The Mage's Path

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The Mage's Path Page 15

by Lionel Vicknair

  “I’m still not understanding what you are getting at,” said Garen.

  “What if we stole the bread so that the nobles didn’t have any to hand out?” Said Rizzo. “Then, all we would have to do is plant a few people in the crowd to initiate a riot. There are thousands of people who expect that bread. And if there is none to go around, I have no doubt that we can get a riot to march on the Noble’s District.”

  “I never thought you would be capable of something so cruel,” said Vosh, sounding disappointed. “No job is worth starving thousands of people.” Rizzo didn’t want that, but he was thinking ahead and knew that would never happen.

  “I don’t plan on letting anyone starve,” said Rizzo. “I know it’s a risk that some people may get hurt, but I also know that the nobles need the people of the Slums to do their dirty work, so they will give in and find more food to hand out. And there’s no way the guards would risk trying to fight that many people, they would be outnumbered ten to one.” Garen was sitting back and listening, considering all the possibilities.

  “He’s right,” said Garen. “Plus, this might be the only way.”

  “I still don’t like this,” said Vosh. Rizzo knew he had a good heart for a thief. Vosh didn’t mind stealing from the wealthier people in the city, but he drew the line when it came to physically harming people.

  “If you have a better idea, I’ll gladly take it,” said Rizzo sincerely. He didn’t want to risk people getting hurt any more than Vosh. But Vosh kept silent, shaking his head no. “It’s settled then. We have four days left until the next time the nobles hand out their bread. Garen, can you take care of making sure that the bread never makes it to the Slums? And it might help to have a few false people in the crowd to shout some things to get the riot started.”

  “I think I can handle that,” said Garen. “You two need to keep up appearances and continue working at the Lancaster house.”

  They nodded that they understood, and the group continued planning as much as they could with the information they had. Rizzo pulled out the map Selena had given him, going over it until it was memorized. He would not take any chances for failure, none of them would.

  Chapter twelve

  The next day when Rizzo was in the training room, Eddy and Rob approached him with worried faces. He watched as they walked over to him, unsure of what to expect.

  “Rizzo my friend, how are you,” said Eddy, trying to act nonchalant. “I hope you haven’t spent all that coin I gave you already.”

  “I still have some of it,” said Rizzo. “What brings you two here though? I don’t think I’ve seen either of you training in here before.”

  “What’s the point of training if you’re already perfect?” Said Rob with a cocky tone.

  “If you’re what a perfect thief looks like, then the guild is in trouble,” said Eddy jokingly. He turned to Rizzo and Vosh and his expression quickly became serious. “We came here to talk about the job you’re on though. We just want to make sure you are not getting in over your head. One member has already lost their life trying to get that gem and we don’t want to see that happen to you.”

  He appreciated their concern, but he had his own reasons for wanting the gem. The possibility that he could find out if what he saw around the door was magic was too tempting to resist.

  “I’ll be fine,” said Rizzo. “There may be a way you can help me though.” They both looked at each other, not sure they wanted any part of this.

  “How so?” asked Rob as if he needed more information before agreeing.

  “Do you still have those guard uniforms?” asked Rizzo, they nodded yes. “What are the chances you would be able to sneak in some equipment for us? I know they wouldn’t normally let common guards in the Noble’s District, but if there’s a riot approaching, I’m sure they will take any help they can get.”

  “As long as we get there before the mob does, then sure.” Replied Rob. “What did you have in mind?” He smiled, knowing he had a long list of things they may need.

  It took everything Rizzo and Vosh had to keep up appearances, impatiently waiting for the day to come. Finally, though, it was here.

  Unfortunately, they had not seen Selena since their first visit and therefore had not shared the plan with her. Lodin had most likely been attached to her hip the entire time.

  They were working in the stalls, waiting for the warnings to come. After almost the entire day went by with nothing happening, they were thinking that something had gone wrong. Maybe Garen could not steal the bread, or maybe the people they planted in the crowd weren’t enough to antagonize a riot.

  Their fears were silenced though when they saw someone running to the Lancaster gate. Rizzo recognized the man, it was Eddy dressed as one of the city guards, looking frightened. His acting was remarkable, just as he expected from anyone in the guild. If he didn’t know better, he would actually believe him to be running for his life.

  Eddy reached the guards and blurted out a few words, then one guard ran inside, and Eddy started running down the street again. A few minutes later the guard that ran inside returned, with over a dozen other guards following behind him, then they all ran toward the Noble’s District gate.

  Bill noticed the commotion and went inside the house to discover what was going on. They waited patiently for him to return, biding their time. A few minutes later he came back outside and walked over to them.

  “Sorry boys, but it looks like work will be cut short today.” Bill sounded calmer than expected. “There’s a mob marching through the city, hell-bent on causing some trouble. It’s probably best if you get home and lock your doors until this is over. I’d hurry though before they reach the gate.”

  “What about our pay for the day?” asked Vosh.

  Rizzo looked at him with disbelief. Why did he always have to push his luck?

  “Come back tomorrow, and if the stables are still standing, you will get your coin,” said Bill, not waiting for a response and turning to walk away.

  “Really?” asked Rizzo when Bill was out of earshot.

  “What?” asked Vosh as if he saw nothing wrong. “Never hurts to ask.”

  “One of these days you are going to get us into some serious trouble,” said Rizzo, shaking his head and then walking out and around the house to get a better view of the street. People were scrambling around outside, guards and citizens alike, all trying to prepare for the incoming threat. He didn’t see any sign of Eddy or Rob but wasn’t about to go searching for them. “It’s probably best that we hide back in the stables and wait for everyone to get off the streets.”

  Vosh agreed and followed him inside. It took almost an hour for things to quiet down, but eventually, they did. Just as they were about to leave and find a way to the house, Eddy and Rob walked into the stables, carrying a small bag.

  “Man, it’s good to see you guys,” said Rizzo. “I was beginning to think you wouldn’t show.”

  “Have a little faith in your fellow guild members every once in a while,” said Eddy jokingly as he laid the bag on the ground and opened it up.

  “We weren’t able to get everything you requested, but hopefully this will help,” said Rob. Rizzo walked over and grabbed the things out of the bag. There were cloaks for each to conceal their faces, smoke bombs, lockpicks, poisoned darts, and a few other items. “Oh yeah, and before I forget.” He undid the sword around his waist and handed it to Rizzo, who got a very disappointed look from Vosh.

  “I know you’ve been training how to use that thing quite a bit, but if we get into trouble, you run,” said Vosh. Rizzo couldn’t recall a time when he sounded more serious than he did now. “Remember that these are soldiers inside the Noble’s District. They are not like the regular ones inside the city and they will kill you without hesitation.”

  “I know,” said Rizzo as he strapped on the sword. “It’s just a precaution.” He then put on his cloak and covered his face.

  “Let’s get this over with then,” said Vosh as
he put on his own cloak and equipped a few items.

  “Well, this is where we part ways friends,” said Eddy. “We like you and all, but this is as much as we are willing to help.”

  Rizzo didn’t blame them. He appreciated how much help they had given, and for nothing in return. They went back into the streets, heading in the opposite direction of the gate.

  Rizzo and Vosh waited a few minutes after they left and then peeked around the door of the stables. No one was in sight, a good sign. They crept outside and walked towards the house, avoiding the front door, thinking that if anything would be guarded, that would be it. They circled around, looking for another way in. They found a likely spot to enter from a balcony on the second floor.

  “That’s probably the best chance we have of getting inside without anyone seeing us,” said Rizzo, pointing to the balcony.

  “I’ll go first,” said Vosh. He took a few steps back and then sprinted towards the wall, running up it and jumping almost impossibly high into the air to grab onto the ledge. Within seconds he was up and over the balcony, disappearing from sight. He came back and signaled the coast was clear, then Rizzo climbed up with much more difficulty than Vosh had.

  The balcony led into a finely decorated room with a giant canopy bed in the center, thin white sheets hanging from the top. Their shadows danced along the greyed walls of the room, illuminated by the moon’s light. There was only one entrance directly across from the balcony.

  Stealthily, they moved to the door and Vosh put his ear against it, trying to listen for any signs of people on the other side. Not hearing anything, he opened it quietly and peeked his head outside. So far, their luck was good.

  They scurried into the hallway and made their way to the vault. According to the map Selena had given them, it was almost directly below. But the only way to get down was through the staircase near the front entrance. Vosh didn’t waste any time and quickly made his way there, stopping at the top.

  “Wait here while I go down and make sure it’s clear.” Whispered Vosh before he climbed down the stairs.

  Rizzo watched as Vosh made it to the bottom, and then almost died from fright as someone tapped him on the shoulder. He quickly turned around while grabbing the hilt of his sword. Luckily, he didn’t yell out from the surprise.

  “You almost gave me a heart attack,” said Rizzo quietly when he saw it was Selena behind him, shaking her head. “What are you doing here?”

  “Lodin locked me in a room, supposedly to keep me safe,” said Selena. “He heard there was a mob heading here and he went to meet with his father to discuss what to do. I figured you two would be the cause, so I decided to break out and wait to see if you showed up.”

  “Yes, it was us,” said Rizzo. She wasn’t wearing any cloak or mask, so he thought it would be safer if she wasn’t with them. “It’s probably best that you go back and wait in that room in case he comes back for you.” Selena’s face twisted in anger.

  “If you think I have been playing nice with that man for all this time just to let you have all the fun, you have another thing coming,” said Selena, not happy. He gulped, not foreseeing her getting upset. Luckily, her attention was diverted.

  “Fancy seeing you here,” said Vosh as he came up the stairs, oblivious to what just happened. “You here to lend us a hand?”

  “Yes, as a matter of fact, I am,” said Selena, changing her expression as she looked at him and smiled. “Thank you for asking.” She then looked at Rizzo with daggers in her eyes.

  “Good, then let’s get going,” said Vosh. He turned and walked back down the stairs. Selena hmphed at Rizzo and then followed. He could do nothing but shake his head and then trail behind the two.

  The way was mostly clear, all the way until they made it to the room with the vault. Vosh peeked his head around the doorway and quickly pulled back.

  “A guard is standing in there,” said Vosh. “I don’t see any way to avoid or sneak up on him.”

  There was no backing out for Rizzo, not when he was so close to the gem. It seemed there was only one way to get into the vault now. He reached inside his cloak to get a vial of paralyzing poison, then with his other hand grabbed the hilt of his sword. But before he could unsheathe it, Selena put her hand on his arm to stop him.

  “When will men learn that force is not always the answer,” said Selena, shaking her head. “Watch and learn.” She pulled one ring off her finger and pushed on the top, removing the head. A small needle was underneath, most likely already coated with a sleeping poison.

  She changed her facial expression to look frightened and then ran into the room. Rizzo and Vosh kept themselves hidden on the other side of the wall, listening intently. As soon as she went in the room, a metal ring sounded through the air as the guard unsheathed his sword.

  “Please, help me,” said Selena, sounding terrified.

  “You’re not supposed to be in here miss,” said the guard. Rizzo heard the sword slide back into its sheathe, he must have realized who she was. “I have orders to kill anyone that comes in here.”

  “Please, Lodin put me in a room by myself and left me, I’m scared,” said Selena. Rizzo desperately wanted to peek around the corner and see what was happening, but he couldn’t risk it. He had to trust Selena. “Can you protect me? I’ll be sure to tell Lodin of your bravery if you will just keep me safe until everything calms down.”

  “How can I say no,” said the guard.

  “Oh, thank you,” said Selena. He heard feet run across the floor and then metal clinking together.

  “Ouch, what the hell was that?” asked the guard. She must have hugged him or something and poked him with the ring.

  “Oh, sorry,” said Selena as she pulled away. “My jewelry must have scratched you.”

  “No worries mam,” said the guard. A few seconds later they heard a thump that sounded like the guard hit the ground

  “You two can come in now,” said Selena. They came around the corner to see the guard unconscious, leaned up against the wall.

  “Damn, you really are incredible,” said Vosh.

  “Awww, why thank you,” said Selena, smiling shyly. “At least someone appreciates my help.” She was obviously still not happy with Rizzo.

  “By any chance have you figured out how to open this thing?” Rizzo asked while walking to the bookcase, focused on getting the gem and not even registering her comment.

  Selena waited a few seconds before speaking, an irritated expression on her face. “Not yet, but I think I heard him moving around in this general area.”

  Rizzo went to where she pointed and started examining everything in sight. He saw a spot on the floor that had lines dug into it, making a square in the corner of the bookcase and wall. It seemed like it could move, so he put his foot on it and pressed, making it move slightly. He then put his full weight on the square and heard a slight click from underneath the bookcase. Looks of excitement covered all their faces as he pulled on the side and the bookcase slid open, revealing a doorway leading into a small room.

  “Well, that was easier than expected,” said Rizzo, heading inside. There were pedestals lining the walls, all with trinkets placed on top of pillows. Everything looked to be rare and expensive gems and jewelry, most likely each worth a fortune.

  “I don’t suppose anyone knows which one the Dragon’s Eye Gemstone is?” asked Selena as she looked over the multiple gemstones.

  “I say we just take them all,” said Vosh with greedy eyes, but hesitated as he looked over to see Rizzo transfixed on something in the back. “Are you ok?”

  He knew which one the Dragon’s Eye was. As he had hoped, the energy he had been searching for was pulsating from the gem in the back. Finally, he had found what his body yearned for. He walked towards the gem, but Vosh grabbed him by the arm and stopped him, snapping him back to reality.

  “Hey, I asked if you are ok?” Vosh said with worry.

  “I see it again,” said Rizzo. “That’s the Dragon’s Eye.” He
pointed to the gemstone in the back, finally having his answer to what the energy was. Magic.

  “Now’s not the time,” Vosh said, sounding panicked. “Get the gemstone and let’s go.”

  “What are you two talking about?” asked Selena.

  “Do you see it?” Rizzo asked as he pointed.

  “See what,” Selena asked, obviously confused. “What am I supposed to see?”

  So, she couldn’t see it either, he realized.

  “I will explain later,” said Rizzo as he walked to the gemstone. When he got close, he hesitated with his hand hovering above it, seeing if he felt the same warning as the door gave off. The feeling was there, but different. He felt he understood the intentions of the energy, and this one was neutral.

  He reached down and picked up the gem, an instant connection when he made contact. A burning image appeared in his mind, and he could feel the power of fire radiating from the gem, causing him to shiver from its strength. This energy differed from the one before, still magic, but with a different purpose.

  When he was near the door, he felt a sense of foreboding, as if the door meant him harm. Like a trap of sorts, and a presence in the back of his mind was trying to warn him of the danger. This time the presence was there, but rather than warning him of danger, it was guiding him and showing him the secrets of the gem.

  The energy around the door had a symbol that the presence showed him was the source of its power. The gemstone had a similar, but different symbol that he could see. A vibrant, red circle was inside the stone with the symbol or a flame at its center. Somehow, he knew it represented fire, and he knew the gemstone would help him control that power.

  This symbol was much more complex than the one around the door, having multiple layers of symbols. He knew that each symbol controlled fire in a different way, commanding it to do various things.


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