Guardian Unraveled_Fallen Guardians

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Guardian Unraveled_Fallen Guardians Page 22

by Georgia Lyn Hunter

  She frowned. “What?”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but I heard you when I walked past the kitchen earlier.”

  And that brought her right back to the friction between her and Dagan. The knot in her stomach tightened further. She briefly told the women about her missing mother and the plans for tomorrow night.

  “And they agreed you can be bait?” Echo asked, her bi-colored eyes bright with shock.

  Shae grimaced. “I didn’t give them much choice.”

  “Had you been mated to one of them…nope, you wouldn’t be doing it because you’d be locked up for sure by now,” Kira drawled.

  “I second that.” Echo grimaced.

  Before Shae could tell them the truth about her and Dagan, Darci asked, “Have you decided on what to wear?”

  “From what I’ve seen in nightclubs, lots of skin is best,” she said dryly, thankful Dagan had sent her things over with Angelus.

  The girls laughed.

  “Come on, let’s go help you look for something sexy.” Kira leaped up. The others glided to their feet and ushered her out. Farther down the corridor, they stopped near a wood-paneled door. Kira stabbed the button to summon the elevator.

  Her fingers clenching, Shae eyed the door as it slid open. “Er, do you mind if we take the stairs? Enclosed spaces and I don’t go so well together.”

  “No problem.” Darci gestured to the way they’d come. “We’ll take the back stairs. It’s closer.”

  Echo led the way up the narrow, spiraling staircase, and stepped onto the first level, probably for the guest room Shae’d first used. “Not here,” she said. “Actually, I’m on the third floor.”

  All eyes turned to her, frowns followed.

  “But that’s where my and Aethan’s quarters are,” Echo said, then slowly added, “and Dagan’s.”

  Heat flooding her face, Shae nodded. “I know.”

  “Say what now?” Kira gasped, her mouth hanging open. “You and the ultimate hardass. Wow! He never speaks to any of us.”

  Shae didn’t say anything. She, more than anyone, now understood why.

  “That’s wonderful,” Echo said. “I had wondered when I first saw you two together—the tension and sparks flying. I’m so happy for you.”

  “And that man’s hair,” Kira continued, seeming to enjoy herself, “does it touch his ass when loose?”

  Shae smiled as they started up the stairs again. “It does.”

  “I can’t believe he’s actually letting you do this—be bait,” Elytani, the voice of reason said. “I know my kind. When they find their mates, they can be a tad protective—”

  “Tad? You’re kidding, right?” Darci laughed as they spilled out of the narrow staircase into the softly lit landing on the third floor. “But you’re excused since you just got back from another realm and training and have no idea how bullheaded they can be about keeping us safe. When you find your mate, you’ll see. There’ll be constant complaints about you going out and putting yourself in danger, even if it’s just shopping. So, enjoy this freedom while you can.”

  Though Ely smiled, Shae caught a hint of wistfulness in her gaze. It disappeared the next second. “I don’t plan on being mated to anyone. And, before you ask,” she told Kira, “no, I’ll not even consider any of the unmated Guardians, too much intractability for my liking. But, in the unlikely event I do think of taking a mate, not only will he have to accept my job, it will also have to be a soul-joining—like you all have. I won’t settle for less.”

  “Yes, that is the best type,” Echo and Darci agreed in unison, sharing a smile.

  Shae inhaled a shaky breath. She and Dagan might be soul-joined, but it hurt more, knowing she could never have the intimacy these women obviously enjoyed. There would always be that one barrier between her and him.

  “When are you going out on patrol?” Echo glanced at the blonde as they traipsed the wide corridor.

  Elytani sighed. “Michael said two months in-house training with the Guardians first. I’ve been here for almost that length of time, so hopefully soon.”

  “Maybe we can train when you have time?” Shae asked her.

  Surprised brightened her coppery eyes. “You fight?”

  “I’m a lot stronger than I look. My best friend is a demon, he helps me train.”

  “That’s wonderful,” Echo chipped in. “Now, I have another sparring partner. I adore Hedori, but I like having different people to train with.” Then she scowled. “Aethan is still hanging back in fear he’ll hurt me.”

  Feeling a lot more at ease now, Shae glanced at Darci.

  “Oh, no, don’t look at me,” she protested. “I’ll do the treadmill if need be, but you guys are quite welcome to slice and dice each other.”

  “I’m right there with ya.” Kira slung an arm through Darci’s. “All that bloodshed—ack, not for me.”

  As their friendly banter and laughter continued, Shae entered her and Dagan’s quarters, her mind slipping back to him, her heart heavy at the conflict between them.

  Chapter 19

  Unable to sleep, Shae twisted beneath the duvet and stared through the undraped windows into the dark night. Her thoughts were in chaos, the hollowness in her tummy deepening.

  The door to the bedroom opened. Footsteps sounded. Dagan entered the dressing room, the lights from the bathroom silhouetting him. Then he just stood there, head lowered, hands on his hips. His shoulders heaved as if in weariness. He unbuttoned and shrugged off his shirt, his muscles rippling with his movements. At the sight of the bloody dressing on his side, she jerked upright, worry surging.

  Dagan yanked off the gauze from his wound with a vicious tug and stalked into the bathroom. The shower came on in a harsh rustle.

  Helplessness sweeping through her, Shae slumped back on her pillow. Christ. She squeezed her eyes tightly. How were they going to fix this? He needed blood. And she couldn’t deny him that.

  Feeling as if her stomach would escape her, she buried her face in her pillow…

  The bed covers lifted. His cool, very naked body slid alongside her t-shirt-covered one.

  “Shae?” He swiped her hair aside and pressed his lips to her nape. Her breath hitched. “I know you’re not asleep.” A heavy sigh barreled out of him. “I hate hurting you this way. I wish things could be different, but I am what I am.”

  “No, don’t.” She twisted to face him. “I’m sorry for what I said. I don’t want you to be different, I just—”


  She put her fingers on his lips. “You’re healing too slowly, I saw your dressing, Dagan. Animal blood can’t give you what you need, and that leaves you vulnerable.” This close to him, she could see the tense lines around his eyes and mouth. Not having a true feeding was taking a toll on him. Much as it hurt her, she couldn’t force him. And he would never risk her. “You’re probably right. I am human—”

  “And mine. You give me all I need, my wildcat. Yes, my wounds will take longer to heal this way, but I just have to be careful.”

  She lowered her hand to his abs, and the muscles there tensed at her touch. Lightly, she traced the edges of the new dressing on his side. “The way you worry about me, I feel the same about you. You put yourself out in deadly situations daily. Maybe if…” God, it was so hard to say it. “If it was just the goddess’ blood, I could accept you feeding from another...”

  The hand caressing her hip stilled. He stared at her as if she’d said the sun was pink. Then he hauled her close and wrapped her in a bone-crushing hug. “I couldn’t. You are all that is right in my life, and I won’t dishonor you or defile my mating bond in any way. Animal blood is fine.”

  “But for how long?”

  He shrugged. “Humans get hurt, heal, they move on. It’s the same thing. I just have to give this wound a chance to mend and I’ll be okay.”

  She shouldn’t be relieved, but she was. He was hers.

  “I checked this Luka out through my sources while on patrol,
” he said, distracting her, his tone hard. “He’s a dangerous bastard with deprived needs. Women usually don’t make it out alive once he has them.”

  “Then that’s all the more reason to stop him.”

  Dagan glared up at the ceiling.

  “You know I’m right.” Shae pushed to her elbows and waited until those frustrated yellow eyes met hers. She kissed him.

  Growling, he nipped her lower lip, his fingers tangling in her hair. Slow and decadently, he sucked the sting away. Amazing how he could bite her without breaking her skin…her thoughts scattered as he trailed sensual little kisses along her jaw before he pounced. Like a huge cat, he had her under him, his eyes dark and intense. “You are mine, Shae. Mine.”

  His mouth covered hers. Her heart skipped at how tenderly he kissed her, and she realized he did give her his all when he made love to her. It was right there in his kiss. But, still, she longed to be the one who could fill his other need…

  * * *

  It was long past noon when they got up. While she had breakfast, Dagan left for a run on the estate. Now secluded in the turret TV room, she worked on the editorial for her Nightlife series while she waited for him.

  The door opened. Dagan walked in with Hedori. His gaze touched hers briefly. No smile, just that look he had for her alone. He said something about clearing out his workshop and turning it into a study/living room before disappearing into his workspace.

  “Wait.” Shae set her laptop aside, jumped up and followed them. “What about your sculpturing?”

  “This is a castle, Shae. We have space.”

  “Yes, we do,” Hedori agreed. “There’s an unused storage room in the basement.”

  “Perfect.” He strolled closer. “Don’t worry, Shae-cat, I’m not one of those vamps who like dark, gloomy places.” His lips twitching, he gave her a heated stare. “Besides you, I enjoy woodwork. It keeps me pleasantly occupied.”

  Warmth rushed to her face.

  Amusement crinkled the corners of his eyes. “I want a place for us to relax and be away from everything. I’ll help Hedori sort this out. It’s better you work in the library for now.”

  “Okay.” She grinned and then told him the news. “National Geographic wants the series I did on Nightlife.”

  “That’s good… Damn.” He rubbed a hand over his stubbled jaw. “I hate doing this when I see how excited you are about your work, but being my mate, it will be dangerous for you to continue. We have deadly enemies.”

  She chewed her lip and looked around the workroom covered in sawdust and wooden sculptures. Yes, she’d known that after her conversation with the other women. Mostly, her job was a way to move around the country while she looked for her mother.

  “I know.” A thought took hold. She smiled. “Since I can’t be idle, I’ll work for you and design a catalogue selling your sculptures online. It’s sacrilege that you use them as firewood.”

  He stilled, but his eyes gleamed with an emotion that made her heart trip. In one stride, he crossed to her and pressed his lips to hers in a soft kiss. “We are meant to be.”

  * * *

  Dagan parked the Ford deep in a dingy alley downtown, and Shae warily took in the gloomy surroundings. Nothing moved in the still night, except for up the street where a noisy crowd gathered near Club Anarchy.

  He leaped from the vehicle and rounded the hood to her side. She swiped back her wavy bangs with cold fingers as he opened the door, and got briefly distracted by him. Leathers hugged his muscular thighs and a black Henley covered his wide chest. Despite the chilly weather, he hadn’t bothered with a coat tonight.

  “Stick to the plan,” he repeated, grasping her waist and helping her down. But the intractable jut to his jaw spoke volumes. No, he wasn’t happy about any of this. Still, even he couldn’t argue with the logic of how fail-proof her plan was.

  “I got this. Stop worrying.” She patted his chest.

  “Not worry when you’re putting yourself in harm’s way?”

  “Dagan—” She sighed. “You know it’s faster this way. Besides, what they don’t know is that I’m no longer what I once was. If anything goes wrong, you’ll be close and can kick their asses.”

  He gave her an unamused look. “Nice try, but you aren’t leaving my sight, not even for a second. If you sense an inkling of danger, call me, use your telepathic link.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I can teleport, not telepath.”

  Yes, you can. He pulled off one of the several black bands from his wrist and tied his ropey hair into a ponytail. Just think your message to me, like I’m doing now. Use your mind. When we soul-joined, it opened our mental pathway.

  At the faint sound of his voice in her head, her mouth dropped open. Well, that she didn’t know. She nodded. Okay.

  Laughter at the entrance to the busy club up the alley drew her attention. Her cell beeped with a message. She pulled her phone from her coat pocket. He’s here. I’ll hang around in case you need me.

  “It’s Harvey. Luka’s here.” Right. Time to get the show on the road. No use putting off the inevitable—the moment she’d been dreading since their arrival. “Let’s get this done. You should make yourself invisible.”

  When he didn’t move, she reminded him, “It’s the only way you can be close enough to keep watch.”

  She unbuttoned her long coat, and his gaze lowered to the dipping neckline of her dress, revealing the curves of her breasts. A tic started on his jaw, but he remained silent. She shrugged off her outer garment, and as she turned to leave it in the truck, a furious snarl erupted behind her.

  “No. Fucking. Way!”

  She winced. Taking a deep breath, Shae pivoted, keeping her expression calm. “What?”

  “Don’t play the innocent game with me, Shae-cat, you won’t win.” His eyes narrowed dangerously. “Is that why you dressed before I came up to change for work? So I wouldn’t see this…this underwear you call a dress?”

  She grimaced. True. Still, she’d thought the mid-thigh-length, silky, black dress sexy. But seen through his eyes with its backless style dipping low to her hips and almost non-existent straps—yeah, it probably showed too much skin.

  “You’ve seen me in short skirts before, how is this any different? Besides, men are visual creatures, so this slip dress is perfect.”

  “You are my mate! Mine. Only I get to see you this way!”

  At the utter possessiveness rolling off him, Kira’s comment from last night ricocheted in Shae’s head, The hardass is gonna go crazy seeing you like this.

  Before he could flash her back to the castle to change—and he was quite capable of doing so—she hastily added, “Dagan, I have to draw his attention. Fast. This is the only way…unless you want me to throw myself at him?”

  Those sun-bright eyes scalded her.

  Blowing out an unsteady breath, she stepped around him, out from the shadows, and headed toward Club Anarchy. The heels of her blood-red stilettos clicked on the asphalt, and the slightly flared hemline of her dress fluttered around her thighs. She smoothed her cold, damp hands down her hips when the warm, woodsy smell of sandalwood with a hint of cherry tobacco surrounded her. And she sighed in relief.

  In his invisible form, his presence felt like a soft caress against her skin, as if he’d put his arm around her shoulder. He probably had.

  Shae shivered, not because of the chill in the air, but because a tingle of desire flowed through her. Yes, he could do that with simply a touch, a look, and now, his concealed presence.

  Aware that Dagan would get her inside the club easily, she glided past the line of people waiting on the sidewalk, her mind back on the plan. She’d called Harvey to lay out the strategy that morning. He hadn’t been happy either, but had agreed to the plan as long as she had backup in place.

  These weren’t the local demons she was going up against, but ones from the Dark Realm. So having heavy Guardian artillery close by was good.

  As she approached the busy entrance, the bouncer g
ave her the once-over, his gaze lingering on her chest. Then he started to choke, coughing violently, gasping for breath. Red in the face, the bouncer waved her inside.

  Darn it, Dagan, she sighed through their mind-link.

  Then it’s best they keep their eyes and thoughts to themselves, his cool tone flickered through her mind. Or they’ll lose far more than limbs.

  Really? You’ll give us away with that possessive display.

  At his silence, she rolled her eyes and pushed open the heavy door into the club. Strobe lights whizzed around, almost blinding her. Heavy Goth rock ricocheted off the walls as she headed down the stairs, past the crowded dance floor, and made for the bar.

  Stick to the plan, Dagan reminded her again. Don’t question him about your mother, just get him outside.

  I know.

  His presence faded, leaving her a little wary. A survey of the packed counter and she found the demon who matched Harvey’s description; tall, olive skin, built like a swimmer. He’d pulled his dark brown hair into a ponytail, revealing the telltale star tattoo on his neck that rose to his jaw. He appeared young, harmless, like some college boy. But she knew better.

  With a sway of her hips, Shae headed for the bar. As she neared Luka, a guy a few seats down from him got up and left. Luka glanced her way.

  Amazing how fast her psychic vibe drew those of his ilk despite so many good-looking girls around. None seemed to care about her scarred face, unlike human men.

  She claimed the seat and ordered her margarita, keeping Luka in her peripheral view. He spoke to two other demons.

  As the bartender set her drink in front of her, a voice said from behind her. “That’s on me.”

  The bartender nodded. A hint of the demon’s power brushed against Shae’s senses. The tiny hairs on her arms rose. He was testing the strength of her abilities. Thank God, she’d learned how to shield, but she let a little of her power stream out to keep him interested.

  She cut him a cool look. “I can pay for my own drink, thanks.”


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