Valkyrie - the Vampire Princess 5

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Valkyrie - the Vampire Princess 5 Page 3

by Pet TorreS

  "What did you find out ?" I pressed my lips in anxiety.

  "Vampire Lyon is a descendant of wizard Odik."

  His eyes squeezed shut after his claims. There was a blot of disgust within them.

  "He's a descendant of wizard Odik?" I looked around, a little scared.

  "Vampire Lyon is probably wanting revenge and he possibly wants to destroy you. As the wizard Odik craved it one day."

  I remembered the damn day that wizard Odik imprisoned me in his giant iron cage.

  "I cannot believe it ..." I muttered haunted, glancing from side to side. "Lyon is a descendant of an enemy of our species."

  "You need to keep him away from you."

  "How?" I stared at him. "We live in the same castle."

  Eros came over to me. His breathing almost reached my face in fact. "We have to destroy him."

  "Destroy him?" I shook my head. "How?"

  His hands gripped my arms tightly.

  "Listen to me." He looked at me then. "Your father has a sword in the extermination room. He used it to cut off the head of Valeska."

  I closed my eyes as I remembered her death. The destruction of Valeska always plagued me and tormented me to this day.

  "What will I do with this sword?"

  "Bring it to me tomorrow before nightfall."

  "What will you do with it?" I looked into his dark eyes.

  He moved his long cape aside and hesitated to answer me.

  "You will know soon."

  Chapter 6

  "Valkyrie, your father's castle will be celebrating Eros’birthday today." Valeska exclaimed as I walked toward her. But her voice echoed strongly in the main hall of the castle.

  "Does Eros know about his birthday party?" I questioned her.

  "I believe so." She smiled slightly at me. "Tonight it will be a great opportunity for you to declare your love for him."

  I looked around, a bit stunned at her words. "I cannot do that."

  "Valkyrie." She held my hands and looked into my eyes. "He needs to know that you love him."

  "I know ..." I looked around again. "But I'm still afraid to confess my love for him."

  Valeska smiled suavely and pulled my arm to her. "Come with me, let us choose a beautiful dress for you to wear tonight. After all, Eros needs to see that you look irresistible this night."

  We both walked towards my bedroom.

  During the night, the big hall was decorated with dark fabrics hanging from the ceiling. The torches with fire partially lit the dark place.

  On the huge dining table, there were several foods such as raw meats and several bowls about to be filled with red wine mixed with blood of pre-vampires.

  My father and Bizak stood in the center of the hall. Their clothes were totally dark as night.

  Valeska came to the hall in her gorgeous blood-red long dress. Her red lips could be compared to the blood of an animal that had just been hunted mercilessly by a terribly hunter.

  She smiled at my father and Bizak, then she grabbed the tip of her long dress and walked softly toward them.

  " Where's Eros?" She questioned looking at the hall.

  Bizak replied, "As you can see, he has not come here yet."

  Soon after, I arrived in the hall in my long, black dress, with some details of pink flowers on it. I looked around searching for Eros, who should already be there.

  "Valkyrie." Valeska smiled. "Come, let's drink something."

  We walked to the table and made use of aluminum cups with red wines. But the flavor of the wine did not soften my desire to look at the Vampire Eros' gray eyes. I really needed to see him again. Needed.

  Hours went by and he did not appear in the hall.

  I ran towards the castle's central door and pushed it with my hands. I looked at the mysterious darkness before my vampire eyes. All the snow on the ground was as cold as the heart of the vampire Eros.

  I thought to myself, Why is he avoiding his own birthday?

  What was wrong with that?

  I stepped on the snow and walked toward the forest of dead trees. The silence in the night did not scare me at all. The bats flew toward the other trees.

  I realized I was going in the right direction in my search for vampire Eros.

  A dried leaf fell to the ground. I looked up and saw a creature in his black clothes sitting on a trunk. I was sure that this creature was who I was looking for.

  He was there trying to get away from everyone and also from me.

  His face looked sad as he looked toward the ground. But he had not seen me there yet, although he had noticed my presence only by my light footsteps on the forest floor.

  I jumped into the air and sat beside him. The dried trunk swayed gently after that.

  Eros finally looked away, up to my face and his eyes met the floor again.

  "Why didn't you attend the banquet of your own birthday?"

  He looked up into the dark sky and answered me. "I don't like this date."

  "Why?" I insisted.

  He looked into my gray eyes and said to me, "Because this date reminds me of my real family."

  "What's wrong about you remembering your real family?" I gently put my cold hand on his.

  "I miss them so much." He looked down at the ground. "My mother always made a special dinner for me, where she, my father, my brother and I shared it with joy."

  I looked down at the ground too. "I'm sorry."

  He went on to say me then, "I was so happy at that time ... I feel angry at myself because I cannot feel this happiness now."

  I held his hand strongly and looked into his eyes, confessing to him, "How I would like to bring back your happiness."

  He removed his hand from mine and jumped down, falling on his foot and soon he got up. Soon after, he looked back over his right shoulder toward me and said to me, "No one can bring back my happiness, not even you, Valkyrie."

  He took a single leap up high, his body turned into a beautiful owl, which flew towards the dark sky and disappeared in the infinite, expanse of the sky at night.

  These were memories of my past which had been unearthed by my own thoughts.

  I looked up, saw the dark ceiling of my room and sighed then. I missed those moments so much. I wished Valeska and Bizak had been loyal to my father, the king of the vampires, so they would have saved their own lives and they would've been in this castle as they had been in those days.

  Chapter 7

  The next morning, I walked into the extermination room. I could see where there were some metal chains hanging from the ceiling.

  The room was quite gray and there was a circle with the image of the symbol of Neptune on the ceiling.

  A sword was hanging fixedly from the ceiling, inside a circle.

  I quickly jumped to the ceiling and I was kneeling over it. My fingers touched the metal of the sword. There was a symbol of Neptune engraved on it.

  I tried to pull the sword to me but it did not come out of its place. It was completely still.

  I tried to remove it from its place two or three times and nothing happened.

  It seemed that this sword only obeyed its master.

  "Grrruuumm," I mumbled pulling it back to me. "What must I do to take you out of here?" I muttered to myself and looked at the wall next to the room’s door. Then I saw the figure of an open hand on the wall. This seemed like my father's hand print.

  After that I took a leap to the ground again and walked to this wall. I slid my fingers over this hand print. There was a salience about it. My fingers went together to its shape and my right hand was open and united to that hand print.

  A blue light appeared between my hand and the hand print on the wall.

  At that moment, the sword lit in the ceiling and a blue light made the room clear.

  A loud noise echoed over the ground when the sword fell on it, right in the middle of the room.

  Automatically I smiled at it when I realized that I had managed to remove it from its place.

  I wa
lked to the center of the room. My gaze was attracted to the steel sword all the time.

  I knelt down, stretched out my right hand and my forefinger slid by the steel sword. At that moment I felt a very strong energy over it.

  That sword could be my defense and the defense of Eros and I needed to take this sword to him.

  "Here is the sword," I said handing the sword over to him. He held the sword horizontally, staring at it with devotion in his eyes.

  While my eyes watched his face, his eyes went toward the metal object.

  "What will you do now?" I asked.

  His gaze came off the sword in his hand and came up to the height of my face. After a short silence he finally dared to speak to me.

  "I will destroy what is trying to destroy you."

  His eyes dropped toward the sword again and his lips locked after that.

  I placed my fingers on his wrists while I looked into his face, begging him, "I wanna go with you."

  He raised his head and looked at me. " No, Valkyrie! I'll have to do it alone. I do not want you to be in more danger."

  "I WANT TO GO WITH YOU!" I insisted. "I cannot let you to be alone and in danger all because of me."

  His head moved from side to side. "Do not insist, Valkyrie! You will not convince me.”

  "All right."

  He looked at me with suspicion. He knew that I would not submit so easily. I was as stubborn as my father and Eros knew that.

  His eyes narrowed as he looked at me. "Valkyrie, obey me! I’m not trying to punish you. I just want you to stay out of it!"

  "All right." I smiled slightly at him. "I will obey your order."

  I turned my back to him, walked forward and stopped walking. Then I came walking back to him and stopped in front of him. "As long as you let me stay by your side this night."

  He furrowed his brow at me and his eyes narrowed even more. "This is extortion!"

  I smiled at him. "One thing for another."

  Eros looked up and sighed. "All right."

  The sky above us was completely dark. Eros looked towards something bright in the sky, something like a comet.

  His attention turned to the sky, preventing him from seeing my gaze on his face. I lay down beside him, both of us were belly up and our backs were on a huge, hard, and cold rock.

  "What will you do when I'm out of danger?"

  He turned his head and looked at my face. His lips gently moved. "I will return to Uranus."

  His eyes sought the sky above our eyes again and I looked to the side, to a dry tree away from us.

  "If my father ... forgives you…" I looked at him again. "Will you still move back to Neptune?"

  Eros' fingers moved in circles touching the hard rock. .

  "No," he replied dryly.

  "Why?" I kept my eyes on him.

  "I do not belong to Neptune any more and I believe that I will never belong to this planet again."

  His words made my heart squeeze. Thinking about the possibility of living away from Eros forever, would be the longest and worst torture for me.

  It was as if someone was separating a defenceless child from his own biological mother.

  "Not even for me would you come back to live on Neptune?"

  His gray eyes met mine. Silence stole his answer for a moment, until I heard his hoarse voice reaching my ears again.

  "You will survive without me."

  "It was not what I asked you."

  I turned my body to the side and stared at him.

  Eros looked down to the extent of his waist and his teeth bit his lip.

  "Even if I returned to live on Neptune, nothing would change between us. We cannot be together and you know it."

  "Yeah, I know ..." My back met the hard rock again and I went back to contemplating the dark sky. "But there must be some way for this to be possible one day."

  His fingers slid down my arm and found my hand on my stomach. I felt a chill running into me as I was feeling his hand protecting mine.

  "But we are always united by our telepathy," he said and smiled. "Do not forget this."

  I squeezed his hand. "Our telepathy is the most wonderful thing left between us."

  I looked into his gray eyes. "And that keeps me alive every day."

  He watched me in silence.

  My long black hair spread over his chest, when I sought refuge in his body, resting one side of my face on it.

  This was a wonderful intimacy which I had wanted to feel for such a long time. So I closed my eyes and opened them when I heard his voice again.

  "Before I became a vampire, I dreamed of you, even without seeing your face ..." Eros confessed looking at the dark sky.

  "What were your dreams of me?" I asked him and smiled happily. "You never told me that."

  "I thought there was no need for you to know it."

  His icy fingers lightly stroked my black hair and his voice was weakening as he said, "I remember I saw you running through snow covered in blood. And you always had your back to me, with your long dress, and your hair was fluttering. You were running away from something, but I did not know the reason you were running or what you were running from.”

  "I think I can imagine this scene now," I confessed with my lips close to his chest.

  "After these dreams, my life has never been the same..."

  Eros finally confessed. It seemed that he had returned to his past hundreds of years ago and did not know how to come back to his future.

  Chapter 8

  EROS came first to the forest of dead trees. He was standing on a huge rock. His posture was slightly bent and he seemed disturbed because someone had not yet arrived there, as agreed.

  Within five minutes, however, the sky became darker and a giant shadow appeared above his head.

  Eros looked back and saw Lyon standing quietly on top of the rock too.

  Lyon smiled sarcastically saying to him, "Do not consider my small delay, but I had to make another tea of dreams for Valkyrie."

  Eros' face became red with anger and then he took two steps forward muttering, "If something bad happens to Valkyrie, I ..."

  "I'm kidding ..." Lyon interrupted him and smiled slightly.

  "I believe that Valkyrie is asleep in her room."

  Eros remained standing in his place, observing the nervous movements of Lyon.

  "But tell me, why did you call me to this place?" Lyon asked looking around and opening his arms from end to end.

  EROS also looked around and stared at Lyon with a cocky confidence. Some statements seemed to be stuck in his throat.

  "I know who you are."

  "Do you know?" Lyon bent his head to one side as he looked seriously at Eros. "So tell me who I am!"

  Eros took two steps forward and stopped in the direction of Lyon. Both stared at each other and narrowed their eyes, exposing their anger for each other.

  "You are a descendant of the wizard Odik."

  Lyon laughed. "You are right."

  "Why do you want to destroy Valkyrie?"

  "I don't wish to destroy Valkyrie." He faced Eros. "Who is saying this? You!"

  "You wanted to destroy her with the tea of dreams, trying to make her fall asleep forever!" Eros insisted and Lyon took a step back.

  "Now I see why Valkyrie fell in love with you," Lyon mocked. "You always play the hero to save her! The idiotic vampire trying to save a helpless, stupid vampire girl!"

  He walked in circles. "You make the perfect couple! It's a shame that the love between you is condemned to destruction!"

  Eros' face wrinkled . "What do you mean by that?"

  Lyon pointed his index finger toward Eros.

  "First I'll destroy you and then I’ll destroy Valkyrie after your final sigh!"

  "Wrong!" Eros give a triple jump into the air and fell to the ground on his feet standing behind Lyon.

  "I will destroy you first!"

  Lyon turned his body back and stared at Eros.

  The two of them jumped up at once an
d started a fight in the air. Strong energy came out of Eros's hand and was directed against the body of Lyon, but Lyon gave two somersaults in the air and dodged it.

  Lyon looked at the dry trees and made them come off the ground. The trees came flying out of the ground and against the body of Eros.

  But Eros quickly moved out of the way of one tree but the other two trees hit him. Eros fell to the ground.

  Lyon laughed, feeling pleasure at seeing Eros on the ground, hurt.

  The battle between the two vampires had just begun.

  Eros jumped up again and threw himself at Lyon's body.

  Lyon grimaced when he felt his cheek vibrating after a blow from Eros. His fist connected painfully with his cheek.

  However, Lyon tried to return the punch, but Eros was more accurate and averted his face quickly.

  Then Eros jumped down and stood on the ground. Lyon also did the same. Both were facing each other again.

  The sky became darker as Lyon floated back and went up to the middle of the sky. His body was turning slowly into a dark eagle.

  Eros looked up at the sky and saw the eagle flying above his head. The animal, with giant wings, flew from one side to the other and its mouth began to cast flames of fire against the body of Eros.

  At that moment, I was lying in my bed. I opened my gray eyes, looked at the ceiling of my room and I had the first vision of Eros in danger. There was a lot of fire around him.

  After this I said aloud, "Eros is in danger!"

  Eros leaped from side to side, trying to escape the flames, which were still being throw by the mouth of the giant eagle. At the same time Eros' breathing was becoming more laboured as he became tired of jumping from one side to the other, fighting against the flames.


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