You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 16

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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 16 Page 7

by Nikhil Parekh

  Never ever would I cause you the most oblivious of harm; if you sanctimoniously entwined your arms in mine; and then cavorted for major part of life with the charismatic clinician of your choice-as I turned behind,

  Never ever would I cause you the most insipid of harm; if you blatantly declared each ounce of my passion for my favorite things in life; as insane madness of the highest degree,

  Never ever would I cause you the most limpid of harm; if you unsparingly ridiculed me for my gluttony when I was hungry; whereas you plucked countless living leaves of the tree time and again—for ostensibly no reason or rhyme,

  Never ever would I cause you the most infinitesimal of harm; if you started to snore like a boundless combined monsters; the instant I tried to uninhibitedly pour the past and present of my heart; beside your collapsing stride,

  Never ever would I cause you the most forgetful of harm; if you ignominiously slandered the way I solely listened to my heart and got bankrupt; whilst you assimilated coin over perspiring coin—were an ardent fan of every astute brain who went on to built an emotionless empire,

  Never ever would I cause you the most languid of harm; if you diabolically retaliated as if to wholesomely behead me; to just a spurt of my anger which only went to show I was human and not God,

  Never ever would I cause you the most frigid of harm; if you laughed louder than the planet outside on each of my follies; showing me the sadistic shade of the devil whilst staying close to my breath all my life,

  Never ever would I cause you the most obsolete of harm; if you continued to sleep as the thieves came in and made merry; and then rebuked me for being a coward and not confronting them—thought I was at a distant place that time,

  Never ever would I cause you the most non-existent of harm; if you inexhaustibly hummed praises of your close kin though they discarded you; whilst I was the one who came running to the faintest of your cries,

  Never ever would I cause you the most disappearing of harm; if you clapped for the very politicians who sat on power thrones; whose foundations gorily rested on innocent blood of my pristine brothers, sisters and benign kin,

  Never ever would I cause you the most insouciant of harm; if you cursed me from the innermost ingredients of your blood to die each instant of my destined life—only because I opposed you and your conventionally tyrannical society for lighting venomous crackers to greet and appease the Gods,

  Never ever would I cause you the most evanescent of harm; if you tied the nuptial knot with me solely to get a handsome roof to live under-and thereby absolve your kin from the excruciating agonies of

  an added existence,

  Nevertheless wife. Though I would never ever harm even the most mercurial hair on your skin in any manner whatsoever—but for every painful beat of my heart that you were responsible- My silence will speak to you .

  22. Redder than the reddest of rose—My Valentine.

  Redder than the reddest of rose was your ecstatically silken shadow; sensuously engulfed under the unparalleled flaming rays of Sun—as you gleefully scampered up the mystically barren cliff,

  Redder than the reddest of rose were your voluptuously scarlet lips; profusely coated with mischievous shades of dancing scarlet; as you painstakingly devoured each ounce of the betel leaf; bit by tantalizing bit,

  Redder than the reddest of rose were your bountifully robust palms; as you grazed them uninhibitedly against every strand that spawned from soil; in your unceasing gestures of embracing all exhilaration on the planet,

  Redder than the reddest of rose was your dainty forehead; as you passionately knelt it for several hours against plaintive floor; in your invincible obeisance to the Omnipotent Almighty Lord,

  Redder than the reddest of rose were your daintily gratifying feet; as you jubilantly dug them in and out of chunks of rustic mud; that was compassionately heavenly after the first thundershowers this season,

  Redder than the reddest of rose were your seductively undefeated cheeks; as you blushed more naively than the first rays of dawn; perceiving the prince charming of your blissful life with surreal stars in your eyes,

  Redder than the reddest of rose were your nectar laden fingers; as you weaved them more zealously than ever before in oceans of myriad color; suddenly illuminating white canvas with the boundless enigmas of your soul,

  Redder than the reddest of rose was your perpetually benign blood; which graciously embraced the religion of humanity at every step you tread; in each of its unflinchingly everlasting ingredient,

  Redder than the reddest of rose were your ebulliently shimmering nails; as you inexhaustibly gnawed at them in a child like innocence; whilst pondering over the infinite unsolved mysteries of this fathomless Universe,

  Redder than the reddest of rose were your astoundingly curious ears; instantaneously rising to the hilt of heaven to the tiniest of appreciation and then burying themselves under countless feet of soil—at sarcasm as it humanely came,

  Redder than the reddest of rose was your affably poignant bosom; heaving and falling like the pristine ebbs and tides of the great majestic sea; as each current of the eclectically fickle wind caressed it with new-found electricity,

  Redder than the reddest of rose were your regally titillating eyelashes; as you let them unabashedly absorb the most fervent streaks of lightening as well as nimble sunset; with indescribable stunning panache,

  Redder than the reddest of rose were your royally galloping legs; as you ran far beyond the horizons of sunset to shake hands with the utterly unknown; pumping raw exhilaration at every step that you dared tread,

  Redder than the reddest of rose was your implacably nubile skin; metamorphosing into a fantastic crimson with each scorching draught of the summer wind and as the freezing breeze of winter bit in with all its fury,

  Redder than the reddest of rose was your artistically charmed nose; as you nuzzled it across every gregarious tree stalk in vicinity; exploring your rudiments of a countless inscrutable lifetimes,

  Redder than the reddest of rose were your ravishingly swaying hair; cascading till well below your hips in an inimitable glory of their own; resembling a simmering ravine of half-baked emotions as the rainbow appeared in the sky,

  Redder than the reddest of rose was your magically mollifying nape; as you rolled on a bed of natural thorns time and again to explore your whacky side; with the moonless night as your sole savior,

  Redder than the reddest of rose was your eternally sacrosanct womb; which had the power of to start the process of all blessedly rubicund creation; with the orders of the Omniscient Allmighty Lord,

  Therefore who needs an incoherently lifeless rose to celebrate "Valentines Day"-Instead; every beautiful soul out there on the planet-redder than the reddest of rose; will you be my companion for life and beyond-this Valentine .


  Not the deadliest sting of the venomously dancing scorpion; perpetually waiting to crawl on naked skin and pierce its hindside deep down into streams of innocuous scarlet blood,

  Not even the menacingly insatiable army of ants; ardently dreaming of nothing else but triggering a volcano of unbearable redness; as they stealthily clambered upon the most invisible patches of skin,

  Not even the most savagely gleaming knives; who yearned to sadistically chop anything and everything in vicinity; into a trillion pieces of livid meaninglessness,

  Not even the most despairingly morose dungeons; who wanted to devour every conceivable source of life in the blooming atmosphere; forever into a graveyard of demonic blackness,

  Not even the most ominously parasitic leeches; who started to hideously slither as if starved since a thousand centuries; at sighting the most orphaned droplet of blood splattered on the grave,

  Not even the most invidiously smoldering embers of the bonfire; whose sole mission in life was to burn every trespassing soul to an unrecognizable death; a most perfect vindication for their dreadfully miserly state of now,

  Not even the most incapacitated of oblivious rusty iron nails; who knew they could cause many an inexplicably traumatizing disease; apart from a corpse of woeful blood; once they pugnaciously stung,

  Not even the most perilously sinister sheets of sinking mud; who wretchedly suckled you to the rock bottom of incarcerated darkness; with an ease as inanimate as a ghost passing unscathed through the wall,

  Not even the most forlornly thwarting silence; a web of preposterously crucifying loneliness trying its best to trap every life of bustling energy; only to be eaten by the spiders of hell,

  Not even the gullibly hissing snakes; whose singleton kiss of the lips on pristine life; led to the most irrevocably silencing mortuaries of death; an agonizing extinction which brutally paralyzed all existence,

  Not even the most tyrannical wells of unending sarcasm; which plagued every creatively brilliant spark that rose from the mind and soul; with the devil's altar of jinxed negativity,

  Not even the most disdainfully lethal smokescreens of adulteration; which yearned every unveiling instant to usurp everyone on earth; in their murderously cancerous swirl,

  Not even the most abysmal gorge of hopeless desperation; which perpetuated every sane entity on the trajectory of the planet; to become a maniac who asymmetrically plundered for raw flesh and blood,

  Not even the most dreadfully conniving satans of hell; who devised endless insidious ways and means to torture you after you died; and were sent to their custody in your fecklessly frigid after life,

  Not even the most despondently amorphous walls of monotony;  which unsparingly marauded every infinitesimal ounce of newness around with carcasses of penalizing routine,

  Not even the most heartless cauldrons with meat butchered into a zillion pieces; where the most priceless of emotions were hacked to the most indescribably torturous death; shockingly alive,

  Not even the most ominously wailing streams of blistering lava; launching an assault of an unimaginably distorted and instant death; as it fervently prayed for the very first living step to transgress its way,

  Not even most ghoulishly jangling skeletons of nothingness; whose sole purpose lay in scaring the daylights of optimism from the innermost realms of your soul; make you one of their own even in the pinnacle of your robust life,

  But if there was anything that could indeed bite a Man till beyond an infinite of his lives and deaths-Then it was only the infidelity of the woman whom he'd given his heart; the woman whom he truly loved .


  Will you be the luckiest charm of my existence; a wish of supreme fulfillment that only led to humanitarian goodness; philanthropy and selflessness- as I nimbly tread by the grace of the Creator Divine?

  Will you be the vivaciously dancing butterfly of love in my garden; illuminating every dreary nerve of mine- with the charm of your poignantly exuberant flight?

  Will you be the scent of immortal companionship that drifted close to my nostrils; so that I forever floated in a paradise of goodness; unfettered and bonded in a mist of friendship sublime?

  Will you be the rainbow of unflinching camaraderie that I sighted in tufts of blue; that ignited my spirit of symbiotic survival on divine earth; to the very fullest?

  Will you be the droplet of tantalizing rain that cascaded down my roof; triggering a perennial yearning in my heart to be kissed in a domain; beyond the definitions of clockwork time?

  Will you be the uninhibited stream that sparkled down the virgin slopes; embracing every element of my impoverished existence; with a wand of bountiful endowment?

  Will you be those invisible tendrils of excitement that caressed my spine; awakening me from a stupor of inane practicality; towards the effulgently whistling winds of existence?

  Will you be the fairy that casts a gorge of happiness wherever you went; a perpetual mist of bliss that I embraced; as I continued my truncated odyssey on soil?

  Will you be that line of destiny on my palms that solely leads to truth; a flame that keeps the true passion of my life ignited with unparalleled caring?

  Will you be the song that I cherished to sing the most in this Universe; a melody whose tunes drifted from the innermost arenas of my innocuous soul?

  Will you be that undaunted living form by my side; in my times of ebullience and inexplicable misfortune alike; even as abuses were intransigently hurled from the planet outside?

  Will you be the tinkling laughter that engulfed my ears with new-found hope; everytime I felt the ship of my scraggily penurious existence sink to the rock bottom of hopelessness?

  Will you be the nightingale that unabashedly perched upon my shoulder; drowning me into ecstatic spasms of all the sweetness- that ever formed my imperfectly humane atmosphere?

  Will you be every Lilly that blossomed on the path not dared taken; but the very path I chose to celebrate every moment of my synergistically intrepid existence?

  Will you be the everlasting source of my child-like bewilderment; as the magic of your spontaneity continued to enthuse the informally bohemian footsteps of my life?

  Will you be the ultimate seductress that drifted me away from the worst of crisis; far away from the world of greed; manipulation and satanic barbarism—like a prince near your amiably compassionate bosom?

  Will you be the reason that I found new-found optimism to survive; not only reaching the zenith myself—but reaching out the balm of unhindered love and humanity to every single of my fellow beings?

  Will you be the voice that I could easily differentiate from amongst every other on the planet; as it was my own heart’s cry to forever unite with my soul-mate in this life and every life hence-forth- destined?

  I guess its time to propose to you now—and that’s exactly what I am doing from deep within my heart O! Beloved– will you be my Valentine



  She irrefutably loved it when you lavishly admired her toes ; adroitly fitted them with the most tantalizingly silver amulets – that lent sensuous charm to her impoverished


  She unbelievably loved it when you gently held her palms – eclectically traced her

  destiny lines on her velvety skin – added unparalleled meaning to her life with your

  ecstatic charisma,

  She wondrously loved it when you snuggled close to her during when the earthquake

  struck – were her invincible pillar of support and royally replenished her desire with


  She profoundly loved it when you admired the artistry that unfolded as she descended the rustic steps – and more so because you said that infront of several of your other girlfriends – magnanimously deserving ,

  She unhesitatingly loved it when you ran your fingers through her ravishing hair just

  moistened by fresh first thundershowers of the monsoon – and which ignited her to feel the ecstasy in the wind blowing gustily around ,

  She truly loved it when you exhorted her to sit down amidst the bountifully green

  environs – and then sketched the most immaculately bewildering portrait of her - that all your talent could ever muster,

  She uninhibitedly loved it when you shared meal with her in the same plate – which

  though disintegrated and bohemian – enthralled with the variedly ebullient ingredientsof companionship,

  She unabashedly loved it when you audaciously shouted at any human who acted

  deplorably with her – took her far away from the pandemonium of the congested streets - within the fantabulous wilderness of the hills,

  She innocuously loved it when you embraced her unassailably close to your chest –

  humming her most favorite song as your pristine lips grazed her astoundingly

  gregarious ears,

  She compassionately loved it when you mischievously pecked her on the cheek and

  ran away – soon returned back to dance with her - breaking barriers of caste; creed;

  color and tribe – to revel in the flames of seductive romance,

  She indisputably loved it when you called her amazingly versatile for those

  inconspicuous toys of different shapes and sizes ; that she’d crafted of clay –

  empowering the lives of disastrously abandoned children with mellifluous triumph ,

  She joyously loved it when you penned an impromptu poem on her – emanating like the natural currents of the frostily virgin waterfall – as she placidly perched herself on the meadow of desire and fantasized for goodness,

  She effulgently loved it when you wholesomely shrugged off all your stringent societal formalities infront of her ; divulging your true and unrestricted self to her – which was infact her greatest richness to cherish on this beautiful planet,

  She brilliantly loved it when you instantaneously tore a part of your expensive shirt to

  wrap around her fresh wound – informally carried her on your philanthropic shoulders to her dwelling as she amiably wrapped her arms around you ,

  She splendidly loved it when you proposed her out for the best date of her life – and

  then instead of presenting her with spuriously costly and feckless jewelry – gifted her a letter conveying your truest feelings for her – just as the Sun royally set and the


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