Ironic Missing Quantum Link

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by Sylvester Marshall

  When the right conditions are met, multi-generation of raw daily vitals to sustain both of their busy bee life force, they are able to control it with an exact science.

  One of their portholes are spidery fibers, that grow all over their biological features (hair pothole), the fibers act as a filter and pre warning of possible danger in harmful range, and as a time capsule storage cells of all contaminants we come into contact throughout our life.

  There are the portals that cover their entire biological makeup, most their senses are physical sensing warning system, filtration skin porthole), Respiratory, intake for solar, waste management’s, etc. Two sound monitoring organs porthole, two waste deposal portholes, one also acts and flexes as reproductive organs, two visual senses portholes. And two order analytic and detection portholes of our first Hu persons ancestors, was the first illegal alien castaways of Earth, marooned spaced ship wreck.

  Chapter eight

  Recovery of the all the wreckage missions, involved combing through all of the far flung crash sites, salvaging was a very painstaking ubiquitous operation, of three various mangle space disk, and make sure and not leave remnants of an advance culture, that will baffle and confused the evolving primitive civilization, signs are always been unearth by archaeologist batteries, etc..

  Some of the illegal castaways, from both of the crash times constructed batteries from recovered wreckage. As time goes on most of their initial sophisticate gear fall prey to various crisis and tragedies, or was buried in the artic regions. All or their gear are of organic composition, therefore was biodegradable.

  Some of their super-advanced technology that are used in making the cities float back on planet 26 were recovered, in some of the well mangled wreckage by castaways.

  After the dealing with crisis from being a crash survivor, and facing survivor syndrome, the marooned survivors with Mazarin integuments (sun drench exposure from harsh sunlight back on planet twenty six) illegal aliens with eleven porthole sense they create some type of stabilities.

  The elders started constructing and building distress signals, building pyramids, Daisen kofun, in various locations around Pangaea. Stone hedges were built by teenagers, where they didn’t have the advance knowledge of elder’s to guide them, using some advance technology to raise the stones.

  All of the castaways had to ‘make do”, constructing various type of homing beacon, to signal to their fellow space travelers, some was cleverly design Nazca lines as secret homing beacon that can be observed from the sky, in now called Peru.

  At some point the adult from all over communicated via dreamscape, and united trying to reinstate the original prime directive’s, they salvage some of the original prime directive’s and created a partial vade mecums, in a broken language, a few elders pool tier resources together and created the Rosetta Stones.

  Chapter nine

  The homing beacon worked brilliantly, they were aligned perfectly to reflect light into a celestial space hedge. The first scout ship that saw the beacon arrive on, a few years after the first crash, a recovery operation arrive, they saw the light from the summer solace in space. The second crash remained a salvage operation mode, even as you read.

  Although the rescuers and the crew before the crash saw with their prescient capability the future, and are face with the prescient paradox enigma, they was still very surprise at the Hu person “can’t get right” conditions that are existing globally, seeming with dark ingenuities always taking a dramatic turn to the worst .

  Nostradamus, and Native Americans, aborigines, and a few others, were able to fine tune, and use these prescient capabilities. Every Hu person are endow with this capability, anyone can use dreamscape to see their future, deciphering which is future and lack of daily vitals jumble scramble bramble, will be very difficult.

  First you would have to preset your mind to be conscious in a dream, awake within the dream. Set goals and check your abilities, leave marker’s, this is best when started at a very early age, when your mind has less confusion, mumble jumble, entombed with counterintuitive distractions etc., and unnecessary programming, mi ’education, disinformation, etc.; however it still can be done with compromise minds, in Rem, catnaps is best sometimes to access your prescient ability.

  For those who claim they don’t dream, certain foods before bed can induce dreams (chocolate , honey, noni, antitoxins, garlic and onions, turmeric, sweets, spicy foods, all seasonings, extra daily vitals before bed, etc.) when you have all your daily vitals every day for both life-force, it’s a natural evolution to have dreamscape prescient honing awareness.

  A simple way to induce prescient, to make sure you have a hefty helping of your total daily multivitamins from raw multi, verge, fruit juice’s to satisfy both of your life force core. You would only be able to see bits and pieces, until you receive all necessary daily vitals for a prolonged period. Seeing the future is a paradox. The future cannot be changed; the future is highly based on global productivities, awareness, intelligence, unity collective aspiration.

  Every bit, streams of action and inactions culminates and are assimilated into the outcome of a long stretch of our future. If you see an unfavorable event that takes place in the future, that is preordained and usually cannot be changed instantly, the very action you may take to alter the future, in most case will be the catalyst to cause those unfavorable events, however there is a wide margin for error, even knowing that I cannot stand still and do nothing or give up, it’s not an exact science at this time. I suggest everyone should always be eager to please and try and save others from harm, remember it will always be a Queue sera paradox, we can’t stop the pre-ordained that was set in motion from our crooked pass, and however we can begin to assist in protecting our future.

  Preordained can be changed with global intelligence, it’s highly based on past intelligences, and type or quality of our preoccupations and events that had taken place, that’s setting the stage for unfolding chains of events that are occurring presently and in our future.

  Sometime you can mistake a prescient viewing by our programmed neurotic construct manifestation of the mind, outside influences convoluting us into thinking it’s a prescient viewing. Remember to keep on trying to master the first step to perfecting your prescient ability, would be to fourth wall in dream awareness, you have to be aware that you are in a dream….

  When the salvage crews arrive, they saw a primitive hot mess. Since it took over ten thousand years for the second salvage operation, they were faced with a massive population explosion; there was no room to carry everyone back to planet 26.

  A few of the original adults were transported back to planet 26; the recovery teams began making regular visit to Earth, a skeleton team remained to monitor the illegal aliens. Skeleton security crews were left in secret locations, they didn’t want to interfere with freewill and their primitive stage of the ironic earth links.

  The skeleton security crew that were left to on round the clock assessing, monitoring and managing all celestial risk facing planet earth. Our longest wonderful watchful eye in space, a kind of orbiting neighborhood watch security crew from planet 26, would have to relocate, in accordance to expediential advances in sensor technologies.

  Some of their covert protective locations were in deep sea, near Puerto Rico, North Pole, in volcano’s, and other acrid locations, at one comical point they were under area 51, and under the white house and the pentagon, it was one of the longest secret location, with all their secret detection device, the skeleton crew could hide almost in plain sight.

  When sonar was first invented in 1906, it was so much of a threat until the French started using it in submarines, sonar’s, had the skeleton crew on constant relocation mode.

  They had to keep moving from various undersea locations, including the Marianna trench. Some of their covert locations they were used to protect the earth from being constantly marred, scarred, and destroy, by a series of celestial dangers, asteroids, comets, su
n flairs, etc., earth Landers are clueless to the amount of time the skeleton crew had save earth from disasters, well over 78 times.

  Another irony is groups like, S.E.T.I and other celestial detectors enthuses are making their protection of the earth difficult. The security team are tap into S.E.T.I. Technology, now they are able to rely on S.E.T.I, and most of their detection device. Of course, with their advance capabilities, there are more than a billion plus space object they can hide from, or travel distance, stealth mode, they are really invincible, but the chance is coming great and greater, they would be able to reach back in time to save earth from serious threat, like the a couple of times they weren’t around for a few asteroid and meteoroids, that hit in Arizona, grand cannon and the partial save of the asteroid that hit the Yucatan peninsula, the skeleton crew had when on away missions to other galaxies.

  The security crew had been protecting the earth from, celestial threats, asteroids, comets, runaway planets, black holes, etc... Over 800 million years, They are there now as you read, staying ahead of our rapid advance in technology, example, electromagnetic waves, short waves, sonar, radar. The earth celestial protection team has averted over 667 potential high causality dangers and 78 extreme serious threats, like re-coursing worm hole that pose a Armageddon threat for earth that were heading to on a direct course to earth.

  The asteroid that was partially averted over 65 million years ago was only a small fragment of the actual enormous asteroid. The security detail that had remained from the first crash, had attempted to deflect the asteroid from destroying earth, by safely exploding the asteroid 700 million miles away from earth, even with the most super advance technology there is always room for error. Only a small runway piece of the asteroid escaped their range, and was still able to wipe out most of the dinosaur’s and because overwhelming damages, if they hadn’t intervene the earth would have been destroyed.

  The security team was very concerned during the Pleistocene epoch, about the havoc the dinosaurs, mega fauna, marsupial lions, stirtons thunderbirds, giant wombat was causing, from their accidental release on earth, after the ironic asteroid crash in Mexican region, there was only a few assorted species of dinosaurs that survive the horrific cataclysmic celestial impact. The remaining dinosaurs were tranquilized, along with the collection of dinosaurs eggs were collected and successfully relocated to another galaxy.

  In 1808 another complicate incident occurred. In 1947 the recovery mission hadn’t revisited earth and, the Kurura space saucer was caught off guard by aviation program, shell by very low tech flight was in progress, causing and embarrassing air exposure of the skeleton monitoring crew.

  They search and found the toddler ship and were in awe, and sadden by the prehistoric condition of, at the spastic gait of a whole ship of their unattended descendant turned into troglodytes.

  Some of the teenagers from the second crash become the American Indians in the Americans, and Mexico a lot of them; still maintain a d honing the abilities to see the futures.

  Like the Lenape Indians prescient ability, that sold an island that was (26) miles long that had beavers, otters, minks, muskrat and other animals, what happen to those animals? Their prescient saw the ensuing mass dangers, schools located on a fault line, pre-warning email of super storms, no precautionary steps has been taken, to this date, an email was sent pre warning and safety measures to no avail, and other ensuing water crises and three other forms deadly water crisis.

  Our long running counterproductive and ignorant traditions of programing fear into every children and sending them out into the world to be successful. From all these brainwashing fears we tend to try and design all our preoccupations and continuity to be side by side with, above and under others.

  The main counterintuitive theme and idea for the most paths is to build road ways right down in the middle of village’s depicts our embedded fear, and need to be up-close and personal, inflicting and exchanging our own personal brands of dramatic counter-intuitiveness.

  Instead of the out skirts, leave so many children and pedestrians susceptible to runaway’s horse and carriages and automobile. It’s not in the best interest of lumping people in cities that are built on fault line’s, in tornado path, hurricane alley’s, mudslide zone, forest fire, near volcano’s, flood zone, tsunami areas and other natural disaster areas.

  From the second crash, the Earth had took on, and was prepared for, it’s preordain instant change, from a planet in the rough, without natural sound of life, into a flurry of salvaging and rescue activities, simultaneously occurring, in about twenty global locations.

  In Mexico the teenagers and the three adult and many teens were survivors, from the crash ship who built the Aztec. Most of the adults survive the crash in-between, South Africa, and Ethiopia, the ship itself somehow, the cargo ship end up in the sea near Madagascar.

  After they had established some sort of stability to would travel back and forth to Egypt crash site. The ship that crash in Egypt had many adults as well quite a lot of mix teenagers. A couple of the escape pods was accidently deploy fill with rare plants and rare species, end up scattered over Asia, china, India, Philippine’s islands, Australia, Brazil, Japan.

  In the Amazon mostly women and girls, survived the crash, they were able to salvage a few items from the cargo ship, with mostly women, 478 women and a few men that eventually end up being the woman of the Amazon.

  In that isolated location, only females, girls and women had survive the crash, from the cargo crash into, what is now known as the Amazon. The women was the equivalent of super-high-tech-rocket scientist working with the terra-forming throw seeds/cloning project., was conducting a meeting, as they always do before any of ship excursions.

  Most of the marooned inexperience youths resident from planet twenty six, had the common jovial link, after a period of adjustments, started doing their own far afield counter-productive things. Most of the castaways were able to gather together in Africa, except for the aborigines who were isolated (original descendants of planet 26) and stranded in Australian.

  The young and restless teenager’s en-route to Africa, started procreating on route to African conversion and your basic heroism by the time most of them converge in Africa.

  Without the collective and all-inclusive hand book, and a few of teen turn adults they began breaking up into various factions.

  They started fleeing from their African roots, from self-created escalating confusions from everyone trying their own personal brand of inventive counterintuitive thing. Some of them started mimicking the wild animals. Some of the teenagers branch out from Africa, towards Asia, china, north and South and north Korea, Japan, and form different factions, spilt up and creates their own systems, everyone trying their own counterproductive thing.

  Easter Island was another crash site, with a few adults with some teenagers. An Important remnants and significant of the crash, that occurred on Pangaea, when the earth was one land mass, happened in the area that would later emerge as the islands of T.N.T.

  Some of the direct decedents of the illegal aliens from planet 26 are Eskimos, and the aboriginals in Australia.

  Another group of teenagers, branch out from Africa, and form various factions, England, Scotland, Ireland, Vikings, Spaniards, Latin, Scandinavia, Sweden’s, Finland, Denmark, polish, Germans, Russians, Hebrews, romans, French, Greeks, Finland, Denmark Turkey, Arabia, Iceland, Georgia between two seas was a family ship that had every age group.

  One of the cargo ship had crashed on the in Australian, on board was 176 passengers, very few adults and mix teenagers, the bulk of the seed, was on board, by the time the illegal aliens, now called aborigine’s, the only remaining direct descendant, return to, salvage some things from the wreck, hide tide had pulled the ship out to sea where it marooned on New Zealand.

  The ship that had crashed into the British isle comprised of all teenagers.

  In a couple of the cargo ship are different age groups, invention schoo
ls, not like on earth where it escapes the masses, the important need for invention schools, throughout every country, starting at a very early age. Some of the teenagers were studying cutting edge, super advance hydroponics. With clone micro tapping, they can speed up growing and harvesting time for a week, using water submerging and induce micro fissions; they had built some hanging gardens.

  The cargo ship crash into Iraq, had an expansive amount of seeds, the location was in-between two rivers between two rivers.

  All throughout history, the original castaways, or their direct descendants play a hand throughout our history in inspiring incidents. Where ever there has been phenomenal occurrence, or people exhibiting unusually wisdoms, most of the time the rare few of castaway descendant were spreading intelligence, in many occasions they were confronted with Dark Age punishment for heighten intelligence, some were calling gods, goddess, messengers, etc.

  Chapter ten

  Well over a billion years the Hu persons with Mazarin integuments on planet 26 elders had already evolved to nonverbal communication, way before they attempt space travel. When societies streamline to perfection, communication is unnecessary. Similar to a couple, that are in tune with their priorities and has the freedom to indulge in the things they are passionate about.

  When everyone is given their total daily require vitals for sustaining both of their life force, evolution is a constant stream of joyous wonder and fill with treasure troves of enhancing adventure.

  The elders were able to take it up a notch and communicate with each other through dreams, using long distance telepath-rem.

  Since the elders had already evolved to nonverbal communication. That became a huge problem for the castaways, lots of their all-inclusive ideas; information’s was lost in translation and, transitions. The inhabitants of Planet 26, had stopped speaking. They had evolved to, autobiographical abilities telepathic communications, etc.


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