Birth of Adam (Artificial Intelligence Book 2)

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Birth of Adam (Artificial Intelligence Book 2) Page 11

by Liza O'Connor

  Mark stormed past them and entered the door they indicated.

  Amanda concluded whatever they had done must be bad, because the cretins scurried like cockroaches to their rooms and closed the doors. She walked down the hall and peeked into the quarters Mark had entered.

  The space reeked of the rotted fish piled a foot high on both beds. The heater had been turned on and the windows closed so the fish would spoil faster.

  Amanda was astounded, not just at the prank, but at the poor maintenance of the room in general. There was black-green mold growing in the corners of the room, which she suspected would be a thousand times harder to get rid of than the smell of fish.

  She could tell Mark was furious by his clenched jaw, but when he turned and saw her, his face softened. “Good thing your clothes had better sense than to live here. Any chance I can sleep in your closet?”

  She turned off the furnace and pulled him from the room. “We should tell Monsieur Bastion we’ll be residing across the street and let him know he has a possible health and fire hazard brewing.”

  “I’m not sure he’ll care about either, but we need to let him know we didn’t do this.”

  Monsieur Bastion was stunned both by the declaration that they would be moving across the street and additionally by the description of their quarters. He turned on his computer and ran his mouse about for several minutes, finally bursting into rapid French that Amanda couldn’t follow.

  “He says he will send the monsters home,” Adam translated.

  Amanda suspected he had said a bit more than that.

  “Perhaps, sir, a better punishment would be to make them clean it up,” Mark suggested. “One of the students is Beth Hamilton. Her father’s company provides the funding for the grants. If you send her home, he’ll probably stop funding the grant in the future, which would be a great shame.”

  That resulted in another rapid fire of what sounded like curses but ended with him looking at Amanda.

  “He wants to know why you planned to live in the dorm if you have a room elsewhere.”

  “I thought it would be better if I blended in, but now I’ve decided I’d rather just focus on my music and avoid the others as much as possible.”

  “Normally we discourage students living off campus, due to the uncertainty of the buses and trains, but since you are within walking distance—where exactly are you staying?”

  Adam told her the address, which she gave to Bastion.

  “Impossible. That house is a private residence, not a boarding house. I will see if I can find you something close by.”

  “You are correct the house is a private residence. My friend bought it and said I could use it while I’m here.”

  “Then you would have been foolish to stay in the dorm. It is a very fine house.” His long face darkened into a frown. “I expect you to treat it respectfully.”

  “I will,” she assured him.

  “It belonged to a dear friend of his who recently died,” Adam explained.

  “And do not allow any of the other students in there!”

  “Only my roommate,” she promised. “And Martin Johnson.”


  “He’s here on a separate scholarship. He’s a shy thirteen-year-old cello player.”

  “Yes, what of him?”

  “Well, he’s staying there as well, with his parents.”

  “I see. Tell him to be careful. The place is full of priceless antiques.”

  Evidently needing reassurance that the antiques remained unharmed, Monsieur Bastion escorted them to their new home. “Do you have a key?” he asked.

  “I don’t. Hopefully Andrew is inside.”

  Bastion pulled out a key and tried it. The key didn’t work. “They must have changed the lock,” he said with dismay just as the door opened.

  “Come in!” Andrew cheerfully welcomed them.

  Before she could introduce Bastion to her driver he headed to a room on the right.

  “It’s the music library,” Adam explained. “He’s making sure no harm has been done to the piano or the sheet music.”

  Satisfied, Amanda focused on her and Mark’s needs. “Did our clothes arrive?” she asked.

  “Your clothes were unpacked and are now in your closet. I was not certain what you wish done with the gentleman’s items,” Andrew explained as he led them up to her room on the second floor.

  Amanda gasped when she entered the master suite. The room was the full length of the house and the only reason why the bed stood out was because it was massive, stretching over twelve feet in length and width.

  “How did they get a mattress to fit the bed?” she asked.

  “Handmade—stuffed with the finest down,” Adam replied.

  She climbed onto the velvet bedspread and sank into a cloud of feathers. She laughed and looked at Mark, who still appeared to be in shock.

  “You were going to live in filth and squalor when you had this as an option?”

  “I would have changed my mind the first time I came to visit my clothes.” She sat up and looked around. “Where are my clothes?” she asked Andrew.

  Andrew opened two giant doors and presented a closet larger than the dorm room at the school. The amount of closet space made her quantity of clothes look quite modest.

  Mark laughed. “You know...I actually could live with your clothes.”

  “And leave me by myself in this giant room?”

  Remembering they had a guest, she and Mark returned downstairs and discovered Bastion discussing music theory with Martin. Actually, Bastion was doing all the talking, so it wasn’t really a discussion, more of a lecture, but Martin was most attentive. In fact, he seemed to have lost his shyness until he looked up at Amanda. Then his awkwardness became all too obvious. Bastion frowned at the change in the boy, then noticed Amanda.

  “Ah, the sight of a beautiful woman. It makes the blood stir and the brain go weak, no?”

  He said this in French, but Adam translated to ensure she understood. She could tell Adam was immensely amused by the matter. Here she had been trying so hard to cure Martin of his shyness when all the while she was the cause.

  “There is a very nice selection of wines in the cellar if you wish to ask Monsieur Bastion if he would join you in a toast to your lovely new home,” Adam suggested.

  When she offered, Bastion’s eyes sparkled with pleasure. “May I accompany you to the wine cellar to see what remains?

  “Of course, but you will need to lead the way. I have no idea where it is,” Amanda admitted with a laugh. He held open a door at the back of the dining room. Circular wrought iron stairs led to the basement where they met a glass wall. Upon tapping a code into a box, the glass sliding doors opened and they entered the fanciest basement she’d ever seen.

  “It’s rather chilly in here.”

  “Exactly thirteen degrees Celsius.”

  Adam quickly translated the temp as fifty-five degrees Fahrenheit.

  “The room is climate controlled for optimal preservation of aging wines,” Bastion explained as he walked about gently caressing the bottles.

  “Why are some bottles displayed differently than others?” She pointed to the wooden crates stored in deep shelves on the lower section.

  “Those require further aging,” Bastion replied. “The ones eye level and above are suitable for drinking now.” After reuniting with a great deal of bottles, he selected one. “This will be perfect for the occasion.”

  He led her from the climate controlled room and reinstated the security code to lock it. He opened a small dumbwaiter built into the hallway. Foam at the bottom of the container was indented to carry up to three bottles. “Never risk a bottle or your life on those stairs. Always use the monte-plats.”

  As they climbed the stairs, she agreed carrying a bottle could be lethal. While one side of the steps was a safe ten-inches-wide, the other side was a not so safe two-inches-wide. If she were focused on keeping the bottle out of harm’s way instead of watc
hing her feet, she would surely kill herself and the bottle of wine. She was about to suggest normal stairs would be safer, but the wine room took up all the room. It was circular steps or an elevator.

  “Did your friend consider putting in an elevator?” she asked.

  Bastion chuckled. “When you possess something of great value, it is best to ensure it cannot be taken with ease. I guarantee you the only reason this cellar was not stripped bare was due to the difficulty in retrieving the bottles. I imagine your friend paid a pretty penny to purchase this house intact.”

  Adam chuckled as he spoke in her hear. “I did indeed, but well worth the money.”

  When they returned to the first floor, Mark had already retrieved the bottle from the dumbwaiter. “This is a very fine wine. There’s only five bottles of this vintage known to still exist. How much is this worth?”

  Bastion’s brow furrowed. “I selected it for its taste, not its monetary value.” He focused on Amanda. “If you wish, I can choose something else.”

  Amanda grinned and hugged Bastion’s arm. “Not at all. Thank you for selecting the perfect wine to celebrate our beautiful home and arrival at your most distinguished school.”


  Monsieur Bastion drank wine and told stories for hours, and with Adam’s help translating, Amanda enjoyed herself immensely, although by the time Sondra announced dinner she was a bit “loose in the gills”, as her father would say.

  Monsieur Bastion rose with reluctance and apologized for staying so long.

  “Can you not stay and have dinner with us?” Amanda asked, then turned to Andrew. “What are we having?”

  Andrew replied in perfect French, and Monsieur Bastion declared the dish was his favorite. “Don Carlos, the prior occupant of this house, had a wonderful recipe.”

  “That would be the recipe my wife discovered beneath the shelf paper, I imagine,” Andrew replied.

  Amanda laughed and took hold of Monsieur Bastion’s arm. “Fate has decided. You must remain for dinner now.”

  When Amanda saw only three place settings at the table, she pulled Andrew aside and asked if there was enough food for everyone.

  “Yes, of course,” he replied.

  “Then why aren’t you joining us?”

  He stared at her as if she had lost her mind.

  “You are Martin’s parents and my friends. We should eat together.”

  Andrew frowned. “I’ll ask Sondra,” he replied, and left the room.

  “Monsieur Bastion. Normally we would dine with the Johnsons. You do not mind if the person who has prepared your favorite dish joins us, do you?”

  Mark choked on his wine, but Bastion assured her he did not.

  Thus, with great embarrassment on Sondra’s and Andrew’s part, three additional places were set. Martin, surprisingly enough, seemed very happy seated by Monsieur Bastion.

  Monsieur Bastion’s compliments of both the food and their very bright son soon set matters to rights. Thus, Bastion had an even larger audience to tell his stories, which pleased him greatly.

  Amanda was worried they would be bored stiff until she realized Sondra and Andrew laughed in all the right places, which meant they understood French.

  “They are from French Guinea,” Adam explained.


  Six bottles of wine and five hours later, Bastion finally left after kissing everyone on both cheeks.

  When he was gone, Amanda hugged Sondra. “Thank you for such a lovely dinner. Can I help you clean up?”

  She was shooed upstairs and ordered to get some sleep. “Morning will come all too early,” Sondra warned.

  Once she and Mark were in their bedroom, she collapsed on the bed. “I’m too tired to undress.”

  “Well, you can’t sleep in your shoes. Shall I take them off?”

  “Yes, please,” she replied. “Take them off. Take everything off!”

  He removed her shoes and, with a great deal of complaining, her jacket, top and skirt.

  “You’ve changed your style of underwear,” he said as his eyes admired the sexy black lace bra and panties. He brought her a satin nightgown to wear.

  “Adam bought them. Do you like the change?”

  “Well, it’s a bit like asking a dehydrated man if he likes water, but yes, they’re very sexy.”

  When he tried to put the gown over her head, she shook her head. “I can’t sleep with my bra on.”

  He handed her the gown. “Then take it off and put on the gown.”

  She watched him storm into the closet and disappear. She pulled off her bra and put on the nightgown. “I’m done!” she called out.

  “That’s good—now go to sleep,” he called back.

  When he didn’t return, she went in search of him and found him sleeping on the wide settee in the middle of the dressing room. She sighed and lay down as well.

  “What are you doing?” he growled.

  “Sleeping with my clothes and my roommate.”

  “You can’t sleep with me.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I’m too drunk to be a saint. Now go away, so you won’t hate me tomorrow morning!”

  “I won’t hate you tomorrow morning,” she promised. “Now can we both return to the bed? It’s a lot more comfortable.”

  “No, I’m sleeping here.”

  “All right.” She yawned and fell asleep.

  She woke in the early morning to discover Mark gone. She found him in the bed. With a heavy sigh, she crawled across the massive terrain of downy clouds and snuggled in against him.

  He murmured her name as his arms wrapped around her. She could feel his hardness, and decided it was time for her to stop denying what they both wanted. She rolled him over onto his back, tugged down his sleeping pants and straddled him.

  When she pushed him deep inside her, they both groaned with pleasure. His hands stroked her legs, then slid up to her breasts. Pulling her forward, he devoured her breasts with his mouth as his hand slid between her legs to provide additional stimulation.

  The waves of pleasure rocked her body and left her in shock as she lay with her head on his chest. Never had sex been better. Adam had been right to nudge her in this direction.


  She woke to Andrew’s voice announcing breakfast.

  “What time is it?” she asked, unable to focus on her watch.

  “Don’t ask, you don’t want to know,” Andrew said, and placed a breakfast tray on a table by the window.

  “It’s still dark outside,” Amanda protested.

  “Classes begin at six,” Mark explained as he pushed himself up and frowned.

  “Six? Was that in the brochure? Because I might have thought twice about signing up if I knew I was going to have to wake at five.”

  “It’s worth it,” he promised, and stumbled over to the table and sat down.

  “Coffee or tea?” Andrew asked.

  “Coffee with a touch of milk and sugar,” Mark replied.

  “We can get our drinks,” Amanda insisted.

  “Here’s your tea, miss,” Andrew said. “Just how you like it.”

  Amanda tasted the tea and smiled. “Thank you, Andrew. That was very sweet of you.”

  When Andrew left, Mark just shook his head as he buttered his toast. “You are such a puzzle.”

  “A two-dimensional or three-dimensional puzzle?”

  “A twelve-dimensional puzzle that defies comprehension by the human brain. I would like to rescind all the lectures I gave on being nice. You clearly know how to be adorably charming. You just don’t waste it on people who are jerks.”

  “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For understanding me a little better. Although I still think you are confused as to why I am nice to people. I don’t assess a person and say, ‘What is their value as a friend? How will it help me?’ Some people, like Andrew and Sondra, I just like because they have wonderful spirits. Others I start to like because they are interesting or nobl
e. Jules came to my defense when Harold insinuated I’d received my grant for sexual favors. That’s why I like him despite his bossy ways. Others, like Dr. Wilson, I respect and I want them to think well of me.”

  “Well, you handled Bastion to perfection,” Mark said.

  “But I wasn’t handling him. He was very nice to us about the late arrival and the ruined dorm room. He even offered to find us someplace to stay. So when I realized he loved this house, I invited him in, and he was so kind to Martin and respectful to Andrew and Sondra that now he is one of my favorite people.”

  Mark sighed. “And will remain so forever. That’s where my easy charm fails me. My friendships are evidently short-lasting.”

  Amanda covered his hand. “The reason I never bothered to befriend those students is because they are mean-spirited. You can’t make good friendships on such a foundation.”

  Instead of comforting him, her words appeared to upset him. “Does that go for me as well?”

  “No!” she exclaimed. “And if you can’t tell how much I like you after last night, then you truly are a dunce.”

  “I’m very happy you’ve decided to admit you desire me physically, but I want to know if you’ve found anything in me to like, or am I still shallow and annoying?”

  “I’ve found so many things about you I like that I don’t know where to start.”

  “Try naming a few,” he pleaded.

  “Well, that’s one. You aren’t afraid to show you’re vulnerable and can be hurt. You try so hard to take care of me and give me good advice, such as how to traverse the hallways and not get lost. You’re interested in the things I do—for example, you spent hours watching me learn French.”

  “The program was fun.”

  “All right, then, I like that you have the same sense of humor as me and we can have fun so easily.”

  Mark smiled.

  “Is that enough for now?”

  “For now.” He grinned as he dove into his breakfast.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Amanda was grateful she had a warm, positive, and beautiful environment to escape to each night. Her classes were grueling, the masters impossibly demanding, and the assignments endless. She couldn’t believe Mark had willingly done this twice.


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