ydnas, Ajnatllat). Then naturally to collective leadership, the ultimate of all types of leadership, anything else is primitive, and will be part of the problem.

  The fabulous illegal aliens with hideous eleven portholes, had recognize the onset, the selfishness, super greedy, omnipotent, counter-productiveness, absurdity of the separatist counter-productiveness, one person leadership or, a group of leadership to govern millions, interfered with freewill and is the ongoing recipe for chaos.

  Planet (@^), last sets of leadership, recommended that collective leadership, are the only all-inclusive leadership, anything less, are only give the rest of their inhabitant sinister chance of “endless nothing”.

  The last sets of amazon women leaders, made the utmost uniform all-inclusive decision, that everyone will be active part of all leadership.

  Thorough the single-leadership and join-leadership, they had ingeniously establishing, an all-inclusive prime uniform code that promotes freewill and collective’s leadership.

  “United they stand for everything, divided they fall for any, and everything destructive and counterintuitive”. Together they can achieve super greatness, divided they are guaranteed to fall for, "endless nothings." Things naturally falls apart, separatist mindset, preventing, meritocracy, hate, greed, selfishness, etc., all expedites failures.

  Their minds were able to easily evolve into super-powerful transcendental state of being, capable of using over ninety seven percentage of their oversize brain processing abilities, with some illegal aliens able to use 103% of their brain.

  Their diets consist of the juices of all of the raw substance growing everywhere. They never-ever when through a, can't get right era, an evolution stasis era of cooking out all of most of our daily required essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients from their foods, as a source of dead sustenance.

  They foraged on natural green and multi-colored substance that is growing all over their terrestrial alien world.

  Each of these substances, targets a specific receptors that collects specific nutrients to aid in their very intricate and complex honey comb biological systems.

  When they able to get all the required total daily vitals, to support their eleven porthole system, and (both life force core), they are rewarded with unimaginable powers.

  Subsequently; those greenish and multicolored substance, turn out to be their fountain of youth, that has always been in plain sight.

  From their primitive stage their entire biological system or environment was never compromised. Their biological physiology had received everything necessary daily vitals for sustaining their busy biological system.

  Naturally, and eloquently they would become endowed with enhancing capabilities, enabling them to evolve with ease into a being with heighten super-advanced awareness, exuding sublime all-inclusive prosperity, awareness, consideration, immediate replenishment of all things, "(leaving things, better than we found them)", and all-inclusive understanding.

  Their brain are so super-advance, it enable them to preview their entire life span from a very early age. Their brain knows everything that is going to happen, ahead of time, from the earliest stage of their existence, preordain clarity.

  At any time during their rest stasis in (Mermaerd porthole) they are able to see the future, since their ways of life was never compromise, with gross unnecessary, their dreams are all crystal clarity, all the mumbo jumbo in dreams, are the unnecessariness.

  Freeze frame:

  Their brain has super advance capabilities, and had already lived out their entire future, from an early age. Anyone that come' in contact with these super-advance being, would experiment proximity reactions. five miles mind reading, one mile detox and entire healing, you would be in need of a bathroom, "intelligent toilet", from a half a mile brain lock, 'mind-melt. "

  All of the illegal aliens on p26, are on the same super advance levels of intelligence, their intelligence far super cede what we on Earth called, a savant, genius, telepath, those are considered child’s play.

  “Perhaps that’s why; there are people we recognized intuitively as our enemies”, our brain see things we cannot see, of more specific, things we are programed not to see. We are all mi' programed to be extra nonobservant, and remain the C.E.O’s, of our own confusions.

  We on earth are so clever at doing the wrong things, we are always finding, inventing ways to take our counter intuitiveness up endless notches. Compromise our entire biological system, by not receiving raw daily vitals, is the least of our global bizarre customs. We have are routinely being programed with labyrinth of twilight bizarreness. Our reality, "are stale nonfiction." counter-productive self-destructive ambitions, are everywhere, we just have to stand still, and in seconds, we are guaranteed to be bombarded with bizarreness."

  One our self-evident multigenerational missteps, in our gross long list of missteps that are diminishing our capacity, we are also making certain, in many overlooked ways get good and plenty secondhand smoke inhalation and fumes, while cooking out most, and sometimes all our required raw daily vitals from food before we eat them.

  And that’s just the tip of the, self-created thawing artic ice bergs, imagine second hand smoke is recognize globally as a dangerous hazard, yet stove manufactures continue to sneak pass ethics, and morality, turn a blind eye on reality of the situation, and remain an enormous part of the problem.

  Most of everyone has routinely overlooked other sources of secondhand smoke, is in all of their sanctity of their continuities. We are so loyal to our mi’ programed, we can’t correlate the other sources of secondhand smoke.

  Not only we are supplying our fragile biological make-up with cooked foods is (food suicide), process foods and drinks, which are dead foods, we are unilaterally making dam sure we have daily sources of fumes and secondhand smoke, in all sanctums of our continuities, from their stove in their home, work place, in restaurants we frequent, fire places (sorry Santa), B.B.Q pits, etc.

  There are well over two billion of people working in restaurant and fast food places exposing their biological system and their offspring genetically to fatal illness, cause from second hand smoke, just for a meager fist full of dollars. And the rest of the populations may have some sort of cooking devices, up-close and fatally personal.

  Somehow aren’t able to correlate the reasons, people who don’t smoke, are getting lung cancers, or able to only use less than ten percent of our brain processing powers.

  There are many culminating forces, that limiting us, compromising us, hampering our evolution, and preventing us from being able to use more “brain processing power”, the higher echelon of the less than percent, are normally reserve for, genius, savants, etc. as a laymen, I am barely able to try and use a lot less than1.8 %estimate percent brain processing power of my below average intelligent, a never was, a want to author, ironically to help everyone who are mostly smarter than me, what was i thinking?, with an overall no budget, dense fog scatter brain, high profiled vagrant, trying to play catch-up from endless "intense hermit writing." I am pretty sure, some of you with customary smirks, and separatist, upbringing, had already surmised this prognosis from the onset, we are all crying for help, in some ways or a

  Freeze reality frame:

  Imagine; the entire population on planet 26, are super-intelligent illegal aliens, that able to use more than ninety seven percent or their processing power of their brain, out there in the cryogenics darkest, travelling around our universe.

  Chapter three

  Their entire planet are always working collectively, gracefully, and in all-inclusive fashion, night and day, towards their planet and our Universe greater good, “there is something we don’t see every day”. One of their days has 48 hours, using Earth time measuring system.

  Planet 26(@^) are alluring in every unique way, the scary hideous illegal aliens inhabitants with eleven senses of P (@^) are very resourceful. By tweaking their planet magnetic core field and neighboring moons, and other objects with gravitational force, they were able to relocate the whole planet to favor.

  All modifications are design with greater good principles. Flight was simple principle for them to figure out due to their formidable ubiquitous prime super directives.

  They only use, and utilizing their planets and the universe natural resources. From their customary constant collective all-inclusive input, and awareness, they naturally were able figured out, numerous ways to defy their gravity, well over and, close to a billion years ago.


  Their first flight principles now considered antiquate, involve using acute air separators, and air collector, which would be considered advance in another world. They had chambers that collected all stream of gases, and separate each gas and compartmentalized them, so they are able to reuse them at will. Their super primitive methods, also house all types of atoms, radiation and photons, and house it in separate, chambers.

  By constantly collecting the entire multiple gases and use them for different purposes. (Earth first flying car is preordained to use the same air separators principles, collecting acute helium and liquid helium).

  Later on helium and liquid helium was either compressed, or frozen, or stored on atomic levels, using irritation of various stable mild atoms to induce implosion, initiating a steady stream of compress helium gas allow them to soar, later on helium splitting.


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