Romance: Detective Romance: A Vicious Affair (Victorian Regency Intrigue 19th England Romance) (Historical Mystery Detective Romance)

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Romance: Detective Romance: A Vicious Affair (Victorian Regency Intrigue 19th England Romance) (Historical Mystery Detective Romance) Page 45

by Lisa Andersen

  Sophia realized what Alice was saying, wasn’t without truth. Indeed, if David didn’t want her on their wedding night, when everything was fresh and exciting, he would in all likelihood, never want her. ”Just for arguments sake, say I wanted a lover. How would I go about it?”

  The Ladies, not being at all expert in matters of this kind, looked at each other with blank looks on their faces. It was Alice who spoke first. ”A party to which you invite lots of attractive single men.”

  ”Yes, a party that’s it,” Charlotte gushed. Emily nodded in agreement.

  ”You just want a party so you can find yourselves a handsome husband,” Sophia retorted. Each of them shook their head. ”Alright, I will organize a party. I will invite as many unattached men as is possible and take one as a lover.”

  Alice now regretted her suggestion. ”Sophia you can’t, not really. I said it in jest. You are married, think of the scandal if it were to become known.”

  ”But I want to feel a man on me. I can’t stand it anymore,” Sophia exclaimed.

  The three suddenly looked away, embarrassed by Sophia’s outburst.

  Sophia turned to her sister for assistance in the matter. Her sister had been married for several years and was much more of an authority on love and sex than any of her friends. As they sat in the garden, where Sophia had discussed the same problem with her three friends the previous day, she listened intently to Helen.

  ”I think you should,” Helen said. “If he didn’t consecrate your marriage on your wedding night, of all nights, he never will. You can’t go through life without the touch of a man. It is quite impossible.”

  ”Thank you, dear sister. Then I shall go ahead and find a lover.”

  ”Make sure it is someone who is discreet, and make it is clear to him that you only want a carnal relationship, nothing more. The last thing you want is your husband finding out, or your lover getting jealous and exposing you to society.”

  ”I’m having such terrible thoughts all the time. I look at any man I come across, and simply want to bed him, irrespective of class. I feel……”

  ”Deprived is the word you are looking for. Your husband has denied you the most basic of rights. You are feeling what married ladies call, ‘The Urge.’ That means your body needs a man. Until a man satisfies you, that feeling won’t change. Women have needs, just as much as men. Just remember, make sure it’s someone who can be discreet.” Helen patted Sophia on the hand. “Have you had news from your husband? Napoleon is marching on the British and Prussian forces. There will be a battle very soon.”

  ”No, I have heard nothing from him at all.”


  The Ballroom on Tavistok Square was splendid. It was large, and had six enormous chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. On the evening in question, it was filled with the guests Sophia had invited. Sophia had invited three hundred people, and almost all of them had come. There was nobody over the age of thirty five.

  Most of the ladies were wearing the latest fashionable high waistline dresses. There was an enormous variety of colors on display.

  ”What a spectacular ball, Sophia,” Alice said. ”You really have invited all of young society. There are some very handsome men here.”

  ”I am pleased you like it. You may find a future husband here if you play your cards right. The number of handsome men really is most overwhelming. The choice is bewildering.”

  Alice looked at Sophia. She had known her since they were at boarding school together. Alice was quite jealous of her dress. It was white muslin and decorated with a cross pattern of roses. It had puff sleeves which showed off most of Sophia’s arms and a low décolleté which enhanced her ample bust. Her hair was parted in the middle and swept up in a spectacular column of curls. Sophia’s facial features were fine and delicate, her smile dainty. She looked sweet and innocent, but this evening her intentions were anything but sweet and innocent.

  ”Your dress is beautiful,” Sophia complimented.

  ”Thank you. Like you, I love white, it is so clean and I think it shows men what they are missing. Wearing white means I am young, untouched and available.”

  ”Heavens, Alice, you sound as desperate as I.”

  ”I would very much like to meet a man. It will be this evening, I hope,” Alice said.

  ”Look at them. For example, that group of men there.” Sophia pointed to a group of five young men engaged in conversation close to them. ”They are so handsome in their evening dress. Which one would you choose, Alice?”

  ”I like tall men, with long slender legs and a strong upper body. I like that man there, the one with the red waist coat.”

  ”Yes, he is quite dashing. He is handsome. I will have him sent notice that you want to dance with him.”

  ”Sophia, no. That is quite indelicate. He should ask me”

  ”Very well, then you should at least stand close to him that he may see you. Go closer and catch his eye. Smile at him.”

  ”And you, dear Sophia. Have you seen anyone you would like to be your lover?”

  ”Sssh, not so loud. The fact I am looking for a lover should be a secret. To answer your question, yes. I have seen someone I like. But I have no idea who he is. He was certainly not on my list of invitees.”

  ”Where is he?” Alice asked, most curious to find out.

  ”The man in the blue tailcoat next to the group we have just been talking about.”

  ”The man with the glass in his hand?”

  ”Yes, do you know him?”

  ”Oh Sophia, I hate to disappoint you but please do not involve yourself with that man. He is dangerous. He is one of the richest men in London, the Duke of Beaufort. He came with Charlotte’s brother. He is married and a full time philanderer. If you involve yourself with him, you will find it very difficult to end the affair should you want to. He has ruined many a lady.

  ”In what way ruined?”

  ”I am not very sure, but I have heard that he is demanding and jealous. I heard, when one lady’s husband became suspicious of their affair, and she wanted to end it, he threatened to tell her husband. She didn’t believe him and called his bluff. But he did tell her husband, and he had it printed in the newspaper. She was cast out by society. I hear tell that she had to work in a factory after that.”

  ”He is most handsome, though.” Sophia paused. “A philanderer you say? Just the kind of man I have been looking for. A man who has affairs professionally, so to speak. He will know what to do and he will be discreet, I am sure.”

  ”But Sophia, haven’t you been listening to a word I have been telling you? He is dangerous.”

  ”All the more exciting. I don’t want a lover to be boring. He should excite me. There should be an element of danger to the affair.”

  ”But suppose you tire of him and want to end your liaison? Suppose also he doesn’t let you, and threatens to tell your husband. What would you do?”

  ”In the first instance, how could one ever tire of a man like that? My husband is of no use to me in bed, why would I ever want to end an affair with such a man?”

  ”I am not sure about it. Please, there are a lot of other men here this evening. Look, over there. Three men who would worship you, and be far less dangerous.”

  ”I am not looking for boring, I want excitement. Thank you, Alice you have whetted my appetite no end,” Sophia said as she walked towards the tall man.

  Alice looked on, aghast, as Sophia began to speak to the dangerous man.

  ”Sir, I don’t believe we are acquainted.”

  ”Jeremy Beaufort. Duke thereof,” he replied.

  ”And do you know who I am?”

  ”I do not, you have me at a disadvantage.”

  ”I am the person who sent out the invitations to this ball and I do not recollect sending you one, my Lord.”

  ”Ah. You’ve caught me.”

  ”Indeed, Sir. How did you get in?”

  ”I am well known in these parts. I own half of the buildings in this street. I just nodded at the doorman, and he let me in.”

  Before he said anymore, Sophia wanted to look more closely at him. He was wearing a blue tailcoat, white shirt and a blue cravat. He was at least six inches taller than she, slender and dark haired. His face was angular and his nose fine. When he looked back at her, she noticed what an extraordinary color his eyes were. A blue of such clarity they could have been made of ice. She estimated his age to be thirty.

  ”You own half of the buildings in this street? You must be wealthy, this is an expensive part of London.”

  ”I suppose one could call me wealthy. I don’t count my money. It seems to accumulate without me doing much about it.”

  ”Tell me, my Lord, why did you come into my ball, uninvited?”

  ”I have a good friend, Charles Needham. I believe you are friendly with his sister, Charlotte. He brought me. He told me you were very beautiful and I wanted to see for myself. ”

  ”Really? And what do you say now you have seen me?”

  ”Quite the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”

  ”Thank you.”

  ”Are you lonely, madam?”

  ”I am married, why would I be lonely?”

  ”Your husband is away in France. Charles told me you were, perhaps, looking for a companion for a short time.”

  ”I really must talk to Charlotte. It is obvious she has been indiscreet.”

  ”I would very much like to be your companion for the times when you feel lonely.”

  ”Indeed. Are you a discreet man?”

  ”You insult my position in society by asking that question.”

  ”Forgive me.”

  ”What is your answer? Will you befriend me?”

  ”I am a married woman. Any slip of the tongue will have me cast into exile and poverty. In addition, any meeting between us for the purpose of intimacy will be just that. You can never claim me or come into my life in any other capacity. Do you understand?”

  ”Perfectly madam.”

  Sophia glanced around. ”We can never meet at my house. You should provide a place.”

  ”I will, indeed. 12 Greys Inn. I will wait for you.”

  ”I will not be early. I have guests to say goodnight to.”

  ”No matter, I will wait.”


  It was well past midnight when Sophia knocked on the door at number 12 Greys Inn. As she looked at the building, she knew what it was. It was a place where the Duke brought his conquests. A small love nest, away from prying eyes.

  He opened the door and gestured for her to come in. “Let me take your mantel.”

  As she took off her mantel, Sophia looked at the place she found herself in. It was a simple town house. There was no entrance hall, and she was standing in a corridor. To the right, there was a door to the lounge, and straight in front of her were the stairs. She presumed the corridor to the right of the staircase led to a kitchen. The house was decorated tastefully.

  ”Would you care for a drink,” he asked.

  ”No my Lord. I want you to take me to bed.”

  Without saying anything he waked to the staircase and began to ascend it. Sophia followed him, heart pounding. She was about to be unfaithful to her husband. She was excited but frightened at the same time. Could she really trust the Duke? He was so dashing, she wanted him desperately, but could she trust him? Lust led her to his door, and lust was leading her into his bed.

  The Duke opened the door directly at the top of the stairs and allowed Sophia to enter first. For a small town house, it was a magnificent room. To the right was a large four poster bed and to the left a fireplace. The wall paper was deep red and the bed sheets crisp white. It made a beautiful contrast.

  He closed the door and looked at her. He noticed how nervous she now was. Before, at the ball she had found him, and led their conversation. Now here in his bedroom, she was silent and reserved. She was waiting from him to lead her.

  He stepped towards her and stood extremely close. Without putting his arms around her, he leaned down and kissed her. Sophia flew at him. She pulled him by his jacket to her, and pressed her lips tightly to his. He had to break from her and gather himself.

  ”Madam is hungry, is she not?”

  ”Yes, my Lord.”

  ”Then this evening, madam will be fed.”

  He grabbed her and lifted her off her feet while he thrust his tongue deep into her mouth. He kissed her passionately and she loved it. She squealed with delight as he held onto her buttocks and squeezed. He put her down and looked deep into her eyes. She felt his finger trace a line across her cheek and hover at her lips.

  The Duke was eyeing up his conquest, forming a plan of attack. When he did attack, it took her breath away. He picked her up, carried her to the bed and threw her down onto it.

  He stood at the end of the bed and began to take his clothes off. He was a confident man. He knew he had a good physique and he knew she would like it. She did. When his shirt came off, Sophie looked at his chest. It was smooth and hard looking. His upper chest was well defined and his stomach showed the muscles underneath. His upper arms were large and strong.

  When he put his hands to his belt, Sophia licked her lips. He laughed when he saw her do so. In no time his trousers were open. He slowly lowered them past his thighs and down to the floor. In his underwear, she could see him. He was already hard. Behind the thin material his penis looked large. She yearned to take it in her hand, but she waited for him.

  The sense of anticipation was great when he hooked his fingers into the waist band of his underwear. As he began to lower them, she saw his black pubic hair come into view, and then what she had been waiting for. His magnificent shaft. It was long and thick. Longer than her husband’s, of that she was sure. His thighs were strong and sturdy and his legs lightly covered in black hair. She noticed how tight his balls were against his hardness. He was primed and ready for her. He walked slowly around the bed to her. She was impressed with him, he was angular and she loved the way his cock stuck out, breaking the symmetry.

  As he bent to kiss her, he took one of her hands and placed it on his shaft. Sophia looked at the contrast between her delicate hand and his manly part. She instinctively began to rub him up and down. He became impatient and took her other hand and placed it on his balls. She couldn’t believe how coarse they were.

  ”Rub me faster, my dear lover,” he said.

  Sophia grasped him harder, and rubbed faster. Sitting in front of him, holding his penis and balls, she could smell the scent of him. He smelt fresh and manly and it was making her ache for him to open her legs and fill her.

  He put his arms on her shoulders and pushed her back onto the bed. When she felt his arms on her ankles she knew what he wanted. He slid his hands gently up her stockings and stopped at her garters. When his hands left her stockings and arrived on the soft flesh of her thighs, she moaned. When she felt his hands on her underwear, she raised her bottom and allowed him to pull her undergarment from her. She felt his hands on her again, this time griping her legs harder as they slid up.

  Sophia’s breathing quickened when his hands arrived at her center. She bit her lips and clenched her fists when a hand stroked over her pubic mound, feeling her soft curls. When his other hand touched her wetness she shivered and let out a sigh. His hand was strong and insistent as it massaged her vagina. When his thumb found her clitoris he rubbed her gently, but consistently. Sophia opened her legs fully and began to pant. When he let go it was only to lift her skirt up. Now she felt his breath on her. When his hot mouth met her soft folds she screamed. His tongue licked along her inner and outer lips and circled her clit
oris. He put a hand on her stomach and felt the pressure building up in her. Her stomach normally soft, was rock hard with the strain.

  His tongued lashed at her until she moaned and trapped his head between her legs. She pulled his hair and came on his mouth.

  When her tremors had faded, he pulled her up and removed her dress. He took her breasts in his hand, feeling the weight of them. Sophia was exhausted. All she had done was lie on her back, but he had licked her so expertly. She had experienced such a deep orgasm that it had made her clench every muscle.

  He cradled her in his arms as she recovered. His fingers played with her nipples and she rested her head against his chest. After a few minutes, she lowered herself to him and took his throbbing hardness into her mouth. She loved the smooth feel of his head, and the ribbed feel of his shaft, as she moved herself down his length. The Duke was impressed how deep she took him. When she put her hand on his balls and squeezed, he wanted to hold her head and come inside her wet mouth. She felt him jerk and she pulled away.

  She wanted him come inside her, not in her mouth. Now she took charge. She pushed him onto his back and straddled him. She felt his cock at her entrance and slowly lowered herself onto him. She put her hands on his large chest and began to grind herself against him. Once again, she felt wave after wave seep up from her sex to her brain. She rode him faster feeling him slide in and out of her. When he thrust up into her, she came again.

  He loved the sight of her breasts as they wobbled under the strain. He grabbed her shaking body and rolled her over without pulling out of her. She was still on a high plateau when he began to thrust hard into her. Her legs wrapped around him and she clung onto him as he ravaged her sex. As his cock slipped in and out of her, it rubbed against her clitoris. She was so overcome she dug her nails into his back and raked upwards. It hurt him but he just gritted his teeth and pushed harder.

  When he started grunting, Sophia reached down for his balls. She felt them swell and when she felt his semen splashing inside her, she came again.


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