Guardian Unraveled_Fallen Guardians

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Guardian Unraveled_Fallen Guardians Page 12

by Georgia Lyn Hunter

  She frowned. But she had shut them. Then shrugging off the thought, she hurried after him. “Dagan, wait.”

  He slowed. Those broad shoulders lifted then dropped as if in a weary sigh. She rounded to his front. “Will you teach me to fight?”


  “Really? Just no? I’ll have you know, Mr. I Am-the-Man, chauvinistic tendencies died last century, and I need to keep up my training.”

  He sidestepped her and continued around the building then jogged up the narrow, crudely mined granite steps. Undeterred by his rebuff, she followed, the chilly breeze barely soothing her heated face.

  “Why are you being so difficult?” she wheezed when she finally reached the top, swiping her sweaty brow. Then Shae’s jaw dropped. Her eyes widened. “Wow!” She spun around on the plateau-like surface of what must surely be the top of the world. Clouds hung so low, she reached up, and her fingers glided through the smoky miasma. “This is really awesome… And damp.”

  She wiped her fingers on her jeans then hurried to the edge some distance away and hastily leaped back. The forest appeared like a green smudge far, far down below. “Whoa! That’s quite the drop. A slip-up, and I could end up splattered on the rocks.”

  “You won’t.”

  Yeah, he’d probably leap after her with all his superpowers. She pivoted and nearly swallowed her tongue. He’d taken off his tee. Wearing only jeans, his muscle-packed chest bare, he was a mind-numbingly sexy distraction.

  “What are you waiting for?” he asked, braiding his long hair into a single rope. The low clouds above appeared to rise higher.

  She narrowed her eyes. “You were bringing me here to teach me?”

  “No, I’d planned to put in some hours in my workplace until you railroaded me.”

  “What?” She blinked. “You work?”

  “Why the surprise? Did you think I just guard the realm?” He rolled those tough shoulders, thick with corded muscle. Before she could continue her questions, he said, “You want to fight, then let’s.”

  The threat in his stance made her a little wary, but she wasn’t backing off. “Let me change—”

  “No. Trouble comes at any time. It doesn’t wait for you to dress appropriately.” He circled her. “C’mon, hellcat, what are you waiting for?”

  The tag rankled. “I scratched you once, and you stick me with that annoying name.”

  “Once?” A dark eyebrow lifted. “If I didn’t heal as fast as I do, I’d be pitted with trails of scars as proof of being hit, bitten, and let’s not forget, having water bottles flung at me.”

  Heat scorched her face. She sniffed. “Yeah, well, you made me mad. Look, I don’t want to fight you. You’ll crush me with your huge size. I only need you to demonstrate your techniques. Besides, Harvey has already shown me just how fast you immortals move. He usually trains me.”

  “I see.” His tone dropped to a worrying sub-zero. “Did it help?”

  She eyed him cautiously. “Some. I think guns would be better.”

  What had changed? He’d been taunting and toying with her until she mentioned… Dammit! That reminded her. “I don’t want you to touch, hurt, or kill Harvey. He was only protecting his foolish cousin.”

  Dagan continued as if he hadn’t heard her. “Immortals can’t die from gun wounds. If anything, getting shot will seriously piss them off.”

  “Maybe, but it will give me a chance to run if I need to. As long as I get them in places that hurt—eeek!” He came at her like a flash of lightning, grabbed her arm and spun her around—her heart beat so hard—hell, it was moments from crashing through her ribcage and hurtling to the gorge below. With her back plastered against his chest and her arms caught in a vise-like grip, she was…trapped. Dammit!

  Shae glared at him over her shoulder. He lowered his head to her ear, his breath a warm caress on her nape. “And that’s what can happen when you miss a shot or wound them—except your neck would probably be broken by now.”

  “How is this fair?” She shoved away from his disturbing warmth. “You didn’t warn me.”

  “You think an enemy will?”

  At his stinging words, she stifled a grimace. He was right.

  “Here’s the thing, Shae-cat, I won’t allow harm to come to you in any form or manner. Yes, you need to be able to defend yourself. If it means using my huge size to get you used to fighting bigger opponents, then you will fight me. Weapons can get lost. And from what I’ve seen, you need to build up your strength and muscles.”

  He leaped at her. Shae ducked his grasp. Using the maneuvers Harvey had shown her, gathering power and speed, she spun around and lashed out a flying kick dead center to his chest. It didn’t even move him.

  He stepped back, his expression calm, but his eyes gleamed in amusement.

  She scowled, and the next second, she went flying as he took her down. She hadn’t seen him move. Bracing for a crushing impact, she squeezed her eyes tight, except he shifted at the last second, and she landed on top of him instead. The air flattened from her lungs. Too winded to care, she lay there panting, grateful she was still in one piece.

  He was even faster than Harvey.

  When she finally raised her head and met his deep stare, any words of gratitude she would have uttered got lost in the winds. She became aware of the warm, male body beneath hers. All hard angles and…rigid man parts pressed on her thigh.

  “Very well, I won’t touch your friend. For now.” He wrapped her ponytail around his fist and brought her head down to him. His nose and lips grazed along her jaw and down her throat in a sensual glide, and without thought or reason in sight, she put her mouth on his.

  It took her a moment to realize he wasn’t kissing her back. Shae lifted her head. At the sight of his elongated canines digging into his lower lip—his glowing irises tracking her every move—she became aware of the deadly predator beneath her. Wariness overrode desire. Anxiety squeezed her chest and had her scrambling off him.

  One minute, he was beside her, the next, he was standing at the edge of the plateau, the breeze whipping the loose strands of his hair. He didn’t pace, just stood there. So still, watching her. His fangs still visible, his red-tinge eyes stark with a desire she felt, too, but his features were grim.

  A little shaky, Shae swallowed and swiped at the bangs sticking to her damp brow. “Dagan…”

  “No.” He shook his head. “It’s better Angelus sees to your training.” He picked up his shirt and pulled it on. “C’mon.”

  Shae bit her lip and she pushed to her feet. Perhaps it was better this way, she told herself as she followed him. Too many complications. Yet it felt as if a hole had opened in her tummy.

  In the kitchen, Dagan spoke to Angelus. She tuned them out, got a glass of water, and drank deeply. Exhaling a jagged breath, she set the tumbler down, but the stirring heat inside her amplified. She swiped her sweaty brow and pivoted to find only Angelus in the room with her.

  “Are you all right?” he asked, pulling out steaks from the freezer for dinner.

  No. “Yes.” With shaky hands, she dug a piece of candy from her jeans pocket and sucked on it, but the energy continued to escalate. No, no, not now! Panic rising, she hurried from the kitchen only to bump into Nik about to step inside.

  “Sorry.” She jumped back. “Is there s-someplace I can run? This abbey…too confined.”

  At her faltering words, Nik’s narrowed gaze swept over her face. Please don’t let him sense anything. She shoved her trembling fingers into her jeans pockets.

  “The foot of the mountain, along the creek. But you can’t leave the monastery.”

  “I know, I know…must be safe. Angelus can come. He’ll spring me back here if there’s a need, right?”

  Nik frowned and rubbed his palm over his shorn head. “I should check with Dagan.”

  “Why? You’re a Guardian, can’t you make a decision?” Dammit, she had to get outta here. Dagan in his black mood would never let her out of his sight.

Nik’s pale green eyes became shards of ice. “Very well. Take Angelus. One hour. Or I’ll personally bring you back. And that’s a journey you won’t enjoy.”

  What was with the threats with this lot? Too close to the edge to be annoyed, she spun for the bedroom in a feverish sprint. She far preferred the Guardians of New York. They were more civilized. Laidback. They didn’t threaten and bully… She lost track of her frustrated thoughts, the heat inside her gathering momentum.

  She changed and dashed out of the room. Angelus approached from down the corridor, a smile on his pretty face. “Ready?”

  Moments later, they reformed at the foot of the mountains. The cold, earthy scent of soil and water nearly froze her. Despite the shivers flooding her skin, it did little to soothe the energy inside her. She let go of Angelus. “Wait here.”

  “Shae, I cannot. The sires, Nik and Dagan, would persecute me badly if anything happened to you.”

  “Ange, I need to run alone.”

  “I shall make myself invisible and accompany you.”

  Oh, great! She took off in a hard sprint, desperate to exert the energy swirling like a storm inside her. As she ran, the winds picked up speed, the trees raced past her like a movie on fast-forward. Her thoughts drifted away, as did time…

  In some far-off place, she heard her name being called. Hands grabbed her, and she staggered to a stumbling halt. Worried purple eyes searched hers. “Hey, Ange,” she panted.

  “Are you okay?”

  “What?” Then she nodded, her gaze skipping all around the place. “Why?”

  “Your abilities surfaced.”

  Oh, no-no! She cast him a horrified look. “Did I—did I hurt you?”

  He shook his head. “I’m fine. But your corporeal body was fading, and you have a little blood here.” He touched his nostril.

  Breathing hard, she grabbed the bottom of her navy t-shirt and quickly wiped her nose, her heart pounding hard at the realization that she could have unknowingly teleported to some other place.

  “It’s okay. I-I’m okay—please don’t tell the Guardians about this?” Especially not Dagan, he’d probably lock her in the monastery if he knew.

  A pained expression crossed Angelus’ features. “Shae—”

  “You will allow the lad to become a pawn in your deceit?” Dagan strode up to her, his eyes spitting yellow fire. “I felt your distress from my workshop.”

  “Had to run—had to—” The words escaped in a staccato rush. “Couldn’t do that up there—” She flung her hand at the mountains and swayed. Powerful arms caught her, and she sagged against his chest, breathing in his warm, soothing scent.

  “Angelus, you can go.”

  After throwing her another worried look, Angelus shimmered and vanished.

  “Is this why you wanted me to train with you earlier?” Dagan asked, stroking a hand down her back.

  No, he never shouted or lost his temper. Whatever had happened earlier between them was probably a distant memory for him. But it only brought back the awareness that seemed to grow between them.

  “I did want to train then…” She pushed away from him, retied her loosened hair, and faced the gurgling creek. “But, I need to expend the energy that suddenly overtakes me, and I don’t know how. I used to run or do a rigorous gym workout when it first started…now, nothing helps.”

  He came up beside her. His warmth, his calm presence should be comforting, but now it only made her edgier and too aware. “Your abilities are growing stronger. You have to learn to shield them.”

  “You think I don’t know that?” She shot him a frustrated look, feeling as if her entire being was fragmenting, and trying desperately to center herself. “I try, but I can’t…”

  Warm, callused hands engulfed both of hers. “Okay. Let’s begin.”

  “What are you doing?” She stared at him in confusion.

  “Seeing into your mind—”

  “No!” She snatched her hands back and tucked her fists beneath her armpits.

  “Shae,” he said quietly, “I’m only interested in the events that led to this, but I have to touch you to do so before too much time passes, or I will miss the important details.”

  When she didn’t move, his expression hardened. “You want to survive this? You need my help.”

  Her mouth opened and closed at his callous words. Damn him. With little choice, taking a deep breath, Shae straightened her spine and stuck out her hands. With no idea how to compartmentalize what she didn’t want him to see, she gritted her teeth and waited.

  His fingers wrapped around hers…a minute passed. At his sudden, fierce stare, her stomach cramped. “What?”

  Had he seen her unrequited crush on Ash, seen the real reason why her mother had walked out on her? Or worse, had he seen her unexpected attraction to him?

  She tried to snatch her hands back, but his grip tightened. “You don’t learn to control this, it will not only wreak havoc on everything around you, it will also consume you whole.”

  “My life’s on a fast track to disaster, and I have no idea how to stop it. Like you pointed out, I’m human, I didn’t ask for this…” She pulled free. Her fury draining, her shaky knees gave way, and she sank to the ground and rubbed the aching scar on her cheek. “Why?” she whispered, despair sweeping through her. “All I wanted was to find my mother, but she doesn’t want to be found. She can’t stand me…”

  Dagan lowered to his haunches beside her. “Whatever reasons she had for leaving, I’m sure it wasn’t because she dislikes you—”

  “You don’t understand, my laptop exploded and sent her flying across the room—I’m responsible for her leaving.”

  “Shae, it was an accident. You couldn’t have foreseen that… You’re bleeding again.”

  Dammit. She swiped at her nose, and more blood smeared her fingers. Hurriedly, she looked up, met his burning gaze. At the hunger she saw there, apprehension swamped her.

  “I’m not going to attack you because of a little blood,” he said, his tone curt. He pulled off his shirt, tilted her chin up, and held the tee beneath her nose. A warm tingle flowed through her face. “This started because you were upset.”

  Not a question. And not one she’d willingly answer anyway. After several minutes, he lowered his hand, his mouth tightening. Yeah, he knew why she was upset. Because of what had occurred—or didn’t occur—between them. He didn’t comment, for which she was grateful.

  “We need to strengthen your mental shields. It’s the only way you will have any chance of controlling your power.” He rose to his feet and helped her up. “Let’s try this again. Now, go into your mind, to the place you instinctively use to shut out thoughts…”

  Shae closed her eyes and let his words lead her into the space in her head where she felt the pull of her kinetic energy, the one that still hummed beneath her skin.

  “Now, move it all back to where you feel it originating from. Lock it down, use a metal trunk, steel walls, whatever holds it…”

  His shirt clenched in her hand, she grasped hold of the humming in her mind and fought to push it into a steel box. Perspiration beaded her brow…and the buzz spilled free. Dammit. Her eyelids snapped open, and she found him watching her.


  “I can’t!” Her nerves stretched like a rubber band, she wheeled away and kicked a stone into the churning water. “Later—tomorrow, I’ll try.”

  “No. Now is perfect. You’re upset. It’s when you need control the most.” He cupped her elbows, making her look at him. “You can do it. This time, keep your eyes on me.”

  That was supposed to make it easier? Being this close to him, especially without his shirt on, wasn’t helping. At all.

  Mouth tight, she met his stare and let her mind take over. Only, she became aware of his warmth, his scent surrounding her. Her gaze lowered to his sensual lips. She wanted his mouth so badly on hers—

  “It’s not working,” she bit out in frustration.

  “You’re not tr
ying hard enough.”

  “Not trying?” she snapped. Every time she looked at him, images of him kissing her crowded her mind. God, she had no idea why she was obsessing over a kiss that had never happened.

  Her mouth pressed into a tight line, she shut her eyes and went back into her mind, found the thread of vibration humming through her body and stilled. Like déjà vu, a memory stirred…his mouth sliding over her lips, his tongue stroking hers. Her breath caught. Her eyes snapped open. “You—you kissed me.”

  “I did.” There was no apology in his tone.


  “I didn’t want you to disappear. The afternoon in the village, we had an argument, and your abilities flared. Your corporeal body was becoming invisible. I had to anchor you. Seemed the best way to do it.”

  Of course. That’s all she was to him. Work. Nothing else.

  She rubbed her achy temple. Illogical it may be—considering he drove her crazy most of the time—but she wanted him to want her, to kiss her again. Wanted to be aware this time when his mouth was on hers, his tongue caressing hers—not trapped in her powers.

  Earlier when she’d kissed him, he hadn’t responded…

  She lowered her hand. Despair taking hold, adding to her tangled emotions for this hard man. “It’s gone. I don’t feel the buzz anymore.”

  “Good. Whenever it slips free, go back and lock it up like you did today, until it becomes second nature.”

  She nodded, scratching the itch on her wrist.

  Shae, we belong together, you and I. Soon…

  What the—? She spun around and searched the wooded surroundings, an eerie sensation skating through her. A cascade of goosebumps flooded her skin at the faint voice in her mind.


  She shivered and shook her head. “It’s nothing.”

  At the burn in her wrist, she frowned at the bloody welts marring her tattooed skin.

  Dagan grasped her hand and pushed her bracelets aside, his eyes narrowing. “What happened?” He gently stroked the abrasions with his thumb, and a soothing warmth coalesced over the injury.

  Tell him she was hearing voices now?


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