Birth of Adam (Artificial Intelligence Book 2)

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Birth of Adam (Artificial Intelligence Book 2) Page 21

by Liza O'Connor

  “Absolutely not,” Jules declared.

  “Adam wants Luke to stay at my house,” she reiterated.

  “Well, as you’ve observed, there is no room for another person.”

  “Luke can sleep on the settee in my dressing room, and he will attend the party as a good friend from the States.”

  “As your lover...”

  “Well, I’m only calling him a good friend.”

  “Absolutely not! Do you know what would happen if Sean were to hear you’d taken a lover? Your career would be over!”

  “Anticipating that, I took the time to forewarn Sean about Luke’s arrival. He knows Luke is actually my security.”

  Amanda was very glad she had security. Jules looked ready to strangle her.

  “Why would you tell him that?” he finally asked.

  “Adam told me to.”

  “Damn the man! Despite your talent, Webb is going to destroy your career before it even begins. He’s playing in waters beyond his depth!”

  Amanda allowed him to fume a bit, then turned the conversation to the party. “I’m hoping that by bringing a boyfriend, Beth will back off, which means her father will stop making your life so miserable.”

  Her plan seemed to appeal to Jules, and he studied Luke again. “He’s too old.”

  “I prefer older men,” Amanda said. “Mark was an outlier.”

  Luke glanced her way when she said that. He would no doubt want to know about Mark. She just hoped he would wait until after the party so her tears wouldn’t cause a scene and ruin the impression she wanted to make.

  “Tell me you didn’t invite Mark to this party,” Jules growled.

  “I didn’t, but I expect quite a few uninvited students will show up, and one of those could be Beth, and I’m pretty sure she’ll drag Mark with her.” She then turned to Luke. “I’ll tell you about Mark later, after the party, but you need to know about Beth and her jackals now.”

  “Words like that will not make you friends,” Jules snapped.

  “I have no shot at making friends with Beth,” she assured him, then focused on Luke. “However, there’s a strong possibility that Beth and her gang plan to try to hurt me by destroying something of value in the house. Adam wanted me to assure you that your only responsibility is to keep me safe. He is depending upon the professors to keep the house safe.”

  Luke nodded.

  She wondered what he was thinking behind his hard, expressionless face.

  “This party has disaster written all over it!” Jules smacked his fist against the window so hard, she was surprised it didn’t break. “In the future, you will not invite people to parties, or hire security guards, or invite anyone to live in your house without my express approval.”

  “I think Adam will have an issue with that.”

  “Then you will at least have the courtesy to tell me in advance, so I have time to talk some sense into the fool.”


  When they arrived home, nervous professors were carrying antiques to the second-floor storage room. Bastion scolded her for having the party, and she apologized. She introduced Luke as a friend from the States, then escaped to her bedroom, taking him with her. She locked the door behind them.

  “This is some bedroom.” He did a turn around the room, checking the windows and thumping the walls. “And where is it that I’m supposed to sleep?”

  She showed him the double-wide settee in the dressing room. “It’s comfortable, but not as comfortable as the bed, so if you want the bed, I can sleep here. Or we can both share the bed. It’s very large.”

  He sighed and sat down on the settee. “This will do.” He grabbed her hand, pulling her down beside him. “First off, I do not like Jules Bavard in the least, and I want you to give me a copy of your contract so I can send it to a lawyer I know and see if you can get out of it.”

  “It’s almost impossible for me to drop him, but he can easily drop me. I believe he will do so within the next month.”

  “Well, if you don’t mind, I’ll stick around until that happens.”

  She appreciated the speed in which he came to her defense. “I would like that. But if you change your mind and want to leave, I won’t blame you.”

  “I won’t change my mind.”

  “You might. There are a couple of things I need to set right before I end this career. First, for Monsieur Bastion, I need to successfully sing the aria on opening night. Then, for Mark, I need to get Sean Darmont to record a duet between Mark and me. The latter will require me to enter into a relationship with Sean.”

  Her last item garnered a thousand furrowed lines on his brow. “It’s that important to you?”

  “It is important, but the price isn’t as high as you’re thinking. I genuinely like Sean Darmont, and he’s a physically attractive man, so taking it a step further won’t be difficult for me, unless by doing so I inadvertently lose your friendship.”

  “If there wasn’t a contract, would you do this?”

  “If there wasn’t a contract and you weren’t here, yes, I would probably enter into a relationship with Sean.”

  “Why the hesitation?”

  “Because he’s married. Ever since Billy killed Jed’s wife, I have kept to a strict rule about not becoming involved with married men. However, in his case, Sean lives separately from his wife and she has a lover who lives with her in Spain, so the marriage is only for legal purposes.”

  “You deserve better than that.”

  “Well, I don’t know if anything will come of it. Sean is so jaded by false admiration and ulterior motives we might not find any common ground. He was first attracted to my voice, and I think my sassiness. However, matters became a bit murky today when Jules gave me instructions to ‘make Sean happy’.”

  Luke’s jaw tightened in anger. She stroked his arm. “Nothing happened,” she assured him. “To be honest, Sean was embarrassed as well when Jules tossed me into the room and then left. He seemed quite relieved when I assured him there would be no mating going on that day. Instead we took a tour of his gardens, which I recommended he bulldoze down, and then I invited him to go hiking in the Alps with me.”


  “Because he’s starved for true beauty. He’s an honest man living in a world of lies and manipulation.”

  “So you want to come to his rescue?”

  “I do, but my desire to get the recording produced most likely taints my offer, so I don’t know what will happen.” She gripped his hand. “But I couldn’t bear it if I lost your friendship in the process.”

  He pulled her into his arms and held her tight against him. “You won’t lose my friendship.”

  “Do you promise?”

  “Yes. I’m working out some issues of my own right now, and my concern about pretending to be your boyfriend was that you might mistake the affection I show to be more than friendship. Knowing you’re interested in someone else actually relieves me of one problem.”

  She smiled and hugged him harder. “Finally, someone who thinks I relieve problems!”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  When Amanda returned downstairs with Luke, her professors seemed more at ease now that they had stripped the first floor of all valuables.

  Amanda looked at the boxes of wine placed by the dining room wine rack, then Bastion. “Are these from downstairs?”

  “No, they are not from your wine cellar. You have nothing suitable in your collection to serve the indiscriminate palates of students. I sent Simon out to purchase appropriate wines.”

  She found and thanked Simon for buying the wine and asked him how much it had cost. She was shocked by the low cost given the quantity of bottles.

  “Wait until you taste it,” Simon warned.

  When she tried to pay him, he shook his head. “Andrew covered the cost.” Before she could hunt down Andrew, Adam spoke in her ear and assured her Andrew had a credit card, which Adam covered, for such expenses.

  She tried to help Sondra prepare the
cheeses, but she was shooed away. She finally located Martin, introduced him to Luke, and asked her small friend if he’d help her teach Luke to play Mille Bornes.

  Their fun ended upon the arrival of the European crowd. The students condemned the wine and cheese and declared the house no more than tolerable. They recalled her warning of heirlooms not to be damaged and loudly pondered what she thought was so fine.

  The only way she could shut them up was to converse with them. And the only thing she had in common with them was music. She knew discussions on composition could not be interesting to Luke, but he never gave any indication that he minded.

  Bresnan asked about her composition. “Have you made any changes?” He was smirking, probably thinking she hadn’t had any time to work on it. Had she and Simon not finished it early, before she was slotted to sing the aria, he would have been right.

  “I have. Would you like to hear it?”

  Bresnan sipped his wine and winced at its taste. “Actually, I would.”

  When she walked to the piano, everyone stopped talking. She explained to Pinchot she had been asked to play the changes to her composition.

  Pinchot’s eyebrows rose, but he didn’t forbid her.

  She pulled out the rewritten sheet music and sat down to play the piece. Pinchot stopped her. “Your playing is not up to the task. Let Bresnan play it instead.”

  The young man took a moment to study the music, clarified a few notes and instructions, then began. She had been pleased with Simon’s playing, but Bresnan was magnificent. She applauded when he finished.

  Bresnan turned and stared at her, clearly appalled. “You applaud your own music?”

  She laughed. “No, silly, I’m applauding you. That was beautifully played.”

  His expression changed to one of admiration. He approached, took her hand and kissed it. He then eyed Luke. “I challenge you to play it better.”

  “I don’t think that’s even a possibility,” Amanda assured him. “Thank you for bringing my piece to life so beautifully.”

  “It was a pleasure to play. I would like to use it at my next recital if you do not mind?”

  “I would be honored,” she assured him.

  Simon, overhearing her response, came to her rescue. “You must ask permission from Jules,” he warned her.

  She sighed. “I would be honored—but allow me to ask Jules for his permission.” She walked over to Jules, who stood with Anon and Bastion.

  “Jules, Bresnan wants to play my piece at his next recital.”

  “No,” he replied.


  “Because I said no. And why did I not know of this piece? Why are you always causing me trouble?”

  Bastion placed his hand on Jules’ shoulder. “It is only a class assignment. How would she know it deserved your attention?”

  Jules stormed across the room. He yanked the sheet music from the piano, ripped it in two and tossed the pieces into the fireplace. The room fell into complete silence.

  “You will focus on your voice!” Jules demanded.

  Amanda was very thankful when Luke’s arm went around her, for it gave her the strength to endure the humiliation and anger swirling inside her.

  In an attempt to soothe her, Adam reminded her she still possessed the original version, plus he had recorded the song as Bresnan had played it, and could recreate the sheet music for her if she wished.

  That did soothe her. While she had remembered the existence of the original copy, she hadn’t looked forward to rewriting it. She would never have remembered all the changes she’d made.

  She finally looked up at Bastion. “I haven’t forgotten your offer. Does it still stand?”

  He glanced at Jules. “Absolutely, but Jules is correct. Right now you need to focus on your voice. Will you sing the aria, so I can rest at ease that it remains perfect?”

  “I’m a bit upset presently,” she admitted.

  “I know, my dear, but you must be able to sing even under the worst of conditions.”

  He was no doubt thinking of the hell she would endure on opening night.

  “Should I consume some poison as well?” she asked, but neither Luke, Anon, nor Bastion seemed to think her question funny.

  “Just sing,” he ordered.

  She sighed and asked Simon if he would play for her.

  He placed his hand on her shoulder and whispered, “You will gravely insult Bresnan if you do not ask him first.”

  She returned to Bresnan and sat beside him on the piano bench.

  The young man shook his head in dismay. “Sorry. I had no idea he’d react like that.”

  “He was nicer in the States,” she softly replied. “When is your recital?”

  “At the end of summer.”

  “Well, I’ll try to change his mind by then.”

  “Do you have a second copy?” Bresnan asked, his brow furrowed with worry.

  She nodded.

  He sighed with relief. “You would never have been able to recreate that as perfectly. Under no circumstances tell Bavard about the copy, or he will destroy it as well. From his reaction, I am certain your contract doesn’t include control of your compositions.”

  “That’s true,” Adam said.

  “I know. I was just trying to be courteous. Bastion wishes me to sing Don Carlos’ aria now. Would you be willing to accompany me?”

  “Let me see the sheet music again. Assuming I’m not expected to follow your part, I might give it a try.”

  A tug at her hand brought her attention to Martin, who had evidently been close enough to hear their conversation. “I would like to accompany you as well. I’ve been practicing.”

  She kissed the boy on his forehead. “Then go get your cello.”

  “So I’m being tossed off?” Bresnan asked, with more than a little annoyance in his voice.

  “Study your sheet music,” she said, and stood, clapping her hands to get everyone’s attention.

  “We are going to perform Don Carlos’ aria. I have a cello and a pianist. Would anyone else like to join us?”

  Mark had evidently arrived during her conversation with Bresnan. “Wait one minute,” he pleaded, and left the house.

  Jules snared her arm. “Once again, you act without my permission!”

  Luke placed his hand on Jules’ wrist. “Please remove your grip on Amanda’s arm.” From the speed with which Jules released her, she was certain Luke had used pain as a motivator.

  “You’re fired. Get out!” Jules yelled as he cradled his right wrist.

  “You didn’t hire me,” Luke reminded him. “I can’t stop you from scolding her, but you are not allowed to cause her physical pain.”

  Jules’ skin flared red and his eyes narrowed even as he smiled. “Enjoy your song, my dear. It will come to nothing.” He stormed over and spoke softly to Bastion. She could tell from the head master’s increasingly furrowed brow that he did not like whatever Jules was saying.

  Martin set up his cello while Bresnan worked through a few complex parts of the song with the assistance and admiration of the other pianists. Even Simon had migrated to the piano to provide advice.

  Since Mark had not reappeared, she turned her attention to Luke. “My knight in shining armor.”

  “I don’t like this situation,” he said.

  “You see why I’m rethinking my singing career?”

  He nodded, then frowned. “Isn’t that the young man who was in your room at college?” he asked as Mark rushed into the room, carrying his violin case.

  “Mark Hammer, yes. I didn’t like him back then, but he turned out to be a very nice guy. He lived here with me until Jules made him go back with Beth. I expected her to come to the party just to cause trouble.”

  She frowned as Jules approached Mark. Whatever the man said angered her friend. To her shock, if she’d read his lips correctly, Mark had just told Jules to fuck off. He then joined Martin and his cello.

  “Amanda, you need to ask Bastion to direct, so
this can be considered a school event and thus outside Mark’s contract,” Adam warned her.

  “Monsieur Bastion, please direct your students, or we’ll never stay in sync.”

  Bastion smiled and asked if she had a baton. Martin declared he did and ran off to find it.

  Jules grabbed Bastion’s arm and was now sniping at him. Bastion removed Jules’ hand and cheerfully chided him. When Martin returned with the baton, Bastion’s mouth fell open. He lifted the slender wood from the boy’s hands and stared at it as if it were a treasure beyond riches.

  “The baton belonged to Don Carlos,” Adam informed her.

  With the musicians and Amanda poised and ready, Bastion spoke to the small but attentive audience. “When Don Carlos was alive, we often had impromptu concerts in his house, although never such a bold endeavor as this. Let us all aspire to perfection, but enjoy the journey as well. Allow only the love of music to occupy your heart. There will be no grade, no critique...all I ask of the musicians is that they do their very best, and of the audience that they open their hearts to the beauty and miracle of music.”

  He then turned to his musicians, gave them a count, and Mark’s violin began, followed by the cello and piano. Ten bars later, Amanda entered and lost herself in the absolute perfection of the song, made even richer by the added instrumental tones.

  When they ended the aria, Bastion approached her, kissing both her cheeks. “You have given me a gift I will never forget tonight.” Tears ran down his face.

  Noticing the baton in his right hand, she wrapped her hands about his and gently squeezed. “Keep the baton to remember this moment.”

  Amanda turned to her orchestra and first went to Martin, giving him a hug. “You were magnificent! When have you been practicing that?”

  Martin smiled but remained mute with shyness. He glanced at Mark to rescue him.

  “We’ve been working on the song since you auditioned,” Mark replied, and glanced at someone behind her.

  She glanced back, fearing it was Jules, relaxing when she saw only her protector. “Mark, this is Luke,” she explained, then leaned in and whispered, “He’s my new security pretending to be my boyfriend.”


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