Romance: Detective Romance: A Vicious Affair (Victorian Regency Intrigue 19th England Romance) (Historical Mystery Detective Romance)

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Romance: Detective Romance: A Vicious Affair (Victorian Regency Intrigue 19th England Romance) (Historical Mystery Detective Romance) Page 58

by Lisa Andersen

  ”He’s just like all the others. He should have given it back to me, expecting me to be the manager is…..well I don’t know, but it isn’t honest.”

  Lizzie wanted to say that it was her father’s fault really, but she refrained.

  ”Pickford wants me to start work in the assistants house on Monday.”

  ”Jesus Victoria. Go back to the Duke and accept his offer.”

  ”No never. He’s just as dishonest as his father,”

  Lizzie didn’t understand. ”You’re bloody headstrong, and it’s not good for you.”

  At the village green, Jack was waiting. Lizzie kissed Victoria goodbye and went towards her house.

  ”Can I walk with you Victoria?” he asked.

  ”Yes I’d like that,” she said. He almost jumped in the air, it was a result he wasn’t expecting. They walked together without saying anything until they reached Victoria’s cottage. ”Thank you, Jack, that was nice,” she said.

  ”It’s my pleasure. I was wondering if you would like to walk with me on Sunday, after church? he asked, holding his breath.

  ”Yes, Jack, I’d like that very much,” she said. When she closed the door behind her, she slipped to her knees and began to cry.


  On Monday morning, Victoria was not dressed in her usual mill workers clothes, but in her best dress. She’d picked some daffodils and put one in her bonnet. It was gone eight, and if she’d been working in the mill, she would already have been at work for two hours. Nine o’clock was her new start time. At eight forty, she was ready to walk up the hill to the first street on the right, Calderdale Avenue. Number three belonged to Mr. Pickford, and she was to report there. She put on her bonnet and took the bunch of daffodils. She went to the kitchen took a carving knife and hid it in the flowers she was carrying.

  When she arrived at her new place of work, she was greeted by three other women, all equally well dressed. They showed her to what they called, her room. It appeared each of them had their own room. ”When Mr. Pickford comes, he chooses one of us, and we go with him to our own room. He likes it that way” a woman called Isabella said.

  At nine thirty, Mr. Pickford knocked on the door. ”Splendid, Victoria, you’re here. I’ve been looking forward to seeing you all weekend. Show me which is your room.”

  Victoria didn’t say anything as she walked up the stairs with him behind her. When they entered the room, the daffodils were lying on the bed. ”Please sit down next to me on the bed,” she told him.

  His breathing began to get faster and shallower, but his excitement was interrupted by a loud bang on the door, and another one. He got out and shouted down the stairs. ”Who the devil is it?”

  After a few seconds, one of the girls shouted up the stairs, ”It’s a man called Mr. Jones. He says he wants to speak to Victoria.”

  ”Tell him to go away,” Pickford shouted back.

  ”That’s not a good idea, he’s got a large threatening man with him.”

  Pickford went back downstairs closely followed by Victoria. ”Mr. Jones,” she exclaimed. ”What on earth….?”

  ”It has taken me a very long time to find you,” he shouted. Victoria remembered his voice and how loud he had been in Haslemere. ”I went to the mill first, and they were very reluctant to tell me where you were,” he looked at a chair and sat down to catch his breath. He was wearing the same red breeches he had a few days ago. ”It was only after Mr. Jesop intervened that they were forthcoming.”

  ”Ah yes, Mr. Jespon, hello,” Victoria said.

  ”Hello, Miss,” he smiled.

  ”What’s all this about. She’s one of my employees, and she should be working, so say what you have got to say and go,” Pickford stated.

  ”Victoria,” Jones began. ”There has been a development in you favor. I am here to hand you the deeds to the Landsborough Estate.”

  Victoria didn’t say anything she just stood there with her mouth wide open.

  ”Don’t you want it?” Jones asked with a kind smile on his face. “It’s yours again if you want it.”

  ”Of course, I want it,” she squealed. ”Oh Mr. Jones how can this be happening?”

  ”You should ask the Duke, Miss. He instructed me last week to make the estate over to you, with no conditions whatsoever. Mr. Jepson here gave me a lift here in his coach, and if you so wish, he is willing to take you and your belongings with us back to your rightful home.”

  ”Goodbye, Mr. Pickford, you will be hearing from me in the future, I can assure you. Just count yourself lucky you didn’t lay a hand on me today.”


  Landsborough Hall was in a state of some disrepair. It wasn’t uninhabitable, but it had a leaking roof and damp walls. Victoria had no idea what she should do about it, just as she had no idea how to run the estate. When she arrived, she found she had two servants. One of them was Rosie.

  ”What on earth are you dong here,” she asked.

  ”The Duke asked me to look after you. I am a ladies maid, and there is no lady at the Hall, so I am better employed with you. If you are agreeable.”

  ”Of course, I’m delighted. In fact, a bit overwhelmed.”

  ”The Duke asked me to tell you that his advice is to hand over the running of the estate to a firm called Stephensons Land Agents in Haslemere. They will do the day to day running for you, leaving you free to make the big decisions and enjoy your new life.”

  ”Splendid,” Victoria said. ”But why can’t the Duke come and tell me that himself?”

  ”Oh Miss, the Duke is ashamed to come and see you. That’s what he told me.” Rosie shifted from one foot to the other.

  ”He thinks he wronged you when he didn’t just give you the estate in the first place. And if you ask me, Miss, he’s love sick. He does nothing but mope around; it is very sad to see.” Rosie took a deep breath happy that she’d unburdened herself.


  When Roberts answered the door, he was delighted to see Victoria. His boss had been intolerable since she had left the house so suddenly a few days ago. ”Miss Victoria, oh how lovely to see you, please follow me.”

  Edward was in the library, staring into space. When Roberts announced Victoria, he jumped off his seat and almost ran to her. At the last second breeding took over and he gently shook her hand.

  ”My Lord, thank you for the great act of generosity you have shown to me. You have made me happier than you know,” she said.

  ”I’m very pleased. I’m sorry about the first time I………”

  She stepped towards him and put her finger to his lips. ”Shh, it’s alright, I understand. Any man who is able to see the error of his ways and change direction without being too proud to do so is a brave man indeed.”

  He looked down at his feet and contemplated an answer. He was afraid to ask for what he really wanted, but Victoria was not.

  ”Will my Lord please kiss me?”


  ”I left Rosie at home,” Victoria said as Edward walked with her up to his bedroom. We are both adults and no one need know what is about to take place. Need they?”

  ”No quite,” he answered. ”Once we are married it won’t matter, will it?” She shook her head.

  In the bedroom, Edward was suddenly very unsure of himself. Victoria had been around enough earthy women to have picked up a few tips, and she took the initiative.

  ”Get out of your clothes,” she commanded. He did so eagerly. When he pulled his trousers and underwear down, she gasped at the size of him. It was the first time she had seen a penis and in his, she was impressed. When she touched it, she remembered what Mary and the girls had always said men enjoyed. When Edward felt her hot mouth on him, he moaned and pulled her hair. He felt long and smooth, and it turned her on.

  She was eager to feel his body on hers
, and he looked on, as she stood up and began to undress. When her breasts fell free, he sucked greedily on her nipples, making her gasp. She stepped out of her garments and stood before him, ready.

  He pushed her to the bed and lay next to her. His hand caressed her breasts and stomach, hardly daring to go where he most wanted it to. ”Touch me there,” she whispered. It was all he needed to hear and his touch electrified her. She played with him as he stroked her. The texture of his manhood fascinated her. The coarseness was totally alien to anything on her body.

  When she could bear his strokes no longer, she opened her legs and pulled him to her. When he lay on her, she rubbed her hands over his back and buttocks, down to his hairy thighs and up again. His hard angular body felt strong on her, and she liked the feeling of giving herself to him. She felt his penis prodding at her, trying in vain to find her opening. She helped him, and when his penis was at her entrance, he thrust hard into her, making her cry out. He wasn’t gentle; he was passionate. She took his pounding body and even thrust back at him, urging him on. She felt her body begin to tighten and had no idea what it was except it felt pleasurable. Every time he made a down thrust, she felt a wave coming from her womanhood. The longer he thrust, the more the pleasure until she could stand it no more. She exploded. She cried out his name and dug her fingers into the skin on his back. The sight of her breasts shaking uncontrollably at her orgasm excited hm so much. He came immediately after. The warm surge she felt inside her was the best feeling she had ever known, and she clung to him and kissed the side of his face until his breathing returned to something like normal.


  ”What the hell are you doing here,” Mary asked as Victoria walked into the mill. ”I thought we’d seen the last of you.”

  ”In two minutes you will have,” she answered. She walked along the line of bobbins that were spinning at a terrifying rate, and past a pool of women working on sewing machines. She had almost forgotten what a noisy place it was. She walked down past another row of women and into the next building. It was the packing department, and it was always cold. The machines in the main mill kept people warm but in the packing area, there was no warmth. Lizzie was standing at the end of a line of women, packing thread into boxes.

  She looked at Victoria and screamed. ”What are you doing here?”

  ”I’ve come to get you. You’re never setting foot in this place again. I need someone to help me run my house and the estate.”


  On the twenty-first of June eighteen hundred and fifteen, Victoria Lambert/Landsborough, became the Duchess of Haslemere. Lizzie was her bridesmaid, and Mr. Jones gave her away. Mr. Jepson was the Duke’s best man.

  Lizzie lived in Landsborough Hall when Victoria moved to Easingborough Hall. Lizzie married Lieutenant David Wilkinson. She had three children, all boys. Victoria had four children, two girls, and two boys.

  Mr.Pickford was attacked by an angry father three years after Victoria’s wedding. He died of his injuries a year later.

  Rescued from a Rake (by Sarah Thorn)

  Alice Ashmeer and her friends, Georgina and Sophia, were sitting on the terrace at the rear of Stanley Manor, a large house belonging to Lord Ashmeer. The house had extensive grounds and included a lake that Lord Ashmeer used infrequently for fishing.

  ”It’s such a lovely day. Do you think we dare go for a swim?” Alice asked her two closest friends.

  ”It really is the most tediously hot day. What do you say, Georgina?” asked Sophia.

  ”Yes, lets. It was so much fun when we swam last year. The lake was so cool and there’s never anybody around to see us. Come on, let’s be daring,” Georgina said.

  ”How long has your family owned Stanley Manor?” Georgina asked Alice as they walked over the lawn towards the lake.

  ”About two hundred years,” Alice replied. ”My father hates the place. He says it costs far too much to maintain.”

  ”But your father is the richest man in the county. Surely a few pounds for maintenance is of no consequence to him?” Sophia butted in.

  ”He is indeed rich beyond belief, but he is what people in this part of England call, tight. He keeps his fingers firmly on his money,” Alice said.

  ”Yes, that’s how people get rich, by not spending anything. My father is rich but not nearly as rich as your father is. In fact, in comparison, I would say we are really rather poor,” Sophia complained.

  The other two laughed at Sophia. They both knew her father was rich enough to own a three thousand hectare estate.

  ”I do so like your dress, Alice. You look prettier than ever in pink. Your father may be the richest man in the county, but my dear, you are the most beautiful woman in the county. You could have any man you want,” Georgina said.

  ”Nonsense. You two are more beautiful,” said Alice.

  When they reached the lake, they walked along the shore and stopped at a wooded area.

  ”I do hope nobody sees us. It really isn’t lady like to swim,” Sophia said.

  ”Well, I don’t care. I’m going in naked this time,” Georgina announced.

  ”But you can’t, what if somebody sees you?” Sophia asked, horrified at the idea.

  ”There is nobody here. And so what if somebody sees me. I’m just a woman, not a monster.”

  ”Then let’s all swim without clothes. It’ll be so daring and so much fun. Swimming in undergarments is so heavy. Last year, I was almost pulled to the bottom,” Alice concluded.

  Alice and Georgina went behind a tree and began to take off their clothes. Sophia looked around nervously, sure someone would see them. When Alice emerged, she walked to the water’s edge and tip-toed into to the refreshing water.

  Sophia looked at her and was instantly envious of Alice’s body. Her legs were long and slender, her buttocks small and soft and her breasts perfectly formed. Sophia would have swapped her red hair and blue eyes for Alice’s blonde curls and emerald green eyes, in an instant.

  Sophia turned to see where Georgina was. When she saw her, she was surprised by the size of her breasts. Sophia, Alice and Georgina were neighbors in the high society life of Northampton, and they had grown up together. But they hadn’t seen each other naked for many years. Every time they swam, they had worn some sort of garment.

  ”Georgina, you are a very wholesome woman,” Sophia said. Georgina smiled and ran into the water. Sophia hung around at the water’s edge as Alice and Georgina walked out into the water. When the water reached their thighs, they both dived and swam off into the middle of the lake.

  ”Look at her. She is too afraid to take off her clothes,” Georgina said as she and Alice trod water.

  ”I really don’t know why. She has a stunning figure,” Alice said. ”Sophia, come on. The water’s lovely,” she shouted.

  Eventually Sophia disappeared behind a tree and emerged with her arms folded across her breasts. She skipped into the water as fast as she could, and as soon as it was deep enough, submerged her body from sight. When she reached the others she was quite out of breath.

  ”It’s very cold, indeed,” she said gasping.

  The other two looked at each other and rolled their eyes in a display of irony. They continued their conversation, still treading water in the middle of the lake.

  “What would you do now, if a man came along and took our clothes?” Alice asked.

  ”Oh, that thought is too horrible to contemplate,” Sophia said.

  ”I would chase him,” Georgina said.

  ”But there would be a horrible scandal. You can’t run around naked,” Sophia observed.

  ”It would be a very difficult situation wouldn’t it. Although it isn’t very far back to the house. I think we would have to tear a branch full of leaves from a tree and walk behind until we got close enough to run inside and get some clothes,” Alice ventured

  ”As we are talking about daring activities, I have a suggestion. When we were on the terrace a few minutes ago, I told Alice she was beautiful, and she told you and I, Sophia, that we were more beautiful. Let’s find out who is the most beautiful,” Georgina said.

  Sophia looked puzzled. ” But how do you want to do that?”

  Georgina explained. ”There is a ball next week at the Ferguson’s. Let’s see which of us can fill our dance cards the fastest. The first one to get it filled, we will call the most beautiful of us, and there will be no more dispute.”

  ”Georgina you are an absolute genius. What fun it will be,” Alice said as she let herself sink under the water.

  The man watching from the far bank wasn’t interested in stealing their clothes, but he was interested in seeing them leave the water.


  ”You have such soft hair, Miss Alice,” the lady’s maid said, as she poured a jug of warm water over her. Eleanor was a plump lady in her sixties. She had long gray hair tied in a bun. It made her look strict, but she was in fact, the friendliest soul imaginable. Alice’s mother had chosen her to be Alice’s ladies maid because she had years of experience. She trusted Eleanor to temper her daughter’s youthful urges in choice of clothing.

  ”And you are the kindest maid I could ever have wished for,” Alice replied. ”How long have you been at Stanley Hall, Eleanor?”

  ”Oh, a lot of years, Miss. Let me see, you were born, twenty two years ago and I was here many years before that. I’m afraid to say I can remember Stanley Hall when your grandfather was alive.”

  ”So you must have been a lady’s maid to my grandmother.”

  ”Yes, I was. I was very young and quite frightened of your grandmother. Your mother brought her own lady’s maid when she married your father, and, after your poor grandmother died, I became a house maid. That is, until you came of age. I was so pleased your mother asked me to be your maid. You are turning into the most beautiful young lady in England.”

  ”Eleanor, you are very good at exaggerating, I must say. On the subject of beauty, I have a bet with Miss Georgina and Miss Sophia, this evening. We are going to see who can fill their dance cards the fastest. Who does, will become the undisputed beauty among us.”


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