Guardian Unraveled_Fallen Guardians

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Guardian Unraveled_Fallen Guardians Page 27

by Georgia Lyn Hunter

  “The others wouldn’t come when I requested. They…they were scared of me, of what I’d become and done.”

  At the deadness in his eyes, the self-loathing there, confusion overtook Shae’s unhappiness. “How would they know any of this if they didn’t…” She broke off, her gaze zipping to the smirking woman standing a few feet away. “You bitch! It was you! You turned them against him!”

  Kaerys’ smile vanished, replaced by an innocent look. “I didn’t. The first time when I sought to help Dagan, he-he ravaged me…”

  A dark red stained Dagan’s face. His gaze flickered away. Anger swept through Shae like a gale force. He’d told her he had no control in those early days. She, more than anyone, knew just how tightly leashed his restraint was now, helped by those sedative cigars he smoked so he wouldn’t hurt her—wouldn’t hurt anyone.

  “It took me days to heal. You know it’s true, Dagan,” Kaerys told him. “The others saw my ruined throat. It’s why they wouldn’t come.”

  Shae’s power battered against her mental shields for release, to avenge him. She hung on by a breath. “You’re a damn goddess, you couldn’t self-heal?”

  “Not from what he’d done. But it didn’t matter to me, I loved him, I still do—”

  “Love?” Dagan’s cold gaze flashed to Kaerys, his handsome features like stone. “What you love is the excitement, the thrill of knowing you’re fucking a dangerous creature born from the horrors of Tartarus, one who could tear you apart in a single heartbeat,” he said, tone flat. Emotionless. And all the more lethal for it. “I let it slide because it suited my purpose. You were never faithful to me, not that I asked you to be.”

  “How dare you?” she cried. “I remained loyal through the ages!”

  “Really? Then explain Nab, Astor, and Caelif to me? Those were the latest ones in a long list. And Michael? You told him I was too dangerous to be allowed among mortals? Did you think he’d boot me out of the job so you could have me at your mercy?”

  Her mouth opened then shut. Color drained from her face. “How…what, I don’t know what you mean. Yes, I spoke to Michael. I was concerned—”

  “Cork it, Kaerys.” A cynical smile rode his mouth. “I have the gift of touch. I see things…incidents when I touch someone’s possessions. You didn’t know that, did you? And you left your trinkets from your lovers behind a few times. But I digress. Yes, my sire was a whoring bastard. He didn’t care about the sanctity of his mate-bond. Unlike me. She…” He pulled Shae close again, pressing her against him, his mouth caressing her head. “I took one look at her, and I knew she was mine.”

  Shae froze, her heart pounding like a Ping-Pong ball against her ribs at his confession. Yes, Dagan cared about her, wanted her, but it was the first time he’d said something like this.

  He glanced at her. Despite his coldness, his eyes blazed with a deep-seated emotion. “Hell, you drive me crazy at times, Shae-cat, but this heart of mine beats only for you.”

  A smile trembled on her lips, warmth replacing her pain. And she fell deeper into him.

  “Aaargh, you males are so foolish!” Kaerys stamped her foot, her face flushed in rage. “When you find she cannot fulfill you and you come crawling back, I will make you beg before I accept you.”

  “Fuck off, Kae, before I really lose my temper—”

  “You ungrateful wretch! After all I’ve done. You will pay for that!” Power crackled in her.

  Dagan shoved Shae behind him just as Kaerys flung out her hands, a sizzling shard of light arrowing toward him instead.

  “No!” Shae dashed in front of him, her own power unleashing, shattering through her mental shields like lightning. “Don’t you freakin’ dare! I’m so sick of your damn shit—for everything you’ve done to him!”

  The winds started, picking up speed around her in a tempest, a red haze stealing her mind. Then, everything slowed down. The goddess’s bolt of power distorted into a shower of blue sparks. If she wanted, she could flick each firefly gleam away. Instead, the power slid straight into her and continued to flow…

  From a distance, a disembodied shriek echoed. “She’s gone crazy, she’s draining me. Dagan, stop her!”

  “Shae, lock down your mind shields,” Dagan yelled, his voice rife with panic. “C’mon—c’mon, baby, shut down, now!”

  Feeling as if her mind would explode at the energy roiling inside her, Shae grabbed her head, struggling to re-erect her fallen shields. Suddenly, the link between her and the goddess snapped.

  Kaerys went flying to land hard on her back some distance away. She lurched to her feet. “You won’t get away with this! The law-keepers will know about you and this mortal.” In a furious shimmer, she vanished.

  Threat’s gone…gone... The words resonated inside her head. As her conscious mind flew back into her, her knees buckled. Powerful arms gathered her and lowered her to the grass.

  She opened her eyes and stared into anxious sun-bright ones. Something warm and wet dripped down her mouth. Hastily, she sat up and her head swam. Clenching her teeth against the dizziness, she tugged free the hoodie she’d tied around her waist and wiped away the blood. Her gaze rushed to his. “I’m sorry.”

  His eyes glowed a yellowy red when his darker side came to the forefront. But he just shook his head and hugged her. His hoarse voice muffled in her hair. “Never do that again. I don’t think my heart would survive it.”

  “I got mad. She would have hurt you.” She pushed away from him and swiped her nose again.

  “Lie back and keep your head up until it stops—”

  “Allow me.” Another voice surprised them both. Týr crouched beside them. She had no idea he’d been there. He held his hand above her nose, and a blue healing light coalesced into her, stopping the flow.

  “Thank you,” she whispered in gratitude.

  “I’m glad I could help.” Týr lowered his hand. “I came by to make sure things were okay when I didn’t find you on the roof. Caught the tail-end of the drama—” He nodded to where Kaerys had been. “Good job, Shae. You terrified the hell out of that female.”

  She smiled, but her anxious gaze flicked back to Dagan. Before she could ask him about his new injury, he said, “This power of yours is different.”

  That derailed her thoughts. She frowned. “I felt the same as I did in the alley the first time…only stronger. This time, I could see everything in slow motion, see her power as it headed for us… Then I stopped it. Right?”

  “No. You absorbed her ability.”


  “It seems you have quite a unique capability.”

  What? Stealing another’s—an immortal’s—power? Christ! She could barely handle her teleporting. Worried, her gaze darted between Dagan and Týr. “Does this mean I’m psionic?”

  Dagan rose and helped her to her feet. “It’s the only thing that makes sense. Your powers appeared a few months after the first psi rose, as stated by the Watcher’s prophecy—that once the Healer awakened, the rest would soon follow. And no ordinary mortal would have those kinds of abilities.”

  Týr nodded in agreement, pushing to his feet. “Echo can confirm that. She can see auras and knows a psi from a normal psychic—something about the color.”

  A shiver slid through her like some kind of precursor. She rubbed her arms, thrusting away the thought, recalling something else the goddess had said. “Dagan, what did Kaerys mean when she said she’d send the law-keepers after us?”

  His expression hardened. “She thinks the law-keepers will execute us since immortals and mortals aren’t allowed to mate and soul-join. She has no idea you’re a psi and that she’s wasting her time.”

  “It shouldn’t be a problem anyway,” Týr said, flanking her other side as they headed for the castle. “Blaéz got The Morrigan’s promise. We should no longer be affected by the Absolute Laws.”

  “So we’re safe then?” she asked, pressing her fingers to her churning stomach.

  Dagan glanced down at her, his ashe
n features softening. He put his hand on her waist, his thumb stroking the inch of skin her tank top exposed. “Yes.”

  Shae inhaled deeply. God, she hoped he was right.

  Chapter 23

  Dagan opened the door to their quarters, but Shae stopped at the entrance to the bedroom, her gaze shifting to the enormous bed. He ushered her inside and said quietly, “My entire quarters were redone while we were in Romania. I asked Hedori. I wanted something better for you, and a fresh start for us.”

  She blinked, her throat tightening at his thoughtfulness, and she was damn glad he had. She pivoted and put her hand on his abdomen. Something warm and wet coated her fingers. She reared back, staring at her blood-smeared fingers. “You’re bleeding.”

  He looked down at his shirt, now glossy with blood and sighed. “Give me a minute.”

  Shae inhaled a shaky breath as he disappeared into the bathroom. How many more of these injuries could he take? He looked far too pale. At human strength, he wouldn’t last long, not with the kind of job he had.

  Soft noise drifted to her, cupboards opening and closing, a dull thud…then silence. Her stomach pitching, she hurried inside.

  Dagan had stripped off his shirt and was trying, rather awkwardly, to clean his wound. She washed her hands of the blood, wiped them dry, and turned to him. “Let me.”

  Pushing his fingers away and struggling to keep her emotions locked down at the steady flow of blood from the latest injury, she swabbed the lesion with disinfectant, then applied the green, mossy ointment and taped a dressing over it.

  Lines of pain bracketed the corners of his mouth.

  “Does it hurt?”

  Those citrine eyes lifted to hers. He didn’t answer, just hauled her into his arms and buried his head against her nape. “For a moment out there, I thought I’d lost you.”

  Shae put her arms around him, careful not to touch his injuries, and hugged him. “I couldn’t let her hurt you—I just couldn’t.”

  He trailed his lips along her jaw then nipped her chin, hard. “You put yourself in danger again. Kaerys could have killed you!”

  Ugh, the man had an elephant’s memory. “She didn’t, okay?” she grumbled, stepping away and rubbing her sore chin.

  “Just because you possess those abilities, doesn’t mean you’re infallible—”

  “I’m aware of that. But you were hurt, and I’ll do anything to make sure you’re safe!”

  With a growl of frustration, he hauled her back and kissed her. No matter how mad she got with him, just a touch, and her anger melted. Before she lost herself in him, she pulled away. “Dagan, wait.”

  A low, displeased growl rumbled from him. “What?”

  “Look…” She petted his bare chest. “Kaerys is a manipulative bitch, there’s no doubt about that. But she spoke the truth. I can never give you what you need—”

  “Shae,” he sighed heavily. “We’ve been through this.”

  “And concluded nothing.”

  He walked out of the dressing room.

  Fighting not to snap, she followed and stepped in front of him near the huge fireplace. “The times we made love, I saw how hard it was for you, yet your control never broke. Not once. I’m not saying this will be easy. Just take a little at first...” Taking a deep breath, she held out her wrist, her heart thudding like a drumroll.

  He stared at her for a long second as if considering her words—she hoped. He took her hand and pressed his lips to the blue veins clearly visible beneath her pale skin. “I’ll be fine.”

  Her heart sank. No matter what she said, he refused to listen. Shae stiffened her spine. Hell, this was their life she was fighting for. “Is Nik here?”

  Eyes narrowing, he shook his head.

  He could wonder all he wanted, she wasn’t telling him crap, didn’t want him to arm-up. But there was someone else. “Týr!” she yelled.

  “Dammit, Shae!”

  She folded her arms and met his glare dead-on. Seconds later, the door flew open, and Týr thundered inside, a thick sandwich in his hand. “What? What’s wrong?”

  “Will you stand guard while Dagan feeds from me? He’s scared he’ll hurt me.”

  Týr halted a few feet from them and cut Dagan an unreadable look. “Yeah. Sure.”

  At Dagan’s obdurate expression, she looked him dead in the eye. “You need female blood, it’s vital for you. If you won’t do this, then we can’t be together. I won’t stand by and watch you put your health—your life—on the line because of me.”

  “You aren’t leaving,” he said, his tone cold. Resolute.

  Hers turned flat. Determined. “The castle, no. You, yes.”

  Her words were harsh, but it was a risk she had to take. More, she understood if this failed, Dagan would need a donor, but not Kaerys. Never that witch again. She’d find someone who wouldn’t expect him to pay in carnal pleasures. Yet, the very thought made her stomach hurt.

  She held out her wrist again.

  “I can hold out for a while,” he muttered wearily as if she were the difficult one.

  “Yeah?” She lowered her hand, trailing her fingers down his ripped, lickable abs. His tummy muscles flexed, and his breathing deepened as she lightly traced the edges of the dressing she’d taped over his injury. Yes, she affected him the same way he did her. But her threats weren’t working. This was probably the only way to talk sense into his stubborn head.

  She whacked him on the wound. Hard.

  “Fuck.” Dagan staggered back, his eyes scalding her.

  “Oh, did that hurt? I wonder why that is?” She arched a brow at his scowling features, daring him to comment. But bile rushed to her throat at hurting him.

  He didn’t say a word, his hand on his wound. Obviously, he knew what she was about.

  Damn stubborn immortal.

  She said airily, “Maybe I should join the Guardians, hunt demoniis and other evil out there. Heck, I’m probably stronger anyway. Dagan can stay home and help Hedori—”

  A terrifying snarl, like an animal finally snapping erupted. Shae had no idea what had hit her. One minute, she’d been taunting him; and the next, she was slammed into a wall, the air whooshing out of her flattened lungs. His hand wrapped around her hair, yanking her head back and baring her throat.

  “Whoa, man!” Týr’s alarmed voice cut between them. “Easy there with your girl!”

  “Back the fuck off.” His eyes a burning predator yellow edged with red focused solely on her. He dragged his warm tongue over her pulse, then his mouth fastened on her. Shae tensed. A sudden sharp pinch, and his fangs sank into her neck, then his tongue coaxed her blood to the surface as he sucked on her vein, each pull of her blood a delicious sensation.

  Oh, dear God. Warmth filled her. Impossible desire took hold, spreading through her in a tremendous wave…

  * * *

  Dagan shifted his grip on her hair, tightening his hold on her body as he swallowed. His mind focused solely on the thick, warm nectar sliding down his throat… She was so damn delicious, he couldn’t feed fast enough—more—he wanted more. He sucked harder on her vein, another deep pull, and his starving psyche shuddered.

  A gasp cut through his feeding haze. Nails digging into his biceps—no! Dammit—no!

  He leaped away, his heart hurtling in his chest as if it were attached to a defibrillator. His back hit the window, his terrified gaze pinned on Shae.

  A hand on her throat, she watched him warily. “It’s okay, I’m okay. You didn’t hurt me.”

  He shook his head to clear the miasma. His body too tense, he prowled the length of the windowed wall and rolled his shoulders. No, he hadn’t hurt her…didn’t get caught up in bloodlust. But he felt odd…as if poised on the edge of a mountain, his skin all that held him together. His fangs throbbed in need, he wanted more so fucking bad. He scented blood.

  “Dagan? What’s wrong?”

  At the fear in her husky voice, his head snapped to her. She was still bleeding. Týr hurried to her side and la
id his hand on her throat.

  “You okay, man?” Týr asked, watching him intently.

  Frowning, Dagan scratched the gauze taped to his side. He tore off the dressings and stared. The hellfire lesion from few days ago had knitted together. All that remained was a pink scab, and even the new injury was just a fading mark.

  “You’re healing so fast?” Týr’s eyes widened. “Injuries from hellfire bolts take at least a day or so to mend when aided with Lila’s potions.”

  Dagan snagged a dagger from the wall and sliced his palm. Blood welled, and just as fast, the wound closed. More, the lethargy that had held him in its grip for days had dissipated. He felt…revived. Stronger. His sight sharper, his smell heightened once more. Shae’s delicious fruity-spice fragrance crowded his senses, along with the tempting scent of her arousal. His own body tightened in response.

  He lifted his gaze to where she stood, frozen. Tossing the dagger away, he crossed to her and pulled her into his arms, burying his face in the crook of her neck.

  “You did this,” he whispered, voice raw and thick with emotions. There were no words to describe this rush of gratitude, of sheer happiness sweeping through him. “You healed me—saved me.”

  Her arms tightened around him, and her shoulders shuddered. He stilled. But at the wetness on his bare chest, anxiety brutally hacked his joy. “Shae?” He cupped her face in his palms. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” she whispered, her eyes wet. “I’m just so happy. I dreamed of this, wanted to be everything for you, and now…now, it’s finally happened.” More tears slipped free.

  Gently, he wiped her wet cheeks with his thumbs. “I’m eternally grateful for whichever Fate decreed this. And that it’s you. I love you, my beautiful wildcat.”

  He put his mouth on hers in a tender kiss, and she melted into him…

  “Guess you don’t need me around any longer,” Týr’s dry voice came from afar.

  Shae pulled away from him, making Dagan growl. A deep red flooded her cheeks. “You make me forget myself,” she muttered.

  Hell, he’d forgotten about Týr, too, but he refrained from saying so.


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