Hooked Up: The Game Plan

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Hooked Up: The Game Plan Page 4

by Jami Davenport

  “Thanks.” He flashed a smile brimming with secrets. “If all goes well, I think I’ll be back in the pool after tonight.”

  Another round of tingles zipped through her and hardened her nipples. What the hell did he mean by that?

  Once again Hunter’s whistle interrupted. “Trina got an ace. You know the drill.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding. Trina!” She looked around for her friend.

  Trina shrugged. “Can’t help it. This one’s easy.”

  Nisha removed her sandals and deposited them into the laundry basket. Reid gave up his socks. Was it too much to ask that he’d show a little skin after the whole mooning thing? She took a deep breath and let it ease out between her teeth.

  Hunter’s whistle blew again for an off-course violation from Charlie. The chosen punishment was Trina had to flash her boobs, much to the enjoyment of the guys present—everyone except Reid. He kept his gaze on the sidewalk.

  Reid went through with his next stroke without incident. Nisha followed, albeit with frozen breath. Please, no more punishments. She was on track for another ace but ended up with a leak when her ball veered away from the cup at the last second. A sigh of relief shuddered from her. The ball came to rest near the wall. No way did she want to lose her shirt so soon. She waited off to one side while Reid putted again. This time his ball knocked into hers and sent both into the wall.

  A whistle blast rent the air. Hunter jumped onto one of the three boulder-like obstacles on the course. “Reid bumped Nisha’s ball. You two have to kiss with tongue. Pucker up!”

  She shot a sharp glance at Reid. “Did you do that on purpose?”

  “Nope, but I’m glad it happened. I hoped I’d get a chance to make it up to you.”

  “Make what up to me?” Nisha had the distinct feeling she had no idea what was going on. But on the other hand, the thrill made up for the confusion.

  “Everything.” With a grin he closed the distance, yet didn’t touch her. “Ready?”

  Her mind reeled. In the past, he’d never asked permission to kiss her or do anything else. He merely took what he wanted. “Okay.”

  “Come on, guys! We’re burning daylight,” Hunter complained. “I’m one under par on each hole and don’t want to blow the birdie streak.”

  Before she could form a comeback, Reid tugged her into an embrace. His hands were hot at the small of her back, but when his lips touched hers, lava erupted into her blood stream. If she’d thought her libido had come awake on seeing Reid, kissing him felt as if she’d stuck a fork into an outlet plug. By the time she clutched his shoulders, he’d slipped his hands halfway under her shirt to tease her nipples with his thumbs. Those aching little buds betrayed her need as tingles swept over her skin. Maybe he hasn’t changed that much…

  For the moment, she didn’t care as he slid his tongue into her mouth to flirt with hers. And she was once more drowning in a sea of the same but different. No forceful domination. No storming the castle with a scant nod to foreplay. This kiss was strong for the simple fact he didn’t plunder. Nisha moaned and tilted her head for better traction if only to experience the full wonder of his exploring tongue. Rough hands pulled her out of Reid’s embrace, abruptly putting an end to the lip-lock.

  “Get a room, you two,” Hunter chided. “If you want to mulligan that smacker, do it on your own time. We’ve got six more holes to play.” He threw a knowing glance to Reid. “Dude, don’t mistake that boner for your putter, all right?”

  The rest of the company erupted into good-natured laughter. While everyone lined up at the number four green, Nisha snuck a peek at Reid’s crotch. Sure enough, the outline of his cock was clearly visible against the front of his cargo shorts. Moisture further dampened her panties as she remembered how thick and long he’d felt in her pussy.

  Whatever else he’d been, he’d known how to work sex to his advantage. Would she let him go that far tonight if things progressed? The intense throbbing in her core said yes as did the weird skipping in her heart, yet too many questions remained.

  When answers didn’t come forth, she had no choice except to resume the game. She completed the fourth hole in three strokes, regardless of the water hazard on the left hand side, and then focused on the skeleton bobbing in a boat while the blue-dyed water lapped gently at the sides. She didn’t talk to Reid. What could she say? Her world had slanted sideways from his actions. Was his attitude a permanent change, or did he do it only to reel her back into his web? She’d stayed with him while he was a jerk until her limit had hit a boiling point. No way did she want to make the same mistake. But the guy he seemed to be now appealed to her in a major way. It was if he’d become the man she’d wished he was three years ago.

  Now what do I do?

  Hunter’s whistle yanked her from her contemplative mood. “Reid’s hit the water hazard, which makes this a two-cup violation. He gets a trip to the shed of shame. Craig, you pick his punishment.”

  Craig jumped onto a boulder. “I say he goes down on Nisha.” He leered at her. “And we want all the juicy details.”

  Alternate waves of hot and cold crashed over Nisha’s body. Having Reid get her off orally would be… She shivered while her cheeks heated. Heavenly. Would he agree knowing he wouldn’t get a return favor? She held his gaze. Nothing in his expression gave away his thoughts. The only thing he did was give her another of those sexy “I’m your guy” grins.

  Oh. My. God. “Come on, Reid.” Nisha dropped her putter and ball to the fairway then held out her hand. “Let’s give your boner a reason for being.”

  Laughter chased through the company. Hunter examined his watch. “You guys have ten minutes from the moment the door to the shed closes. The rest of us will kick back with a nice, cold beverage.” He snorted. “Don’t get too hot in there, kids.”

  Reid rolled his eyes as he laid down his putter. He walked down the fairway. “If you’re feeling uncomfortable, we don’t have to do this.” His voice was a whisper.

  I left uncomfortable back at the second hole. This is so much… more. She shook her head and grabbed his hand. “I know. This is a great test to see if you’ve really changed.”

  The moment his fingers closed around hers, she shivered. He didn’t argue or bluster like he would have done. Another wash of awareness infused her body. Maybe he really did tell the truth. When had being in Reid’s presence ever made her feel like she’d spontaneously combust?

  The shed of shame was a storage unit located between the fifth and sixth holes. It was disguised, designed to resemble the bow of a pirate ship. Though Nisha suspected Hunter had it built merely for his own nefarious purposes, she couldn’t prove it. When she pulled open the door, a musty scent assaulted her nose. A few gardening-type tools rested in a corner along with a couple of long-handled nets for retrieving balls from water hazards. Other than that, the five-by-five space held a molded-plastic chair, a wooden work bench and a huge roll of green felt. A box of assorted-sized condoms rested on the work bench. Leave it to Hunter to make sure the party practiced safe sex.

  Thank goodness there were no windows. She didn’t trust their friends not to spy. Still, the anticipation of having Reid pleasure her far outweighed a few prying eyes. While Nisha pulled the string that turned on the lone, naked light bulb above her head, Reid closed the door. Weak light flickered then held in the space, but not enough to illuminate the shadowy corners. Her cunt throbbed and goose bumps raced over her skin. Not once in their previous relationship had Reid given her oral sex. Knowing he had to this time drove her desire skyward. A frown pulled at her lips. That was the difference. He had to. It wasn’t because it was his idea.

  “Listen, Reid, let’s just pretend we did this, okay? They don’t need to know we backed out.” Second-guessing her motives threatened to strangle her.

  “I don’t plan on backing out.” He touched her hand. “I want to do this, all right?”

  “Oh yeah?” She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think.

  Reid’s e
yes darkened. “Yeah. I’d hoped this would be one of the punishments.” He waved her toward the plastic chair. “Why don’t you sit there?”

  What was there to say? If a guy said he wanted to go down on her, who was she to argue, especially when that guy was Reid? With a tiny sigh, she stumbled to the chair, slid her panties down her legs and off with shaking hands, and then sat, her skivvies in a wad beside her.

  Nisha waited as her heartbeat raced. Her legs naturally parted. Moisture tickled her folds, increasing the longer he drew out the anticipation. Finally, the silence got the best of her. She had to know. “You looked forward to doing this to me?” She raised an eyebrow and resisted the urge to squirm when the cool air hit her wet folds.

  “Yup. I regretted never pleasuring you like I should have. After all those times you went down on me I didn’t return the favor. I was such a bastard.” Reid squatted in front of her. “I hope you’ll forgive me.”

  He shoved the denim skirt up her thighs. When it caught around her backside, he hooked his hands beneath her knees and scooted her forward until she was doing an awkward balancing act with her butt almost off the chair. The skirt rolled beneath her and bared her lower half to his glittering gaze. “Hot damn, Nisha.” He trained his attention on her pussy. “I wish I had more time to look.”

  The wonder in his expression, the abject desire in his eyes, and the way he licked his bottom lip all had her creaming so much she hoped he wouldn’t think she was as desperate as she felt. This man wasn’t the same guy who’d made her life hell three years ago. Yet he was also the man she still loved and couldn’t forget. If the time was right and he wasn’t too good to be true, she’d totally blurt out her feelings.

  Be strong, Nisha. Don’t do it until you’re sure… Easier said than done when she’d be fucked with his tongue in seconds. I’m in trouble the size of a T-Rex.

  Reid encouraged her splayed knees onto his shoulders right before he dipped his head and touched his tongue to her folds. Nisha stopped thinking as intense sensations exploded through her. “Steady. I won’t hurt you,” he whispered against her aching flesh.

  “I’m not worried about that.” She was worried she’d end up liking this version of Reid way more than she should. Her words gave way to pants of pleasure as he rimmed her opening with the tip of his tongue, leaving no part of her untouched. Holy cow, this is so freaking good!

  He licked her cunt again and massaged her folds with enough pressure to keep her squirming but not to find bliss. A whimper escaped her throat. She dug her heels into his back, forcing him closer, and focused on the top of his head as he worked. Even that wasn’t enough to distract her from the out of control sensations threatening to tear her apart. Reid nibbled his way to her clit then teased the throbbing bud with his tongue over and over again.

  Her body shook. Urgent pressure bore through her insides. Need circled through her core. Never had she felt such things at his hands. Sure, she’d had a few orgasms when she’d been with him but nothing like this. “Oh, oh, Reid, I’m gonna come.” The second he sucked her clit, the orgasm slammed into her. Waves of bliss caught her in their tide. The plastic chair dug into her palms as she bucked against his face. Each time her pussy danced with the contractions, she screamed, and she continued to scream while Reid kept sucking on her clit.

  Finally, he stopped the torment. He rocked backward on his heels and smiled. The corners of his eyes crinkled with his grin. “How was that?”

  “Wow.” Nisha let her legs slip to the floor and then laid half-on, half-off the chair while her body shook and her pulse thundered. “Oh my God, I totally forgive you.” She stared at him in more than a little awe. He’d gone down on her for no other reason than to pleasure her. Tremors skittered over her heart. Was this a one-time thing or had he truly changed? “Where did you learn that?”

  He wiped residual moisture from his face with the back of his arm. “I guess all those fantasies about you over the years paid off.”

  Nisha struggled into a standing position even though her legs wobbled. He’d dreamed about her after they’d broken up? She slipped her panties back on and cringed. Nothing like damp, cold underwear. “I don’t know what to say.” About any of this.

  “Don’t say anything yet. I have much more in store for you.” The promise in his eyes left her breathless.

  The door swung open and Hunter stood looking at her with a big, goofy grin on his face. “Time’s up. I’m guessing it was good. We heard you hollering all the way across the course.” He mock-saluted Reid. “Good going, man.”

  Kill me now. With her chin up and flaming cheeks, Nisha left the shed and was greeted by a round of applause as she, Reid and Hunter rejoined the party. I can’t believe I was that loud. But… she couldn’t help her grin. It was so good. Flutters chased through her pussy. She shot a glance at Reid. If anything his erection had grown. He adjusted his khakis, and she shivered. Would she have the opportunity to return the favor?

  “Let’s go, kids. We’ve got the rest of course to get through!” Hunter’s order scattered the rest of her thoughts.

  The first three teams completed the fifth hole without violation or anyone getting an ace. Though she and Reid had taken some brief ribbing about their time in the shed, no one pressed the issue or teased her as much as she thought they would after Hunter’s hint at her volume. Nisha stood on the other side of the fairway, far from where Reid loitered near the green. For the first time since knowing him, she was at a loss for words.

  By the time Reid lined up his putt, Nisha’s need had gotten out of control. She’d given up trying to hide the hard points of her nipples. Without his overt swaggering, the understated attitude shined through and tripped her trigger more than ever. What the hell is wrong with me? It’s Reid for God’s sake. A guy can’t change that much! Just because he gave me the best orgasm of my life doesn’t mean anything.

  Hunter’s whistle shattered her thoughts. “Reid’s aced another one. Everybody lose a piece of clothing!”

  “Argh!” Nisha’s frustrated cry caused a round of laughter. While everyone ditched various articles of clothing—which made a couple of people in the party strip down to skivvies—Nisha debated her own choices. The shirt or skirt? Which part of her did she want them—or Reid—looking at more? Finally, she gritted her teeth, tugged her shirt over her head, and then dropped it into the laundry basket. Now everyone would see her aroused nipples. Maybe they’d just think it was from the cooling nighttime air. She snorted. Yeah right. Not this crowd and definitely not during this event. When she glanced over at Reid, her throat went dry. He’d also shed his shirt and now his contoured chest and abs were on display.

  Oh my God. She wanted to smear him with ice cream and take her time licking it from his tanned skin, following that ribbon of blond hair beneath his waistband. Her pussy throbbed. She clenched her thighs together until the urge to come from ocular stimulation passed. Trying her best to ignore him, she stumbled down the fairway, situated her ball and executed her first putt. Crap! She glanced around, but no one had seen the violation. A trickle of disappointment snaked through her. Damn, now I don’t get to have another kiss. She continued on and completed the cup at par without embarrassing herself by launching herself at Reid. Had he always looked that good?

  Stop it, Nisha. You’re acting like an idiot. The stern warning didn’t distract her from wondering how long it would be before she got him alone.

  Again, the wait for the party to cycle through meant she either had to ignore Reid or talk to him. She settled for ogling him and picturing him naked. Her gaze jogged to his crotch. She sucked in a breath while she massaged his boner with her eyes. The urge to touch him, wrap her fingers around his length grew out of control. Maybe she should throw the rest of the game just for a chance to revisit the shed… By the time she flicked her gaze to his face, her body was so hot she thought about jumping into the nearest water hazard. Her temperature reached nuclear levels when a slow, knowing grin curved Reid’s mouth.
r />   I’m in big, big trouble—and he knows what I’m thinking!

  Reid did the sixth hole with no violations or issues. Thanks to her raging libido and inability to take her eyes off his abs and cock, Nisha knocked her ball into the water hazard. Hunter’s whistle shrilled, and all the players gathered around the fairway.

  “Random player chosen to pick the punishment is Trina.”

  “Woohoo!” Trina chucked her empty beer bottle into a trash can. “Let’s see. You can either strip naked and parade around all nine holes or…” She twirled a lock of blonde hair around a forefinger. “You can hit the shed of shame and give Reid a little mouth action.” The smile that accompanied the announcement was made of pure evil. “I mean, look at him. His dick’s just begging for servicing.”

  Thank you God!

  She peered at Reid. Then her heart crashed to her toes. His shoulders slumped and his confident smile had faded around the edges. In the past, he would have been hooting with glee and practically dragging her off to the shed. The change in attitude was… sexy. Anticipation lanced down her spine. She’d do this for him because she wanted to, not because the rules made her. Hell, who was she kidding? She’d do it for her because she couldn’t wait to taste his cock.

  “I’d rather go to the shed.” She walked the path to the shed, hoping Reid followed.

  Hunter hefted his beer bottle in a salute. “You know the drill. Ten minutes from the time the door closes.”

  The hoots and cat calls from the rest of the party, she ignored. They didn’t matter, not when her cunt throbbed and goose bumps raced over her skin.

  Once inside, Reid touched her hand. “Why don’t we leave the light off?”

  “Okay.” She didn’t mind if he didn’t. That way she wouldn’t see him watching her in case she messed up. Seconds ticked by in the near-complete darkness. “We should probably get to it or else Hunter will barge in on the act.” She didn’t want that. This would be special, regardless of the circumstances. Sorta like her gift to him.


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